Best Friend's Brother

Chimei watched Xavier run to the washroom and frowned as she put the back of her pen. "That's not good..." she murmured as she took the pen away from her lips. "I would offer to go check on him but I'm not permitted in there... Kazu, Conner, Dylan? Any of you want to go?"
Oh, my God. Conner let out an exasperated sigh. Why couldn't that guy just chill and tell him? Doesn't he know it effects other people too? 
"I'll go." Conner said.
Kazuya nods and walks to the bathroom. "Avie? You in here?" He looks over and sees Xavier washing his face. "Dude! Stop being such a wimp... everyone's tired of you're little crush on Dyl.." He whispers before Dylan walks in.

Dylan looks at Xavier and frowns a bit. "You okay? Why did you run off like that?"
"Jeez how long will he play this stupid game of cat and mouse when he actually has someone he likes," Kyou mumbles. Even though I'm the same way as him in a way.
Conner tagged along Kazuya. "Man, come on. You can't be like this. You should just let him know." He told Xavier looked at him in the mirror, his expression serious.
Xavier sighs. "Because I was nervous... because I want to ask you something.." He sighs. 'Just say it already!'

Xavier clenches his fists. "W-will you go to the dance with me? It's on Friday in the gym." He said all at once and blushes.
Dylan blushes a bit but quickly hides it. "What? Is that all you wanted to ask me?" He rolls his eyes and laughs a bit. "Sure... I guess I'll go with you." He walks out the bathroom and laughs a bit. 'Avie's so cute when he's flustered.' He thought as he walks back to the girls.

Kazuya soon followed him before looking at Xavier. "See... nothing to worry about.." He smiles and pats Xavier on the head.
A smile found it's way to Conner's face. "Yeah, that's right, bro. No problem." He shook his head. He admitted to himself that even he hadn't thought it'd be that simple.
Kyou saw that Dylan was blushing and grinned. "Well it looks like everything worked out for Avie in the end Chi," Kyou cheered.
Chimei tilted her head as she watched the group come out of the washroom. She smiled as she heard Kyou's comment, "I knew it would!" She clapped her hands together and stifled another squeak. She was genuinely happy for Xavier, he finally got enough courage to make a move and she was glad he did. "This is really exciting!"
Xavier blushes and was surprised that it was so simple. 'What just happened? How could if have been so simple?' He thought. He leaves the bathroom and back to the others.
Conner joined the other group, grinning. "You guys, he asked him." He whispered, his eyes sparkling with joy for his dear friend.
Dylan smiles and looks at Xavier. "Why were you so nervous?" He asked, suddenly wrapping his arm around Avie's shoulder.
Grinning as she saw Dylan wrap an arm around Xavier, she hid all and any sings of fan girling because she didn't want anyone feeling uncomfortable or anything along those lines. "Hmm, I think I have the perfect dress for this, too. Are you guys getting dates?" Chi asked the others, blowing a strand of hair out of her eyes.
"Well, I think I'm just going with some girlfriends. I mean, I don't know." Conner replied. "Maybe I'll go with one of you people." He chuckled.
Kyou became nervous when Chi asked that. "I-I don't think that I will go to the dance," she whispered. She just stared at the floor while she spoke.
Chi tilted her head at Kyou and frowned, "why not? Don't you think it'll be fun?" she asked her, her usual friendly smile reappearing on her rosy lips. She was confused as to why Kyou became so nervous after she asked if anyone was planning on bringing a date, she bit her lip hoping she hadn't upset her in any way.
Kazuya looks around before he whispers. "I'm thinking about asking Kanra... but don't tell her... I want it to be special. " He smiles happily.
Conner looked down. He didn't feel like going to dance... either. Staying at home, playing video games and eating pizza was so much better.
She felt her self blushing when she looked at Chi again. "W-Well you know that I'm not a fan of dresses and I don't think that anyone would go with me..." Why can't I just confess to my crush and get it over with?!
Chimei smiled at Kazuya and nodded, "you two would be so cute together! I'm sure she's going to accept!" she chimed, maybe she was a bit too enthusiastic about these kind of things, but as long as no one way complaining she figured it was okay. "Who said you need to wear a dress, Ky?" Chi asked, slightly looking up at her other friend, since she was the shortest of the group, even when she wore heels.
Conner looked at Chi and Kyou. Maybe it was just his imagination but... Oh, well he was going to partially ship them anyways. And then Kazuya would ask Kanra - He'd heard that. There's some advantages to being the quiet one sometimes- that's three pairings to the dance.
"O-Oh yea you're right! I might even wear a tux," Kyou laughs nervously. She sighed and looked Chi in the eye. "I'm sorry that I was acting weird. I'll definitely go the dance."
"See! Everything works out fine, right?" Chimei giggled. "Don't worry about it, Ky! We all get a little weird sometimes" she smiled, "I'm really glad you decided to come along, it'll be a lot of fun!"

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