• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Black Cat| Open



Read the rules or your character cannot be accepted! Thank you for taking interest.

Character Sheet

[Appearance(Anime is easier to find, for me-Its up to you)]








Weakness(Same Amount of Weaknesses as Skills):








Dio 21 @Quarantine


Jess 22 @Quarantine

Mira 24 @pandana

Charlotte 23 @Aes

Anais 25 @Thanatos

Ria 18 @Quarantine

Erika 19 @ZebraWolf

Eraveeva(EV) 21 @Quarantine

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Jess Dominique Rei








Unknown(Generally Thought To Be A Lesbian)




Taking Authority/Problem Solving


Flirting. She considers it a threat, and will often grow cold or snappy if she finds someone to be too sexually assertive.

Crying. She hates it, and has no idea what to do when it happens to her or someone else.



Honest. Brutally. She spares no one with her candid ways.

Smart. She's considered extremely intelligent to most, and this can be seen by her speech, actions, and choices. She puts logic before everything, including her feelings.

Peerless. Though perfect to no stretch of the imagination, she excels athletically and academically. This may just be because no one really wants to be better than her, having their own problems. She's competing against herself,so to speak, and is incredibly competitive, but will keep calm when losing.

Emotional. She's truly very emotional, especially around those she trusts the innocence of, like animals and children. However, in all situations but this, she has the personality of a robot.

Haughty. This is more what people think of her. While she may honestly think she's better than others, she'll never say it unless the facts are clear, and its very obvious so. Though, she will act in such a way that appears superior.

Dark. She has a darker side that is shown when she truly hates another person. It's described by some, as such an intense aura that it inspires fear to others. Her stare is usually delivered in such a way that promises death if they speak again.

Calm. It's hard to make her loose her cool. This isn't to say it never happens. But when she gets upset, she gets really upset.

Reliable. She's known to be a very responsible and honest person to those who know her moderately enough to assume this. As, few actually get close enough to her to have any idea what she's like.

Kind. She treats everyone equally, and that is, in a kind and respectful way. Few get special treatment, except the elderly and children, and sometimes those she deeply cares about.

Endearing. She's not an easy person to hate, because she herself doesn't hate others easily.

Polite. Even to those who don't deserve it, she treats them in a manner that can make them feel honored, as that is something she has been taught as long as she can remember.





Small Amounts of Alcohol

Shooting Targets


The Cold




Human Interaction


Dio: Can relate to some of his background, and finds him tolerable.

Mira: Incredibly comfortable around her, sees her almost like a sister. She considers her one of her best and only friends, as well as an extraordinary member.

Alex: Dislikes him a bit, though rarely shows it, and is always kind to him.

Charlotte: Finds her adorable, and rarely takes her seriously.

David: She's incredibly uncomfortable around him, as she is with most people she finds attractive. Jess doesn't know him well as a person, and doesn't like to see any charm or kindness from him-anything to make him more perfect.

Anais: Doesn't know her very well, but finds her to be a perfect example for what to be in Black Cat.

Quentin: Jess thinks of him as a bit annoying and childish, which is why she likes him so much. While he isn't exactly what she thinks of as a great subordinate, she appreciates his liveliness.

Ellis: Has a weird I-Shouldn't-Like-You-But-I-Do kind of relationship with him.


Mistaken for a boy way too often.

Wears glasses at times.




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Name: Dio Castle

Nickname: Vulpes

Age: 21

Gender: M

Sexuality: Demisexual

Rank: Fox

Skill: Very manipulative, with his silver tongue and golden words. Aside from that, Dio is also considered as a master of disguise- he could also change his voice to that of a child or one of an old lady. He's also confident with his sleight of hand, both to perform tricks and using it to defend himself.

Weakness(Same Amount of Weaknesses as Skills): Dio is very confident of himself- too confident that he sometimes underestimate his foes and targets. He is also scared of blood, to the point where seeing one could throw him into panic and at worst knock him unconscious (Which is why he preferred hand to hand combat, where he could snap his enemy's neck and kill him without shedding blood). His fear of blood is also the reason why he refuses to use guns and knives, except the bullet is empty/flare gun or the knive is dulled or made out of plastic/fake.

Personality: A natural born charmer, he likes to flirt and tease with anyone close to him. A fun guy to be friends with, the heart of the party, who likes to draw attention to himself and use it to lower his target's guard. A man of many masks, he hides his insecurity and fear locked inside his heart and never let those he considered his comrades to see his weakness out of pride.

Biography: Dio was born to a prostitute, who was also a drug addict and also an abuser who used to hit him a lot to release her stress. Dio never knew his father, doesn't have any relatives and knew that he has at least ten older siblings- all of them either aborted or sold by her mother for drugs and alcohol. Dio was lucky to be alive, his mother oftenly tells him, because she needed someone to work for her.

And so Dio was forced to work from a young age. Pickpocketing, stealing, delivering drugs to mafias and yakuzas and then just stand there crying whenever her mom comes to take all the money he has collected from work.

As he grew older, he grew smarter as well. He hid half of his money somewhere her mother wouldn't know, the money he would use to break free from his mother. One day, he collected enough and ran away from home. He tries his luck in the big city, but no one would hire someone who have ties with the underground mob or one who doesn't have any formal education.

Enter the Black Cat, who hire him without questioning his background.

Dio now works hard to help his new family.


  • Smart people, especially those who can outsmart him in real life practices
  • Money
  • Good food


  • Mathematics and anything complicated, like physics and chemistry since he doesn't understand a bit of it
  • Cheaters
  • Those who cannot keep their promises
  • Blood


  • Jess: Dio is very loyal to Jess, his Boss who accepted him for who he is. Dio believed that if it's not for Jess, Dio would be dead- probably killed by one of his former employers.
  • Mira: Dio is slightly afraid of the Dog, for what she's capable of doing and for the air of authority that surround her. He trusted her, since Jess trusted her too
  • Alex
  • Charlotte
  • David
  • Ria
  • Anais
  • Switch:
  • Ellis: Dio was generally okay with that guy, until the thing happened, which makes Dio despise and try to avoid him, especially during a mission.
  • Erika



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Name: Mira Shichiyou

Nickname: Mira

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Sexuality: She does not discriminate.

Rank: Dog

Skill: Hand-to-hand combat(with or without weapons). Information extraction. Assassination.

Weakness(Same Amount of Weaknesses as Skills):

Mira thinks too highly of herself. Often engaging herself in do or die situations just so she can test the capabilities of her opponent. Which seldom opens death's door, but then again she's cunning enough to know when to escape.

Mira is not a team player. She kills solo. Although, being in a position where orders are given to her, there will be times when her independence and decision-making interfere in her work. She is often labelled as the "Lone Wolf".

Self-doubt. Am I good enough for this kill? Can I get out of this alive? Her self-doubt also triggers her tendency of thinking too highly of herself which will either make her test out her abilities only to find herself in a bloody mess, over-killing the job by involving innocents, or getting distracted by her self-doubt.

Personality: Mira is a perfectionist. Calculating and discerning. She is not rash and likes to wait things out. She is patient enough to hold back her knives for things to unfold according to her plan - to her blueprints. Then again, there will always be a contingency plan. Just one. If the job is about to fail; abort and kill another day. Her focus is like a starving wolf locking its sights and baring her fangs at herself prey. She makes it that her target's escape is futile, yet at times she may let her prey free, not for mercy no, but maybe a better opportunity may arise. Despite her independent disposition, she is loyal to whom she trusts but treats those she sees as "trash" as expendable. Mira is a cold, dispassionate figure to her targets even at times to her fellow Black Cats. She avoids small talk and would rather have something to do or someone to kill than sit around and drink tea. Her mercilessness is as cold as ice, and as sharp as her knife. She is observant to her surroundings and always keeps a look out for her co-workers as she feels concerned for them despite her coldness.


At a very young age of 3, Mira already knew how to punch. Her father started early on training her in boxing because he was the only one raising the child. Mira's mother died while giving birth to her due to heart complications and so growing up without a tender-loving mother was difficult for the little girl. There was only his father that she can look up to. When she was young, her father chose to limit her exposure to the other kids in neighborhood as he didn't want Mira to look at life as if it was all fun. Sure, life is fun at times, but the harshness and cruelty of the world is sure to destroy a child's future. So, he decided to train young Mira in boxing instead. By this, he would be able to monitor her constantly and help her learn principles that she may later apply in her life. Because of this, Mira grew up with a fighting spirit. Everything was a competition to her, and everyone around her were opponents. Of course, she was aware this was due to her upbringing. Being raised by a psychologist-boxer had its perks. With this mindset, Mira could easily motivated herself in both school and ring. And as she grew older, her father also slowly allowed her to be exposed. At age 12, he enrolled Mira in a jiu jitsu school owned by a friend. There, Mira excelled in fist-striking techniques due to her training her boxing that only focused in punches. Her footwork was exceptional but she struggled in ground-fights and grappling techniques. But she would soon overcome those as her training progressed.

Fast forward to college, Mira already knew what course she wanted to take. Judging from her past, her friends(yes, she has friends from high school) would joke that Mira would eventually become a pro-fighter but she surprised them when she decided to major in psychological forensics and criminal study - she wanted to become a detective. This was because growing up, she was always fond of trying to read anyone she came in contact with in school, in the gym, at a coffee shop, in the library, etc. She had the knack of studying their behavioral patterns and psychological states by observing the unique traits, gestures, quirks, etc. of an individual. Not surprisingly, she excelled in college and was already on his way to becoming a detective when an event opened her eyes to the reality of the world - to the cruel reality, that is. Becoming a detective intern for one of the top detectives in the city, Mira readied herself to become Detective Norie's best intern. Detective Norie was smart, even smart was just an understatement. She was full of wisdom and experience, and her mouth was always moving be it nagging about a failed fling, or teaching a substantive lesson to Mira. Mira adored and respected this woman. This was someone she modeled herself to become, or rather she wanted to surpass Norie. After Mira's internships, Norie attended Mira's graduation and acted the role of Mira's mom along with Mira's dad - they were of the same age.

