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Beyond the Pale: True Crime in Elysium (Closed) [A Metric System RPG]



An illusion of the internet
Beyond the Pale (A Metric System RPG)
Case 1: Interisolary Sequence Killercityoflightsedited.jpg

Along the ritzy beachside of Revachol the bodies of missing women keep washing up on shore. The nature of the victims makes the cases red meat for the media: all of the victims are wealthy women of a certain age, reported missing on thrill-seeking vacations. The first few were dismissed as the tragic results of a senseless new fad of the rich but when the body count reaches thirteen over the summer people become concerned. When the fourteenth body is a poor young woman from the International District people realize that there is a killer stalking the streets of Revachol, and that their circle of targets is expanding.

The fifteenth victim, the only one to make it to shore alive, will reveal just how far the detectives of the Revachol Citizen's Militia will have to search to find the killer.

  • In Le Jardin there are no houses - there are estates. Opulent Occidental homes with grand columns, the bourgeois delights of tennis courts and swimming pools, and great gardens kept immaculate by a legion of groundskeepers. Here live the corporate executives, the savvy investors, the celebrities, the politicians, the famous, the beautiful; here the air smells sweet, untainted by the smoke of coal, and the birds chirrup in the trees, uninterrupted by the urban chaos of the city. From up on Le Jardin the rich look down at the rest of East Revachol.

    The sun sets as Rufus Winehouse and Jerome Nowak make their way through the winding streets of Le Jardin to the house in question. In Jerome’s old Forty they appear to be the only representatives of the Revachol Citizen’s Militia in the district. This is not uncommon. Le Jardin employs its own private security force, men dressed in light blue collared shirts and black tactical vests to protect the premises. When something goes amiss Le Jardin prefers to handle things in house, reaching out to the RCM only when a criminal needs to be transferred into their care. The RCM doesn’t mind the arrangement - money saved here can be spent where it’s more needed. This is why it isn’t so odd that the occasional ritzy pedestrian looks at their passing car with an arched eyebrow.

    Tonight is odd in that there is no criminal to transfer.

    Our two detectives arrive at another blandly ritzy estate, this one swarmed by Le Jardin prisec, both men and cars, blocking off either side of the street in front of the home and safeguarding the strands of police tape. Beyond them the first wave of the RCM’s dispatch is visible near large square-like vans. A few RCM officers loiter around these, looking at the building. As Jerome pulls into the scene it becomes clear that the vans house some kind of protective equipment and that none of the prisec or the RCM officers are entering the house. Dispatch reported that the forensics team was in the area with assistance from the Coalition Bureau of Investigation, but it seems as if the CBI might be the one running the show.

    “Active shooter?” asks Jerome as he kills the engine. “What do you think Lt. Winehouse?”
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“Active shooter?” asks Jerome as he kills the engine. “What do you think Lt. Winehouse?”
"Firearms abuser? What makes you think so? " Rufus raised his brows, curious as to what his partner Jerome had in mind.
"I am assuming the body is contaminated by Pale, this could be both unfortunate and interesting." Rufus noticed the people around the scene were being extra cautious, the vans full of pal-rez suits substantiated his suspicion.
"Let's not make too many assumptions before we get moving." Rufus added as he got down the vehicle, stretching his back briefly as he began to ponder what his previous assumption would imply.
He figured he should quickly take some notes from the RCM officers surrounding the scene before he could proceed. He walked straight to the vans after being permitted through the police tape, questioning the first fellow RCM officer he encountered.

"Lt. Rufus Winehouse here. May I know why would the suits be required? Heard anything about what is going on inside yet?"
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  • "Just because they're ritzy doesn't mean they don't still cause trouble," says Jerome. His hand hovers over the holster of his Villiers 9mm for a moment but the scene is calm and he pulls away. Prisec and RCM are untroubled and the small group of on lookers past the police tape simply stand there tilting their heads, more curious than afraid.

  • [Encyclopedia: Challenging] Try and see if you can recall anything about Pale contamination

    [Empathy: Challenging] Watch and find out why the male officer is so terse
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  • [Encyclopedia: Challenging: Failure]: You know that being in the Pale is dangerous, and that while in the Pale one can be said to be Pale-contaminated, but that is the limit of your knowledge on the subject.

