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Fandom Black Butler RP. Ciel Needed!!!


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Robyn Banks]Cool thanks! :) so when are you planning to make the thread? [/QUOTE] When I hear back from [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/23042-blackplagued/ said:
@BlackPlagued[/URL] and @AcomicSan
[QUOTE="Robyn Banks]Hey so I'm wondering if this rp is still going to get a move on

Yes, but I'm waiting until I was sure there was going to be more than just two people.
[QUOTE="Robyn Banks]Oh ok. I think if you make the thread more people will join.

Ill get started on one today.
I would love to join this RP. I sadly do not have the skills to RP as a canon character. But I have many OCs that fit for Black Butler RPs.

If you would like to take a look at them I can send toy a personal message with links to their bios.

-Michaela J. Seabrooke
[QUOTE="Yuuki Kuran]I wanna join!

I'm so glad! Youre welcome to join! Do you have any idea who you might want to be? An OC or cannon character? Either is just fine. :)
[QUOTE="Michaela Seabrooke]I would love to join this RP. I sadly do not have the skills to RP as a canon character. But I have many OCs that fit for Black Butler RPs.
If you would like to take a look at them I can send toy a personal message with links to their bios.

-Michaela J. Seabrooke

Thats fine! Youre free to play an OC. You can send me a PM with their bios. I would love to read them. I'll be playing an OC as we

[QUOTE="Robyn Banks]Quick question are you going to make the thread today since we have enough people now?

Yes. I've been working on it all morning. It will all be up later today. Sorry its taking so long, I was having computer problems but its fixed now. :)


@Yuuki Kuran

@Michaela Seabrooke

Here is a rough draft of the info. Its my first RP so I don't know what else to do really.... I'm going to make some banners and refrence pics and probably draft some more stuff. ( Locations, culture, cannon characters, idk ) I would really love it if yall would give me some feedback. And talk amongst each other! Plot and collaborate! I have a direction but millions of things can work inside it. Send me your character bio's so we can get that out of the way too.

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It is the end off a prolific era in late 18th century Victorian England. The great Industrial Revolution created a maelstrom of chaos in change in politics, science, and culture. The peoples beloved matriarch Queen Victoria receded into the framework, a figurehead of romanticism and morality was now a leader in name to the Kingdom of Great Britain. However, after the Indian Rebellion in 1857 she found herself a figurehead again as the Empress of India. Her curtesy and patience with the people of India granted her enormous praise, and although the Parliament remained cautious and critical Queen Victorian helped relieve both countries from potential intrigue and sabotage. Perhaps her greatest and most private asset was her faithful Watchdogs, the Phantomhive house.

The last remaining her of the Phantomhive name was a boy of only 13 named Ciel. Despite the enormous burden of cleaning up after an Empire and carrying out the most critical, darkest errands of the Queen Ciel remained impervious to doubt or intimidation. In fact, the young boy seemed to relish and thrive in all the blood and conspiracy. As a child he was a cheerful, humble young boy who constantly sought the affection and happiness of others. After his parents tragic death and his mysterious disappearance, he returned to reclaim his noble heritage and was shrouded in a mysterious ethereal beauty. He radiated confidence, so brightly few ever thought to recognize the tall man in his shadow.

When Ciel returned to the burned down ruins of his child hood home, and faced the burial of his Mother and Father a butler had accompanied him. He was tall, very tall, with a polite porcelain smile and an unwavering handle of manners. Sebastian Michaelis was the ideal servant of such a noble house as the Phantomhives. Few questioned how the two came to meet, and even fewer were curious why such a man would devote his every breath and fiber to the whim of an arrogant young noblemen yoked with practically criminal burdens.

The truth of their bond is far too fantastic and seductive for them to imagine.

In the last year their relationship had suffered a bizarre and designless struggle. Sebastian's telling of it is that Ciel had a traumatic accident, and as a result lost most of his memory from the last year. London had endured enormous collateral damage from an unidentifiable disaster. The queen was discovered in the River Thames, struggling to keep from downing under the weight of her mourners clothes. The accident had taken her memories of the past year as well. Terrified and guilt ridden she returned to her life as a recluse, hiding her bedroom and seeing no one but servants and giving no orders to her court or hounds. Ciel was overwhelmed with the amount of free time he had when what he needed most at this traumatic time was his routine. Sebastian did his best to schedule his lessons and tea and visitations in such a way that Ciel would not feel lost, but Sebastian could still feel an ache of emptiness inside his young master.

