• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

  • Danger 5 season 2.jpg
    Bixir Bixir SpaceRavens03 SpaceRavens03 Thepotatogod Thepotatogod

    "We work for Carlos Mendez..." Hitman explained as he pulled out a pistol and aimed it at the heroes, "And now that you know..." however instead of shooting them, the Hitman turned the gun to himself and fired. The Other hitmen killed themselves as well.

    Suddenly a News report aired on a nearby television set about the Chestbridge Killings...


    Danger 5 My Sacrifice.png

    "Colonel Chestbridge the commanding officer of World War II super-team, Danger 5, has been added to the permanent collection of the London National History Museum..." a newswoman reported on the current state of Chestbridge's body.

    Pierre ate popcorn as he and McKenzie stood in disgust at the assassination of the Colonel.

    A rugged looking slob of a man walked over to the two Jedi Warriors, "Hey, can you tell me if this is a good motion picture?"
    Danger 5 Good to See You.png

    Jackson gave Pierre a sly wink, while he held the VHS tape in his hand.

    Pierre chuckled at Jackson's use of Home Video code, "Yes it is, my friend..." Pierre grabbed a nearby VHS and presented to his friend, "And you will also love the sequel."

    Danger 5 Good to See You 2.png

    Tucker and Claire walked into the scene with the Squids in tow ( Ferociousfeind Ferociousfeind )

    Tucker fumbled about with a stack of VHS tapes, "Ultimatum, No Man's Land, Secret Invasion, Night of the Owls..." Tucker listed the array of Home Videos with distress in his voice. The Aussie turned to his wife's aid, "Claire! I can't find a movie with a title that says what I want to say!"

    Pierre tried to calm the Aussie down, "Be cool, my friend!"

    "But I want to use home video code too, Pierre!" Tucker aggressively insisted.

    This act of hostility prompted McKenzie to grab the Aussie by the collar and shout, <"Keep your voice down, Ginger man!">

    Pierre was quick to pull McKenzie off of Tucker. The Famous Pierre quickly apologized for McKenzie's actions, "I'm sorry, Tucker... ever since Luke died, McKenzie has gotten very hot-headed."

    Pierre then offered his bucket of popcorn over to the lion man, "McKenzie... have some movie corn."

    McKenzie readily accepted the offering.

    Jackson looked over his shoulder and over the VHS racks, "Hey... Where's Ilsa? She didn't come here with you? She isn't here..." Panic became more evident in his voice, "Where the hell is she!!?"

    "Well, if she was where she would have showed us this," Claire presented a VHS tape of her own to the gang.
    Danger 5 Hi Guys, it's me, Ilsa.png

    The Group including Jackson came to the same conclusion.

    "--As two key suspects have emerged in the Chestbridge Killings..." The news caught the attention of the group.

    Danger 5 Suspect Number 1.png

    "--Nazi War Criminal, Otto Skorzeny, and an Unknown accomplice..."

    "Otto Skorzeny! I saw that piece of fish get eaten up by a Dianoga... He should be dead," Pierre was astonished by how the Nazi War Criminal managed to survive not only getting devoured by a Trash Compactor Monster but also the Dog Star's destruction.

    "Yeah but apparently Dianoga stomachs are roomier than you think and he's hiding out in Argentina..." Jackson explained, who was suddenly an expert on Trash Compactor Monster thanks to his time on MPD, "Word is that he's still using the real Carlos Mendez' identity..." Jackson's own issues began to rear their ugly heads, "The Police Department don't give a damn! They Shoved so much red tape up my ass, Man!"

    Pierre looked rather disgusted by Jackson's description of his issues with the police department.

    "Maybe that Gun-Nut killed Ilsa too..." Tucker theorized the possible fate of their teammate.

    "Ilsa can't die!" Jackson stomped his foot in a show of defiance before he shifted gears back to the topic, "Carlos killed the Colonel; Carlos has to pay!"

    "You said it, Jackson," Claire was ready to avenge the death of their commanding officer, "Just like the good old days..."

    "McKenzie book us seven tickets to Buenos Aires," Pierre requested his fellow Jedi turned Butler on their quest for vengeance.

    "No, we can't go to Argentina!" Tucker surprised all in the room with his refusal.

    Danger 5 Honeymoon to Bali.png

    "I already booked our Honeymoon to Bali."​
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  • Spider-Venom213 Spider-Venom213
    The stranger's mind drifted to other things as they started off down the street. As he suspected, this part of Gotham was a ghost town, even at this hour. That suited him just fine. There wouldn't be any other unexpected surprises.

