Black Butler: The Future Meets The Past [WILL BE DELETED, READ DES.] [Inactive]

"Hmm..."Ciel said quietly as he put his hand to his chin, thinking. "Well, I don't have much of a choice, but you can use my manor for any work that needs to be done. I'll provide anything that costs any money." Ciel said simply. "I have connections to the queen, which assigned me this well dilemma." He added in. He knew that since the two of them were staying with him, he might as well as help them, even if he wasn't too fond of the idea.
((My only one-liner, I swear))

"Tabitha, fill them in, if you would" Frank was tired of dealing with Sebastian. 
((Kinda switchin' between playstation and rp, replies might not be the fastest))
Tabitha nodded and stood up to face the two of them.

"Well, I might as well share everything. The well over there has 'The future meets the past. Those with abilities no human posses shall pass through. These people, along with those of this time, shall work together and save the world from the relic' carved into it. Now, I have my suspicions on what that relic is. I've heard of a necklace that has a gem that is believed to look like a doesn't really have a name, but it is believed a person with this could use it to destroy or make the world better. It was made of a quest to find and destroy it, but no one succeeded, as far as we know.

In the story of this relic, it is said to be located in ruins of an old castle...generally, to get through it, the "abilities" you have help you get through it. It's said to be in an area that is well hidden. It was said to be in a forest with trees that are tightly packed together." Tabitha said. "Although, that is all I know about it. It was mostly wiped out of history. " Tabitha finished, but then sighed. "Bad news is, since almost all stories were taken out, we have no idea how to locate it." She added in.

(looots of copy and paste here lol)
Sebastian stood while they talked about the well. He had no interest in it. He felt a presence and turned around. Another demon? Was it the same girl? "If you'll excuse me for a moment." He said bowing and then running off into the trees. He heard a rustle and looked up at the tree above him. He wasn't that far from the others. "Hello again." He said, staring up at Ellyn.
Ciel listened carefully. Many questions popped up in his head. How could a well like that be constructed? Why would the relic be here? But he couldn't ask them. Frank and Tabitha wouldn't know. He just stood, listening. When the explanation was done, he sighed slightly. "So troublesome....alright, well I will help you two with this, I'm sure the two of you want to go home as soon as possible." He said. The quicker they get this over with, the faster life would go back to "normal".
Ellyn hadn't noticed Sebastian, well it was more like she blocked out his existance to listen but it was impossible when he appeared at the bottom of the tree she had become comfortable with. She glanced over to him, tilting her head before she shifted, effectively slipping herself from the branch to land upon the ground, her feet landing upon the ground quietly as it took a brief moment for everything to settle and her eyes to once again land on him. "Mr.Sebastian Michaelis."She greeted.

She brushed her clothes down, finding their state more important than her current situation. Once done she had turned back to him, still keeping a small eye upon the three humans that were also there. She was quite glad knowing that the tree was shadowed so she doubt any of them would turn to see her. Then again, they always could. "I apologize for intruding. I am simply bored and you and the girl are currently a source of interest for me." Ellyn was not one to speak often, her actions were more meaningful that her cold words.
((Snuck away for a few))

Frank saw Sebastian run off, he had a bad feeling about it,

"Tabitha,"He said, very seriously," Gun, now. I don't like the looks of this" Frank held out his hand expectingly,

"I'm gonna go check this out, It's not, right, there is another presence here, similar to Sebastian's but very different at the same time." This wasn't right, Sebastian ran off, he best see to it as well.
"Oh, alright." Tabitha said as she gave him back the gun. She was glad to be rid of it. Having a gun didn't feel right to her in a way. She was always a blade person. "We'll be here." Tabitha said, looking to Ciel and back to Frank.
Frank ran into the forest, gun in one hand, knife in the other. He came upon them, he raised his gun hand, and supported it with his knife hand,

"You there!" He called, aiming for her head." Who are you, and what are you doing here? If you are an acquaintance of Sebastian's, leave now, I want to shoot him as it is, I don't want to shoot anyone else." He knew there was a connection between them, this aura that they gave off, it wasn't human. More...evil, demonic almost. 
((I'll try to sneak away again later, no guarantees though))
She paused, looking over at the male as she cocked her head. "Leave?" She asked quietly, irritation flooding through her as she glared slightly. She never liked those who tried to tell her what to do. It wasn't that she could not comply, it was that she held no respect for this male and it aggravated her with how he acted. "You smell like that girl." She added quietly as she scowled.

It took a minute before she raised a brow. "Shoot him?" She asked, turning a questioning gaze to Sebastian. Did this human not know that he was a demon? If so would he run? The questions crossed her mind as she sighed slightly. "I apologize if you wish to...shoot me but I am not here to do any harm." yet. She would always cause trouble if one pushed her enough.
"Well, I'm afraid that this is a...private matter." He added after some time." And yes, I would love to shoot him, blow his balls off most preferably. And I'm not worried about you harming me, I just don't want to waste ammunition."He looked at her, she had that aura, definitely. " Although, if you'd like a demonstration, I can kill him, if you witness that he started it of course. I'd love to kill a devil like him." He glared at Sebastian.
Tabitha and Ciel started to talk about general things. Nothing to important, more on interests and things they do all day. They needed something to pass the time. Although, Ciel was a bit quiet to Tabitha, since he did not know her well enough to strike up a large conversation with her. Although, she was the same with him, due to her shyness taking the best of her. The two of them chatted amongst themselves while they waited for Frank and Sebastian to return.
((I seem to have put them in quite the spot haven't I, either Sebastian says OK, in which case Frank shoots him, he doesn't die and his demonic state is revealed. Or he's says no, in which case Frank brands him a coward, Or he insults him, Frank takes it on as a matter of honor and challenges him to a duel. It's a lose-lose-lose situation. Sorry Dark))
(( Tabitha: Can't we all just get along? Frank and Sebastian in unison: NO! HEY! SHUT UP! and that's how the fight started))
((Seems legit xD and then Tabitha just walks away like


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((Had a perfect visualization of that, just Tabby walking away with her hands in the air while Frank and Sebby just demolish everything around them trying to kill each other))
((Omg that's perfect xD then later Frank tries to find her like some lost puppy while sebby is like "I AM BACK MY YOUNG MASTER (TO DO YOUR HAIR)"))

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