    [Empathy: Challenging: Success]: Despite his terseness you become aware that the older male officer is not cross with you but just cross in general. He doesn't look at you or Jerome so much as he stares, perplexed, at the grand house. Both earnest despair and an angry weariness are carved into the lines of his face. From the way his younger colleague moves about his silence you get the sense that, if anything, she's a little bored of it.


  • "Local prisec asked for a forensics team to pickup a corpse," says the female officer, "we came along per protocol. Then forensics team realized they were in over their heads and called in the CBI."

    "Where is our forensics team now?" asks Jerome.

    "Still inside," says the female officer, "CBI won't let them leave yet, says there's a danger of Pale contamination."
    "Pale contamination, curious indeed...and that is surely an inconvenience. " Rufus looks down as he lets out a laugh, amused but feeling sorry for the trouble the forensics team found themselves in.

    "Sir, I believe whatever inconvenience ahead of us would be resolved, RCM are in this together, do let me know if there is anything you want to add okay?" Rufus turns to the old male officer, attempting to comfort him with a subtle smile before communication.
    [Esprit de Corps:-] Asks the old officer for potential info.

    "As suspected, but the elephant in the house is...how?" Rufus leans to Jerome as he whispers.
    He wants to inspect the architecture of the house before he plans his next move. As he takes a step back to have a full view, he is once again hammered with the thought that Le Jardin's architecture is everything but an everyday view. It's an unexpected reward that he is able to admire the elegance, in the name of his job as well.
    [Conceptualization:-] Analyses architecture. Could the architecture or the geographical location of the house be able to explain the source of Pale?
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  • [Esprit de Corps: Medium: Success]: The officer sizes you up. You get the sense that he is skeptical of you but like a good soldier he respects the rank.

    "CBI said not to go in until they gave the go ahead," says the male officer. He pauses, then: "it's another one. This is number fifteen for the Revachol Sequence Killer."

    "You're jumping to conclusions," says his younger colleague, "you don't even know what's in there. You have no idea if this is RSK."

    The male officer looks to you.

    "Forensics called it in. A woman with her throat slashed, bruised and beaten like all the others. Except this one managed to make it back to land."

    "Conjecture," says the younger officer.

    "This one's trying to be a lawyer," says the male officer to you, "but she's knows I'm right. I was right about the last one too. As soon as CBI gives the go ahead we'll be able to go inside and see."

    [Conceptualization: Formidable: Fail]: Although you are familiar with a number of classic architectural styles you find yourself unable to absorb the style of this estate. Some pieces of it are in the classic Occidental style: columns, ornate windows, a bland but respectable lawn. Others only confuse you: from this vantage point you can see a curious design to the turrets and the bizarre choice in teal for the curtains and a host of other features that don't quite fit together in your eye.

    "It's quite the house," you say. No one seems to notice the comment.


  • [Esprit de Corps: Medium: Success]: The officer sizes you up. You get the sense that he is skeptical of you but like a good soldier he respects the rank.

    "CBI said not to go in until they gave the go ahead," says the male officer. He pauses, then: "it's another one. This is number fifteen for the Revachol Sequence Killer."

    "You're jumping to conclusions," says his younger colleague, "you don't even know what's in there. You have no idea if this is RSK."

    The male officer looks to you.

    "Forensics called it in. A woman with her throat slashed, bruised and beaten like all the others. Except this one managed to make it back to land."

    "Conjecture," says the younger officer.

    "This one's trying to be a lawyer," says the male officer to you, "but she's knows I'm right. I was right about the last one too. As soon as CBI gives the go ahead we'll be able to go inside and see."
    The old officer mentioned RSK, Rufus recalls some very trivial information from those cases, but nothing in-depth. Rufus nods, pleased with the willingness of the old officer to cooperate.
    "I think that's certainly plausible." Rufus seems to side with the old officer for now.

    "Funny thing is, that's not too far-fetched, Jerome."
    "How else could you explain the source of Pale. If the victim came from the seashore, this will make a lot of sense actually."Rufus mentions to his partner.

    "But still, it does raise more questions. Of all places why would the body end up in a house? Is this even the victim's house?" Rufus questions, directing to nobody in particular while he is thinking out loud.