    "Is that what you think? You consider yourself a metal hunter?" He cocked his head ever slightly at Zero, studying him beneath his helmet. "And what do you make of me?"
(Sorry about a late reply I was gone for the holidays.) "I think of you as a modern day knight I guess? let me guess you ain't from here because you certainly look out of place." Zero replied

  • Danger 5 season 2.jpg

    Danger 5 Buenos Aires, Agentina.png

    In a luxury yacht off the shores of sunny Buenos Aires, was the infamous Escaped Nazi War, Otto Skorzeny A.K.A. Carlos Mendez! The Villainous Nazi was in the middle of a intimate moment with his 'Side Salad' before he was interrupted by his superior...

    <"Carlos!"> called out the voice of the Führer, Adolf Hitler, <"They took the bait!">

    Carlos halted his intimacy with his girl to respond to his Fuhrer, <"The Prawns never fail me, my Führer!">

    <"Put your pants on and get me a lemonade!"> the Hat wearing Hitler demanded, <"We have work to do!"> and with that Hitler exited the room with Carlos following him, after pulling up his pants.

    Danger 5 Ilsa Reveal.gif

    Within the mirror, Ilsa's reflection shook her head out of disapproval, <"I'm so disappointed in you.">

    <"Shut up, conscience, I don't need you,"> Ilsa scoffed at her reflection before she used a rolled up dollar bill to absorb her own conscience into herself. Victorious over her own conscience, Ilsa let out a morally ambiguous chuckle.
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  • ---------------------------------------------------------
    Main Objective:
    Confront Jo Amon
    -He better not be going after Haruka and the kids at the orphanage...
    Current Objective:
    Take Down The Hitmen

    Carlos Mendez?

    Noticing the gun pointed towards them,Kiryu remained quiet as he kept an eye at the man's trigger. Much to his surprise however,the hitman,along with his colleagues,had shot themselves instead. This was eerily like when he tried interrogating a Jingweon Mafia member...the only difference being that these men here had actually told him and other 2 the man behind this assault. Perhaps they killed themselves as an act of erasing their own lives for their failures?

    “What is on that wolf-man's mind that lead to this...?”

    "Colonel Chestbridge the commanding officer of World War II super-team, Danger 5, has been added to the permanent collection of the London National History Museum..."

    A nearby television's news headline had caught his attention. Colonel Chestbridge. Dead?

    “This situation is getting messier by the minute.....”

    Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Bixir Bixir
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  • --ZERO--
    "Well what else are you?" Zero checked to see if he got any transmissions from base, still none. He sighs, "Also why get in my way..you know Mavericks are a very serious deal!" Bixir Bixir
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--Lady Layton's Mystery Detective Agency & The Dangerous Files--
Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts

As the two continued their discussion, Minako became a bit bored waiting for the detective and decided to explore for a bit. As she does so, she happened upon an old timey radio and examined it for a bit. Not so surprisingly, there wasn't a speck of dust as she ran her fingers upon the too of the radio.

"Ernest-kun, you're really good at keeping things tidy, aren't you?" Minako complimented Ernest's skills as she took hold of the radio and fiddled with the dials.

"Ah ha ha, well, I'm not much of a genius like Miss Katri, so it's the least I can do." Ernest replied bashfully, scratching his cheek as static began to emerge from the radio, the noise clearing up then reverting to static bit by bit until suddenly...

"--The London National History Museum, in regards to the sad news of the passing of the veteran War Hero Team Danger 5's Commanding Officer Colonel Colonel Chestbridge, has taken in the body of the deceased Colonel and preserved it as a permanent addition to the collection." The news of the Colonel's passing shocked Minako gravely. She had just met the bird headed Colonel(who was coincidentally named Colonel) during her trip to Mars where she and Sumireko crashed a nazi spaceship and saved the Danger 5 from being attacked. She received a military award that day, even with such a small and embarrassing contribution. She'd prefer being rewarded for actually fighting, but it's only fair that she didn't, considering that she didn't know if she could summon it yet.

"The Colonel died, huh..." Ernest said, sighing in sadness. "Maybe we should go visit him some time with Miss Katri."

Sherl merely barked it's bark bark at Ernest's sentence. Just then...

"The investigation continues as two key suspects emerged from the Chestbridge Killings, Nazi War Criminal Otto Skorzeny and an unknown accomplice. The Scotland Yard has been focusing their efforts on locating these suspects in order to bring them to justice. Now for the weather..."

The Dog barked at Sherl, as if speaking to hin.

"Yes, it really is a big deal, isn't it?" Ernest replied with a nod.