Furthermore, the tangle of their relationship with the Trancy household had put Ciel in the dark about his families position to the Queen and Kingdom. Ciel and Alois share a remarkably similar history, but have dealt with the trauma of their abduction in incredibly different ways. Ciel is reserved and calculation, Alois is emotional and empathetic. Ciel loathes feeling dependent on other people and interacts with the help as little as he can, but Alois lavishes his servants with affection and attention. Ciel has an appreciation for expensive finery and takes care to keep his things in pristine condition, while Alois seems to drink everything in and use it up until its all gone. When the two were in a room together their tension ignites like fireworks, yet both feel a compelling connection to the other.

Sebastian tries his best to keep Alois and his ominous butler Claude Faustus away from Ciel to prevent his young master any further grief, but English etiquette always comes first to noblemen. Sebastian is always ever mindful of keeping the Earl of Phantomhive distinguished and piquant.


England, 1885. The values of Victorian morality are saturated in the climate of the culture. The class system is elitist and all sights are on industrialism and improvement. The world in Europe changed very quickly, and the people are determined to retain their point of views on humanity despite all the discoveries. There are strict social courtesies people must abide by, especially when interacting with the opposite sex. People strictly practice sexual abstinence, at least on the surface. Any sexual or overly flirtatious behavior they engage is kept secret or shared with very few. Views on right and wrong are black and white, execution is still common, and your life relies on your reputation more than anything else. The higher you are, the harder you fall.

With the prevalence of commercialism and industrialization the people are beginning to have inner doubts about religion. The virtues prescribed by religion were named as values, a morality based conduct and behavior. Ideals were upheld as morals and values. Agnostic way of thinking emerged due to the tremendous and rapid transformation of the country’s economy, development and political situation. A facade of sobriety, sternness and piety was adopted while turning a blind eye to the many evils that were rampant. The most thought was given to what was respectable. From the aristocracy to the working class, respectability was the topmost thing on everyone’s minds. Being clean, truthful, and polite and observing the rules of conversation were very important. Philanthropy was also an example of Victorian morality.

Anyone not adhering to the morals dictated was shunned and criticized.

Recommended Reading regarding Victorian sexuality, manners, morals, and class.


1... You must submit a character, original or canonical, for approval and wait to be approved before posting. PM your Character Bio to me, and I will critique and evaluate it. Revisions might have to be made, but I am not unreasonable or inflexible. After I approve, post whatever parts of your character bio you want to in the Character thread.

2... Please try to remain relevant to the setting. It is 1885 in Victorian England. There are not cell phones, there is a strict class system, and an obsession with keeping a moral appearance. Have fun with it.

3... If you encounter a disagreement or are having an issue with another member, please don't antagonize each other or let it build into a fight. Send me a PM and I'll delegate and help you both sort it out.

4... You must be active. I don't ask that you post every single day, but you must post at least twice a week. If you think you have to be gone you must let us know so we can prepare.

5... This is a literate, detailed RP. Please spellcheck your posts, don't use script format, no caps or huge fonts. You must post at least four sentences. Don't stress about this though. Just describe the environment around the character or how they are feeling or thinking. You arent going to get booted for short posts, but if it continues to be a problem for people I'll have to do something.

6... No God Modding or Power Playing. Your character has not read other players Character Bio's. They cannot see the future or read minds. They are not infinitely powerful. I trust you to handle any combat maturely and fairly.

7... No Mary/Gary Sues/Stus. Your character must have noticeable flaws. If you give your character flaws, real human flaws, I guarantee that you will love your character more and have more fun playing them than the most perfect special snowflake unicorn princess in the world. I will call you out on this.

8... More as I see fit. ( Help??? )

Character Bios

( All of these must be filled out, even if you are applying to be a cannon character. )

Full Name:

Apparent Age:

Real Age:



Fashion: ( How do they dress? Be general. They arent going to be wearing the same thing every day. Just talk about the style. )

Distinguising Features: ( Scars, tattoos, strange body language, odd habits, funny accent, ect )

First Impression:

Breif History: ( Just the milestones in their life. Ciel's family died. He got a butler. London burned down. It fucked him up. Just the jest, you will get into your history in the story telling later. Dont waste it here. If you want your character to remain a mystery, give a short discription of where they appear to be coming from or what lie they are telling other people. Below, in brackets [[ ]] Explain their real history. It will remain private, and will not be posted in the general Character Bios. But I must have an idea how your character can fit into the grand scheme of things so I can work them into the plot better. )

Combat: ( Weapons or fighting style. You can have only two weapons! Shinigami can have only one. )

( Feel free to add anything else you wish to your bio. Pics, personality, likes, dislikes, hobbies, description. No limits. )

Sample: ( Copy a previous RP and paste it here. It doesnt need to be for this character. I just need to see how you write. Must be a paragraph. Can be a small one. )
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[QUOTE="Yuuki Kuran]I'm sorry. I cannot participate. I'm not going to put out my personal information.

