Black Butler: The Future Meets The Past [WILL BE DELETED, READ DES.] [Inactive]

((So...apparently Frank is hot

((So Frank is a Stud in your sims too eh? Wherever he goes, the ladies just love him.)) 
Frank stood in front of two large doors,

"Warehouse 13, this is the place." He looked at Tabby and Ellyn." I'm about to go pick up some money, but before we go in, I have one question. What's with the cat?" Frank had noticed Ellyn was carrying a kitten, and had been for sometime, in fact she seemed quite infatuated with it. 
((What do y'all think looks better?

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/accomplice-156-main(1).jpg.e1cc7bf5b4e5ecc0a16c5b9a44672505.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10455" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/accomplice-156-main(1).jpg.e1cc7bf5b4e5ecc0a16c5b9a44672505.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/renegade-157-top-base.jpg.6befe45bd39320decb91a3d01f76747c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10456" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/renegade-157-top-base.jpg.6befe45bd39320decb91a3d01f76747c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> )) 
((Work time, post later))



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She paused, tilting her head as she blinked softly at Frank's words. A blush rose to her cheeks as her lips parted to speak but a faint murmur passed her lips. "I...Its small...and cute..." She whispered, glancing in a different direction. Stupid humans bringing up this odd habit she had! Slightly irritated the women seemed to sulk almost, although her attention never diverted from the cat.
Tabitha smiled to Ellyn. "No need to be embarrassed, embrace the fact that you love cats." She said, looking to Ellyn. "It's nice that you love cats a lot, with out you, I'm sure this cat would still be walking around trying to survive. You're helping it, in a way. Giving it warmth and love." She added in smiling to her and the cat.
"Eh, I'm more of a shepherd guy my self," Franks said." loyal and trustworthy they are." He opened one of the doors to see a boxing ring, table and some chairs. He walked up to the table to see a sign-up sheet, the first half-dozen names were crossed out. The only names not crossed out were 'Richard Armstrong' and 'Stam Stavenger', "Curious" Frank thought. He added his name to the list. He turned around to see a large, muscular man in his mid 30's speaking to Tabitha.

"Aye, what's a bonnie lass like you doin' here?" He flexed his biceps," Hear about the strongest man in Scotland come visit London? I have a fight to win, but I could take you home after. We could have some fun, you 'n' me." Tabitha was obscured from view, but Frank was already about to beat this ass senseless. All she had to do was ask. He walked slowly towards them. 
((Wanted to type a Scottish accent, but I wasn't sure I could pull it off. Some Scotsman I am))
"I love both dogs and cats to be the odd ones out, snakes are pretty rad." She said giggling. She followed Frank inside and waited for him to organize getting signed up.

She noticed a man approaching her and speaking to her.

Tabitha looked at the man, blankly. "I'm here for somebody else." She said, very monotone. She knew how to put up a "lifeless" act, she uses it a lot at school.

She looked around slightly. "Besides...." she started. "Cocky men like you are usually the ones who lose. Leads to bad karma and such." Tabitha said, continuing to remove any emotion that could be formed into her voice.

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"Come on, lass." He said cooing.

"Hey the lady said to leave pal." Frank said behind him. The man turned towards him.

"Up yer erse wi' it" was his reply, he went to touch Tabitha with his hand, only to find one on his shoulder. Frank whipped the man around and cold-cocked him. He went down like a sack of potatoes. Frank shook his hand, he thought the Scottish being hard-headed was just a saying about being stubborn, apparently not.

"Was this guy bothering you two?" Frank said with a smile.

((Work time, post later))
Tabitha couldn't help but smile seeing the Scot go down. She looked to Frank. "I was going to resort with creepy threats, but what you did was good too." Tabitha said, giggling a little bit. "But, the both of us are safe and sound. Did you get all signed up?" She asked. 
((ok. have fun xD ))
Frank was about to reply when boy ran up to him,

"Do you know who that was?! That was Richard Armstrong, best boxer in Scotland!" He cried.

"Aparently he wasn't that good." Frank replied," Guess that leaves only Stavenger to fight."

" I'd watch out though, that norwegien is no push-over." Said the boy.

"Well I was planning on punching him out instead anyway. Now run along, the fight is supposed to start soon." Frank turned to the ladies. "I guess I might have to try for that other guy. I do feel a bit bad for taking out my opponent before the fight though. Ready to watch me at work?" Frank put on a winning smile and gave them a thumbs up.