"I'm back!" A young woman called out as she kicked opened the door. She appeared to be petit in stature, but about Minako's height off a few inches. She had long, curly brown hair and clad in a yellow hairband with a small top hat attached to it much like the logo outside of the shop. She's currently wearing a yellow coat over a red dress and black, casual looking heels. Judging by who Ernest was expecting, she must be Detective Layton. She was carrying two grocery bags with some candy on it judging by the several wrappers poking out of it. Also bread. Lots of it. "Oh, hello there! Welcome to the detective agency!" She greeted her potential client as she set the grocery bags on her somewhat messy desk. "Sorry if I took so long, I'm already involved with a rather big case already at the moment, I'll see if I could do it."

The dog then barked angrily at the woman, who seemed to be agitated by what she said.

"Well, I was suddenly asked to help, that's why I took so long!" Layton chuckled as she took off her coat and hairband-tophat onto the coatrack and took out a small red notebook.

"Is it about the Chestbridge Killings?" Minako asked, walking back to the couch and plopped herself on it once more, "I mean, that's where most of the best sweets shops here, right?"

"Woah, I'm impressed! I didn't even talk about it yet!" The Detective said in awe as she set herself down in the chair adjacent to the couch, grabbing a tea cup, taking a sip before setting it down and twrirling her pen to prepare herself to take down some notes. "So, what happened to you, miss...?"

"My name is Minako Arisato, although I'm not here to ask for your help." Minako shook her head as she took out the flier she found, searching for assistants. "I'm here to apply to become your assistant."

"Oh?" The Detective raised a brow, taking the flier. "Oh, right! I did put this up, but I already have Ernest but..." she rubbed her chin as she took the flier, glancing at Ernest as she flapled it about, "Yeah, I think can make this work." She smiled at Minako who became delighted at the statment.

"Really?!" Minako stood up in shock.

"Yep!" Detective Layton stood up and stretched her hand, "Welcome aboard, Minako!" The two walked over to the side of the tea table to shake hands, only for the Detective to swiftly miss Minako's hand and took out the gun holstered on her thigh. "Although I should ask some questions regarding what you did before wanting to become my assistant. You already have this suspicious looking gun on you." She told her, examining the gun. "It's even custom made!"

"Wha--! Since when did she have that?!" Ernest asked in genuine shock, taking a step away from the two women. Minako knew that they're getting the wrong idea about her Evoker, but the question is how did she notice even though she went through great lengths to conceal it under her skirt?

"Ah! Please give it back!" Minako cried out as she snatched the gun from the Detective, "I-it's not a real gun anyway, it's more of a memento than anything..." She said, holding the gun close to her

"I know." The Detective smiled, believing her new assistant's words. The relieved sigh of both the dog and Ernest can be heard in the distance. "I can tell it has some other purpose. You seem attached to it, after all." She said, grabbing her yellow top hat-hairband and placing it on her head, "But I figured
it's something you don't want to talk about right now, so it can wait. The Chestbridge Shootings take priority, after all." She twirled to the back of the room. "And I, Katrielle Layton, will solve the case!" She beamed, taking her tophat off with a smile, leaving Minako severely confused.

"D...Does she always do that?" Minako asked, turning to Ernest with an Inquiry about her new boss.

"Yes, although she usually does it when she takes the case here." Ernest explained the new recruit.

"Now then, let's get going, Minako, Sherl!" Katrielle twirled around and pointed at her new assistant, "Ernest, you can go ahead and take a break for a while, you have been doing more than your best after all."

"I-I'll use that break to follow you then, Miss Katri!" Ernest said in a over the top loyal manner which brought Katrielle a smile on her face. Soon, the newly expanded Detective Agency walked out of their storefront and declared it closed, heading for the crime scene to look for clues...

(I'm confused as to where London is in this RP so I'd assume it's in Miteworl)

  • Danger 5 season 2.jpg
    Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Cephalopod009 Cephalopod009 SpaceRavens03 SpaceRavens03
    Danger 5 Babes, Boobs, Blow.gif
    Pierre and Jackson admired the beautiful beach side of Buenos Aires in their Hotel Room. Pierre enjoyed his coke and smiled, "Babes, Booze, Blow! It's the perfect hiding hold for a Piece of Fish like Carlos Mendez!"

    Jackson, full of vengeance, loaded his pistol with ammunition, "Let's sake this city down!"

    Pierre counted the money he earned from his award winning albums and hit singles before he addressed Jackson's call to action with an affirmative nod, "Yes, yes!"
    Danger 5 Cowboy Hats and Pizza.gif
    Pierre smiled with glee, "All right!"

    Meanwhile on the Mean Streets of Argentina...

    Carlos Mendez's Men were smuggling crates full of Deathsticks.
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  • --Layton's Mystery Detective Agency + Inspector Hastings--
    Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts

    The sudden flight from London to Argentina surely surprised Katrielle's assistants as they walked through the streets of Buenos Aires.