On particular days, Norie would invite Mira to murder cases just so the young, aspiring detective could immediately start her exposure to the detective world. It was around these times when Norie begun to talk to Mira about the justice system and how corrupt it already was in the inside. Mira already knew of this long when she was still in college, but now that she was in the inside her eyes gradually opened to the truth - not Norie's delusional truth - but to the hardcore truth about justice. These were the times when Mira noticed the change in Norie, or rather who Norie really was. She was still the smart detective she knew in her internship days, but now her ruthlessness and coldness was evident. Everything around Norie needed to be done. Those murder cases the other detectives stashed into oblivion, Norie would take those cases by herself. Although, she was unable to solve most of it but some of the really prominent murders, she was able to. And all those times, Mira was by her side - learning, and absorbing every detail of Detective Norie. Until one night, Mira got a call from Norie telling her to meet her at a certain place in the city. Mira went to the address and met with Norie, it was here that Norie surrendered all her data to Mira telling Mira that she was done with detective work because of how the police system always limited her skills with death threats. She gave Mira advice to quit while she was still young and unknown, that Mira doesn't have to waste her capabilities in the corrupt justice system. But Mira had second thoughts, this was her dream to become a detective. But with what Norie said, she knew her goals will be limited as well. With that, the two friends said their last goodbyes as Norie gave Mira her last and true words, "If I die, it won't be my own hands." Taking Norie's advice, Mira withdrew from becoming a known detective and temporarily earned by fighting in the ring on weekends and part-timing as an instructor in the university where she graduated.

After 7 months of no communication, news reached Mira that the great Detective Norie had committed suicide. Mira knew the truth. She was distraught at her mentor's death, but taking justice into her hands was something she would never refuse.


Her early morning jogs.

Canned tuna. It's better than no tuna.

Boxing sessions

Lots of food







Lukewarm coffee


The corrupt justice system

People who take advantage over the weak


Her dad - he passed away shortly after Norie died. But he wasn't killed, it was due to nicotine withdrawal complications. She was very close with her dad.

Detective Norie - Norie was like a mother and a big sister to her.

Friends from high school and college - they're nothing major.

Jess - Mira is very fond with Jess and her leadership. She likes teasing the young leader but also respects her very highly.

Black Cat members - She knows everyone in a professional way.



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  • anime_guy_drinking_coffee_by_noctislucisv-d751yf7.jpg


    Alex J. Haims



    (Derived from his middle name, Jasper.)






    If he had the time or the life, he would really enjoy a girl by his side.



  • [media]
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[QUOTE="Der Eine]

  • anime_guy_drinking_coffee_by_noctislucisv-d751yf7.jpg


    Alex J. Haims



    (Derived from his middle name, Jasper.)






    If he had the time or the life, he would really enjoy a girl by his side.



  • [media]


Charlotte Cooper

  • CAwWwGnUMAADsCj.jpg


    Charlotte Alice Cooper


    Charlie, Cooper, Coop










    Blending in: She has the uncanny ability to blend into the background with everyone else. No one notices her unless she wants to be noticed. She has no trouble sneaking into places and fitting in.

    Stealth: She can be extremely quiet when sneaking around. Occasionally she'll follow someone to get more information, so this skill comes in handy.

    Resourcefulness: Charlotte is known for being able to get out of sticky situations and most of this is due to her resourcefulness. She can and will use anything she can get her hands on to her advantage.


    Combat: If Charlotte can't get away and is caught in a fight, chances are she will lose. She hasn't been trained to fight anyone in any sense. She doesn't even know how to use a gun.

    Solo: She's used to working alone, so working with other people isn't as easy for her. She usually just does whatever she wants and hopes that they will catch on.

    Single minded: When she focuses on one thing, she will only focus on one thing. Her strategy for solving problems is to basically obsess over it and go over all the details until a solution is found. She is rarely seen solving multiple problems at once.


    Charlotte has always looked younger than everyone else her age. She has a naturally youthful appearance, a look she's unsuccessfully tried to counter with short hair and glasses. She is short with a small stature, a very dainty and fragile looking structure. She's lean with thin features. She has dark blonde, straight hair that barely touches her shoulders with bangs. Her glasses are red and, when worn, are either on her face or perched on her head like a headband. They're really durable, a necessity when taking into her account her habit of tossing them everywhere. She has wide, tawny eyes, the source of her innocent image, and generally small features in comparison.

    Her closet consists of pastels and natural hues. She dislikes frilly or complicated clothes, instead opting for simpler outfits. Primping and dressing up is fun once in a while, but she would rather punch herself in the face than have to deal with it every day. She doesn't even wear makeup or nail polish on a daily basis. Dressing herself is a matter of comfort and coordinating colors. She enjoys wearing baggy and loose clothing. They don't exactly mature her look, but they're comfortable so it's worth it. She doesn't try to look cute or younger, it just happens (much to her dismay).

    Despite her cute appearance, she doesn't fit into the cutesy, clumsy trope (and neither does she try to be). She's nimble and quick in her movements, as her reflexes are excellent. Her movements always have an aura of control and ease, the only insight into her equally cool, meticulous attitude.

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Aes said:
Charlotte Cooper

  • CAwWwGnUMAADsCj.jpg


    Charlotte Alice Cooper


    Charlie, Cooper, Coop










    Blending in: She has the uncanny ability to blend into the background with everyone else. No one notices her unless she wants to be noticed. She has no trouble sneaking into places and fitting in.

    Stealth: She can be extremely quiet when sneaking around. Occasionally she'll follow someone to get more information, so this skill comes in handy.

    Resourcefulness: Charlotte is known for being able to get out of sticky situations and most of this is due to her resourcefulness. She can and will use anything she can get her hands on to her advantage.


    Combat: If Charlotte can't get away and is caught in a fight, chances are she will lose. She hasn't been trained to fight anyone in any sense. She doesn't even know how to use a gun.

    Solo: She's used to working alone, so working with other people isn't as easy for her. She usually just does whatever she wants and hopes that they will catch on.

    Single minded: When she focuses on one thing, she will only focus on one thing. Her strategy for solving problems is to basically obsess over it and go over all the details until a solution is found. She is rarely seen solving multiple problems at once.

Shou Yamazaki (WIP)



Name: Shou Yamazaki

Nickname: n/a

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Rank: Butterfly


Shou is a usually well groomed man who is deemed to be very attractive. He likes to keep up his appearance, always dressing in many different styles that help to compliment him. He has light blue eyes as well as fair skin, and has strawberry blond hair that reaches his shoulders. His bangs usually go across his right eye, and is most likely seen with a smirk on his face. His body is strong and well built, allowing him to do simple tasks that require strength. Shou's height is 5'9 and he weighs 125 lbs.
Personality + Preferences

  • Likes:


Other Information
Theme Song


◣`♚♔⋮ Basics ↘↘◥

Name: David Beaumont

Nickname: David

Age: 21 years old

Date of Birth: April 9 (Aries)
Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Ethnicity: 3/4 French, 1/4 American

Rank: Butterfly

◣`♚♔⋮ Personality ↘↘◥

Arrogant & Conceited

Having lived the life of riches, David knows not how to be humble; appreciative, yes (to some degree), but humility was just something his parents never bothered to teach him. In fact, they even encouraged his arrogance. Some say he was arrogant since birth, but it could just very well be his parents' teachings taking effect on him. Whatever the case may be, David grew up arrogant and that was all people needed to know. He is also rather conceited. David is fully aware of his good qualities: smart, charming, and pretty damn handsome; he knows all this and is proud of himself--a bit too proud however.

Spoiled but Reliable

David grew spoiled by his dear mother and father. His parents gave him whatever he wanted without question. They had the money anyway. Even when he asked for his own private jet, they gave it to him--well, technically not yet, but they did promise him that they would gift him one for his 25th birthday. Would his parents break their promise? Highly unlikely. Among the rich families, the Beamounts were known to stick to their word, and David is no exception to this. He is a reliable person; once he gives his word he'll make sure to fulfill it even if it goes against his wishes. The Beaumonts feel that it's shameful not to stick to one's words. While this trait of theirs seemed commendable, and it really is such, it also gave them something else to be arrogant about.

Withdrawn yet Devoted

He may act all high and mighty, but to people he actually cares about, David can become a rather caring person. The problem? Not a lot can actually get close to David. There are those that follow him, trying to garner his attention, but a lot of them are only after his riches and he knows it very well. He may be kind and caring underneath all the arrogance, but he is also quite withdrawn; he refuses to let anyone in so easily. It's pretty easy to tell though who he's let in. David shows more concern for those he cares for and spends on them without asking for something in return. He is devoted to them and would go a great number of things for their sake. So far there's only a handful of such people. At some point in his life, David came to the conclusion that love and such emotions were a weakness. Basically he's afraid of letting anyone in, especially after experiencing the pain of a loss.


David is a vindictive person, wrong him and it is a guarantee that he will ensure you receive bad karma for it. While he is a vengeful person, he isn't unreasonable. The degree of how you've wronged him is the degree that he will pay you back with. He wouldn't enact a punishment bigger than what was done. He also isn't completely unforgiving. Mistakes and accidents happen and David understands this, after all, he knows that he's made his fair share of mistakes and knows that he'll still make them in the future. David may be confident in his abilities, but he knows he isn't a perfect person--no one is. However, once he finds that a certain accident isn't actually an accident but is instead intentional, then he will enact revenge.

Charming & Confident

Without a doubt, David is an attractive person. Bribery and money aren't his only means of acquiring information. Most of the time, he uses his charm before he brings out the cash. He is arrogant, yes, but he doesn't show his arrogance to strangers immediately. Not everyone liked an arrogant person, that much he knew. David is a smooth-talker. It was one of the things he learned from his father and something he is thankful to his old man for teaching him. Words are a powerful weapon, his looks make them deadly. Of course, all of this would've gone to waste if not for his confidence. His walk, his poise, everything about him screams confident. He definitely isn't someone who was uncomfortable in their own skin.