Ok. Do you think I should remove that part? I mostly want to make sure there arent any children playing since it might get violent or sexy. ( But within site rules ) What would you be comfortable with? If nothing then thats ok too. Now that I think of it I see why people might not want to share those things. Oops. @_@
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Personally, I think you should remove remove that part and just make it clear that Black Butler is rated for mature people and people under eighteen probably aren't a good fit for this rp. The anime itself warns against underage viewing so...yeah.
Ah, yeah, that's a little excessive on the information. If I were you, I would just ask for timezone, schedule and age. Nobody is allowed on the site if they're below thirteen anyway. If we have to submit all that, I don't think I would feel comfortable joining either.

Also, for your rules, it's definitely a "beat a dead horse" thing but I would include the whole No Mary Sue/Gary Stu, No bunnying, no god modding thing. Also, I've found a good way to make sure people don't get ahead of others is to add a two post in between rule. People can't make a post until at least two other posts have been made after theirs.
Also, I believe there was this rule recently made about sharing other social information. You can only do it in PM or something like that. I would take all the social media jazz off ASAP.
Stamper said:
Ah, yeah, that's a little excessive on the information. If I were you, I would just ask for timezone, schedule and age. Nobody is allowed on the site if they're below thirteen anyway. If we have to submit all that, I don't think I would feel comfortable joining either.
Also, for your rules, it's definitely a "beat a dead horse" thing but I would include the whole No Mary Sue/Gary Stu, No bunnying, no god modding thing. Also, I've found a good way to make sure people don't get ahead of others is to add a two post in between rule. People can't make a post until at least two other posts have been made after theirs.
@Yuuki Kuran

I removed it. :)

I was just thinking about how I dont think I want to share all that either. lol. I was just curious to see if people wanted to join a skype group, and get an idea what time zone everyone is at. But that will come along as we talk and play.

I'll add those rules now. I might expand on them a little bit.

But can someone explain to me how I can do combat? I know there is a dice rolling thing, but idk how to go about choreographing combat from that. Is there a flip a coin thing? Just to see if you hit or miss? I don't want to do a whole d&d thing here. Thats too much. There probably wont be much fighting anyway. Should I even bother with that?

ohgosh, I thought they revised that rule. D: Glad I took it down. Now I really feel dumb.
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Milk Prince]@[URL="https://www.rpnation.com/members/yuuki-kuran.11310/ said:
Yuuki Kuran[/URL]
I removed it. :)

I was just thinking about how I dont think I want to share all that either. lol. I was just curious to see if people wanted to join a skype group, and get an idea what time zone everyone is at. But that will come along as we talk and play.

I'll add those rules now. I might expand on them a little bit.

But can someone explain to me how I can do combat? I know there is a dice rolling thing, but idk how to go about choreographing combat from that. Is there a flip a coin thing? Just to see if you hit or miss? I don't want to do a whole d&d thing here. Thats too much. There probably wont be much fighting anyway. Should I even bother with that?
Eh, If I were you, I would leave it up to the people to decide who wins in a fight or spat. Most people are pretty good with that. But if it does become a problem, then you can roll the dice. I think you can pick how many sides the dice has meaning you could just go 2 and if you get a 1 you win, get a 2 you lose thing. If that doesn't work, just roll the dice and say Odds are good, evens are bad or something like that. o:

A skype group isn't a bad idea, a few RPs I've been in before have had it and it works for getting information across quickly as well as well, meeting cool people along the way xD I didn't mean to be pushy about it but it seems the site is cracking down on said rules and that was one of the recent ones they made. I'd hate for you to get in trouble for something you may not have been aware or something. :(
Stamper said:
Eh, If I were you, I would leave it up to the people to decide who wins in a fight or spat. Most people are pretty good with that. But if it does become a problem, then you can roll the dice. I think you can pick how many sides the dice has meaning you could just go 2 and if you get a 1 you win, get a 2 you lose thing. If that doesn't work, just roll the dice and say Odds are good, evens are bad or something like that. o:
A skype group isn't a bad idea, a few RPs I've been in before have had it and it works for getting information across quickly as well as well, meeting cool people along the way xD I didn't mean to be pushy about it but it seems the site is cracking down on said rules and that was one of the recent ones they made. I'd hate for you to get in trouble for something you may not have been aware or something. :(
As long as no one gets in trouble!! LOL!

omg- I went a little crazy and downloaded waaaay too many pictures for graphics. Golly gee... ^-^;;

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