    "Um, if you don't mind me asking..." Minako began, "Why did we go all the way to Argentina?" She asked, confused to the relationship between finding Otto's accomplice and flying to Argentina.


    "Katri narrowed down the hideout of a similar, wolf headed criminal, Carlos' in this very country before the killings due to some of his smuggling routes that we've been involved with." A rather muscular man in his late 20s, clad in a brown trench coat and slacks answered Minako's inquiry. "He escaped our clutches just before we can arrest him. After that, word got around that he got replaced with a guy named Otto and got involved by the Danger 5 themselves. He was supposedly never seen since then."

    "So in other words, we're going to look through Otto's former's hideout?" Ernest confirmed, raising a finger.

    "Yep, look over there!" Katrielle nodded as she pointed at two totally not suspicious men carrying crates across the the streets. "Inspector, weren't they Carlos' men from before?"

    "Tsk, right again, Katri!" The Inspector clicked his tongue as he stepped ahead of the group, "Let's follow them, see where they'll end up." He instructed, with the rest of the Detective Agency agreeing with the Inspector's plan and followed the box carrying men from a distance. . .

  • --Layton's Mystery Detective Agency + Inspector Hastings--
    Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts

    The sudden flight from London to Argentina surely surprised Katrielle's assistants as they walked through the streets of Buenos Aires.

    "Um, if you don't mind me asking..." Minako began, "Why did we go all the way to Argentina?" She asked, confused to the relationship between finding Otto's accomplice and flying to Argentina.


    "Katri narrowed down the hideout of a similar, wolf headed criminal, Carlos' in this very country before the killings due to some of his smuggling routes that we've been involved with." A rather muscular man in his late 20s, clad in a brown trench coat and slacks answered Minako's inquiry. "He escaped our clutches just before we can arrest him. After that, word got around that he got replaced with a guy named Otto and got involved by the Danger 5 themselves. He was supposedly never seen since then."

    "So in other words, we're going to look through Otto's former's hideout?" Ernest confirmed, raising a finger.

    "Yep, look over there!" Katrielle nodded as she pointed at two totally not suspicious men carrying crates across the the streets. "Inspector, weren't they Carlos' men from before?"

    "Tsk, right again, Katri!" The Inspector clicked his tongue as he stepped ahead of the group, "Let's follow them, see where they'll end up." He instructed, with the rest of the Detective Agency agreeing with the Inspector's plan and followed the box carrying men from a distance. . .

  • Short version please....I have had quite a day....Ben looked at the robot and its owner and thought Why does she look familar? Perhaps she was in the spider-army when the Inheritors attacked. Maybe..."
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  • ---------------------------------------------------------
    Main Objective:
    Confront Jo Amon
    -He better not be going after Haruka and the kids at the orphanage...

    Exiting the bar,Kiryu felt his phone shaking in his pocket. It was a phone call from Daigo.

    Hmm? What does he need?

    “Daigo, what is it?”

    “Its Amon,he's sent another message.”

    The message now received,the Dragon of Dojima found himself heading for the airport. Not before giving a call to Haruka and the kids at the orphanage that he'll be away for several days of course.

    “I'll be sure to get some souvenirs for you all before i get back. Well then,I'll see you guys in a few days.”

    Hanging up the call after they bid him farewell,he then called Tanimura,asking for Akiyama and Saejima's status as he waited for his flight to arrive.

    Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts Bixir Bixir

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  • Phantom_Thieves_Logo (1).png
    Thepotatogod Thepotatogod

    The Phantom Thieves gathered around at their usual hangout where Haru gave everyone a rundown of what happened at the Fashion Show.

    "While we weren't able to get all we need to enter his palace..." Haru said as she pulled out a business card, "We did manage to get the location."

    Futaba snatched the card from Haru before Akira could take it. The Navigator of the Phantom Thieves read the card aloud, "Kingsley Ltd."

    Makoto quickly entered the corporation's name into the Nav along side Roderick Kingsley's name, "We got a Match... All we need now is the keyword and we can enter his palace..."

    "And I get the feeling that Mr. Kingsley would get a bit suspicious of Ann asking way too many questions that aren't about modeling..." Futaba noted before an idea struck her, "Guys what if we ask one of Kingsley's shadier business partners?"

    "Sure, let's have a bunch of teenagers walk up to some Mafia guy and ask him about what his boss does on Saturdays..." Ryuji joked, "Great Idea, Futaba... How the hell are we suppose to do that?"

    "Well, I do know someone who can help..." Futaba gave Ryuji a sly smile, "She's pretty much a prolific gambler online and offline..."