◣`♚♔⋮ History ↘↘◥

Born rich due to the vast riches the Beaumont family owns, David grew up a spoiled child. He had a little brother named Daniel. Daniel was only a year younger than him and thus it was easy for the two to grow close to each other. They were pretty much inseparable not to mention they looked quite alike. The only difference between them was their hair. Daniel's were brown like their father's; meanwhile David's was blonde like their mother's. Both of them however, possessed the trademark emerald eyes of the Beaumont family.

David was happy and content with his life. But then that all changed when his brother died in an accident. It wasn't just any other accident however, Daniel was killed by a pair of criminals. They ran over him as they were making their escape from their latest heist. This was the information that was disclosed to David's parents and David's parents only. How David find out about it? He was eavesdropping of course. Even when he was younger, David wanted to be in the in--to know all that was happening to around him; there was also the fact that it related to his dear younger brother, and that alone made it all the more desirable for him to hear the conversation. The police claimed to be working on finding the criminals, but David knew better. He was no fool.

It was one of the most defining moments of David's life, one that he wouldn't forget. The pain he felt that day changed him. David became more withdrawn, he didn't want to let anyone in. He was afraid of experiencing the same pain again; the pain of losing someone near and dear to you. That evening, David repeatedly punched one of their windows, out of frustration, till he eventually broke it. The sharp glass cut his knuckles and left light scars when they healed. For a while, David was evidently depressed. Thankfully he had someone there to help him get through it: Cedric Leighton. The Leightons were their neighbors and David met Cedric when the latter's family came by to welcome the Beaumonts first came to the neighborhood. The two didn't get along swimmingly at first. David and Cedric would argue a lot, but at some point the arguing turned into playful teasing which--oddly enough--led to the two becoming friends.

Two and a half years have passed since then. David is now a college working on a degree in Economics. As much as he actually wanted to deny it, David got in the school through the power of his family's money. However, this does not mean that he's a complete doofus who had to resort to such a cheap tactic. David knew he could've gotten in through his intellect. He may have not been born a genius, but he had fairly good grades. Not top one, but he is definitely among the top thirty or so--back in high school that is. But of course, his parents wanted to show off their riches.

Unfortunately, despite the incident having happened years back, David has yet to forget. The criminals that killed his brother were still out there. David has no doubt in his mind that the police have given up looking for the duo and have forgotten all about Daniel and the Beaumonts. He was starting to get frustrated. It was around this time that David heard about Black Cat from his best mate Cedric. That very day, David sought out their services and come the next day, the duo was dead and that was that... or so David thought.

The next day, Cedric brought about an intriguing question: what was Daniel doing around the area when the criminals ran him over? David didn't know the answer and something told him he would like the answer, but there was a nagging need to know bugging him. Back to Black Cat he went, hiring them once more to look into it. The answer came quickly, in fact, he got it upon giving his request. They already knew the answer--why and how they got the information, David wasn't certain. Apparently, Daniel had known they were going to commit the crime and tried to warn the police, but, unsurprisingly, they didn't listen to him which led to Daniel attempting to stop them himself. This piece of information frustrated David to no end. He continuously mumbled how Daniel was a fool, but he also cursed how the police were even bigger fools. He recognized how Daniel simply wanted to help, to do good. He recalled how useless the police truly are. With those in mind, David's next course of action was clear: he asked to join Black Cat. Naturally, they were hesitant but after much persuasion, David proved himself to be an asset. Thus, he became a member of Black Cat.

◣`♚♔⋮ Skills ↘↘◥

Riches + Charm

David knows how to play a person: just give them what it is that they want. His riches come in handy when it comes to bribing people but he doesn't always resort to them immediately. Bribery was a last resort for him--wait no, giving up was a last resort for him, slavery was out of the option but only if it was him or someone he cared that was to become the slave; otherwise David was fine with it. Going back to the topic at hand, bribery, like mentioned before, it was something that David didn't want to resort to immediately despite having the resources to easily bribe people. He prefers to charm his way first. David knows what it is that people want to hear and he'll say it. He's known to be quite a charmer and it isn't unknown for him to use said charms to get himself out of certain troublesome situations.

Strong Sense of Direction

Thankfully, for someone with a house as huge as his, David has a good sense of direction. He doesn't easily get lost, even when placed in an area he's never been in before. David knows to keep landmarks for an area in mind, that way he'll know he's already been even without having a trail of breadcrumbs behind.


Due to him playing soccer back in high school and leisurely every now and then, David has maintained a rather good physique. Running around in an area while trying to navigate a ball using one's feet while trying to defend said ball from opponents certainly helped the blonde with getting his endurance up. Now, David can run great distances without easily getting tired.


Despite being the son of a full Frenchman and a half French woman, French was never utilized in their household. The only French he and his brother ever learned from their parents were cuss words. Their main language at home was English. However, when he was presented the option to take up a subject to learn French back in high school, David took it. He learned the basics then but found himself unsatisfied and thus took up courses on French in college. Now he is able to speak the language fluently, something he is quite proud of. Now he speaks two languages: English and French.

◣`♚♔⋮ Weaknesses ↘↘◥

Poor Eyesight

David has poor eyesight. It started becoming bad when he was in high school, but back then it was quite negligible. Now however, it's reached the point where he needed to wear glasses otherwise all he would see would be blur. Of course, his mother being someone who was vain and valued appearances, forbade David from wearing glasses when he's outside of the house, or even when there are guests in the house. Instead, he wears clear contact lenses which go unnoticeable unless someone looked him in the eye for an extended period of time. Personally, David wasn't a fan of contact lenses but he eventually learned to adapt. He keeps spare pair of glasses with him at all times just in case something happens to his contacts... and his spare contacts since he keeps a spare of those as well.


Being someone who's lived a sheltered life, David knows not of the hardships that average people face. Independent is the last thing you could describe him as for this Beaumont is highly dependent on their butlers and maids for menial tasks. Never in his life has he ever washed the dishes or done any chore around the house for that matter--why do it yourself when there's always someone else there that could do it for you. Of course there are still certain things in which he wouldn't entrust the help to do for him, such as his school work. Needless to say, David wouldn't last long if he was left alone without his riches.


This isn't common knowledge but it is a common theory among anyone who is familiar with David. It was the only explanation they could think of as to how he could party until dawn and still manage to get good grades--that, or he's a superhuman who doesn't need sleep, but of course the latter was highly unlikely and quite illogical. Others, however, merely hypothesized that David bribes his way to good grades. Despite such a bad rumor spreading among a considerate amount of people, David does nothing to clear his name. To hell with what other people think, as long as a) he was happy and got what he wanted; and b) people still knew that he's above them, then he'll let them talk. In any case, those who hypothesized him being an insomniac were right, he is most definitely one. While there are those who claim they envy this part of him (along with his riches), to David the insomnia is annoying. He doesn't need it to balance school work and his social life, he could do that well enough already. It's become more of a nuisance to him.


David isn't born with great memory, in fact he is quite a forgetful person. He gets good grades because he studies hard. He most certainly isn't one of those individuals that can get away without having to study hard for an exam simply because they listened in class. Sticky notes have been his saving grace ever since Daniel introduced them to him back when he was still alive. David's apartment is littered with sticky notes in all sorts of places. Naturally, he cleans them up whenever a guest comes around, but naturally as well, he would forget a one or two around which some people sometimes find. His memory is so bad that it's a wonder how he doesn't get lost so easily.

◣`♚♔⋮ Appearance ↘↘◥

Hair: Blond

Eyes: Green
Height: 5'8"

Weight: 152 lbs

Rich, arrogant, but certainly pleasing to the eyes; David may not be the most beautiful person in the inside, but he certainly is a handsome person on the outside. David is almost an exact replica of his father, including the trademark Beaumont emerald green eyes, but with his mother's hair colour. He likes to keep his hair long enough to cover his ears, but short enough such that it doesn't reach his shoulders. Due to its length, David's hair sometimes gets in the way when he's trying to work. While he has grown accustomed to this and is rarely bothered by it, David will sometimes still tie his hair back. This doesn't happen very often though and most of the times when he does wish to tie his hair back, he finds himself unable to find a hair tie to tie his hair with. He has an award winning smile that boasts his charms and swoons a vast majority of the female populace--though this seems to be ineffective among a number of Black Cat's members.

David isn't the tallest kid in the block, but he isn't exactly short as he stands at a height of 5'8". Thanks to his upbringing, David has what people deem to be perfect posture and never slouches in public. This makes his height even more noticeable and even makes him appear taller than he actually is when sitting. David may not have a six pack, but he has a fairly toned and muscular body thanks to his sport hobby which is soccer. His hands aren't burly, but rather they're slim and slender, and as much as he hates admitting it, his hands have been mistaken for that of a female's quite a number of times before. Though once they've actually touched his hands, people are often surprised by how calloused they are.

His seemingly flawless white skin doesn't have any piercings nor tattoos, but he does have a few scars. The most prominent one is on his right knee, a souvenir from a bad fall while playing soccer when he was younger. Thankfully for him, the injury only left a scar and didn't incapacitate him from playing the sport ever again. He has little light scars on his left knuckles from the time he punched a window and actually broke it. Apart from scars, David also has a birthmark. A small patch of skin, slightly darker than his own and about the size of a penny, on his right ankle.

With regards to his clothes, David likes to wear clothes which are form fitting and hug his body. It isn't because he wishes to show off his muscles--okay, that's part of the reason why, but for the most part he finds himself most comfortable in such clothes. Most of his clothes are branded and quite expensive. David isn't very picky when it comes to colour and thus is closet is composed of an array of them, however, he draws the line at pink and any neon colours. They aren't his taste, plus they don't look good on him--in his opinion at least.

◣`♚♔⋮ Relationships ↘↘◥

Jean Paul Beaumont - Father

David's relationship with his father is--well, full of business and seriousness. As a business minded man, Jean Paul views just about everything in the world as an investment, including his very own children. He wasn't the type of father to call just to check up on their son. Jean Paul would only call if there was something serious, something big. Whether it was going to be good news or bad news, David was never certain. David doesn't hate his father, in fact, he has a great deal of respect for the man. But, unlike most good sons, he doesn't look up to him. David respects him and that was it. He loves his father of course,and that's unconditional; Jean Paul is his father after all.

