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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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  • As the young brunette teenager informed the group that she may know someone who could help them clear their names, Famous Pierre's smile widen.

    "Oh! You're talking about the detective girl!" Pierre assumed that this was the person the teen was talking about.

    "Uh, who?" Holly asked with the enthusiasm of child in a library.

    "Oh she was someone we met in Argentina," Pierre began to weave a tale of Danger 5's exploits in Argentina in such a charismatic manner that almost all in the Aces O Clubs stopped what they were doing and listened to Famous Pierre's tale

    Ilsa quickly realized that this was indeed her moment to strike. Ilsa quickly made haste to spike their sundaes with the drug orange. However her loyalty to her friends and her loyalty to the Motherland conflicted with each other and caused her to hesitate.

    "My Friend!" Pierre paused his tale to snatch the drug orange from the Russian's hand, "You got the orange I needed to make that Perfect Sunshine Orange Overdrive you ordered!"

    <"Wait!"> Ilsa tried to warn Pierre of the dangers of the dreaded drug orange only for it to fall on deaf ears.

    Pierre without missing a beat offered a finished cocktail to his volatile friend, "Here, my friend! Drink and be merry!"

    Ilsa, not willing to back away from any alcohol, quickly downed the drink and almost instantly felt lightheaded and groggy. She felt a burning sensation on her chest. The Russian pulled her shirt collar away to get a good look at what was on her chest.
    Danger 5 Orange.gif
    Ilsa shook her head in an attempt to snap herself out of the trance. The volatile Russian locked eyes with Jackson and gave the confused American a flirtatious wave.
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  • 576123 With his desperately needed break from the mess he got dragged into now over, Kiryu paid the bartender the amount for the drink he's paid for and stepped out back onto the streets as he made his way towards the airport.

    I hope this time I don't get some message to duke it out on a foreign country,or be chased by some massive thug apparently hired to kill me for some reason....having thugs start a fight with me every thirty minutes of walking around in Kamurocho is more than enough to annoy me.

    Kiryu thought to himself as he lighted a cigarette during his stroll to the airport.

    AbominableTouma AbominableTouma
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  • FAVwPciJZph89gZe4Xgyn8fD4OTStrGByAh0vAR8TCoRsDfwo-WGlw8OsCk9APk9iQqQtFI6uK2EErvpgzeoZ2hYnTBwS6M-u7b9czVd8Pqx--aB2WiYiocmMTjmeFzF5Wum8tpe

    SpaceRavens03 SpaceRavens03

    Shuya sighed still annoyed about what happened earlier with Spider-Man. He had a small bag of groceries he was tasked with purchasing for the Midori-ya Cafe. He had his head down just barely paying attention to where he was walking.

    “You know, you should probably keep your eyes forward.” Shifter lectured him.

    ‘Uh huh…’ He thought back absent mindedly. And as if to prove shifter right. He felt himself bumping into somebody.

    “Sorry about… that?” Shuya trailed off as he looked at who he bumped into. Kazama Kiryu. The Dragon of Dojima.

    ‘Oh… crap….’ He thought as his skin went pale.

    “I told you so…” Shifter said.

  • 576505 His lighter nearly dropping on the floor as the result of another man bumping into him,Kiryu sighed and simply looked at the person on front of him.

    “Try to look out for what's ahead of you next time. I don't think the punks in Kamurocho would let this slip by if you bumped into them.”

    Kiryu firmly told Shuya before walking pass the latter. He didn't look like he bumped into the Dragon of Dojima on purpose,so there's no reason for him to be on his guard in case it was another thug coming to pick a fight.

    AbominableTouma AbominableTouma
  • 762e9d121728e4c19040f0137dc33ba1.jpg
    Shirou's expression hardened while his shoulders stiffened. It took him a second to reply, but he nodded once. "Yes." His fists clenched around nonexistent swords in his hands, grasping at air.

    The Holy Grail War... a conflict between seven Masters and seven Servants, where Shirou was one of the last remaining participants.

    He hated to admit this, but a small part of him missed his hometown - his house, even. Sure, he could be a hero here, but he left behind lots of memories there. Who would cook for Taiga, or fix the motorcycles of her 'friends?' He couldn't even begin to imagine what Sakura must have been going through... hell, he wouldn't even mind seeing Shinji right now. He'd have to ask Rin later if time was passing in both worlds at once or if the Second Magic would allow them to return to any point in time they wanted.

    He hadn't cooked - hell, even cleaned - once since coming here, nor did he get to practice his archery. The two were useful mental exercises for calming himself down. One could assert that Emiya Shirou was addicted to the act of cooking and cleaning and not be entirely wrong. It was unnerving for him, to think just how long he hadn't done either.