    Makoto's eyes widen when she realized who Futaba was referring to, "Ludenberg?"

    "Celestia 'I'm prolly not European' Ludenberg..." Futaba reaffirmed Makoto's suspicions, "Yeah that's her..."


  • ---------------------------------------------------------
    Main Objective:
    Rendezvous with Jo Amon
    -What would he be doing in Argentina of all places?

    Stepping out of the plane and eventually exiting the airport,Kiryu looked out of the window he sat in the taxi,waiting to be brought to Amon's location.

    Danger 5 Babes, Boobs, Blow.gif

    This place looks pretty beautiful,I'm honestly baffled that I didn't think of visiting other countries for a breather like this. Maybe I should take the kids out for vacations like this one day....

    His train of thoughts derailed when the taxi came to an abrupt halt.

    “Um...sir,some people are blocking the path.”

    Looking forward,the ex-yakuza saw several men,seemingly waiting for someone.

    “....How long am I from my destination?”

    “About a few walks away from here,but-”

    “Get yourself to safety,I can walk from here.”

    Paying the driver the fee,Kiryu stepped out of the taxi and looked at the men blocking the road.

    Of all times.....

    Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts
--Akira Kurusu--
Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts

Celestia Ludenburg. She is one of the newest students in Shujin Academy on probation, involved with the Killing Game that occurred in Tatsumi Port Island, both as a culprit and a victim, managing to narrowly avoid getting sentenced for committing murder...Her name is widely known throughout Shujin, both as a former student of Hope's Peak with the title of Ultimate Gambler, and as a survivor of the Killing Games along with another boy named Miles Morales, hailing from different iterations of the game.

"You mean that girl with the twin drills?" Morgana mewed, seeing the girl roam around the campus before. "I see. Since she's the 'Ultimate Gambler', she might as well be aware of the owners of gambling sites she attends to most of the time. Kingsley's included."

"But the problem now is how do we ask her directly." Yusuke noted, rubbing his chin. "An Ultimate of Hope's Peak such as herself might not want to bother herself with our matters."

"I'll handle it." Akira spoke up, pushing up his glasses as if predicting that the duty of negotiation would fall onto him. "She's in the same class as me and Ann, so it shouldn't be hard for me to talk to her."

  • Danger 5 season 2.jpg
    SpaceRavens03 SpaceRavens03

    A Group of Argentinian Street Hoodlums menacingly walked towards the former Yakuza.

    <"You boys Yakuza..."> The leader of the Hoodlums spat out his toothpick and sneered, <"We don't take too kindly to Yakuza here...">

    The Other Hoodlums menacingly held their chains, whips and other assorted weapons.

    Thepotatogod Thepotatogod

    One of Carlos' men spots the Detectives and screamed, <"Englishmen!"> before he pulled out his uzi and opened fire at them.

    The Deathstick trafficker turned his attentions momentarily to his subordinates, <"Get the Deathsticks out of here, or Mr. Mendez will have our heads!">

    The Trafficker's henchmen frantically grabbed as many of the illicit substances they could handle before they ran away.

  • ---------------------------------------------------------
    Main Objective:
    Rendezvous with Jo Amon
    -What would he be doing in Argentina of all places?

    “I don't take too kindly to punks who comes in to start a fight myself.”

    Cracking his knuckles,Kiryu glared at the hoodlums as he got into a fighting stance. He has no time for some more punks.

    “Let's get this over with already,I'm on a schedule here,and I definitely don't have time for some riff raff to come block my path.”

    Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts

  • --Katrielle Layton's Mystery Detective Agency and the Dangerou5 Files-
    Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts

    Arriving at the sandy, beach area of Argentina, Katrielle couldn't help but marvel at it, which soon led to them being spotted by one of Carlos' men...A hindsight for a stakeout mission being in broad daylight. Katrielle and the crew yelped in surprise as one of their targets began to open fire, prompting both the English Inspector and the Detective Agency's new assistant to take charge and push their subordinates out of the way, hiding behind two crates which took the fire quite well.

    The sudden firing from their target caused everyone on the beach who was just chilling to get the heck out of there, screaming in fear.

    Inspector Hastings clicked his tongue as he took out his pistol issued to him. He peered from his cover to try and shoot the gunman's gun off of him, however, it only drove it's attention towards him, causing the Inspector to dive back into cover, his shots whizzing past him as he turned to both Katrielle and Minako, hiding behind the crate. "They're getting away!"

