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Jigajig Jigajig So, unlike Sebastian who actually, physically shifts into targets, Azrael's powers are completely illusory. He just appears to others in Cyrus's image but it's not really the case. Nothing is happening other than him bending people's perception of reality. Basically, he does not have dreadlocks even as he pretends to Cyrus. Him manipulating them was all an artistic flair within an illusion. Does this make sense?
For future reference, does this effect things other than humans? ie Animals etc. Also does it effect more than vision? ie Scent, Feel, Other senses like thermals/sonar etc?
PlusUltra PlusUltra His illusions affect all five regular senses, yes, but they have not yet evolved to the point where they can be communicated to creatures without human intelligence. Nor can they affect any irregular senses that Azrael himself does not have.
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For future reference, does this effect things other than humans? ie Animals etc. Also does it effect more than vision? ie Scent, Feel, Other senses like thermals/sonar etc?
Well i handwaved that Nouvelle couldn't see anything wrong with Azrael using her power so like it gives Azrael a chance to go around undetected.

Soooo like thinkin then that makes it a powerful illusion that hides spirits from her. And Nouvelle has enhanced senses too but thinkin once the Spirit scan complete she just thought Cyrus smelled stinky and not different lol

But as for the list of NPC guards that could detect not-cyrus is:

- Lacerations - animal shifter/charmer that has exceptional Olfactory
- Jaunter - bio-electric Manipulator would know Cyrus signature if he ever enhanced him
- Veil - off world eldritch type that sees into layers of temporal reality and can manipulate time for mere seconds at a time
- Deluge - if he ever healed Cyrus he would recognize poitive energy signature.

But like we can easily handwave excuses since SOMEONE LEFT THE BASEMENT DOOR UNRUNELOCKED. Lol #blameAzrael

Edit: oops missed Aviator Aviator current post about hiding it from human senses
Ooh Veil's powers sound all mysterious and shadowy and I wanna meet this guard.

I mean, Azrael is about to become the thing that causes Zod to turn his sights to our characters' universe, so yeah please blame him. Bich literally brought alien invasion to you, voila.
Ooh Veil's powers sound all mysterious and shadowy and I wanna meet this guard.

I mean, Azrael is about to become the thing that causes Zod to turn his sights to our characters' universe, so yeah please blame him. Bich literally brought alien invasion to you, voila.
Yeah in my head she is a monster with tentacles but is rather rationale and well spoken. I hinted she is working on a new collar with Pixie (genius Markie from old/AU SS thread lol). In my head she is wanted dead by so many orgs esp ones involving welfare of superman. Veil can manipulate up to 13 seconds of time in a given vicinity and that includes enough time to jam a killer load of kryptonite down superman's throat and not a damned thing he can do cuz its magic. But like as part of a 'keep your head attached to your shoulders' agreement she has been conscripted to do good in Belle reve lol.

And she actually nice monster too. Her idea actually came from Monsters Inc. call back to pixar lol

Yeah and the backdoor eff up is on Shine. It's her responsibility to make sure all lights out and everything locked up before she leaves lol
So guess Rachel would spot that there is an illusion in place because of her bugs. Also they are going to be VERY upset if they ever start reading some of the stuff shes been writing in her cell and figure out "Master/Stranger" Protocols were something her group came up with years ago for this exact situation lol.
So guess Rachel would spot that there is an illusion in place because of her bugs. Also they are going to be VERY upset if they ever start reading some of the stuff shes been writing in her cell and figure out "Master/Stranger" Protocols were something her group came up with years ago for this exact situation lol.
Not when she and her new friends are flaunting their new and improved Deus Ex Machina enhanced collars! Now with 99% more handwavey BS action! 9/10 RPers recommend rage quit! Stay tuned and Get yours soon!

Yeah it goes into how her actual power is poorly understood as "She controls Bugs" without understanding how Shard Powers actually function with cross dimensional fuckery, there own agency and where the power stops/person begins. For example, Bugs will continue following the last commands even when not in range, hence why there does not seem to be any in the Prison that are visible.
Jigajig Jigajig So, unlike Sebastian who actually, physically shifts into targets, Azrael's powers are completely illusory. He just appears to others in Cyrus's image but it's not really the case. Nothing is happening other than him bending people's perception of reality. Basically, he does not have dreadlocks even as he pretends to Cyrus. Him manipulating them was all an artistic flair within an illusion. Does this make sense?
Yush :)
Aliens coming to MY world aww hell naw!

Baby Boomers Reaction GIF by MOODMAN
It’s late for me right now, but I’ll get a response out tomorrow! ( Hopefully, fingers crossed )
Speaking of quotes, Wonder how many of the Therapy group have watched any Dreamworks movies lol
Rodrick loves the Puss in Boots movies and is a big fan of Antonio Banderas as well! He also enjoys all the Shrek movies, but finds himself fantasizing about how he would hunt the ogre if he had the chance...
Alas, on account of four weeks of inactivity, it would appear Jupiter is no longer with us... Perhaps Missy Kimmy's beehive numbed his brain a little too much.

BuggaBoo BuggaBoo Mirai-chan Mirai-chan Please reply with Shi and Violettin in the next day or two!
Please, Aviator, I BEEseech (badum tsh) you, give my buddy until tonight to drop something!

deadly king deadly king Don't leave me, man! D': If you leave, who else could I have a bromance with?! Cyrus? Maybe, but that guy's trapped in the Pit! Azrael? Probably not, not for a while anyway....ANYWAYS, post something! Crack another joke at Rodrick's expense! Anything!
This family was almost torn apart, and we haven't even gotten outta prison yet!
Luckily i checked this. Seems discord stopped given OOC updates again lol.
Smh my head, I thought technology was supposed to help us! As punishment, you gotta answer your question! Which DreamWorks movies has Rachel watched? Also, what's her favorite?
Anything with Dogs in she has likely seen due to a former teammate. As for movies, either The Bad Guys or Megamind
Alright, I got a hypothetical question! Your OC or OCs just got banned from a social media platform! Which platform and what did they do to get the ban hammer?

Rodrick got banned from Instagram after violating ToS. Apparently, dropping an anvil on a dingo's head from a cliff Looney Tunes style is never okay, even if you add cartoon sound effects. 'What the bloody hell do you mean it's animal abuse?! I'm in the Outback, fightin' for my life against these mutts! You do know they're the apex predators around here, right? Well, besides me of course.' Honestly, maybe he should have started a hunting podcast. Just hours of him rambling about his stories and experiences. Maybe it would've kept him outta trouble...not.
Nouvelle - she has zero social media cuz she tryna protect her identity but hypothetically:

Bigtime banned on ALL. Somehow account deleted on all and any. She is outspoken about Sector XTC and all 'alleged' atrocities they have been doing: abduction, human experimentation, trafficking, abuse, murder etc. Yeah 'somehow' her accounts all got deleted lol

Shi - already banned on this AU version of yt after she was like flagged for 'inappropriate sexual content' and refused to take the vids down.

- 1: skating in a tennis skirt like wtf? lol but like guess when most paused/ rewatched parts were peaking or like should i say 'peeking'. Not her fault cuz Ewww pervies.
- 2: all hot and sweaty chatting and laughing with a group of her dude friends after just absolutely wrecking a skate park. Yes, the fabric was like a bit clingy n tight but cmon nothing sexual.
- 3: this was a huge video that blew up overnight and nearly became a challenge. Shi and a bunch of her lesbian friends decided to blindfold themselves and like attempt to guess who the other was by only licking tongues. Lol yeah that one deserved to be taken down frfr

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