Best Friend's Brother

Soul Eater Evans

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Xavier had a group of friends since Pre-K. He also had a crush on a certain friend's brother since 7th grade. He's now in his Senior year of highschool and still hasn't told their brother. His best friends threats to tell his crush for him, but makes them promise to never tell. Both Xavier and his best friends are dying to tell him and to get it over with.

My Character:

Name: Xavier Swayn


Age: 16

Gender: Male

Personality: Friendly, Caring, Charming, Flamboyant, Somewhat Shy, Kind, Loving and Quiet

Talent(s): Singing, Dancing, playing Violin and Guitar, and Cooking.




2. Be literate

3. Be creative

4. Use details 2-4 lines at least.

5. Have Fun!!

Xavier sighs as he walked to school, pushes his blonde hair out of his yellow eyes. "Another day of hell... great!" He exclaimed in a sarcastic tone as he pushes up his red framed glasses. He looks at his watch, it read 7:45. "And now I'm late.." He mumbles. He puts his hood on his head and sighs and the rushed up the stairs. As he got to the front door of the school building, he felt a hand grab his shoulder.
Kanra smiles happily. "Hey buddy!" She smiles and giggles a bit. "Yea... this place is hell but with your buds with you... it's not as bad.." She snickers, putting her black hair into two pigtails. "Let's go be fashionably late to class." She smiles and grabs Xavier's arm. "Or are you waiting for Dylan to get here?" She said teasingly. "One of us are going to tell him sooner or later..." She giggled.
Xavier couldn't help but blush a bit when he heard the name. "Kanra!! Don't talk about him around me... you know how I get when I even think about him..." He covers his face with his free hand and sighs. "L-let's just get to class before we get detention or something." He mumbled silently and looks down at his feet, trying to hide his now crimson red face. "And he'll find out when I tell him.." He mumbled. But when is he ever going to tell him? Every school year he would tell himself the same thing. Over and over. 'Get a grip! You're never gonna tell him. So just cut the crap!' He thought to himself and sighs.
Chimei rummaged through her locker trying to find her books in the mess of sketch books and different rough designs crunched up in balls. Finally finding a textbook and a notebook with a pen attached to the rings, she tucked them under her arm as she closed the door of her locker. As usual, the female had her long hair in two pigtails, the tips of her hair still came down to rest against her hips. Chi wore one of her long, white, mid-thigh off the shoulder shirt with think black stripes and a light grey scarf. Giving the outfit some color by wearing red-purple leggings and topping the design off with black and white tuxedo-styled short heels, being the shortest of the group. As she walked, she noticed a flustered Xavier and a giggling Kanra; smiling, Chi approached the two, waving a hand. "Hey!"
Kazuya walks up the stairs and sees Kanra and Xavier. "Hey guys." He smiled warmly before looking at Xavier. "Dude... you okay? You look really upset.." He frowns. "Is it about Dylan?? Did you tell him? Did he reject you? I swear... that guy can be such a Douche at times." Kazuya always talked a bit too much, getting him in trouble most of the time.
Kanra, still giggling, just waved and tugs on Xavier's arm. "Let's get to class..." She said in between giggles. She loved how easily Xavier could get flustered. "Kazu... Xavier hasn't told him... But I'm going to if he doesn't do it soon." She looks at Kazuya and chuckles.

(So short >3<)
Kazuya shakes his head. "If anyone is gonna tell him.. I think it should be me. I'm the closest to Dyl, plus, If he rejects Avie, I'll already be there to beat the crap outta him." He cracks his knuckles and gets an evil smirk on his face. He fixes his glasses and smiles at Xavier. "Avie.. everything will be fine..."
"Aw, come on guys. Let Xavier tell him, himself- it'll be special that way." Chimei told her friends, with a small smile, thinking of how cute it would be to see Xavier and Dylan together. "Besides, who could possibly turn down this face!" she added with giggle as she gently pinched one of Xavier's cheeks. "But like Kazu said, everything will be fine!"
Xavier smiles and looks up. "Yea.. you're right!" He then looks at Kanra and Kazuya. "But until I tell him... you two have to swear not to tell him." He looks Kazuya and Kanra. He then crosses his heart and holds his left hand up. "Do you swear?" He give them that certain look. The 'I swear to god if you don't swear I'll kill you in you're sleep.' kind of look.
Kazuya rolls his eyes but listens. He does the same, crossing his heart and putting his left hand up. "I swear..." He says, looking Xavier right in the eyes. 'What are we? Five year olds?' He thought with a silent sigh. He then fixes his glasses and rolls his eyes again.
She sigh and nods. "Fine..." She crosses her heart and puts her left hand up like the boys did. "I swear.." She smiles at Xavier warmly. 'I hate when Xavier does this... and everyone knows he's not gonna tell him...' She thought.
"Hey Avie, I think I know how you can make your first move..." Chimei started as she tore a cheap flyer off of the wall of the building. It said something about a dance and gave off information about the time and location. Upon showing the flyer to her friends, Chi continued to talk. "You can ask him to go with you!"
Conner wondered if he was late. He probably was, who knew? He looked up and saw his group of friends... No, best friends. Everyone was his friend, but not everybody was a best friend. "What's up, everyone?" He interrupted.
Kyou ran away from the girls that were chasing her and hid around the corner until they ran by. She sighed and ran a hand through her hair. "Okay that could've been worse," she mumbled. That's when she saw Chi's long hair and grinned. Kyou walked quietly towards her and pounced on her. "Hey Chimei~" She noticed that Xavier looked flustered, "Ah is Avie having naughty thoughts about Dylan again," she teased.
Chimei let out a small squeak of surprise after being pounced on, she covered her mouth and turned to see Kyou, "oh my gosh, Ky- you scared me!" she told her, as she took her hand away from her mouth. Chi waved the flyer around, "I think we should all go, it's this Friday in the gym!"
Xavier blushes a bit. "D-do you think it would work?" He asked Chi. "W-what if he said no...? W-what would I do then?" He face turns a dark red. He then calms down, taking a few breathes. "Okay... next time I see him... I'll ask him."
Conner instantly knew what all this was about. "Think positive, okay? We'll see what happens later." He told Xavier.
Dylan then suddenly parked his car in the front of the school. He got out, carrying his bag with him. He saw his group of friends and smiles. "Hey guys.. What's up? Shouldn't we be in class?" He asked with a smirk.

Kazuya leans over and whispers. "You said the next time you see him... well their he is..." He smirks and chuckles a bit.
Chimei smiled at Dylan's arrival, "Actually we've been waiting for you!" she told him as she adjusted the books in her arms. She hoped Xavier would get the hint and go ahead and ask Dyl to the dance. "Come on, Avie."
Xavier blushes dark red and looks away, turning his back toward Dylan. "Y-yea... we were just about head to class..." He says nervously, his voice was high pitched, causing him to blush even more. 'Calm down you idiot!!' He thought to himself. He takes a few deep breathes and sighs.
Kazuya looks at Xavier and bites his lip. 'You swore! You can't tell Dyl. No matter how bad you want to, he's your best friend.' He thought. He looks away and crosses his arms.

Dylan looks at them confused. "Ask me about what?" He stepped up towards Xavier. "You want to ask me something Avie?" He says charmingly and smirks.
Xavier felt like he was gonna be sick or pass out when Dylan got closer. He runs to the bathroom and goes to the sink. He washes his face, trying to calm himself. 'Why do I keep chickening out?! I'm such an idiot!!'

He then punches the wall and sighs.

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