    "Roger!" Minako responded as she vaulted over the crate and made a mad dash towards the shore, attracting the attention of the uzi-firing minion as Katrielle and her original assistants chased after the other smugglers.
  • latest
    "Honestly, I could go for a tuna sandwich myself. I haven't had one of those in a while," came Dante's voice, as he approached the group, stretching his arms behind his back with a staccato of light cracking sounds, presumably after just waking up.

    "These beds here are really comfy. What are you all up to? Well, besides having breakfast and discussing local celebrities?" the Devil Hunter asked, moving onto making short half-circles with his neck to stretch.

Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts Haz. Haz. June Verles June Verles Crenando Crenando marc122 marc122
(Sorry for the short post, rather pre-occupied today. I should be able to hop back into posting regularly from here on.)

  • "We're asking you guys to spend the day with the Bullets, mostly." The handicapped boy gestured to his new pal. "They said there's been a series of thefts, and you ought to help them for practice. Real ritzy locations, too."
    Billy, from his experience from reporting the case, chimed in. "At least five models were robbed blind! They've got some specialists on the job, but it's still a shame, isn't it?"
    "I'm sure you guys can handle it. Just go to this address when you're ready to move out." Freddy fished a napkin with the address written down on it out of his pocket and handed it to the colorful mobster.

    Birdsie Birdsie Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts Haz. Haz. June Verles June Verles marc122 marc122


  • Danger 5 season 2.jpg
    SpaceRavens03 SpaceRavens03

    The Street Hoodlums charged at the former Yakuza with their weapons. They also pulled out Pistols and fired at them.


    Tucker and Claire sat at a table together at a fancy restaurant.

    "Mendez could be anywhere..." Claire thought aloud as she scanned the room for the sinister Carlos Mendez.

    "You're right..." Tucker said seductively to his wife, "The Rain forest walk, the Kayak adventure or the couples retreat getting a free organic banana leaf facial... Yes, he'd definitely get one of those..."

    "But those just sound like honeymoon destinations not hiding places for an outlaw drug man," Claire's ability to point out the obvious had not wavered from her time way from action.

    "Nonsense..." Tucker ignored Claire and eyed his drink, "We know that he isn't hiding in this complementary margarine hexagon..."

    "I hope Ilsa's all right..." Claire expressed worry for their missing teammate and used that worry to see if Tucker even gave a damn about their mission.

    "Ilsa's always been a bit of a... Custard Tart" Tucker brushed the concern aside as he grabbed a custard tart, "You know what they say about Custard Tarts... They can take care of themselves!"

    "Mendez isn't here, Tucker..." Claire got up from her seat, "Let's go..." And went on the peruse the evil Drug Lord.

    Tucker with drink in hand and unwilling to ruin the honeymoon environment went after Claire,"But Claire! He could be hiding in this Mango Daiquiri! Claire!" Sadly for him his cries fell on deaf ears...

    Ferociousfeind Ferociousfeind

    Pierre, Jackson and the Squids went on ahead with their on investigation in one seedy place that a piece of fish like Carlos Mendez would be associated with, a seedy nightclub.

    Pierre, being famous, walked up to the Dancer at the night club and bartered her while Jackson tried drowning his longing for Ilsa in Russian Vodka.

    "I'd buy a dance if you could tell me where I can find Carlos Mendez..." Pierre offered the Dancer.

    The Dancer swayed her hips as she looked longingly at the Famous Pierre's eyes, "You don't need to pay for anything... Just show me some skin..."

    "OKAY!" Pierre chuckled heartily as he unbuttoned his shirt.

    Jackson, paranoid as ever, shoved Pierre away from the Dancer and warned him, "Don't you do it, Pierre! I know how this Mendez works!" before he aggressively pushed the Dancer down, "YOU TURN INTO A GOD DAMN MARTIAN! YOU SICK SON OF A BITCH!" Jackson aggressively shook his gun at the terrified Dancer wildly as Pierre desperately tried to defused the situation.

    "JACKSON! THAT IS NO WAY TO TREAT SUCH AN EXOTIC LADY!" Pierre tried to reason with Jackson with sensibility.

    The Dancer rose up and whispered, "I'll tell you everything... Mendez is protected by President Perón..."

    Pierre's eyes widen, "Perón? We go way back! We're practically Brothers! He'd give us a reception fit for a king!"

    Meanwhile Octopuses rose from the bar and open fired at the people at the Strip Club.
Miguel O'Hara - Mewnisse

"Crash-landed, huh? You and me both, kid," Miguel grunted lightly. Despite Peni's efforts, the man eventually opted to stand on his own despite some visible difficulty, though it was just as well; hopefully he'd be able to just walk it off and be as good as new within an hour or so. When the girl further posed him with a question, Miguel pursed his lips under his mask.

