Best Friend's Brother

Kyou smiled, "Of course it'll be fun because we are awesome people." At least I'm back to my old charming self again.
"Exactly!" Chimei giggled and looked at the others, "so, are we just going to skip class and stand here or?" she asked them, tilting her head. It had been a while they'd just been standing around talking and sorting things out.
Chimei sighed, knowing how strict the teachers in the school were about being late to class, especially this late. "That's true, but what are we going to do now?" she asked, scanning the group, hoping someone had a exciting idea.
"It doesn't matter to me as long as we're not standing in the hallway waiting for a teacher to catch us." Kyou looked down the hall and didn't see anyone. "All we have to do is wait for 1st period to end and then we'll come back."
Xavier smiles. "I have an idea!" He looks at the group. "But I have good news and bad news. Good news is that we'll have a crazy fun time. Bad news is that, if we get caught, we might get suspended for a few weeks... which really isn't a big deal to me..."
Chimei cocked an eyebrow, intrigued by what Xavier had to say. "Sounds interesting but I'm more than positive my parents will chop my head off if I get suspended from school; so we'll have to be careful and not get caught." she explained, before nodding. "But as you were saying..?"
Xavier pulls out a set of keys. "Yesterday, I went to the office... and grabbed these." He smiles. "And all we have to do it be back before 3:00." He fixes his glasses and looks at the group with a smirk.
Dylan looks at Xavier. "Are those the keys to..?" He asked, and Kazuya nods. "Avie... you've not serious right? you know how much trouble we'd get if... we.. got.. caught- HAHAHA!" He bursts into a fit of laughter. "I'm sorry... I couldn't say that with a straight face. Okay.. I'm in."

Dylan nods and smiles a bit. "Me too.."
Cocking her head, Chimei wore a rather puzzled look; "what are those for?" she asked him, poking the keys which caused them to emit a chiming sound. Apparently she was the only one who was unsure of what the keys led to, according to the reactions of Dylan and Kazuya.
Xavier looks at Chimei. "How many ways can a person get to school?" He jingles the keys and smiles. He brushes his hair out of his eyes and smirks devilishly.
Chimei's jaw dropped as she began to laugh. She covered her mouth, "oh my god, Avie are you serious! I'm so in!" she finished laughing and all that remained was a big smirk as she took her hand away from her face.
Xavier laughs a bit. "Anyone else? Either you're in or you're out... Last chance." He looks at everyone, jingling the keys. "It's gonna be epic... Once in a lifetime moment right here.." He says, trying to convince the rest of them.
Dylan looks at Kazuya and they both nod. "We're in.."

Dylan still had his arm around Xavier. He chuckles. "So all we have to do... is bring it back before 3:00? Well that's easy..." He smirks.
Xavier smirks. "Alright then! Let's go!" He chuckles and wraps his arm around Dylan. He runs over to the bus and opens the door. "ALL ABOARD THE AVIE EXPRESS!!" He called out to everyone. He chuckles.
Chimei laughed at Xavier's goofiness as she boarded the bus and sat down in one of the seats. "You know, I wish they made these a little more comfortable..." she commented, trying to get a little more comfortable in the cheaply padded, fake leather seats.
Dylan and Kazuya got on the bus and fist pumps in the air. "You know wear we're going?" Kazuya asked Dylan. Dylan shook his head. "No clue dude..." They both chuckle when they hear Xavier yell. "Avie express? Wow.." Kazuya laughed.
She watched the rest of her buddies get on the bus and realized how weird they were. "Oh well, I'm probably the weirdest one of all though," she said as she ran on the bus. "Hooray for a mystery field trip!" she yelled.
Xavier gets on the bus and starts it up. He steps on the gas pedal and shifts from park to drive. He leaves the school's parking lot. "This is hella awesome.." He then begins to sing the song "Thrift shop" and looks at the road as he drives. "I'm gonna pop some tags, only got $2o in my pocket. I-i I'm hurtin, looking for a come up, this is _____ awesome."
Dylan laughs a bit. "Oh wow..." He then thinks for a minute. "You're not taking us thrift shopping are you? I didn't bring any money.."

Kazuya rolls his eyes. "Oh wow Dyl..." He laughs a bit.
Kyou stopped humming with Xavier, "You never know what to expect when Avie is driving."
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[OMG, you guys. xD I'm just gonna pretend Conner got on the bus too.]

Conner looked outside the window. He'd got into trouble before, but this was going to get him into a lot of trouble. Let's pray that mommy dearest will forgive.

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