Black Butler: The Future Meets The Past [WILL BE DELETED, READ DES.] [Inactive]

"Lying is something I am not capable of doing." Oswin said, finally smiling a bit. "I miss my ship. I miss the way I could order my mates around and they'd do it with energy and a smile. I miss the ocean and the feeling of being carried atop the water." She bit her lip, staring at her food." I wish I could have been stronger. I tried every oppurtinity to show my crew I was capable of doing everything they could. But I am a girl and others would takl about how weak my crew was because they took orders from a female. That's the main reason I am no longer captain." She finally let everything sink in. "There. That prove that I trust you?!" She said, getting up loudly. She couldn't cry, at least not here in front of this man she barely just met. She tried to find a room, it didnt matter which just as long as it was empty.
Frank sighed. He stood and followed her, when he finally found her he stood in front of her and rested his hands on her shoulders. He looked her in the eyes.

"Know this, there is nothing you have to prove, to me or anyone else. You are strong in your own way. It is a different way than I am strong. Being a female does not make you weak, you are stronger of heart than I, to say the least. Don't ever underestimate yourself." Frank recounted an old saying." If you have to prove you're something, you aren't. I may hardly know you, but I'd sail under you any day. Know that you are unique, no other in the world is the same as you, so don't go comparing yourself to others, the only person you should try to be better than is the person you were yesterday." Frank gently raised her chin so her eyes could meet his." Be proud of who you are. Don't try to change who you are to meet someone else's standards. And please,"He added playfully," don't go gettin' all soft on me now, you're supposed to be the strong one here." Frank gave her a warm smile.
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Oswin stopped the tears before they could escape her eyes. "It is part of a girls nature to compare herself to others. In fact its human nature. You expect me to go against basic human nature?" She smiled. "Psssssshhhh who ever said I was getting soft? I just had something in my eye and didn't want to look like an idiot trying to get it out." Man.... she was getting soft. She punched him in the arm. "That's for touching me. I prefer not to be touched. Just keep that in mind." She stalked off, slipping her sword out of the sheath and examining it while she walked outside.

"Oh, I see." Tabitha nodded. "That makes sense." She added in.

She sat there in silence for a little bit, watching the people walk by and kids play. " you have any interests?" Tabitha asked.
Frank smiled, there was a girl in there. Frank figured he'd go speak to Tabitha, he went out to the doorstep, but she wasn't there. Perhaps she went to town? He decided to go look for her. After a long walk he arrived in London.

"Where would Tabitha go?" He thought aloud. " A concert? No, an art gallery? Doubtful. In the mean-time I'll go to the park, take a stroll." Frank noticed a fair number of stares, apparently OD green wasn't the old black. He made his way towards the park. When he finally showed up at the park, all he did was lean up against a lightpost and light up a ciggie. Tabby'd show up sooner or later.
As tabitha waited for an answer, she looked around. She noticed a certain color she recognizes, green. Tabitha then knew with the rest of the outfit, and the blonde hair showing, that it was Frank.

"Hold that thought, Ellyn. Frank is here and he might be looking for me...I have a feeling." She said as politley as she could. She stood up and rushed over to Frank. She was behind him and looked to him over his shoulder.

"Looking for me?" Tabitha asked.

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Frank snuffed out his cigarette under foot and turned around,

"Perhaps,"Frank's smile said he was joking." I'm looking for the most beautiful girl in England, her name is Tabitha, do you know her? Oh wait,it's you, sorry but you have gotten even more beautiful since we last met." Frank looked around, he noticed a very familiar red haired demon." Whatcha doin' all the way out here? went to go talk to you, but I couldn't find ya. And what's with all these people, they act like they've never seen fatigues before."

((Cut it a little short, G2G to work for now, post if I can))
((Damn, slow at work and no ones replying. So bored))

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((Drivin home yaaay))

Tabitha smiled brightly. "Well, I hate being cooped up for a long time so I decided to go out, maybe shop for a dress so I don't stick out likr a sore thumb more than I already do." She said giggling. "Miss. Ellyn over there has been accompanying me." She said looking to Ellyn. "And I'm sure most people of this time are not really body builders, its more of fancy-dansy and class with top hats." She added in, jokingly.

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"Ah yes,"Frank said, rubbing his chin" miss Halberd. Well I'm glad to see you're safe and sound. Perhaps I sould don a top hat and suit as well, though it won't stop me from doing this." Frank flexed and made body builder poses." Not bad, eh? Could you maybe help me find something suitable for attire?" Frank laughed on thd inside, suitable, a bit of a pun. Frank smiled at her." Maybe I should grow some of those mutton chops too, what do you think?"

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Ellyn paused, glancing over at her with a small frown. "I do not have any." After all, she never really felt the need to get herself an interest. Maybe the fact she adored small, weak creatures was one? Shrugging that thought off she peered over at Tabitha as she wandered over to Frank. As usual, the demon remained silent for a lot of that time, her attention back on the mewling kitten who was curled up in her arms. When Frank spoke to her she perked up, tilting her head before she held the kitty out. "I found a cat. It was interesting and so I stayed with it after finding it upon your current grounds. I saw Miss Tabitha leave and followed. We then shopped." That was possibly one of the longest sentences to be heard from the silent women as she felt the claws dig into her flesh as the creature attempted to shift to become comfortable. "It is nice to see you again as well Mr.Frank." She added softly, looking back down to the creature who absorbed her attention.
Tabitha nodded happily. "Yeah! Sounds good! I think you'll look pretty good in a suit." She said with a smile. She giggled slightly when he flexed. "But your not allowed to hide the guns all the time."

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"Wouldn't dream of it. Now, lets go find a tailor." Frank stopped." Wait... um I don't have any 1884 money, and only like 30 pounds 1968. You have any cash? Hate to bum the money, but ya know I'k pretty much broke. Unless..." Frank's eyes wandered to a poster. It read ' Boxing tournament: Grand prize 300 Pounds!' Frank had an idea." You girls thinkin' what I'm thinkin'?" He pointed to the poster. That was one thing he knew he could win at.

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Tabitha smiled. "I'm thinking what you're thinking. Seems like a good idea." She said. She looked to Ellyn. "What do you think?" She asked.

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Ellyn blinked softly, her head tilted as she stood to her feet. "If you want money from this time I guess that this will be the best option." She murmured softly. The cat was resting in her crossed arms as she nodded. "It will play in your favor to do so..." She added before she gave a slight smile.
After attaining direction Frank started for the warf, as he walk he hummed, unkowingly, then, without noticing he began to quietly sing,

((Straight up starts singin this shit right here



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((so should the girls follow or stay back? lol

btw guys im going to be gone until 9-ish. Going to eat my friend's food and hang lol))
Tabitha grabbed her bag with the dress inside and followed Frank. Might as well since there is not much for her and Ellyn to do. She noticed Frank singing quietly. Tabitha smiled slightly. How cute!

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(-Has woken up- x-x)

Ellyn tilted her head as she looked down at the small creature before nodding. "Lets follow." She whispered softly, scratching the small kittens head before she headed after Frank and Tabitha. Following behind them she kept watching the others around them cautiously, raising a brow to some of the things she observed.

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