Olivia Beaumont (née Clarke) - Mother

"I think Daniel's death affected her the most." WIP

Daniel Beaumont - Younger Brother (Deceased)

"Him and I, we were best friends--practically inseparable." WIP

Cedric Leighton - Best Friend

"Pain in the ass." WIP

Jess Dominique Rei - Leader / Boss

Admittedly, when David first saw Jess, he thought she was a guy, though he wasn't too certain. Jess had pretty eyes and long eyelashes, not to mention there was a certain femininity to the shape of her face. It wasn't till he had a conversation with her, however, did he find out for sure that she was truly a girl. David likes the girl in general and respects her as their leader.

Dio Castle - Mirror

Though he doesn't know the Fox very well, from what he's seen and heard of, Dio reminds him of himself. They are both vastly different yet at the same time quite similar. He isn't certain of whether or not he likes this, though he's currently leaning toward the latter. Of course, David doesn't let this cloud his treatment of the guy.

Mira Shichiyou - Second Boss

"Someone I do not wish to pick a fight with, ever."

He's aware that the older woman was stronger than him... WIP

Ria Jun Enoshima - Loud Boisterous Lady

"It's like a ticking time bomb... one with the clock missing, so you don't know when it's going to blow up."


Anais Fiennes - Red

"The girl has certainly caught my eye with that redhead of hers." WIP

Quentin Lee - Stranger

"..." TBA

Ellis Tahoma - Epitome of Paranoia


Erika Vericchi - Silly Little Girl //might change


[ Message me / hit me up in the ooc if you want a relationship with David :) ]

◣`♚♔⋮ Miscellaneous ↘↘◥


* Counting things around him, such as the number of books on a shelf or the number of bricks on a wall, helps him calm down.

* When attending a party, David likes to be late. He is rarely early to arrive.

* He writes with his left hand but does everything else with his right hand; thus, he considers himself right-handed.


* Football / Soccer - Back when he was still in high school, his mom suddenly told him that he was beginning to get fat. In reality, however, David wasn't really gaining that much weight and besides, it wasn't like he cared about his weight. Unfortunately his mother did and in her eyes David was turning into a fatty. She practically forced him to take up a sport to hopefully loose some weight and gain some muscles. It wasn't really of his interest to take up a sport but he did so anyway and he chose football. David initially dreaded having to go practices but eventually he found himself falling in love with the sport and investing more time into it than he originally intended to. As a result, he has turned into quite the player.

* Photography - One of the things that he simply doesn't admit to is his penchant for Photography. He loves to snap pictures of different scenery and has even taken up some extra photography classes in secret (at least, from his friends). His fondness of the art stems from his bad memory. Because he easily forgets things, he wants to make sure he has something that would remind him of events, especially important ones.

* Parties - David is quite the party animal. He enjoys all sorts of parties, from uptight snooty ones to wild teenage ones. The only party he wouldn't be caught dead attending would be a child's birthday party especially if it involved clowns... unless of course, it also involved magic then he'll reconsider attending.


* Tea - A girlfriend he once had loved tea, and urged David to try it out. David constantly refused, the smell of it already drove him away, but eventually he gave in due to annoyance. As soon as the liquid entered his mouth, he immediately regretted his decision and swore never to try it out ever again. Hell, he hated it so much that he broke up with his girlfriend right there and then. Quite surprisingly, the girl wasn't heartbroken or annoyed by the breakup. What she was annoyed about was the fact that David didn't like tea. She even said 'great' to them breaking up as she, apparently, would never date anyone who doesn't appreciate the wonders of tea.

* Wallflowers in a party - It peeves him off to see a bunch of them at a party. One or two, he can tolerate. Hell, even three is alright with him, but five or more annoys him. He cannot fathom why anyone would attend a social gathering if they had no intention of socializing. Of course, now as a Butterfly of Black Cat, he knew that such people could be scouting and observing for information, but it still peeves him nonetheless.

* Clutter - David isn't a clean-freak but he does like a clean area. A completely dirty and disorganized area grates on his nerves. Cedric, his best pal, seems to forget about this every time he would invite David over to his place to hang out. The blond male has often remarked with contempt how Cedric's place was a pigsty. David was fairly certain that Cedric deliberately messes up his place whenever David is about to visit just to peeve him off.



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Nyxione said:
WIP; Dog

Weakness(Same Amount of Weaknesses as Skills):








?`??? Basics ???

Name: David Beaumont

Nickname: David

Age: 21 years old

Date of Birth: April 9 (Aries)

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Ethnicity: 3/4 French, 1/4 American

Rank: Dog

?`??? Appearance ???

Hair: Blond | Eyes: Green

Height: 5'8" | Weight: 152 lbs

Rich, arrogant, but certainly pleasing to the eyes; David may not be the most beautiful person in the inside, but he certainly is a handsome person on the outside. David is almost an exact replica of his father, including the trademark Beaumont emerald green eyes, but with his mother's hair colour. He likes to keep his hair long enough to cover his ears, but short enough such that it doesn't reach his shoulders. Due to its length, David's hair sometimes gets in the way when he's trying to work. While he has grown accustomed to this and is rarely bothered by it, David will sometimes still tie his hair back. This doesn't happen very often though and most of the times when he does wish to tie his hair back, he finds himself unable to find a hair tie to tie his hair with. He has an award winning smile that boasts his charms and swoons a vast majority of the female populace--though this seems to be ineffective among a number of Black Cat's members.

David isn't the tallest kid in the block, but he isn't exactly short as he stands at a height of 5'8". Thanks to his upbringing, David has what people deem to be perfect posture and never slouches in public. This makes his height even more noticeable and even makes him appear taller than he actually is when sitting. David may not have a six pack, but he has a fairly toned and muscular body thanks to his sport hobby which is soccer. His hands aren't burly, but rather they're slim and slender, and as much as he hates admitting it, his hands have been mistaken for that of a female's quite a number of times before. Though once they've actually touched his hands, people are often surprised by how calloused they are.

His seemingly flawless white skin doesn't have any piercings nor tattoos, but he does have a few scars. The most prominent one is on his right knee, a souvenir from a bad fall while playing soccer when he was younger. Thankfully for him, the injury only left a scar and didn't incapacitate him from playing the sport ever again. He has little light scars on his left knuckles from the time he punched a window and actually broke it. Apart from scars, David also has a birthmark. A small patch of skin, slightly darker than his own and about the size of a penny, on his right ankle.

With regards to his clothes, David likes to wear clothes which are form fitting and hug his body. It isn't because he wishes to show off his muscles--okay, that's part of the reason why, but for the most part he finds himself most comfortable in such clothes. Most of his clothes are branded and quite expensive. David isn't very picky when it comes to colour and thus is closet is composed of an array of them, however, he draws the line at pink and any neon colours. They aren't his taste, plus they don't look good on him--in his opinion at least.

?`??? Personality ???

Arrogant & Conceited

Having lived the life of riches, David knows not how to be humble; appreciative, yes to some degree, but humility was just something his parents never bothered to teach him. In fact, they even encouraged his arrogance. Some say he was arrogant since birth, but it could just very well be his parents' teachings taking effect on him. Whatever the case may be, David grew up arrogant and that was all people needed to know.
He is also rather conceited. David is fully aware of his good qualities: smart, charming, and pretty damn handsome; he knows all this and is proud of himself--a bit too proud however.

Spoiled but Reliable

David grew spoiled by his dear mother and father. His parents gave him whatever he wanted without question. They had the money anyway. Even when he asked for his own private jet, they gave it to him--well, technically not yet, but they did promise him that they would gift him one for his 25th birthday. Would his parents break their promise? Highly unlikely. Among the rich families, the Beamounts were known to stick to their word, and David is no exception to this. He is a reliable person; once he gives his word he'll make sure to fulfill it even if it goes against his wishes. The Beaumonts feel that it's shameful not to stick to one's words. While this trait of theirs seemed commendable, and it really is such, it also gave them something else to be arrogant about.

Withdrawn but Loyal

He may act all high and mighty, but to people he actually cares about, David can become a rather caring person. The problem? Not a lot can actually get close to David. There are those that follow him, trying to garner his attention, but a lot of them are only after his riches and he knows it very well. He may be kind and caring underneath all the arrogance, but he is also quite withdrawn; he refuses to let anyone in so easily. It's pretty easy to tell though who he's let in. David shows more concern for those he cares for and spends on them without asking for something in return. So far there's only a handful of such people. At some point in his life, David came to the conclusion that love and such emotions were a weakness. Basically he's afraid of letting anyone in, especially after experiencing the pain of a loss.
Needless to say, loyalty isn't something he throws around so easily. Giving someone his loyalty is the same as giving someone his trust; it means he cares of the individual to a certain degree. Once something or someone has acquired however, he remains loyal to them for a long time.


David is a vindictive person, wrong him and it is a guarantee that he will ensure you receive bad karma for it. While he is a vengeful person, he isn't unreasonable. The degree of how you've wronged him is the degree that he will pay you back with. He wouldn't enact a punishment bigger than what was done. He also isn't completely unforgiving. Mistakes and accidents happen and David understands this, after all, he knows that he's made his fair share of mistakes and knows that he'll still make them in the future. David may be confident in his abilities, but he knows he isn't a perfect person--no one is. However, once he finds that a certain accident isn't actually an accident but is instead intentional, then he will enact revenge.

Enterprising, Charming & Confident


?`??? History ???

Born rich due to the vast riches the Beaumont family owns, David grew up a spoiled child. He had a little brother named Daniel. Daniel was only a year younger than him and thus it was easy for the two to grow close to each other. They were pretty much inseparable not to mention they looked quite alike. The only difference between them was their hair. Daniel's were brown like their father's; meanwhile David's was blonde like their mother's. Both of them however, possessed the trademark emerald eyes of the Beaumont family.

One day, when he was in high school, David's parents suddenly decided that they wanted to move. So they did, and quite hastily as well. Both David and Daniel barely had any time to say good bye to their friends. The move wasn't immensely awful though, definitely not like what was often depicted in movies and other stories wherein the teenage kid has a rough time adjusting. In fact, David and Daniel adjust quite easily to their new home. Perhaps it was the fact that they were surrounded by fellow rich families that help. In any case, David was happy and content with his life. But then that all changed when his brother died in an accident.