    Rufus examins the ground within his field of vision, especially the entrance of the house to perhaps find some traces of blood if the victim was really somehow moving with their throat slashed.
    [Perception(2):-] Anything on the ground?
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  • [Passive Perception Success: Easy]: Out here on the street you don't see anything besides more cops and prisec watching the perimeter and a growing crowd of onlookers on the other side of the asphalt. The front of the house is as clean as any other front in this neighborhood. In the distance however your ears pick something up - you can hear the sound of waves against the shore. Given that you are behind the great house and a number of trees in the garden you realize that after all those winding roads you're back near the ocean again, that the shore is on the other side of the building somewhere.
East Revachol


  • Most cities have an Uptown because Uptown is less a name than it is a rank. It announces to the rest of the city: behold, here are the Ultraliberals, and here is where they conduct business. If you're interested in making big deals of either an open or occult nature, here is where you will find takers. Their architecture matches their sensibility: tall skyscrapers dominate the skyline while fashionable boutique shops in the Old Old World style dot the busy streets; older towers from the '30s, heavy on the concrete and brutalism of the time, stand like ominous monoliths as long time local eateries operate on thin margins in their shadow. In Uptown it's eat or be eaten.

    Our detectives arrive to answer a call about a shooting at the headquarters of corporation known as Mundi Medtech. Located near the heart of Uptown it's HQ is three tall towers of steel and glass, each at one point of a triangle. Their architecture is that of twisted rectangles, made to look as if they are reaching softly for the center of the triangle. The triangle itself is composed of a low structure of glass and white stone. Here at the base of the triangle the detectives can clearly see the corporations logo on the front of the building - a three-dimensional M made to look like two Ms superimposed on one another, with 'undi' and 'edtech' in flat font afterward - as well as a curious piece of corporate art made up of a large stone sphere seemingly kept aloft by a fountain of water.

    The front of the HQ, the walls and the doors all made of glass, is broken - glass is shattered everywhere and the first wave of RCM responders has established a wide perimeter with the police tape already. Even from a distance the detectives to can see that there is an unresponsive body on the floor inside in the lobby area, surrounded by RCM officers photographing the scene and placing small yellow indicators with numbers on them. There are few onlookers - after office hours this part of Uptown shuts down and the office workers head out home or to ritzy bars. Those that exist are either being herded by other RCM officers to stay behind their patrol cars or listening with amusement to a disheveled man ranting about something or another.


  • Rufus raises a brow as he notices the shore that was hiding from his vision, this could mean that the old officer's suspicion is true. At this point he already has a rough idea of his route of investigation, he is pretty sure there would somehow be an entrance between the two scenes which he will then follow.

    "Have any idea who is the owner of this house?" Rufus turns to the two officers and asks, he is fully expecting the CBI to be ready to let them in by the time their conversation ends.
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  • The shattered glass. The preaching man. The officers, trying to do their job, and likely too few gawkers to interfere. It's quite the scene. And so Nola Argall takes a few deep breaths and simply lets the impressions sink in for a moment. It rarely helps to come to premature conclusions. Especially since there's a motionless body, too. Some of those petty crimes can be solved on the fly. This, though - this is dangerous.

    "Not looking good."

    She finally breaks the silence and begins to move. Slowly, as if the slightest step forward could potentially reveal the crucial clue. Hesitant, maybe.

    "An explosion? Shots? Ruined the door, at least."

    More words, directed at her companion. The first few thoughts - maybe worth sharing, maybe not. For a moment, her eyes rest on the shattered glass.

    [Visual Calculus - 4] How are the bits of broken glass spread out, looking from afar - more of them inside, or outside? Can one tell from which direction it was destroyed?

    Well, it won't go away, same for the rest of the crime scene. Almost, at least. That preacher stands out. Maybe worth investigating; and if so, better now, before he's gone. The appearance, the written words. Diskist lies. What's that all about? Seems unhappy with the status quo, and finds an audience, more or less...

    [Encyclopedia - 3] More context for the preacher - does he fit in with some larger movement she'd know of?
East Revachol
Le Jardin

  • "Adrianna Couture," says the male officer, "she went missing a week ago."

    "More conjecture," says his younger colleague, "forensics only called in a woman and a brief description."

    "She fits the profile," says the male officer.

    From the front of the home a squad of CBI officers in pal-rez suits emerge in a quick hustle. The center of their mob consists of four pal-rez suited men carrying a steel box with the hard angles that demarcate it as one used in research or engineering. The officers before these clear the way for the box and stiff arm anyone nearby, shouting about dangerous materials and contamination, swinging their Pale detection devices haphazardly. At the end of this procession the detectives see a man in an orange and blue pal-rez suit conversing seriously with an RCM forensics tech in a clean white jumpsuit and blue gloves.