"Well, you know how it is. A Doom always feels threatened by someone he can't immediately call an inferior, so he felt inclined to put them down, I'm sure," he said, as though underplaying his actual involvement within the situation. Of course, before he could say much more, shock hit the fan.

A small army, led by a little girl and a white-haired man, suddenly appeared out of nowhere to rescue Star's friend, the weird girl with the Pegasus, putting down "Doctor Doom," in actuality just a Doombot. Figured. Miguel thought he should have realized it at the mere thought that Doom was out to do something himself, but well, shoulda, woulda, coulda.

And then Ben Reiley showed up. And this was all in one day. Certainly one of the more lively Sundays he's ever had. Miguel let Ben converse with Peni for a small while, the futuristic hero feeling more inclined to meet with the slayers of the Doombot, but... Well, birds of a feather flock together.

"The short version? We're all stranded in different Earths for some reason from the sound of it, but the exact why and how, I couldn't tell you. Really, I thought I was done with the multiverse business, but here we are," he simply said, crossing his arms. "May as well make some friends while we're here, right?"

Count Gensokyo Count Gensokyo Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts Spider-Venom213 Spider-Venom213 Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
Miguel O'Hara - Mewnisse

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"Crash-landed, huh? You and me both, kid," Miguel grunted lightly. Despite Peni's efforts, the man eventually opted to stand on his own despite some visible difficulty, though it was just as well; hopefully he'd be able to just walk it off and be as good as new within an hour or so. When the girl further posed him with a question, Miguel pursed his lips under his mask.

"Well, you know how it is. A Doom always feels threatened by someone he can't immediately call an inferior, so he felt inclined to put them down, I'm sure," he said, as though underplaying his actual involvement within the situation. Of course, before he could say much more, shock hit the fan.

A small army, led by a little girl and a white-haired man, suddenly appeared out of nowhere to rescue Star's friend, the weird girl with the Pegasus, putting down "Doctor Doom," in actuality just a Doombot. Figured. Miguel thought he should have realized it at the mere thought that Doom was out to do something himself, but well, shoulda, woulda, coulda.

And then Ben Reiley showed up. And this was all in one day. Certainly one of the more lively Sundays he's ever had. Miguel let Ben converse with Peni for a small while, the futuristic hero feeling more inclined to meet with the slayers of the Doombot, but... Well, birds of a feather flock together.

"The short version? We're all stranded in different Earths for some reason from the sound of it, but the exact why and how, I couldn't tell you. Really, I thought I was done with the multiverse business, but here we are," he simply said, crossing his arms. "May as well make some friends while we're here, right?"

Count Gensokyo Count Gensokyo Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts Spider-Venom213 Spider-Venom213 Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
"I agree O'Hara, after all this Inheritor mumbo jumbo I thought the multiverse shenanigans were over.. but hey, at least we got a few people we know..." Ben said. He was thinking with him crossing his arms. What was the cause of this? Perhaps time will tell. "I see that robot girl is also with you...how many other spiders are there?" he asked, Doombots huh? If they are here Doom could be as well..Who knows? Maybe other people from his universe were here, Peter was here, but who else? He was certainly perplexed

  • Spider_Man_PS4_logo.png

    Spider-Man swung above the busy streets of Manhattan below, as the ever familiar noise of car horns and motorcycle hums filled his mind.

    Even fused with a bunch of random worlds... and the new name...

    Spider-Man found a place where he could perch and observed Time Square in what felt like years.

    It's still the same ol' New York...

    Spider-Man's attention was then drawn to an alert from his phone that told him of a new episode of Just the Facts was airing...

    "JUST WHEN I THOUGHT THOSE PHANTOM THIEVES WERE ENOUGH!" Jonah screamed with outrage, "I'VE BEEN HEARING REPORTS THAT THAT WALL-CRAWLING MENACE, SPIDER-MAN'S BACK! I GUESS THAT ATTENTION-HOGGING VIGILANTE COULDN'T HANDLE THE FACT THAT THOSE PHANTOM THIEVES HAVE BEEN RECEIVING MORE AIR TIME ON MY SHOW THAN HIM!" Jonah paused for a moment as his intern whispered into his ear, "We'll be right back, my intern just informed me that it's time to take my medication..."

    Yeah... I miss you too, J.J.

    Peter sat on the ledge of the rooftop as he began to dial up the most important person in his life...

    "Peter?" a young woman's voice spoke on the other end her voice expressed disbelief at who was calling her.

    "Hey, MJ..."
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  • Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
    Those prawns had been a bit of a fluke. Garrus had put that faux pas behind him, though somehow he had gotten it into his head to follow Pierre and the others all the way to Buenos Aires. On one hand, it meant that he could keep a closer eye on all of them. They had a knack for getting into way more trouble than it was worth. On the other, it meant that he would be going to yet another vacation spot, for work. Why couldn't he catch a break?

