Black Butler: The Future Meets The Past [WILL BE DELETED, READ DES.] [Inactive]

((And if you want to know why, it's because those cars were aerodynamically inefficient, heavier and less safe than modern cars))
((true true...they need to figure out how to have the safety of modern cars but somehow style it the way they did back in the day...looks wise.

speaking of which...i think i saw a custom car...not sure what it was...might have been a toyota or honda car...but had no back seat was like a pedo van...but not a van.)) 
((I could be wrong and just don't keep up with the new cars lol))
((I remember McQueen's son took the chassis of a 2010ish mustang, and built a very accurate '67 mustang replica, very cool, wish I had it, but way too expensive)) 
((Also, not to sure about the van, got me on that))
((And now kids, that has been a lesson on what happens when Dark doesn't post)) 
((You should post everyone's last, just to be safe))
((yea, that'll be a good idea. brb)) 
Here is everyone's last post


Oswin turned, holding the sword to Franks throat. "Don't touch the gun." She warned and then realizing what she was doing and put the sword away. "I am so sorry frank! I didn't mean to....."

Sebastian stared at the cat and cleared his throat. "Do you need anything?" He asked.


"Listen girl,"Frank said, more serious than he'd ever been here." I like you, I really do, but if you pull a sword on me again, I will put you six feet under. I don't like to shoot pretty girls, but if you don't get stable... the safety of myself and those around me is more important than what I like." Franks eyes were colder than the dead of space."Please, I won't be saying this again." Frank donned a smile, and sat, relaxed as though nothing had happened," Why don't you tell me what's bothering you, I'd like to help, if possible," Frank noticed a liquor cabinet," I think I'll have a drink first." He rose and took two glasses and a bottle of scotch from the cabinet, setting them down on the table, he filled his glass and feeling she was technically too young, but had probably drank before, he left the bottle and other glass on the table, not out of reach, but he would not pour it for her. He took a sip, not bad, at least thirty years. "Now please, telling me what is irritating you, and I shall try and remedy it with you." Frank said with a smile.


Tabitha shook her head. "No, I'm fine." She said. She noticed Sebastian staring at thw cat. She smiled slightly.

"Would you like to hold it?" She asked, putting the cat in a position to where she could give it to him.


Ellyn after that had headed back into town, mainly to collect a few things before returning to the beautiful and addictive silence of the forest like area. In all honesty she much preferred it over the loud chatter of mortals. She ran a hand through her hair, the loose locks falling down to her waist in crimson red as she stepped along the leaf covered ground, the occasional crunch of the sticks and leaves on the ground marking her presence. Of course, she made it so such a thing would happen.

Soon enough, her red eyes came upon the phantomhive manor, causing her to raise a brow before nodding. "I did not believe I would end up here." She had a brief interest in the people here but they confused her. Plus, they seemed so lost within their own events that she decided not to pry. However, she ended up here and she really didn't know why.

Stood within a small area near the gardens she had noticed a small, raven furred creature mewling upon the ground and she could only quietly pause. An infant creature, otherwise known as a kitten. After she had noticed this she crouched down, threading her fingers around the creature as she took a seat on the grass. It was so small...innocent and weak that it brought a blush to her cheeks as she petted it. "So tiny..." She murmured quietly, stroking the kittens fur.
((oh...huh :o I'll play around and see if i can get that up tomorrow, i should get going anyways...tired...and attempting to draw xD I'll see you peeps tomorrow))
((I apologize, my humerous friends. I had a long, boring car ride and no wifi and now I am SUPER tired so I shall post tomorrow..... pinkie swear!))

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((So I tried looking into the OOC tab. I cannot put it on here because it was made before that tab was put up for RPs. Apparently it's automatically generated for RPs. I'm guessing this was made before they made that update so it can't have the character and OOC tabs))
((WATCH YOUR LANGUAGE YOUNG LADY! And I am, the eight inches of snow that fell last night and the colder than shit temps are keeping people away))

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((all the snow melted over here...which is weird because it's always cold over up here wth happened to the snow....but yesterday was like..50 degrees because my state is bipolar in weather xD ))

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