    "You'll have your chance soon enough," says the pal-rez suited CBI officer.

    "I want your word," says the RCM forensics tech, "I want your word our precinct will get the credit for this and our officers will get to see it. Say it. Say the words."

    "You have my word," says the CBI officer. It is muffled by his suit but it comes through clear enough. The RCM technician looks unsure.

    Without much further ado the CBI suits bring the steel box into the van and pile into it themselves. A few of them motion to one of the RCM patrol cars to serve as an escort and after a moment they disappear down another winding Le Jardin road.

    "Hrmm," says Jerome, "well, at least now they can't tell us we can't go in the house."

From the front of the home a squad of CBI officers in pal-rez suits emerge in a quick hustle. The center of their mob consists of four pal-rez suited men carrying a steel box with the hard angles that demarcate it as one used in research or engineering. The officers before these clear the way for the box and stiff arm anyone nearby, shouting about dangerous materials and contamination, swinging their Pale detection devices haphazardly. At the end of this procession the detectives see a man in an orange and blue pal-rez suit conversing seriously with an RCM forensics tech in a clean white jumpsuit and blue gloves.

"You'll have your chance soon enough," says the pal-rez suited CBI officer.

"I want your word," says the RCM forensics tech, "I want your word our precinct will get the credit for this and our officers will get to see it. Say it. Say the words."

"You have my word," says the CBI officer. It is muffled by his suit but it comes through clear enough. The RCM technician looks unsure.

Without much further ado the CBI suits bring the steel box into the van and pile into it themselves. A few of them motion to one of the RCM patrol cars to serve as an escort and after a moment they disappear down another winding Le Jardin road.

"Hrmm," says Jerome, "well, at least now they can't tell us we can't go in the house."

"What is it that they removed from the scene? Anything of importance besides...Pale?" Rufus approaches the RCM technician and questions right away as soon as CBI left the scene. All he could hope for currently is that CBI had work ethics in mind, but the conversation he overheard admittedly worries him.
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  • The RCM technician notes your and Jerome's dress and realizes you are the detectives called in.

    "They're saying it's two vials of enriched pale," says the RCM technician, "one of them was broken, the other one wasn't. They took 'em both to prevent any more contamination, although they said we were fine and we were standing over the things for a good twenty minutes before they showed up."

    "You're not contaminated?" asks Jerome warily.

    "No," says the tech, "not according to them. The rest of forensics is inside if you want to go look around, I'm gonna call this in to the precinct. You know how CBI is."

    [Passive Esprit de Corps Medium: Success]: There is always a little bit of friction between investigatory departments. Rivalries between RCM precincts burn fairly hot, but all of RCM is united against the CBI. The bureau has a bad reputation of swooping in when citizens claim the RCM can't hack it, and then proclaiming their victories - however meager - as unquestionable justice. It goes without saying that they get all the credit and the regular cops get none.


  • "They're saying it's two vials of enriched pale," says the RCM technician, "one of them was broken, the other one wasn't. They took 'em both to prevent any more contamination, although they said we were fine and we were standing over the things for a good twenty minutes before they showed up."

    "You're not contaminated?" asks Jerome warily.

    "No," says the tech, "not according to them. The rest of forensics is inside if you want to go look around, I'm gonna call this in to the precinct. You know how CBI is."
    [Encyclopedia:-] Try to recall if there are any practical or functional uses for Pale besides research.
    "Much appreciated, we'll proceed right away." Rufus replies.
    He then turns and salutes the two fellow officers that were conversing with them just now from afar before he steps into the building, ready to take a look at the corpse.

    [Visual Calculus:-] Rufus is expecting to see clear trail of blood if the victim was indeed moving around before they collapsed. He might be able to determine the path of movement with that.

    "LT. Rufus Winehouse here. Kindly tell me the details." Rufus proclaims as he gets close enough to the forensic team.
  • Well... here he was. At the place. The broken glass did a remarkable job of showing how fucked up the company's HQ was. Well, it's just glass, but who just breaks windows for no reason?
    But first, Barker just had to take the time to perform a lengthy stretch before walking closer to the scene. Yeah, that hits the spot. Not like that fine brandy, though.