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Tabitha smiled. "Beat him up good." She said,giving a slight good luck slap on his arm.

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((sorry for one liner))
(( going back and forth with this and my friend constantly messaging my name because i wont answer in less that 5 seconds))
Ellyn watched, slightly intrigued by the interactions between Frank and the man that she could only describe as an idiot. While her concern for humans was minimal, she had enjoyed Tabitha's company which was probably the only reason she was standing here. That and she didn't want to do anything that could harm the nameless kitten within her arms, leaning against her torso as it slept softly.

If someone woke the small creature she would probably kill them.

She glanced down at it, watching the small rise and fall of its chest before she nodded, turning back to Tabitha, Frank and the recently named idiot. 'Concerning fights, few humans are observant of who are naturally or physically superior.' She mentally noted. Ellyn would probably tune out during the fight for she could already predict the outcome to the match.

Shifting her arms so the cat only rest upon the one she idly pulled at the strands of her hair, trying to ignore her obvious hunger that began to plague her more often. There was quite a few times she desired to be mortal since she could quench hunger with food. So, walking over to a wooden chair she took a seat, not shifting the right arm with the cat upon, the other resting in her lap.

"Good Luck Mr.Frank."
Tabitha followed Ellyn and sat next to her. She looked around. There were many people around. Most of the front row were journalists trying to get interviews and see who wins the fights. The rest were just blood thirsty people who wanted to see 2 guys beat each other up. "I'll never understand why seeing people beat each other up is so entertaining." She muttered.
Ellyn reached down into the small pocket that was upon her side, reaching out as she pulled out a cookie of some sort. While it didn't help her hunger, it was distracting. When Tabitha sat down she glanced over to her, blank eyes blinked before she shrugged, turning back to the fight. "I find enjoyment in it personally.." She added quietly, chewing slowly upon the corner of the treat as she watched patiently. "Humans or demons, it depends upon personality I supposed." Mumbling softly.
"I guess..." Tabitha muttered as she watched. "But I guess it's a good way to distract yourself from things." Tabitha added in, shrugging. The fight was going to begin soon. She could see both men in the corners. The man Frank was facing had his trainer with him, most likely giving him advice. After looking at the two for a bit, she looked down, playing with the belt that hung at a loop at her side with the "x" charm on it.
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Frank walked over to Tabby,

"Thanks babe." He leaned over and gave her a kiss." And it's just Frank," a smile passed his lips"Mr. Frank is my father." Frank walked to the ring and stripped his jacket and tanktop. He stepped in and messed around flexing and showing off, the fight would be short, and they came for a show. He had a broad smile then he turned around and saw his opponent had entered the ring, one long drawn-out word escaped his lips,

"F****ck." The man was a giant, over seven feet tall and he had at least a hundred pounds on Frank, he would have given Arnold Schwarzenegger an insuperiority complex. Frank was surprised to say the least. The bell was rung and the match started. Frank punched him in the face and he went down, then got back up and returned the favor. This was interesting. It wasn't until round three, two shiners and a split lip that Frank decided to end it. And he did just that, he floored him and he didn't get up.

" I decided to put on a show." He said to Tabby and Ellyn after the match. Frank didn't mind the brusies, they'd be gone in a few hours, that and the fact he had three hundred pounds in his pockets made his quite content. "Wanna go hit the pub to celebrate?" He wore a grand smile.

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Tabitha smiled to Frank as he left the ring. "Great job, sweetie!" She said with a bright smile.

She chuckled. "Yeah, the pub sounds great! Lucky for me is I don't have to sneak alcohol around since there is no drinking age at this time~!" She sang a little bit. It was quite a while since she actually had a beer, a very long while. She looked to Ellyn to ask her if going was alright with her, but since she was mainly focused on the cat that she might just tag along like she had been.

((Not so innocent now, are you Tabby? xD lol))
Ellyn watched the math, red eyes their usual shade as she blinked occasionally. Most of the time she was studying the movements of both competitors. When it finished the roar of the crowd and the constant chatter caused the small creature in her arms to yawn, stretching its limbs before its black eyes peered around, ears flat against its head. The demon peered down at it before she felt slightly irritated by the cheer.

Once it had died down she smiled faintly, petting the cats head before she glanced up, looking to Frank and Tabitha. "The Pub?" There was no point in her consuming alcohol but she was still bored and she enjoyed the company of them both. SLIGHTLY. Of course, she would never voice that fact. "Okay." She whispered in response as she stood up, putting her left arm under her right to support the cat.

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