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BuggaBoo BuggaBoo Liling and electricity don't get along, because if her battery gets fried she could die. So yeah, she gonna go along with what the captain says. Unless of course Q ignores the warning and continues beating on Sebastian. He jumped in to save her, so she ain't just gonna throw him under the bus. But Liling would make an attempt to restrain Q or knock him out rather than prolong the fight. So! Sorry for complicating your question with contingencies, but I'll leave it up to you whether or not Q continues fighting in your next post. If he does, then Liling gonna get in there.
BuggaBoo BuggaBoo Liling and electricity don't get along, because if her battery gets fried she could die. So yeah, she gonna go along with what the captain says. Unless of course Q ignores the warning and continues beating on Sebastian. He jumped in to save her, so she ain't just gonna throw him under the bus. But Liling would make an attempt to restrain Q or knock him out rather than prolong the fight. So! Sorry for complicating your question with contingencies, but I'll leave it up to you whether or not Q continues fighting in your next post. If he does, then Liling gonna get in there.
k ty for answers. all goods at least i know and have an idea what to do.

Captain Thundercramps 😭😭
ummmm yeaaaahh...? Your charrie dont know it but thats what Shi heard the inmates call levina. cuz she make erybody feel like they on their period lol
Rachel is more put off my the atmospheric changes the lightning stuff causes, don't think shes done anything to actually attract that negative attention yet outside her little incident when she first arrived to get left alone by the more problematic inmates.
k ty for answers. all goods at least i know and have an idea what to do.

ummmm yeaaaahh...? Your charrie dont know it but thats what Shi heard the inmates call levina. cuz she make erybody feel like they on their period lol
😢😭 But Levina is a nice person. :(

Sad Cry GIF
Rachel is nice too, very selfless just claims shes not good with people.
k sooo like i will work on a post but gunna hold off. thinkin there's still others that have to post so imma wait a bit to see if they wanna post something before me?
All right y'all tomorrow I'm leaving on a week-long trip, so I wanted to get a post up before I head out. It was an ambitious one, and y'all still might be reading through it when I get back. XD Anyway though, TLDR I finished Azzy's form and just about all of his first post is buildup and backstory that explains the alien invasion that Cyris unwittingly walked in on earlier. At the end of the post both Cyrus and Azrael jump between worlds and end up back at Belle Reve. By the time the fight in the cafeteria resolves itself, they'll be hopping into a more interactive role in the story! Pinky promise.
deadly king deadly king Please post with Jupiter today or tomorrow!

BuggaBoo BuggaBoo Liling is so mean without reason to Shi, and I am soooo sorry for it lol. Don't take it personally, please; I love Shi! Liling just has a massive chip on her shoulder and doesn't play well with others.
BuggaBoo BuggaBoo Liling is so mean without reason to Shi, and I am soooo sorry for it lol. Don't take it personally, please; I love Shi! Liling just has a massive chip on her shoulder and doesn't play well with others.
lol all goods. Post was niiiice.

I was expecting as much cuz shi really asking for it. And like the girl is annoying so she gets back what she dishes out.
deadly king deadly king Please post with Jupiter today or tomorrow!

BuggaBoo BuggaBoo Liling is so mean without reason to Shi, and I am soooo sorry for it lol. Don't take it personally, please; I love Shi! Liling just has a massive chip on her shoulder and doesn't play well with others.
Alright no worries, was just waiting for things to progress forward, but I’ll get a response out hopefully tonight
Jigajig Jigajig Hey hey, if you don't mind me asking, what's Levina's plan? Is she going to round up all the inmates and send them back to their cells, or just the main participants in the fight? Reason I'm asking is our newcomer TobiornotTobi TobiornotTobi is considering having golden boy Rodrick interact with Jupiter for their opening post, so we just kinda wanna figure out where the inmates are gonna be when this happens.
Jigajig Jigajig Hey hey, if you don't mind me asking, what's Levina's plan? Is she going to round up all the inmates and send them back to their cells, or just the main participants in the fight? Reason I'm asking is our newcomer TobiornotTobi TobiornotTobi is considering having golden boy Rodrick interact with Jupiter for their opening post, so we just kinda wanna figure out where the inmates are gonna be when this happens.
Sooooo like have time to post for Nouvelle since we still stuck in the cafeteria scene. So like if.need be she could be the in to get headhunter n Jupiter together.

Question: Do the guards know.about the suicide squad initiative? Like will they be accompanying the inmates?
BuggaBoo BuggaBoo Jigajig Jigajig So, what I'd originally planned is that, as of right now, only Cyrus and Azrael are aware of the Kryptonians' conquest, because so far it's contained just to Azrael’s world. However, the Kryptonians will find that their terraforming technology is unexpectedly incompatible with the chemical composition of Castillon, so they need to expand to another world (our MCs'). As captain of the guards, I was thinking that once she wraps up the scene in the cafeteria, Levina summons Cyrus to report to her his findings, and the truth about the alien invasion comes out. Their meeting is interrupted by an international broadcast that Zod issues, trying to negotiate a peaceful surrender of the planet. And that will be when the guards will get the order to assemble the inmates. So this exposition will take prolly one or two rounds of posts. Do you guys with inmates think y'all can interact with each other until then? Or shall we cut down some of it and jump to the group debriefing fairly immediately?
Well my post ain't finishd yet so I can have it be how you want to play it out if you wish? Do you want her to send them back to their cells?
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