    Now that he was ready, he casually walked over the broken glass shards to the first floor of the building. The crunching sounds were pretty nice, gotta say.
    "Hey, who are you again?" He asked the other lieutenant, who was busy inspecting the crime scene. Couldn't exactly remember their name, whoever it was, even though he'd probably seen it on a list or badge somewhere.
    ESPRIT DE CORPS [Passive Check] Surely their name should be easy to remember, right?
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East Revachol
Le Jardin

  • [Encyclopedia Challenging: Failure]: The field of Entroponetics concerns itself mostly with how to avoid the Pale in various ways. In so far as it is researched, it is researched by intrepid scientists making trips into it - the Pale dissipates in the presence of more concentrated matter, making it impossible for any real use. Or so you understand.

    [Visual Calculus Easy: Success]: Although the inside of the home is generous, you can hear the rest of the forensics team shuffling around near the back down a hallway. Once there you witness the scene: the body of a naked woman, sprawled on the white marble of the kitchen floor. While she lived she was bruised and bloody, and the red trail of her crawling is easy to see behind her. It leads to a hall, at which point the trail becomes footsteps instead of scrapes, at the end of which is an open door leading to the backyard. Nothing else is touched, no signs of any disturbance. What Adrianna Couture reached for before she died is unclear - her hand extends out to nothing but the center of the kitchen.

    The body lays on it's side. One arm reaches forward while the other remains at the hip, it's hand grasped around something that is no longer there.

    "What you see is what it is," says an RCM forensic technician, "there's more of a trail out back if you follow it. Leads in from the shore, up the grounds, into the home, and then that's it."

East Revachol

  • [Visual Calculus Medium: Failure]: You know enough to see that the glass is broken outward - from inside the HQ - but the glass has not shattered in a manner you understand. It is of some protective kind perhaps, a kind you are unfamiliar with.

    [Encyclopedia Success: Medium]: One of the common crackpot theories. Like the theory that the royal line of Revachol is being kept alive in tubes underneath the city or the existence of Isola X, belief in the Globist Conspiracy Theory usually marks someone as certifiably insane. The theory holds that, despite all evidence from high altitude weather balloons, Elysium is not actually a disk as mainstream society believes but that it is actually a globe. It only appears flat because the globe is so large, or due to the Pale, or due to the deceptions of the Amphibian Men, who secretly rule all of Elysium or something similarly nonsensical.

[Esprit de Corps: Easy: Success]: You remember Lt. Argall from back in Precinct 17 when she was a sergeant. You were surprised when you were assigned with her as the order came directly from Captain Svankmajer, and that the Lt. was being promoted for this case. Something was in the works but it seems it's been rushed.
Perfect. Their full name is... Nola Argall, right?

COMPOSURE: Maybe don't refer to them with their first name. It'll come off as unprofessional.

"Wait wait, don't tell me... Nola, right?" He says, shooting a pair of dumbass finger guns her way.

HALF LIGHT: ****ing idiot.

  • The detective's face gives away a certain bewilderment; her companion's behaviour is... unexpected. Still, there's a spark of amusement in her eyes. "Yeah... Nola." It takes a moment for her mind to return from problem-solving to conversing. "Nola Argall. Should've mentioned that, sorry. Thought you knew - and hey, you did, right?" Both hands dig deeper into her pockets.

    "Glad we get to work together."

    Or maybe not? She tries to never judge, but might have heard something...
    [Esprit the Corps - 2 (passive, maybe?)] What would she know about Lt. Barker, what do other collegues tell about him?

    Either way, back to the case. That's where she's more comfortable, anyway. "Seems like the glass was destroyed from the inside. Curious. Reminds you of something, maybe? Must've seen more than I have. No idea what did this." She points out the shards spread out all around his feet. "Think that preacher is important?" She points him out, too, as discreetly as she can, the right hand leaving its pocket for it. A look at both watches, should be in sync as always. "Think he's just babbling that the world is a ball." Not that there's any problem with that. Keeps the onlookers occupied.

    Following in Barker's footsteps means seeing the lobby, too.
    [Perception - 6] Apart from the glass and the body, are there any obvious signs of destruction?


  • "That elder is right."
    " How unfortunate......"

    "It seems like the main source of Pale contamination is the broken vial, this woman might be holding the two vials before the CBI took it."