    "Tohsaka," he said, turning to Rin. "Since we already have books, maybe it'd be best if we find a place of residence, next? Like a motel or something."

    He left it unspoken that he wished they could get one where the staff didn't cook meals for you, or at least one where they would let him work in the kitchen.
Verite Verite AbominableTouma AbominableTouma Gundam Watcher 27 Gundam Watcher 27

  • --Layton Mystery Agency--
    Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts

    "Well, what a surprise!" Katrielle feigned surprise as she dug for a letter from an Inspector from the Scotland Yard, showing it to the officer, "So are we!" She then tipped her small yellow tophat. "I'm Katrielle Layton from the Layton Detective Agency. Inspector Hastings of the Scotland Yard asked us to help out with the investigation." She said, hoping it'll appease to the officer to give them entry. After all, the Scotland Yard is also actively helping the US Government in catching the Danger 5. They're here for answers after all.
Kanna Kamui
Vale City, Valpan

-For Love nor Money-

Kanna looked at the newcomer in awe, but then their conversation got interrupted by two attacking beowolves...which they seemed to act differently unlike the others. It may seem these beowolves are enhanced somewhat and Kanna could not help but cling herself close to Kobayashi. This is getting a bit ugly.

marc122 marc122 Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
Rin Tohsaka - New Gotham

"Oh, I'm so glad that the other me thinks you're a pain too, you little--!" Rin began to scream at the magical stick, shaking it intently, until Shirou miraculously managed to calm her down with just his words, pointing out that it wouldn't be prudent to do something so drastic... at least, in the library, if nothing else. Sighing in resignation, the girl reluctantly let go of the Kaleidostick and looked away, holding one arm in the other, pouting slightly like a downcast kitten or a child.

"S-She started it..." Rin only mumbled.

With that, she let Shirou continue his exchange with "Illya," the girl that stood before them that wasn't quite the Illya they were more familiar with, for better or for worse, speaking of the Holy Grail War that they had all miraculously survived in the end, or at least most did. Unlike Shirou, she didn't have such deep thoughts in her mind as she remembered the old days. Looking back, it was actually almost... funny. Rin had spent her whole childhood preparing and conditioning herself for the Holy Grail War, like it was her life's purpose and that it was something worth dying for even if it amounted to nothing, or so her parents had also believed. But now here she was, having lived past the War but lost it, and left to find a new purpose for herself instead. Not to sound cold, but aside from Shirou, Sakura, and perhaps Mitsuzuri, Rin admittedly didn't have much attachment to Fuyuki. If anything, she was eager in a way to leave, maybe head for the Clock Tower to study on the rest of what she ought to know as a budding adult.

Maybe ask El-Melloi II about the applications of the Second Magic and how it related to the Holy Grail, if there was any relation, but that was a different story.

When the young man made the next suggestion on where to go from here, some sort of lodging, Rin pursed her lips. "Hm, I suppose if we're gonna be here for a while, it'd be a good idea. How would we able to pay them though? I didn't quite remember to bring along any spare yen, for what that's even worth here, and I don't think they'd even accept my jewels if it came to that," she started, massaging her temple with her index finger for a moment, before blinking pleasantly and proceeding to speak as though she read Shirou's mind. "Maybe we can find a place where yo--I mean, we can work in exchange for rooms."


"You were thinking of multiple rooms, right? Don't get any funny ideas, Emiya."

Birdsie Birdsie Gundam Watcher 27 Gundam Watcher 27 AbominableTouma AbominableTouma

  • Danger 5 season 2.jpg
    Thepotatogod Thepotatogod

    "Then you guys better come with me," called another heavyset police officer, he wore a blue uniform and wore sunglasses in spite of the time of day it was out.

    The police officer led the group into the Multiversity itself, "You better have barf bags ready... 'cause it ain't pretty inside."

    Within the once lively halls of the Multiversity were several mutilated bodies of jocks with missing limbs.

    "There's just so many we didn't have time to put them in body bags," the police officer explained, "And to think Danger 5 were the good guys... Now they're keeping pieces of Jocks as trophies! Those Sickos!"

    Alone in a dimly lit locker room was FBI Agent Mengele, who held a rolled up and damaged poster to his side. A soft hissing sound came from the Agent's coat and invoked him to open his coat.

    Danger 5 Mister Pedro.gif
    "Adolf Hitler deserves to die, Megele!" the reptilian being that was growing from the heavyset man's abdomen whispered to Mengele, "We must proceed as planned! Hitler's reign as Leader of the Third Reich must end!"

    "Now milk me with your supple hands!" the reptilian being ordered the nervous Mengele.