It was one of the most defining moments of David's life, one that he wouldn't forget. The pain he felt that day changed him. David became more withdrawn, he didn't want to let anyone in. He was afraid of experiencing the same pain again; the pain of losing someone near and dear to you. That evening, David repeatedly punched one of their windows, out of frustration, till he eventually broke it. The sharp glass cut his knuckles and left light scars when they healed. For a while, David was evidently depressed. Thankfully he had someone there to help him get through it: Cedric Leighton. The Leightons were their neighbors and David met Cedric when the latter's family came by to welcome the Beaumonts to the neighborhood. The two didn't get along swimmingly at first. David and Cedric would argue a lot, but at some point the arguing turned into playful teasing which--oddly enough--led to the two becoming friends.

Years have passed since then. Now David is entering college, aiming for a degree in Economics. As much as he actually wanted to deny it, David got in the school through the power of his family's money. However, this does not mean that he's a complete doofus who had to resort to such a cheap tactic. David knew he could've gotten in through his intellect. He may have not been born a genius, but he had fairly good grades. Not top one, but he is definitely among the top thirty or so--back in high school that is. But of course, his parents wanted to show off their riches.

?`??? Miscellaneous ???


* Counting things around him, such as the number of books on a shelf or the number of bricks on a wall, helps him calm down.

* When attending a party, David likes to be late. He is rarely early to arrive.

* He writes with his left hand but does everything else with his right hand; thus, he considers himself righ-handed.

Adept Football / Soccer Player

Back when he was still in high school, his mom suddenly told him that he was beginning to get fat. In reality, however, David wasn't really gaining that much weight and besides, it wasn't like he cared about his weight. Unfortunately his mother did and in her eyes David was turning into a fatty. She practically forced him to take up a sport to hopefully loose some weight and gain some muscles. It wasn't really of his interest to take up a sport but he did so anyway and he chose football. David initially dreaded having to go practices but eventually he found himself falling in love with the sport and investing more time into it than he originally intended to. As a result, he has turned into quite the player.


Something he doesn't simply admit to is his penchant for Photography. He loves to snap pictures of different scenery and has even taken up some extra photography classes in secret (at least, from his friends). His fondness of the art stems from his bad memory. Because he easily forgets things, he wants to make sure he has something that would remind him of events, especially important ones.


David is quite the party animal. He enjoys all sorts of parties, from uptight snooty ones to wild teenage ones. The only party he wouldn't be caught dead attending would be a child's birthday party especially if it involved clowns... unless of course, it also involved magic then he'll reconsider attending.


* Riches & Charm - David knows how to play a person: just give them what it is that they want. His riches come in handy when it comes to bribing people but he doesn't always resort to them immediately. Bribery was a last resort for him--wait no, giving up was a last resort for him, slavery was out of the option but only if it was him or someone he cared that was to become the slave; otherwise David was fine with it. Going back to the topic at hand, bribery, like mentioned before, it was something that David didn't want to resort to immediately despite having the resources to easily bribe people. He prefers to charm his way first. David knows what it is that people want to hear and he'll say it. He's known to be quite a charmer and it isn't unknown for him to use said charms to get himself out of certain troublesome situations.

* Strong Sense of Direction - Thankfully for someone with a house as huge as his, David has a good sense of direction. He doesn't easily get lost, even when placed in an area he's never been in before. David knows to keep landmarks for an area in mind, that way he'll know he's already been even without having a trail of breadcrumbs behind.

* Endurance - Due to him playing soccer back in high school and leisurely every now and then, David has maintained a rather good physique. Running around in an area while trying to navigate a ball using one's feet while trying to defend said ball from opponents certainly helped the blonde with getting his endurance up. Now, David can run great distances without easily getting tired.


* Zero Street Smart - Being someone who's lived a sheltered life, David knows not of the hardships that average people face. Independent is the last thing you could describe him as for this Beaumont is highly dependent on their butlers and maids for menial tasks. Never in his life has he ever washed the dishes or done any chore around the house for that matter--why do it yourself when there's always someone else there that could do it for you. Of course there are still certain things in which he wouldn't entrust the help to do for him, such as his school work. Needless to say, David wouldn't last long if he was left alone without his riches. He is quite gullible when it comes to things he knows nothing about.

* Poor Eyesight - David has poor eyesight. It started becoming bad when he was in high school, but back then it was quite negligible. Now however, it's reached the point where he needed to wear glasses otherwise all he would see would be blur. Of course, his mother being someone who was vain and valued appearances, forbade David from wearing glasses when he's outside of the house, or even when there are guests in the house. Instead, he wears clear contact lenses which go unnoticeable unless someone looked him in the eye for an extended period of time. Personally, David wasn't a fan of contact lenses but he eventually learned to adapt. He keeps spare pair of glasses with him at all times just in case something happens to his contacts... and his spare contacts since he keeps a spare of those as well.

* Insomnia - This isn't common knowledge but it is a common theory among anyone who is familiar with David. It was the only explanation they could think of as to how he could party until dawn and still manage to get good grades--that, or he's a superhuman who doesn't need sleep, but of course the latter was highly unlikely and quite illogical. Others, however, merely hypothesized that David bribes his way to good grades. Despite such a bad rumor spreading among a considerate amount of people, David does nothing to clear his name. To hell with what other people think, as long as a) he was happy and got what he wanted; and b) people still knew that he's above them, then he'll let them talk. In any case, those who hypothesized him being an insomniac were right, he is most definitely one. While there are those who claim they envy this part of him (along with his riches), to David the insomnia is annoying. He doesn't need it to balance school work and his social life, he could do that well enough already. It's become more of a nuisance to him.

Theme: Irresistable - Fall Out Boy? IDK YET.

Accepted, but could you change the role? That one's taken by @pandana, and the only one left is the "Bird" rank. I can add a "Butterfly" or "Fox" ranking role if you'd rather not have it. I wanted to have one role for that rank, as a sort of right-hand, but its possible to have two.


Ria Jun Enoshima

At A Glance


Full Name :

Ria Jun Enoshima

Nicknames :


Age :


Birthday :

August 13

Birthplace :

Eastern London, England

Gender :


Sexuality :












Appearance :

As seen in pictures. She has strawberry blonde hair, solid blue eyes, a lean- hourglass figure, and a very slightly tan skin color.


Digging Deeper



Vain| Sexual| Teasing| Superficial| Easily Angered| Clever| Manipulative| Proud| Superior| Overprotective| Sadistic| Emotional| Crazy Bitch| Spoiled| Defiant|

She loves any sort of sucking up or groveling, and will often forgive those who do this.

She has a couple of close friends, and several people who she can comfortably say... just hang around her a lot.

She does come with some benefits, as she can be funny to those who give her respect. Just listening to her is an exciting and confusing experience.



Ria was born on Friday, August 13th, in England. She's had pretty bad luck since the very day she was born, as the roads were too icy, and she was delivered on the side of the road, having to stay in the hospital longer to make sure there weren't any problems with her delivery.

She lived a pretty normal life since then, strongly believing that her date of birth had to do with every mishap she has encountered.

Ria is normal, in every way. The things she says are considered inappropriate, and unfiltered, but the only difference is that she does what she wants, whether people approve or not.

There have been a few things since then, including having her first pet at ten, breaking her wrist at twelve, moved to the United States at thirteen.

She has a strong East London accent, despite being Japanese. She pronounces certain things in a way that can be difficult to understand. Football(soccer), advert(advertisement), bog roll(toilet paper), drawing pin(thumbtack), and clingfilm(plastic wrap) just to name a few.

Her life in the US wasn't terribly different, and she was respected for the most part, often considered either a clown(for saying ridiculous things), or a badass(for having the guts to say those things to the people she says them to).

Her love life has is lacking a love, and always has been. She doesn't particularly care at this point, because she has no doubt that she would be happy with or without someone.

Ria's mother was killed two years ago, by a drunk driver. She asked Black Cat to deal with it... and a bartender who worked with the organization poisoned his drink. Due to this, she has a strong loyalty to Jess, who ordered it, and became a Bird for lack of money.


Just For Reference



Jess- "She's like... my sister." Finds her to be a good person, and owes a lot to her. She's one of the only people Ria respects.

Q- "Ah! He's a computer person, yeah?!" Being an entire two months older than him, she treats him like a child, though in truth, she respects him entirely, and even finds him attractive, though she doesn't know him well enough to have any true relationship with him.

Dio- "Dio! I love Dio! He's the f*cking best!" She can comfortably say she admires him, and likes working with him.

Mira- "She's... cool." Has a very neutral relationship with the Dog.

Alex- "... F*ck it." Strongly dislikes him, but loves getting under his skin.

Charlotte- "Cute!" She doesn't know the girl very well, but loves looking at her.

David- "He's pretty awesome." Through their shared personality traits, she likes him a bit and would like to call him a friend... as soon as she can hold a position and mission as important as his.

Anais- "... Anais?" She tends to avoid her out of slight fear and thinks of the girl as a complete killjoy mood-killer.

Ellis- "Ellis. Listen to that. Pretty sure everyone in the next eight blocks pissed themselves from hearing that name. Ellis." Generally uncomfortable around him, unless she's with Jess or Mira. Has heard of his violent techniques when working.

Likes :








Dislikes :




Closed Spaces

Other :

Plays the Piano

Has Three Dogs and a (Pet) Pig


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[QUOTE="too much idea]

Name: Dio Castle

Nickname: Vulpes

Age: 21

Gender: M

Sexuality: Demisexual

Rank: Fox

Skill: Very manipulative, with his silver tongue and golden words. Aside from that, Dio is also considered as a master of disguise- he could also change his voice to that of a child or one of an old lady. He's also confident with his sleight of hand, both to perform tricks and using it to defend himself.

Weakness(Same Amount of Weaknesses as Skills): Dio is very confident of himself- too confident that he sometimes underestimate his foes and targets. He is also scared of blood, to the point where seeing one could throw him into panic and at worst knock him unconscious (Which is why he preferred hand to hand combat, where he could snap his enemy's neck and kill him without shedding blood). His fear of blood is also the reason why he refuses to use guns and knives, except the bullet is empty/flare gun or the knive is dulled or made out of plastic/fake.