    "Perhaps after she fell, one of the vials was broken, causing the contamination, I'll go with this order for now..." Rufus kneels down to take a closer look at the woman's hand that is reaching out.
    A.[Perception:-] He is expecting to find some tiny flakes of broken glasses near the women's hand or somewhere along when the bloody footsteps turns to bloody smudges. That is if CBI didn't take everything and he is not wrong.

    "Why would the victim have something like that?"
    "Whoever is involved with all of this...be it RSK or not, I suspect they will have some form of Pale related frontier-technologies and a certain level of expertise."

    "The method of killing is rather barbaric, judging from the bruises the victim might have struggled, but certainly not here, somewhere else......"
    Rufus follows the trail of blood to the shore while trying to see if there is anything of interest on his way, he squints his eyes as he gazes into to the horizon from the seashore, a hand on his hat as he felt the sea breeze beginning to stir up.

    "Somewhere...else..." Rufus mumbles as he realizes the case is more convoluted than he expected.
    A.[Encyclopedia:-] Recalls the basic geographical location of Le Jardin, beyond the horizon there is Pale or more landmasses nearby?

    After briefly taking notes of the points of interest, Rufus motions back into the house to take a closer look at said points in order.

    "Why the kitchen? Merely an odd decision made in a pinch?"

    "With such a grand interior, I wouldn't be surprised if there's some secret room or compartment around as well, you know...rich people usually have those." Rufus mentions to Jerome. It may sound like an out of place joke, but Rufus is considering that possibility. The fact that Adrianna Couture might be holding some extraordinary vials in her hand while she was dying made him questions many things.
    B.[Encycolpedia:-] About Adrianna Couture. Who is Adrianna Couture? Is she famous by any chance?

    B.[Perception:-] Anything particularly interesting in the kitchen? Anything on the clear marble floor? Particularly where Adrianna Couture seems to be reaching for.

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  • AUTHORITY: So... where's my handshake?
    The lieutenant puts his finger guns down.

    Barker's goofy expression slowly fades from his face as Nola expresses her gratitude for having someone to partner up with. "Great."

    As the two proceed to examine the shattered glass, he just looks around as Nola states that she has no idea what could've shattered it.
    Barker crouches down and picks up one of the bigger glass shards. "I might have some experience with breaking windows. Usually it just involves throwing a brick at them... but I don't think bricks destroy entire glass panes.

    And Exhibit B, the Preacher. Way more important than the nearby dead person. "That's just a local idiot." The idea of questioning said idiot and listening to his inane rambling didn't sound very appealing to Barker. "Not important. Just as long as he doesn't bother us."

    PHYSICAL INSTRUMENT Then, he tries snapping the glass shard he's holding in half.

East Revachol
Le Jardin

  • "This is her house right?" asks Jerome of the technicians.

    "Well she knew to find a hidden key somewhere," says an RCM technician. This one photographs the rest of the bloody trail. "She left it in the lock. We'll have to wait for the lazareth report to confirm her identity, some prints off the key, but I think this is her place."

    "And cause of death?" asks Jerome.

    "I'm no lazareth-"

    "Ballpark it for me," says Jerome.

    "Internal bleeding, blood loss, exhaustion," says the tech, "given her state it's surprising she made it this far at all."
East Revachol


  • [Esprit de Corps: Easy: Success]: Lt. Barker has been on the force for some time but has only recently moved to detective. You know that he has a reputation for being brusque and more "old-fashioned" in the way he deals with the public and as the order from Captain Svankmajer implied you are instructed to see him as an equal and not a superior. While Lt. Barker has seniority in the RCM, the rank is still the rank.

    [Percetion: Challenging: Success]: You take note of the bullet casings, of which there are a number, that the other officers are in the process of circling with chalk. There are one and a half steps of imprints in the shattered glass on the floor but they are rough. The techs might make be able to make something out of them however. Apart from that the rest of the corporate lobby area is as pristine as it is during operating hours. Where it not for the dead security guard, the scene would be quite mundane.

  • "Man stands out, that's all." A shrug - not much more to be said about the preacher. "No bricks here. Not too much at all, actually. Seems like someone fired a gun. That guard, maybe. Even then, it didn't do him much good."

    Might be as far as one can get, from here. Gotta take a closer look; before that, it can't hurt to get the others' impressions. And permission to snoop around.
    [Esprit de Corps - 2] Amongst the people swarming around - is anyone in sight clearly in charge?


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