Black Butler: The Future Meets The Past [WILL BE DELETED, READ DES.] [Inactive]

((HAHA SCHOOL, All I have to do is, 1: Get 160cm snowboard 2: Take buisness final 3: Snowboard at boreal 4: RP. I'm in a listy mood right now)) 
((HAHA SLEEP! Gave up on that when I went to college))

AND GOODNIGHT *rides into the darkness*))

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Oswin bit her lip. "I'm sorry. Don't expect another apology from me." She glanced at the wine and poured herself some, taking a long drink. "Like I've said before. I've killed many. I am a pirate after all." She smirked and took another drink. "Memories are terrible." She muttered to herself. "I killed the man I loved. The stupid bastard was sleeping with another girl." She finished the first glass and poured herself some more. "You seem like you have a troubled past as well. Please, do tell."

Sebastian shook his head. "No, Im good." But it was tempting. He looked away so he wouldn't be going crazy.
((*avoids sleep to answer*))

Tabitha pouted slightly. "Are you sure? You seem like a cat person. I won't tell anyone, I promise." She said with a smile. The cat looked to Sebastian and mewed happily, its tail moving side to side slightly.

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Frank nearly laughed, she knew nothing, she was Bambi compared to him.

"Well," Frank began," I served in a very terrible war, I killed without question, men, women even children. I lost track of the people I killed, too many to ever want to remember anyways. Everyone I called brother died, the best man I ever knew, better than I'll ever be, died in my arms." Frank's voice faltered on the last part," You, who have killed so many, not even you could ever understand. They say war is hell, no, the hell is reserved for those who survive, to be relived every night, and every day. What have you done aside from kill a man? Have you watched families be torn apart? A man's heart literally ripped from his chest? Ever seen an entire village, people included, burnt to the ground?" Frank looked at her, a mix of disgust at his own actions, and of the pain linked to them," I would trade my memories for yours in a heartbeat." Frank downed his scotch, he then reached for the bottle, poured another, and downed it as well. He looked at the bottle, only one thing had ever eased his pain, it wasn't this.

"At least I fought for a cause besides money and greed." His rationalizations never helped, justice it was not, nor the right thing. Frank looked at her dead in the eye, his eyes had gone from ice blue to storm grey, a color fitting his thoughts and feelings.
"I've deleted all feeling of pity or mercy." Oswin snapped. "I don't have to worry about living with regret or pain from those whom ive killed. And yes, I may have killed just for money but that's what I was raised to do and will continue to do so." She turned pink when she noticed he was staring right at her. She sighed and took another drink, keeping her eyes concentrated on him. "You've survived a war? You must be.." she walked a little closer. "Strong." The alcohal was beggining to take effect. She didnt care though. It was more fun being drunk.

In a swift motion, Sebastian took the cat and stroked its fur. He smiled, hearing the cat begin to purr.
"I thought it would have no bearing on me either, but then that boy died in my arms." Frank looked and felt ashamed," And yes, I survived four tours of duty, that's four years of combat. The strongest of us were the ones who charged ahead, unafraid to die for their fellow man, I was just one of the guys who made it home from that hellish place." Frank looked at her the way a parent might look at a child, stern, but caring," Realise though, everything will catch up to you in time, like it or not. I was younger than you when I killed my first man, and my second, and probably my hundredth..." Frank stopped," You know, I've never shared these things with anyone. I hope you don't tell the the others, I fell like enough of a monster myself, I needn't them to think it too." Frank couldn't help but think of the young Lieutenant who died that day. His heart was heavy with guilt and shame, and a sense that he should have been able to save them, all of them." One other thing, a life is not something to be taken lightly, it has great value, god gave it to us, you and I have little right to take it." Frank looked at her sadly," I hope no more guilt need fall on your soul, I have sinned greater than you, let it be my burden to bear at the day of judgement. I want happiness for you, it is far too late for me." Frank turned away, shoulders slumped, he felt and looked vulnerable.
Tabitha smiled. She thought it was nice to see Sebastian have a soft spot for something. It gave her an idea that he wasn't as cold hearted as he appeared to be before this.

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((Frank is just so... deep and... emotional, who knew? Must be that ladies are his weak point))
((Wow what a speech! Ha ha))

Oswin looked away. She shouldn't feel guilty. She mustn't feel guilty. But she felt bad for this soldier. It was a new feeling to experiance and she was uncertain what to do next. She walked over to him and put her hand on his shoulder. The crew would always do this to her to comfort her or when they we making a bet or promise. "It'll be our little secret." She said with a soft smile. "I promise not to tell. But ive already made up my mind. I will defend myself no matter what." Her voice changed to a gruff sound. "Even if I have to kill." She walked over to the shelves of books and began searching through them. "Not a good selection you all have here, eh mate?" She said, changing the subject.

Sebastian handed the cat back and went back inside to prepare the next meal.
Tabitha took the cat back and watched Sebastian go back inside. She looked at the cat. "I don't know this area too well, wanna go for a walk, cat?" She asked it. The cat just mewed in response. Tabitha walked towards the front gate of the manor. A ten minute adventure won't hurt. Since everyone was busy, she could easily go back with out anyone knowing she had left. Tabitha kept the kitten in her arms as she left the manor and explored the town. She stopped occasionally as she stared into the window displays of shops and bakeries.

((Tabby found a new friend lol))
((F* ck wanna reply, but I got a final in less than twenty minutes, reply when I finish it. Wish me luck!))
((Good luck! I have a history test and NWEA testing tomorrow and for the next couple of weeks DX ugh tests stuck ;- ;)
((@UnholyRedemption My OC is wondering about, so you can take that chance to be able to come in! I'm sure tabby can hook you up in being able to live in the manor lol))
((NWEA? is that like STAR testing? Ya know, pointless but you have to take it anyway? And besides, history? sounds like fun to me))
((lol but my history teacher makes his tests hard (not that i don't know anything, just the way he words something that a slight misunderstanding will kill you xD

i guess its like STAR, you test on reading, language, and math and it determines where your put for classes and if you need help or something))

((here is my post Unholy :>))

Tabitha took the cat back and watched Sebastian go back inside. She looked at the cat. "I don't know this area too well, wanna go for a walk, cat?" She asked it. The cat just mewed in response. Tabitha walked towards the front gate of the manor. A ten minute adventure won't hurt. Since everyone was busy, she could easily go back with out anyone knowing she had left. Tabitha kept the kitten in her arms as she left the manor and explored the town. She stopped occasionally as she stared into the window displays of shops and bakeries.

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