    "Yes, Mr. Pedro," Mengele obliged as he grabbed Mr. Pedro's tail to extract a green pill.

    Mengele was startled by the very familiar voice of Adolf Hitler and quickly hid Mr. Pedro's existence with his coat but in his haste dropped the rolled up poster.

    <"Mengele!"> the disguised Hitler called for his fellow conspirator, Josef Mengele. The Notorious Dictator picked up the poster and was shocked at what it was.

    <"What is this?"> Hitler presented Mengele what the poster was, a crudely repaired mugshot of the dearly departed Claire.

    "I'm putting her back together!" Mengele quickly answered with a motive for his strange behavior.

    <"The skirt is dead Mengele,"> Hitler callously tossed the poster away.

    "You know I wanted Claire alive!" Mengele passionately declared, "I loved her... So much."

    <"Her fruits were rotten,"> Hitler explained to the weeping Mengele the reason why he fell out of love for Claire, <"Her death was ripe.">

    Mengele glared angrily at Hitler's disregard for the woman that they both were infatuated with.

    <"Question time is over. Make me more pills,"> Hitler pulled out a soda can that was about to burst from the pressure built up inside and fired a seemingly endless stream at Mengele.

    "Stop!" Mengele tried to reason with the already chuckling Hitler but to no avail, "The power stream!"

    Ilsa quickly grabbed Jackson and led him into a Unisex Bathroom.

    "Well that just leaves me and you guys," Famous Pierre smiled brightly at the Teenager, the Squids and the Red-Headed Merchant, "So tell me were will we meet with the detective girl!"

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  • 578088 Jackie had no words left to give. He only had bitterness The conversation thus-far wasn't polite, but it had a certain playfulness to it. Giorno's disregard for his elder had changed that and it was clear that made him very upset.
    The elbow attack hurt Estacado's ego, but it didn't necessarily damage him. He responded with a swift punch to his opponent's stomach into a pile of his wriggling, demonic serpents, intent on biting the colorful adversary.

    Haz. Haz.

  • ☽ Jeanne ☽
    Vale City, Valpan

    Jeanne opened her mouth to respond, most likely going to comment on the tone of voice this woman gave her when saying the shortened version of her name. However, before she could say anything, her gaze slipped over the seemingly average looking brown bag this stranger had in her hand. A trenchcoat and fedora, attire that commonly worn by people trying to hide, and a suspiciously normal looking bag. Something clicked in her brain, and immediately a ferocious scowl was slashed across the witch's face. Grabbing this woman's arm with more strength than she appeared to be capable of, she dragged her over to a more secluded part of the train station. The witch pressed her hand against the red-coated stranger's chest, slightly pinning her to the wall and snarling, "Really now? A trenchcoat? A suspiciously normal looking bag? Something is telling me you've got something to hide, and I want answers, bitch!"


    Ferociousfeind Ferociousfeind


Atoria still couldn't believe it's been several months since she came to this odd reality, where this Video game called Gunpla Battle Nexus was popular throughout the planet. When she first came here, she knew nothing, but over time, she learned the ways of GBN, and Built her own Gunpla to use in the game. Today she was going to GBN to hang out with Emiya, or Amuro Ray as he is called in the Game.

After putting on her VR headset and the Gunpla on the scanner, her vision and senses stopped working for a brief moment, before she found herself falling through a warp gate. Her Avatar uniform appeared on her body, which was quite odd to some people, before she found herself I the cockpit of her personal Gundam, the Extreme Exia.

"Alrighty Exia, let's go see what will happen today!" However, the Vortex started glitching, and colors changing from blue and white to Black and Red. There was some turbulence before the Vortex opened, Exia appearing above a red desert of some kind. Atoria looked around inside the cockpit at the area, not the place she was hoping to land in. The Vortex wasn't acting normal either. "What in the world happened?" She asked herself, before a red dot appeared on her scanner. The dot was a blinking red point, indicating an potential hostile machine or something..... But what was it?

(Open for interaction. Current Location: Mars)
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--Minako Arisato--
Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts Ferociousfeind Ferociousfeind

"I haven't had the chance to contact her yet, but I'm sure she's getting curious about why we suddenly went missing." Minako told Pierre upon asking how they would contact her boss, Detective Katrielle Layton. She then turned to the merchant. "Can I borrow your pen for a minute? I sorta left mine at the Multiversity." She asked, hoping that she could use a pen to write down Katri's current contact information.