Personality: A natural born charmer, he likes to flirt and tease with anyone close to him. A fun guy to be friends with, the heart of the party, who likes to draw attention to himself and use it to lower his target's guard. A man of many masks, he hides his insecurity and fear locked inside his heart and never let those he considered his comrades to see his weakness out of pride.

Biography: Dio was born to a prostitute, who was also a drug addict and also an abuser who used to hit him a lot to release her stress. Dio never knew his father, doesn't have any relatives and knew that he has at least ten older siblings- all of them either aborted or sold by her mother for drugs and alcohol. Dio was lucky to be alive, his mother oftenly tells him, because she needed someone to work for her.

And so Dio was forced to work from a young age. Pickpocketing, stealing, delivering drugs to mafias and yakuzas and then just stand there crying whenever her mom comes to take all the money he has collected from work.

As he grew older, he grew smarter as well. He hid half of his money somewhere her mother wouldn't know, the money he would use to break free from his mother. One day, he collected enough and ran away from home. He tries his luck in the big city, but no one would hire someone who have ties with the underground mob or one who doesn't have any formal education.

Enter the Black Cat, who hire him without questioning his background.

Dio now works hard to help his new family.


  • Smart people, especially those who can outsmart him in real life practices
  • Money
  • Good food


  • Mathematics and anything complicated, like physics and chemistry since he doesn't understand a bit of it
  • Cheaters
  • Those who cannot keep their promises
  • Blood





Accepted. We can start sometime this weekend, maybe(not likely) today.
pandana said:

Name: Mira Shichiyou

Nickname: Mira

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Sexuality: She does not discriminate.

Rank: Dog

Skill: Hand-to-hand combat(with or without weapons). Information extraction. Assassination.

Weakness(Same Amount of Weaknesses as Skills):

Mira thinks too highly of herself. Often engaging herself in do or die situations just so she can test the capabilities of her opponent. Which seldom opens death's door, but then again she's cunning enough to know when to escape.

Mira is not a team player. She kills solo. Although, being in a position where orders are given to her, there will be times when her independence and decision-making interfere in her work. She is often labelled as the "Lone Wolf".

Self-doubt. Am I good enough for this kill? Can I get out of this alive? Her self-doubt also triggers her tendency of thinking too highly of herself which will either make her test out her abilities only to find herself in a bloody mess, over-killing the job by involving innocents, or getting distracted by her self-doubt.

Personality: Mira is a perfectionist. Calculating and discerning. She is not rash and likes to wait things out. She is patient enough to hold back her knives for things to unfold according to her plan - to her blueprints. Then again, there will always be a contingency plan. Just one. If the job is about to fail; abort and kill another day. Her focus is like a starving wolf locking its sights and baring her fangs at herself prey. She makes it that her target's escape is futile, yet at times she may let her prey free, not for mercy no, but maybe a better opportunity may arise. Despite her independent disposition, she is loyal to whom she trusts but treats those she sees as "trash" as expendable. Mira is a cold, dispassionate figure to her targets even at times to her fellow Black Cats. She avoids small talk and would rather have something to do or someone to kill than sit around and drink tea. Her mercilessness is as cold as ice, and as sharp as her knife. She is observant to her surroundings and always keeps a look out for her co-workers as she feels concerned for them despite her coldness.


At a very young age of 3, Mira already knew how to punch. Her father started early on training her in boxing because he was the only one raising the child. Mira's mother died while giving birth to her due to heart complications and so growing up without a tender-loving mother was difficult for the little girl. There was only his father that she can look up to. When she was young, her father chose to limit her exposure to the other kids in neighborhood as he didn't want Mira to look at life as if it was all fun. Sure, life is fun at times, but the harshness and cruelty of the world is sure to destroy a child's future. So, he decided to train young Mira in boxing instead. By this, he would be able to monitor her constantly and help her learn principles that she may later apply in her life. Because of this, Mira grew up with a fighting spirit. Everything was a competition to her, and everyone around her were opponents. Of course, she was aware this was due to her upbringing. Being raised by a psychologist-boxer had its perks. With this mindset, Mira could easily motivated herself in both school and ring. And as she grew older, her father also slowly allowed her to be exposed. At age 12, he enrolled Mira in a jiu jitsu school owned by a friend. There, Mira excelled in fist-striking techniques due to her training her boxing that only focused in punches. Her footwork was exceptional but she struggled in ground-fights and grappling techniques. But she would soon overcome those as her training progressed.

Fast forward to college, Mira already knew what course she wanted to take. Judging from her past, her friends(yes, she has friends from high school) would joke that Mira would eventually become a pro-fighter but she surprised them when she decided to major in psychological forensics and criminal study - she wanted to become a detective. This was because growing up, she was always fond of trying to read anyone she came in contact with in school, in the gym, at a coffee shop, in the library, etc. She had the knack of studying their behavioral patterns and psychological states by observing the unique traits, gestures, quirks, etc. of an individual. Not surprisingly, she excelled in college and was already on his way to becoming a detective when an event opened her eyes to the reality of the world - to the cruel reality, that is. Becoming a detective intern for one of the top detectives in the city, Mira readied herself to become Detective Norie's best intern. Detective Norie was smart, even smart was just an understatement. She was full of wisdom and experience, and her mouth was always moving be it nagging about a failed fling, or teaching a substantive lesson to Mira. Mira adored and respected this woman. This was someone she modeled herself to become, or rather she wanted to surpass Norie. After Mira's internships, Norie attended Mira's graduation and acted the role of Mira's mom along with Mira's dad - they were of the same age.

On particular days, Norie would invite Mira to murder cases just so the young, aspiring detective could immediately start her exposure to the detective world. It was around these times when Norie begun to talk to Mira about the justice system and how corrupt it already was in the inside. Mira already knew of this long when she was still in college, but now that she was in the inside her eyes gradually opened to the truth - not Norie's delusional truth - but to the hardcore truth about justice. These were the times when Mira noticed the change in Norie, or rather who Norie really was. She was still the smart detective she knew in her internship days, but now her ruthlessness and coldness was evident. Everything around Norie needed to be done. Those murder cases the other detectives stashed into oblivion, Norie would take those cases by herself. Although, she was unable to solve most of it but some of the really prominent murders, she was able to. And all those times, Mira was by her side - learning, and absorbing every detail of Detective Norie. Until one night, Mira got a call from Norie telling her to meet her at a certain place in the city. Mira went to the address and met with Norie, it was here that Norie surrendered all her data to Mira telling Mira that she was done with detective work because of how the police system always limited her skills with death threats. She gave Mira advice to quit while she was still young and unknown, that Mira doesn't have to waste her capabilities in the corrupt justice system. But Mira had second thoughts, this was her dream to become a detective. But with what Norie said, she knew her goals will be limited as well. With that, the two friends said their last goodbyes as Norie gave Mira her last and true words, "If I die, it won't be my own hands." Taking Norie's advice, Mira withdrew from becoming a known detective and temporarily earned by fighting in the ring on weekends and part-timing as an instructor in the university where she graduated.

After 7 months of no communication, news reached Mira that the great Detective Norie had committed suicide. Mira knew the truth. She was distraught at her mentor's death, but taking justice into her hands was something she would never refuse.


Her early morning jogs.

Canned tuna. It's better than no tuna.

Boxing sessions

Lots of food







Lukewarm coffee


The corrupt justice system

People who take advantage over the weak


Her dad - he passed away shortly after Norie died. But he wasn't killed, it was due to nicotine withdrawal complications. She was very close with her dad.

Detective Norie - Norie was like a mother and a big sister to her.

Friends from high school and college - they're nothing major.

Jess - Mira is very fond with Jess and her leadership. She likes teasing the young leader but also respects her very highly.

Black Cat members - She knows everyone in a professional way.



I thought I accepted this D: There ya go.

Anais Fiennes

- Fox -


Ana, Helljumper, Fireball









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Personal Dossier

  • Anais comes off as stand-offish, almost always lurking in the background; a quiet observer during meetings, a kibitzer during operations. It takes some time for her to warm up to people, having been used to keeping to herself most of the time. Once she's comfortable around someone - a tell-tale sign is her removing her headphones upon sight - she can be quite affectionate. A nudge on the shoulder, a hip check, throwing her arm around a friend’s shoulder or waist.

  • For most part, Anais is calm and patient, rarely letting her temper get the best of her. She can sit still and observe on hours end - one of the reasons why she was best suited for reconnaissance and surveillance. She brushes off insults and teases with relative ease, sometimes even firing one back if she felt like it. However, when pushed to her limits, she can be either be very violent for a short period of time or extremely vindictive for a really, really long time. There have been instances when someone who irritated her had to be rushed to the ER because she had thrown a dictionary, a suitcase and a mug - all in different cases, of course - in a fit of anger. There was also one instance that she sabotaged a wedding of a school-bully by orchestrating events so that the intended groom would cheat on the girl who used to steal her lunch and shove her against her locker.

    Anais can also be brutally honest, sometimes in a tactless manner that seems almost practiced, but really, it's just that her mental filter sometimes fails her and the words just come out. It matches
    so well with her inquisitiveness.


    • Music. She doesn't have any real preference, she just listens to whatever's on. Although, having classical music play in the background while fighting, in her opinion, adds a dramatic flair to it.
    • Oversized hoodies and sunglasses. Nothing is quite like having a bad day and just using three-sizes-too-big hoodies to hide from the world while glaring at people from behind her sunglasses.
    • Parties. Despite her introvert nature, she enjoys parties. Particularly the noise of the party. They also happen to be a very good source of blackmail material.


    • Silence. Hate cannot even begin to describe how she feels about ringing silence. She constantly tries to fill in silence with some sort of noise. Be it slipping on her headphones for music, tapping a tune on the table, or just simply fidgeting.
    • Constricting rules. She's willing to follow a set of guidelines if it allows her freedom, but once it starts to limit her options? You can bet your ass she's going to lash out.
    • Unsweetened coffee. She doesn't understand how people can just drink straight, black coffee with no sweeteners.




