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Realistic or Modern Bennington High for Special Scholars

Roxanne punched Xavier hard in the arm. "Asshole!" she laughed, before spotting the boy at the door. "Excuse me can we help you?" she demanded. She was extremely embarrassed, but she didn't show it at all. She gave the boy a look that would hopefully make him feel as though he was the one in the wrong for thinking it was something strange. The girl fixed her long red hair, thankful that Xavier hadn't messed it up too much.
Nervously Connor's green gaze drifted between Xavier and Roxanne, a light blush pinkened his cheeks. "Sorry about that, I was looking aroind and I just happened to walk by when your door opened. You see I'm a new student here." He replied answering Xavier's question. "I'm Connor by the way,"he introduced himself with a bright smile as he extendee his hand for a handshake.
Xavier smiled kindly at Connor and waved, laughing. "Oh that's ok. We weren't doing anything." He smiled and gestured to himself. "I'm Xavier, a second year, and this is my best friend Roxanne," he finished and gestured to her. He stuck his hands in his pockets, smiling at Connor and ignoring the offered hand. It wasn't that he was a germaphobe or anything -though he knew a few at the school- he just didn't shake hands with people. "Let me be the first to welcome you to this prison. So what are you here? A prisoner or warden?"
Roxanne looked the guy up and down. He was pretty cute. Please let him be crazy, she thought to herself, before stifling a smile. How often did a girl think that? In her every day life, it seemed to have beverage a regular thing - please let the guy be crazy enough to be institutionalized, but not too crazy.
Awkwardly he brought his arm back down to his side, prisoner or warden? "What do you mean by that?" He asked, "I'm here because my major is in abnormal psychology and I got a scholarship to be here since I would never get any support from my family."
"Warden, then," Roxanne said. Dammit. He was so hot too, the redhead grimaced. "What a shame. I had hoped to be..." She hesitated before continuing, "Nice."
"What do you mean by warden?" He asked sightly confused. Connor cautiously scratched the back of his neck. He didn't want any problems, he just wanted others to talk to and stuff.
In the darken roomed a female figure laid deep under the purple satin covers, little snores echoed through the room mixed with the beeps of the alarm clock the sat next to the bed. A hand with red painted finger nails creep from under the covers and picked up the clock an throw it across the room. A deep sigh is heard as the female called Stephanie emerges from under the covers, her hair wild the redness everywhere, she climbs out of bed pulling her gray pajama shirt down so they covered the matching shorts, she stretched giving a big yawn

walking to her wardrobe.

Free 20 minute she was dressed - tight skiny jeans, a shirt that says don't point your finger at crazy people, leather

jacket, black high top converse - she

heaved her I pod and headphones leaving out the room " First day of

school Stephanie be good " she heard

the deep but soft voice of Max tell her.

" I will don't worry " she told him as she walked around sloping her headphones on putting her music full blast
Xavier chuckled at Rixanne's reaction, though he felt kinda the same. "I'm sure you can play nice for a little bit Roxie," he teased, then turned to Connor with a friendly smile. "Here, there's the wardens and prisoners. You are here because you want to study abstract psychology up close and personal. I'm here because the shirks in charge think I need to be here even though I'm perfectly fine and don't need to be here. Hence the prison analogy," he finished explaining with a smile and ducked out of the room. Glancing over his should he looked at Roxanne. "I'm going to go find some food now since someone ate mine."
Zane wandered through the halls of the school as per usual, checking up on everything, enjoying the facility. He saw an interesting scene out of a window, a a few birds, a beautiful fountain. The way the setting sun shone on the water, the grass lush, green and well manicured. It was truly a sight to behold.

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Stephanie soon finding nowhere to go she sat on the halls her knees up to her cheat head buried in her arms as the beats went through her body, out loud she hummed along tapping her foot. " You're a bit boring, go do something " Max told her with a sigh, she just smiles at him and did nothing "Be quiet I'm listening to music you twit " she said quietly to him so he could shut up and he did.
Nervously Connor bit his lower lip, his light green eyes fixated away from the two. The awkwardness in the air gnawing at him. He somewhat expected that relationships between medical students and patients would be strained, but that didn't stop him from feeling awkwardness and light hostility now. "Well I'm going back to my room and finish unpacking, maybe I'll see you guys later," he suggested with a light smile. All he really wanted was others to talk to.
Xavier smiled and waved bye to Connor, then jabbed Roxanne in the ribs when he was out of sight. "You meanie. Be nice to the newbies, even if they aren't crazy," he scolded, though he was fighting a losing battle against smiling. Walking away, he glanced over his shoulder and smiled at his friend. "You can have the rest of my pizza if you want, I'll just find something else." Looking back where he was going, Xavier put his hands in his pockets and started humming, listening as a "friend" started walking next to him and sang along with the humming.
"Nah, I have leftovers of my own," Roxanne smirked. She raced ahead of him, beating him to the kitchen. She pulled a box of chicken fingers out of the fridge, popping it in the microwave.
Ami finished her coffee and got up to leave the kitchen. As she was walking out and towards her brothers room again she saw Roxanna and Xavier again. She sighed and waved at the them with a smile, but she wasn't sure they even knew who she was. 'I guess if they wave I'll find out...' she thought.
" I'm starving... " she said to herself as she stood up pushing her hair out her eyes sighing. " Then go eat you twat" she heard max say to her she rolled her eyes and began to walk around trying to find a kitchen or some where that they served food. " Steph don't forget you have therapy today "Max told her knowing she forgets things but Stephanie just shrugged humming to her music stepping to the beats of the songs.
Xavier fake cried for a few seconds after running after Roxanne and finding her making food of her own that she already had. "Jerk," he muttered, pulling out the rest of his pizza and eating it cold. "You better share some of that," he said around a mouthful of pizza. He saw someone wave out of the corner of his eye and turned, catching sight of Viviana. He waved back with a smile.
When Stephanie finds the kitchen she doesn't walk in she stands in the door way leaning against the railing she watches the people that was already in there interacting with on another she pulled her headphones off and let then rest around her neck never turning off her music so she could still hear it even if bit was faint. She let her hair fall in her eyes as she walked to go sit down. " Oo people Steph let's talk " Max told her in a laughing voice " No " she told him back firmly "Why not please " he tried to beg her " Max I said no " she said again then he just stop talking.
"I will do no such thing!" Roxanne laughed. "This is mine. That is yours," she said, pointing to his pizza in his hand. "And mine." She laughed again, not noticing the entrance of Stephanie.
Stephanie wanted to wait to they left to start to find her something to eat, she wasn't really fond of eating in front of people. She slipped her headphones back on to block out there talking she sighed as she went through her songs trying to pick a starting song.
Zane noticed Stephanie, seeing her reluctant to enter a room full of people. He tapped her shoulder gently saying "Excuse me miss".

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She slipped her headphones off again and looked at the boy who just tapped her " Yes? " she asked her voice soft. "Oo a boy Steph " Max whispered to her. Stephanie didn't respond case the boy was here and didn't want to seem crazy.
"I haven't seen you around, my name is Zane. What's yours?" he asked smiling warmly. She seemed as though she could use a bit of help. At least that's how he felt.

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" I'm Stephanie " she told him pushing her hair back as she leans against the wall she watched him " He likes you " Max said again to her " Shut up god damn " she told him back with a big sigh.

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