--Katrielle Layton & Co.--
Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts

Once the interior halls of the Multiversity was entered, the Detective Trio's eyes widened to the sight of the slaughter. True to the blue suited cop's word, they would've needed a barf bag...For Ernest, that is. The others simply let out a distressed gulp, taking in what had just happened and what they're supposedly dealing with. According to the cop present, the Danger 5 was behind it all, even going as far as to claim that they're probably keeping parts of the various victims' bodies as trophies or something just as gruesome.

'Talk about overkill...' Sherl gulped, clearing disgusted. 'The stench's all over the place...They must be dead as dirt, huh.'

"Tell me about it..." Ernest muttered as he adjusted his colar, managing to hold in the vomit induced by the bodies. "Just looking at all this is making my stomach hurt..." He admitted with a pained sigh, knowing that they'll most likely have to examine them at some point.

"So...What's the progress on the investigation?" Katrielle turned her attention to the blue clad cop, "Did they find a motive on why they did this?" She asked, taking out her notepad and pen to be used on gathering information. At this point, they must've found something if they were to incriminate the Danger 5 with a crime that they'll be declared enemy of the state.

  • Within moments, this scarlet-clad acquaintance proved herself to be quite the adversary, not to be crossed. Within moments, Carmen found herself pressed against the wall of a more secluded section of the train station, pinned there by "Jay". However, the scarlet devil's mind doesn't pause for a second, (aside from the few moments it does,) and she responds quickly, "I was trying to return a painting to a museum, but I had no idea where to start. And so now here the both of us are..."
    FoolsErin FoolsErin

  • ☽ Jeanne ☽
    Vale City, Valpan

    Jeanne narrowed her eyes and considered the excuse this woman had told her. "Really? When being confronted about it, you're conveniently 'returning' it? Nice try, but you're going to have to try harder than that." She hissed, glaring at the object in question. The witch bared her teeth and leaned in towards the stranger so her face was just inches from hers. "Listen up here, motherfucker. I am Jeanne, one of the last two Umbra Witches remaining alive, and I have no intent in aligning myself with the interests of a FUCKING THIEF!" The final two words of her last sentence sent a small spray of spittle onto this woman's face, but Jeanne didn't appear to care.


    Ferociousfeind Ferociousfeind


  • Guardians_of_the_Galaxy_Logo.png
    Table Table Thepotatogod Thepotatogod

    "A bunch of fighter ships against the best pilot in the whole bleedin' galaxy?" Rocket's lips curled into a smile, "Oh, they are so screwed."

    With the opportunity of showing-off his piloting skills presented in front of him, Rocket took full control of the Milano and strafed the ship away from the fighter ships' incoming fire.

    The Milano blitzed pass the ships as they continued to fire at the Guardians' ship. The Fighter ships were then shot down by their own weapons.

    Rocket looked at the ship's monitor to witness the enemy fighters exploding, "I told yah, Quill... I was made for this."

    A very dazed Star-Lord crawled back to his command chair and muttered, "I think I'm going to throw up..."

    "Not on my ship!" Rocket scolded his fellow Guardian before tossing a paper bag at him.

  • 579856 Watching as the old man rambled on,marching off about "Buddy Rogers"...or whatever he had just said,Kiryu was torn between asking the elderly if he needs any help looking for this "Buddy",or simply just leave the old man be and just resume the walk back to the airport.

    .......That......was at least much more tolerable than any other events that has happened to me the past few hours. Still,young and...."hip"? What is that supposed to mean anyway? Did "hip" just evolved into a different word?

    Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts AbominableTouma AbominableTouma

  • X would pull up the main camera, and zoomed in to the MS approaching her Exia. She recognized what Gundam that was, the Wing Zero, but who was piloting it was a mystery. She however understood that the Wing Zero must be interested in a fight when it activated a beam saber.

    'Of course! This must be just a new area in GBN! That would explain the red and black portal.... Meaning this will be the first time fighting here.' X thought. She then brought up the communication link to speak with whoever was driving it, but left it on voice only so no one would recognize her as 'The King of Knights', a title she obtained from the diver faction AVALON due to her leadership skills in a faction war a couple weeks back.

    "Alrighty, Wing Zero user, let's see what you got!" X said as the Exia drew one GN Sword from it's waist, ready to battle the opponent, not knowing this wasn't the in game friendly competition she thought it was.

SpaceRavens03 SpaceRavens03
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  • 580187 “She knows about Zero...?”

    “So what do you think this would mean then?”

    “That she either will be eliminated or that she'll have questions to answer.”