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Thanatos said:

Anais Fiennes

- Fox -


Ana, Helljumper, Fireball









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Personal Dossier

  • Anais comes off as stand-offish, almost always lurking in the background; a quiet observer during meetings, a kibitzer during operations. It takes some time for her to warm up to people, having been used to keeping to herself most of the time. Once she's comfortable around someone - a tell-tale sign is her removing her headphones upon sight - she can be quite affectionate. A nudge on the shoulder, a hip check, throwing her arm around a friend’s shoulder or waist.

  • For most part, Anais is calm and patient, rarely letting her temper get the best of her. She can sit still and observe on hours end - one of the reasons why she was best suited for reconnaissance and surveillance. She brushes off insults and teases with relative ease, sometimes even firing one back if she felt like it. However, when pushed to her limits, she can be either be very violent for a short period of time or extremely vindictive for a really, really long time. There have been instances when someone who irritated her had to be rushed to the ER because she had thrown a dictionary, a suitcase and a mug - all in different cases, of course - in a fit of anger. There was also one instance that she sabotaged a wedding of a school-bully by orchestrating events so that the intended groom would cheat on the girl who used to steal her lunch and shove her against her locker.

    Anais can also be brutally honest, sometimes in a tactless manner that seems almost practiced, but really, it's just that her mental filter sometimes fails her and the words just come out. It matches
    so well with her inquisitiveness.


  • Music. She doesn't have any real preference, she just listens to whatever's on. Although, having classical music play in the background while fighting, in her opinion, adds a dramatic flair to it.

  • Oversized hoodies and sunglasses. Nothing is quite like having a bad day and just using three-sizes-too-big hoodies to hide from the world while glaring at people from behind her sunglasses.

  • Parties. Despite her introvert nature, she enjoys parties. Particularly the noise of the party. They also happen to be a very good source of blackmail material.


  • Silence. Hate cannot even begin to describe how she feels about ringing silence. She constantly tries to fill in silence with some sort of noise. Be it slipping on her headphones for music, tapping a tune on the table, or just simply fidgeting.

  • Constricting rules. She's willing to follow a set of guidelines if it allows her freedom, but once it starts to limit her options? You can bet your ass she's going to lash out.

  • Unsweetened coffee. She doesn't understand how people can just drink straight, black coffee with no sweeteners.


  • Darius Fiennes, father

    Even before she got dishonorably discharged from the Corps, Anais has had a strained relationship with her father. She wasn't rebellious, by any means, and he wasn't extremely She just didn't live up to his expectations. During her service, she and her father regularly echanged letters

  • Victor Fiennes, brother

    She wants to hate him for being the perfect child. For being the favorite. For making their father have too much expectations from her. But she just can't quite when he randomly turns up at her apartment with food and a film or a game, and ice cream, babbling about his current job. Victor's support in her, no matter what she did, has never wavered. However, he does not hesitate to tell her off if she's crossed the line, nor does he pause when he tells her to take better care of herself. Anais has suspicions that Victor knows what she's doing, but he never made any comment about it.

  • Megara Klein, maternal aunt

    Anais feels indebted to her aunt who was there for her through through good times and bad.

  • Black Cat Members

    -will be updated accordingly-


  • Works part-time in a small cafe a block away from the Black Cat.

  • Currently majoring in Chemistry and Chemical Biology.

  • Owns an orange Maine Coon named Scout.

  • No matter how much she denies it, she dyes her hair so that the color would be more vibrant.




It looks great, and I love the BB Code. Feel free to join in when you're ready.




Just one case? You said when I was an adult! Ta-daaaa! I just turned 18!
How long ago was "just?"
...21 seconds ago. If my birth records are accurate.
It's 3:15 in the morning.
It's 3:17. And now it's 37 seconds ago.
Talk to me when you've been an adult for at least seven more hours.
I'm timing that.
Great! Goodnight!

Send New Email
New Email Received

My Deets

Uhhh...You said you needed all this stuff, right? I mean, it's a little personal, but whatever. I guess if it'll land me the job... Don't sell my shit on the internet. I don't want to have to go in and scrub it. It's a major PITA.

Name: Quentin "Q" Lee

Nickname: If I'm going to be a pro, I'd prefer my hacker handle: "Switch" (but you can still call me Q if you want. Just not in the nets, okay? I've got a rep.)

Age: 18! (I waited the 7 hours, okay? It's legit.)

Height: ...I'm 5'7. Don't laugh. I'm half Asian. It's a thing.

Gender: Dude

Sexuality: Straight as an arrow

Rank: Just a Bird. Since, you know, that's all you'll let me be. I mean, I'm taking Taekwondo, so maybe you'll put me in the field eventually, but beggars can't be choosers, ya know?

Skill: Do I really have to do this? You know I'm the best hacker you'll ever find! And, hey, if you need me to wire you up for some free cable, I'm down for that too. Or build you a robot arm that'll get your toast ready in the morning? Hackergineer. There we go. I'm copyrighting that.

Weakness: What? None! I don't have--okay, fine, I can see you rolling your eyes through the screen without even having to hack your cam. So I can't shoot a gun (yet), I can't really fight (getting there), I maybe talk too much, and I'm socially awkward with people when I don't have my keyboard. That's not so bad. (No, you don't have to mention that girls lowkey scare me--but I'm totally straight! I just...don't know how to talk to them. Except you. You're like a bro, though, so it's cool.) And, okay, yes, I still look like I'm twelve. That is not my fault.

Personality: I am great! I'm super clever, I never run out of energy (seriously, give me a Monster drink and I can be up for like 72 hours easy on a hack. I MMO'd once for like 90 hours. I think that was a record). I'm really, really eager to please. I can be obedient. Sometimes. When I want to be. You're rolling your eyes again, aren't you? But you know I'm the best at what I do, so you can't really turn me down for the other shit. And you said when I was an adult that maybe I could be an actual part of the team! No more tiny hacks. I want in! You won't regret it, I swear!

Biography: Really? Ugh, my life is so boring. Mom's American, Dad's Korean. She's a stay-at-home artist. He works for a big tech firm. No siblings. Graduated high school when I was 14. Tried college, hated it, dropped out. Dad was sort of super pissed about that, and I was sort of super pissed about him being pissed, so I skipped out when I was 16. Made a living doing underground hacks for whoever needed it. And making fake IDs. Or green cards (like, the medical marijuana kind--I made some mad cash on those). Actually, I don't why I'm saying that like it's past tense. I still do all that shit. But I'd rather do bigger shit. Which you know. Which is why I'm emailing you like a good little applicant instead of just spamming your phone.

Likes: Ah, the good stuff! Let's see....pizza, for one. Preferably cheeseburger or taco pizza, because why have only one food genre when you can have the best of all worlds? I like my tech, of course. I don't know if that counts as a like. It's more like my oxygen--I literally can't live without my tech. Ummm, I like video games. Oh, wait, that counts as tech, doesn't it? Ferrets! I like ferrets! They're smart and can get into things. You ever put a camera on a ferret's head and let it loose in a wall? Good stuff. As long as it comes back. Train your ferret before putting a camera on its head and letting it loose in a wall. What else...? I like Black Cat? Too suck-upish? Yeah, I thought so. Okay, okay, I like cartoons and collect little action figure models. That doesn't make me less of an adult!

Dislikes: Computer viruses, sniffers, road blocks, worms (unless they're my worms), IC programs, tracers--basically any anti-hacker measures. Mostly I just hate other hackers trying to fuck with my shit. I also hate centipedes. They creep me out. Nothing needs that many legs. I guess you could say I don't like seafood; not because of the taste, but because I'm kind of deathly allergic to it...which I always thought was super funny considering I'm Asian American and my dad used to live off a seafood diet. I guess I sort of ruined that for him. Oops. I also hate sitting around not doing anything because someone won't use me for my full potential. *cough*

Relationships: I'm in love with my tech. It's all I really need.

Other: Here. Have this awesome jam session.



OOC - Switch is basically an uber hacker/tech genius, but he's also a socially stunted kid who, despite emancipating himself at 16, still never really left the "Mom's basement" mentality. He tries really hard to act like he's a lil gangster, but he's basically as harmless physically as a bunny. Give him a computer, though, and he can destroy entire business if he really wanted to.

He's very eager to get out into the world and experience it for himself, but he doesn't want to do it in the typical "boring" fashion (ie tourist travel, finding a real job, etc). He stumbled upon Black Cat on the web years ago, thought it was super cool, and has been trying to get in ever since, dropping little clues and tips here and there to help the agency as first just an anonymous "good citizen," but then he got bored and just straight up starting begging people to let him join. As Jess is current leader, she naturally became his latest target to annoy the general crap out of (in case you didn't know, you can scroll further on that lil phone screen up there); but he has shown his usefulness, so canning him altogether didn't seem like a good idea. Plus, he'd probably retaliate. Possibly in the "I'ma steal all your funds just to freak you out for awhile before I put them back because I'm chill like that" kind of way.

He's pretty much immature and hyper, but he's an asset. The biggest problem with not wanting him in on the BC game all the way (and, god, does he really want to go out in the field) is that no one wants to see him get hurt. This game isn't like his video games, after all; if he gets dead, there's no magical respawn. It doesn't mean he won't find his own way to get underfoot, though. He's out to prove himself, whether they want him to or not...

(*note - I realize I borrowed Jess just for the text conversation. It's not something I would do in game. It was just needed temporarily for the cool phone effect.)


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Send New Email
New Email Received

Your Deets

Thank you. That was an exciting and confusing experience, reading that. It was indeed an awesome jam session. I think you broke my headphones.

Joke. Listen, I'm really tired, alright?

I just feel like arguing with you on the whole "bro" thing. Alas, my phone is at 3% and I want to stick below 18,000 words.

You seem like a stupidly amazing person from what I've seen, and as a twenty-two year old woman... I actually forgot what I was going to say.

This message is a train wreck. I'll have a Bird named Ria stay here at the apartment building, called the Red. You should know what I'm talking about, its pretty big. We're going on a field trip to our latest assignment. Pack all your stuff, and be settled in before we get back. Which may be never.