    Oh, right. The ring on his finger.

    "Long arm of the law, coming through!"

    A wide arm made of hardlight metal crashed down onto the beach, kicking up a cloud of sand as it stopped the criminals' escape dead in its tracks. With the perps right where he wanted them, Garrus descended into the scene, bringing himself closer to the specific trafficker. Bingo.

    "Let's not make this any harder than it needs to be, alright? I think we both know you're out of your element here."

  • Star_Butterfly_key_art.png
    While everyone was busy getting acquainted, Star was busy smashing her mace against the metal container that Von Bardas put her wand in.

    Star took a moment from her relentless whacking to wave at the newcomers, "Don't mind me, just trying to get my wand!" Star tossed her mace aside and leaped on to the metal box and tried to pry it open with her bare hands at this moment she realized Lissa was there among the Shepherds, "Oh hey, Lissa!" Star panted furiously from exhaustion before she tried one last time with her teeth. Once that failed she fell to the ground next to it...

    The Box finally fell apart and revealed the wand that was inside. Star sprung back to life and grab a hold of the wand that was taken from her not so long ago.

    "Aw yeah! I'm back!" Star jumped up with glee before her attention shifted to the two villains that remained unconscious on the floor, "So... We're gonna throw them into the dungeon... right?"

    "After what they did?" Lissa rhetorically asked, "Yeah..."

    Just then Mewman Guards appeared and dragged Von Bardas and the Grim Reaper to the Dungeons.

    Star then noticed the other spider-person in the area and looked over at Peni, "Friend of yours?"

    Bixir Bixir

    The Summoner stood before the Mighty Black Knight and summoned forth mystic chains to entrap him...

    Baron Mordo.jpg
    "Show respect to your superior, Knight! For Baron Mordo is the man that summons you!" The mystic restraints then vanished, "And I summon you for a purpose that is far greater than the both of us! The death of Chrom all those who dare wield the Falchion!"
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  • img.php
    [Assuming that they received the information they wanted. Also, I streamlined Red Wizard's speech a bit. As fun as it is to use pseudo-Swedish to write dumb shit, this is more efficient.]

    Red Wizard nodded, then combined together the elements of [Water], [Earth] and [Life], to cast a simple spell known as Grease. The elements collected into his staff as he directed it at the soldiers. The staff sprayed out a foul-smelling, translucent yellow liquid, gooey and slimy in consistency. Covered in greasy, oily fat, the soldiers released groans of disgust.

    Their disgust was short-lasting and replaced by screaming, as Red Wizard combo'd [Fire] [Fire] [Fire] [Fire] [Fire] then hosed them with the resultant spell. The fat covering their bodies became a burning curse and no matter how much they rolled around in the thick of earth and mud, it would not go out.

    Red Wizard ignored their screams as if they were as mundane as the daily chirping of birds during springtime.

    "<Anyway, what now?>" Red Wizard asked in his native Midgardian tongue, turning his head to Catra expectantly. "<Do you wanna go siege their castle? I think we should kill their boss. That's the only way to progress the campaign, and Vlad - my teacher - told me that new spells can be unlocked by killing bosses.>"

    As the soldiers' screaming finally died out, Red Wizard turned in their direction.

    Truth be told, he could create zombies without corpses. When he did so, their hands simply dug through the surface of the earth and they climbed up from who-knows-where, most likely due to game mechanics. But fresh corpses, especially cauterized ones, beat those useless sacks of bone.

    [Ice] [Earth] [Arcane] [Cold]. He created the combination; a single ball of blue-white crystal, a ball of brown-gray earth, a red roiling ball of entropy, and a puffy white cloud of frost. He set the spell upon the dead soldiers. A cloud of brown dust kicked up from the ground, followed by red cracks in the air and green fumes.

    The dead soldiers began to let out drawn-out dull-witted moans of a stereotypical Hollywood zombie, as they stumbled to their feet and stared with white, beady eyeballs with no pupils or irises. Their skin was milky pale, with hints of green.

    Red Wizard pointed at Catra. "<She's the boss. Obey her.>"

    The zombies looked at Catra, and stared at her uncomfortably.

    Red Wizard turned to his Force Commander and summarized a report of their capabilities: "<These zombies aren't suited for complex tasks, but they're good if you want to distract archers or big hitters, or just clean out an unprotected village without moving from the campfire with sausages.>" His voice carried a weird note of something reminiscent nostalgia, as if he was speaking from a distant firsthand experience.

Bixir Bixir Crenando Crenando Verite Verite Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts
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