    Zero's wings flapped forward,thrusting it swiftly towards the unknown Gundam. Bumping into a hostile MS is one thing,but an enemy who knows about Zero and also pilots a Gundam? This does not look good at all.
    Gundam Watcher 27 Gundam Watcher 27

  • --Akira Kurusu--
    Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts

    Akira's eyes shot open as soon as Igor finished his spiel--a vague warning of what would be a cataclysmic event that'll most likely force the gang out of the shadows...It's the Yaldabaoth thing all over again, isn't it? Getting up, he found himself being restrained by the weight of the local cat, Morgana, sleeping on his chest. As such, he then reached out to the side of the bed to retrieve his phone, looking at the time as well as the group chat in case anyone messaged him...Such is a daily routine.

    --Ruby Rose || Penny Polendina--
    Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts Topless Topless marc122 marc122

    "For the record, he could've received a distress message from my program." Sento spoke up from the speakers of their phones and scrolls, then noticing the lack of one from the other Spider-Man that was, in a literal sense, black. The black Spider-Man saluted and told them that he was just in the area when he coincidentally encountered them.

    "You just saved our butts, so thanks!" Ruby told the black Spider-Man, thanking him for his arrival.

    Meanwhile, the Beowolves that were tied up began to essentially go crazy; snarling and growling until all of a sudden, they went limp, unconscious, not turning to ash like the rest. Something fishy's going on with those two particular Beowolves, that's for sure...


  • “Onii-chan!” the young girl screamed, “Where is my Onii-chan! Help me!!”

    The towering, purple figure loomed overhead. “[You speak in the tongue of dogs, girl. You have no use for honorifics.]” His blue bioluminescence lit the dim, cold room. His presence almost sucked any warmth from the room, like a dehumidifier with water. It was hard to believe that this beast was a well-dressed man of fifty a few minutes prior. “[Especially when you have no honor.]"

    “Big Brother! Ms. Nanoha! Anyone! Help!” the young girl screamed as she ran out of the room. She was alone with no one to help her as the monster pursued her.

    [Unlike your brother, I am with honor. I will make this swift.]” He violently gripped her head, holding onto it like a rotten tomato that he was ready to throw at the stage of life. “[These are values your family does not hold in high regard, I can tell.]

    This is crazy, right? AbominableTouma AbominableTouma
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[class=Img] pointer-events:none; [/class] [div class="Img Head"]
[/div]GIOGIO's Bizarre Adventure

As soon as Jackie's fist made contact with Giorno's side, the boy's knees began to rapidly give in. His legs buckled as he struggled to regain his breath, raising Gold Experience's arms to shield himself from further harm. And yet, it was a flimsy defense;
I won't be able to take another hit. The gangster grimaced, swatting away the flesh-eating serpents with a quick flurry of punches, Direct combat is out of the question. I'm outmatched in striking power and durability.
Opting instead for an alternative method, the boy threw one of his brooches sky-high, imbuing it with Gold Experience's life energy and transmuting it into a trumpet vine which coiled around the ceiling panels and hung down like a rope. The mobster would attempt to scale the plant to gain a height advantage over Jackie, albeit with no sense of speed or urgency due to his still injured liver.

Crenando Crenando (Jackie)
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  • Danger 5 season 2.jpg
    Thepotatogod Thepotatogod

    "Danger 5 are commie fanatics!" declared a rather angry suited man, "And before you rookies ask, we're the FBI and we know these things!"

    Before the detectives could even reply the FBI Agent left the scene as sudden as he appeared.

    Later, Katrielle's cellphone rang to alert her of a call from a rather famous phone number.

    Pierre was already on his cellphone speaking with the Detective Girl's group, much to the surprise of those in front of the Famous man.

    "Okay, I just got off the phone with that Detective Girl's friend," Famous Pierre informed the group with his equally famous smile, "the Metropolis City Multiversity entrance is just an hour drive from here depending on the traffic and she could help us clear our names and take down Hitler! This is the best birthday ever!"


  • 580650 -----------------------------------------------
    Help the man find "Buddy Rogers"?

    >Yes< No

    I don't think this will be easy for him. Plus if he also does the "You're not Buddy Rogers" to other people,there's no telling how bad things would go if he so happened to tell a thug that.

    Approaching the old man who was now muttering grumpily about the whereabouts of "Buddy Rogers",Kiryu called out to the man from behind as polite as he could in case as to not offend the elderly.


    The old man yelped and swung his fist wildly at whoever was behind him. Fortunately the Dragon of Dojima had simply ducked in response,though judging by the strength of that would've-been-blow and the yellow aura surrounding his fist,it's quite undeniable that the old man could've actually punched a normal thug across a room.

    Seems like as always,anyone who's in Kamurocho has the mysterious ability to awaken the superhuman within them.

    “Sir,calm down,I just want to let you know I wish to help you search for this "Buddy Rogers".”

    Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts

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