I'm trying to scare you. We're bringing home thirty grand tonight or tomorrow morning, and as a welcoming present, you'll get four percent of it, or 1,200 bucks.

I'll scramble the text, so if you're as big of a computer nut as you say you are, you should be able to figure out my code. Aaand already have. Anyway, I have to go. You're in.

Wish me luck. Just kidding. Please stop messaging me.


(I wanted to kind of develop her character a bit. I'll have my character at the apartment building waiting for him.)
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Bhlow said:

Roslyn Smith


Full Name: Roslyn Scarlett Smith

Nickname: Rose

Date of Birth: 02.04.1994

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Rank: Butterfly


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Ellis Tahoma

It's okay to sin, but shit hurts. Don't forget your dreams cuz they'll get you through this, life they call living...&quot]<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/d8767e35b934c4701f187b398b86f145.jpg.a826c930a8940f852de8c8f76eb18357.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="137974" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/d8767e35b934c4701f187b398b86f145.jpg.a826c930a8940f852de8c8f76eb18357.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> [/fieldset][/imagefloat] [FONT=Raleway] [/FONT][FONT=Raleway][B]Name: [/B][/FONT] [FONT=Raleway] [/FONT] [FONT=Raleway][/FONT] [FA]eye-slash[/FA]Ellis 'Eli' Tahoma [FONT=Raleway] [/FONT][FONT=Raleway][B]Nickname:[/B][/FONT] [FONT=Raleway] [/FONT] [FONT=Raleway][/FONT] [FA]eye-slash[/FA]That Guy [FONT=Raleway] [/FONT][FONT=Raleway][B]Age:[/B][/FONT] [FONT=Raleway] [/FONT] [FONT=Raleway][/FONT] [FA]eye-slash[/FA]23 [FONT=Raleway] [/FONT][FONT=Raleway][B]Gender:[/B][/FONT] [FONT=Raleway] [/FONT] [FONT=Raleway][/FONT] [FA]eye-slash[/FA]Male [FONT=Raleway] [/FONT][FONT=Raleway][B]Sexuality:[/B][/FONT] [FONT=Raleway] [/FONT] [FONT=Raleway][/FONT] [FA]eye-slash[/FA]Heterosexual [FONT=Raleway] [/FONT][FONT=Raleway][B]Rank:[/B][/FONT] [FONT=Raleway] [/FONT] [FONT=Raleway][/FONT] [FA]eye-slash[/FA]Butterfly [FONT=Raleway] [/FONT][FONT=Raleway][B]Skill:[/B][/FONT] [FONT=Raleway] [/FONT] [FONT=Raleway][/FONT] [FA]eye-slash[/FA]Persuasion, his talking skills make him one of the few guys that can collect information. Whether he be knocking down doors or just calmly leading someone into an alleyway to beat the information out of them, he makes it one of the best moments. Basically, he takes a picture of the [FONT=Raleway][/FONT][I]essentially [/I] [FONT=Raleway][/FONT]dead person and makes it his portfolio. Every day. Oh right, Ellis' talking skills.. Those are good too. [FONT=Raleway] [/FONT] [FONT=Raleway][/FONT] [FA]eye-slash[/FA]Fighting, he's skilled in some karate moves, mostly referring to being able to knock out a man in two moves. Choking someone, or defending himself. Ellis seems to be able to do very different things, various techniques. Of course they're all in karate so anyone with basic knowledge of that fighting style should be able to counter everything Ellis throws at them. [FONT=Raleway] [/FONT] [FONT=Raleway][/FONT] [FA]eye-slash[/FA]Running, Ellis can run like a boss, which comes from his bullying acts. Being the bully and getting bullied at the same time, he found that he could easily just run like the flash away from anything. Not the [FONT=Raleway][/FONT][I]Flash [/I] [FONT=Raleway][/FONT]but like.. he can still run. [FONT=Raleway] [/FONT][FONT=Raleway][B]Weakness:[/B][/FONT] [FONT=Raleway] [/FONT] [FONT=Raleway][/FONT] [FA]eye-slash[/FA]Sense of direction, due to his plenty of running and talking, he's lost a sense of where to go sometimes. He'll be walking around than think: 'Ellis, why are you here?' Or he'll just wonder what he's doing. His sense of direction also fits into his running skill, as he's not very familiar with the area, so he'll probably take a like a right turn and hit a wall. [FONT=Raleway] [/FONT] [FONT=Raleway][/FONT] [FA]eye-slash[/FA]Overthinks, yeah, Ellis often overthinks plans and ideas, but that doesn't stop him from kicking information from someone. But, he always double checks and idea or plan when he's gonna actually execute it. [FONT=Raleway] [/FONT] [FONT=Raleway][/FONT] [FA]eye-slash[/FA]Whistling, he can't whistle. Which is bad for him since he can't give out any like codes in whistles.. [FONT=Raleway] [/FONT][FONT=Raleway][B]Personality:[/B][/FONT] [FONT=Raleway] [/FONT] [FONT=Raleway][/FONT] [FA]eye-slash[/FA]Ellis... Is dangerous. A man that no one should be able to fight, but people can fight him. And with that, he's very wary, carrying around knives and a Silenced Makarov. Cause he's paranoid, sometimes. He overthinks things which means he actually concludes when writing them out as 'Get shot [Probability]'. As he never knows when he'll just get shot and die. Or get blown up, very problematic. But... He's an excellent Butterfly and get's a good amount of information. [FONT=Raleway] [/FONT] [FONT=Raleway][/FONT] [FA]eye-slash[/FA]So, his methods vary. From bribing the police, blowing up the police, using blackmail on the police, sneaking into the building or just beating up the police. Yeah. Ellis thinks it's a open way to political discussion. Cause the police suck. I mean, why call them for a problem, when you can call the police a state away... Or the police. I mean, Ellis thinks that if the police did things better, I think they'd be able to get more calls. But whatever. [FONT=Raleway] [/FONT] [FONT=Raleway][/FONT] [FA]eye-slash[/FA]Very social. As he is a butterfly, he'll be cracking jokes time to time, just kinda jokes around. But as typed up before, he's very wary and once he gets sent to the battlefield, he won't be cracking up jokes. Rest in spaghetti and never forgetti.. Ellis. [FONT=Raleway] [/FONT][FONT=Raleway][B]Biography:[/B][/FONT] [FONT=Raleway] [/FONT] [FONT=Raleway][/FONT] [FA]eye-slash[/FA]Ellis grew up in the Bronx, an underling to a Hip-Hop-er. Yeah. He was a rebel back than and never cared for anything. His story wasn't so bad, he developed as a hive mind, someone big decided something and he went with it. Nothing bad happened.. Until he turned 15 and was actually learning how to DJ. It was at this time his father retired and stuff. [FONT=Raleway] [/FONT] [FONT=Raleway][/FONT] [FA]eye-slash[/FA]While arranging a few things, little did Ellis know that someone broke into the building, aka, the door was left unlocked. And than, eventually murdered Ellis' father and not Ellis. The person escaped the building before Ellis found his dead father. Now, there is one huge ass plot hole. A hole that consumed everything... Where was his mother while all of this was happening... Let's wait for that. [FONT=Raleway] [/FONT][FONT=Raleway][B]Likes:[/B][/FONT] [FONT=Raleway] [/FONT] [FONT=Raleway][/FONT] [FA]eye-slash[/FA]Hip-Hop [FONT=Raleway][/FONT] [FA]eye-slash[/FA]Juicy Information [FONT=Raleway][/FONT] [FA]eye-slash[/FA]Finding That He's Not Gonna Die... [FONT=Raleway][/FONT][I]Yet.[/I] [FONT=Raleway][/FONT] [FA]eye-slash[/FA]Fire [FONT=Raleway] [/FONT][FONT=Raleway][B]Dislikes:[/B][/FONT] [FONT=Raleway] [/FONT] [FONT=Raleway][/FONT] [FA]eye-slash[/FA]Pears...? [FONT=Raleway][/FONT] [FA]eye-slash[/FA]Math [FONT=Raleway][/FONT] [FA]eye-slash[/FA]His Paranoia [FONT=Raleway][/FONT] [FA]eye-slash[/FA]Getting Shot [FONT=Raleway] [/FONT][FONT=Raleway][B]Relationships:[/B][/FONT] [FONT=Raleway] [/FONT] [FONT=Raleway][/FONT] [FA]eye-slash[/FA]N/A [FONT=Raleway] [/FONT][FONT=Raleway][B]Other:[/B][/FONT] [SPOILER][FONT=Raleway][MEDIA=soundcloudembed]soundcloud.com/edubble/01-klitschko[/MEDIA][/FONT] [/SPOILER][FONT=Raleway] [/FONT] [SPOILER] [FONT=Raleway]<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/tumblr_np6oofmkeX1u4f2lbo3_500.gif.7d49ef9f974e3694f3db41eaa6481d2f.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="137981" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/tumblr_np6oofmkeX1u4f2lbo3_500.gif.7d49ef9f974e3694f3db41eaa6481d2f.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/tumblr_np6pcfNqsp1si3zszo1_500.gif.51d37aa8c8d40340405365466033eb86.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="137982" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/tumblr_np6pcfNqsp1si3zszo1_500.gif.51d37aa8c8d40340405365466033eb86.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/57a8cb3046729_tumblr_nq9e52sxx71u4f2lbo1_500(1).gif.7d613c1f5b627264ccad385cce42d8a7.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="137983" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/57a8cb3046729_tumblr_nq9e52sxx71u4f2lbo1_500(1).gif.7d613c1f5b627264ccad385cce42d8a7.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/b5d1c170520bfa6d8dbb96be0ce3a106.gif.f7b59e35a9417f4e480c4f0ad4b1ddbd.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="137984" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/b5d1c170520bfa6d8dbb96be0ce3a106.gif.f7b59e35a9417f4e480c4f0ad4b1ddbd.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> [/FONT] [FONT=Raleway] [/FONT] [URL="/monthly_2016_06/d8767e35b934c4701f187b398b86f145.jpg.a826c930a8940f852de8c8f76eb18357.jpg


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