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Fantasy Behind the Seal - OOC

Also, quick little announcement
I'll be sending out a bump on the 4th, like a one month anniversary (monthaversary?) bump. Hopefully, we can get a couple more people and that'll also give you all the chance to have a little more time between posts if wanted

Just wanted y'all to know so you don't start seeing randoms pop up unannounced
I've been over here trying to get my new apartment set up and have spent a painful amount of money on furniture. Like...I've stopped checking my account to see how much I've spent on furniture because I know all that's waiting for me there is heartbreak
I've been over here trying to get my new apartment set up and have spent a painful amount of money on furniture. Like...I've stopped checking my account to see how much I've spent on furniture because I know all that's waiting for me there is heartbreak
OOF yeah that's rough, but congrats on the new apartment that's awesome!
yeah, just waiting to see if anyone else was gonna post. i feel like i accidentally skipped people with prior posts x.x
You're good. Post order is there to make sure nobody gets skipped
adropofdew had to step out for a few turns to take care of stuff, so don't worry, you're all good
Graceling Graceling adropofdew- adropofdew- Evie Maiden Of Apples Evie Maiden Of Apples Aura-Slash Aura-Slash

Hi friends, fun news!
The Lore thread is finally complete!
I'm so so so terribly sorry this took me so long to do, but you all are free to give it a look so you can understand more about the library, how it runs and even the world at large.

What this means?
If, after reading the Lore, you want to make any changes to your character sheet (not necessary at all, but not gonna stop you if you want to) you are more than welcome to.
Still on the character sheet train: I realised that when I first put up the character sheet model, I didn't give a space to explain what magic (if any) your character used. I have now added that to the character sheet model and would greatly appreciate you all hopping in there, if you don't have it already, to tell us a little bit about your characters magic, if they have any.

I want to say a big thank you to you all for being patient with me on my first time as a GM as I figure all this stuff out, but also sorry that we weren't fully set up when you all hopped on board.
Thanks for riding it out with me and I'm hoping for smooth sailing going forward.
However! I am still human and greatly imperfect. So, if there's anything you would like to see more of or anything you want me to explain more or change, feel free to let me know. OOC and DMs are open and I promise to give an ear.
Also, the aforementioned bump will be going live at 6pm EST (just over 6 hours from now).
My hope is that this gives y'all enough time to have read the message, thought of any edits you want to make (and maybe even enough time for you to make the edits).
If not, nothing's lost really, just wanted to give y'all a head start before we bring more people in.
Any takers on either of the riddles? Or perhaps questions that you feel could help you solve the riddles?
The answer to the first one will be revealed after my next post.
Hi all! Few notes.
Today was Aura's last day to post before their turn in the RP is skipped, so we will officially be skipping and going to the next person in the order.
That being said, I'd also like to officially welcome galvanismgal galvanismgal to the RP. She's our newest member and joined with the bump we had earlier this month.
Been sure to catch them up and worked with them in helping them figure out ways they can hop in, looking forward to seeing the post!
Also, as a poll, what are our thoughts of moving OOC to Discord? Since I know RPN can be kinda funky (very funky) with notifications?
Also, as a poll, what are our thoughts of moving OOC to Discord? Since I know RPN can be kinda funky (very funky) with notifications?
Yes, I'm 100% down. I didn't get a single notification this week; RPN notifications are pretty inconsistent, unfortunately, haha
Thanks for having me everyone! I am also in favor of switching ooc to discord given the sites had some troubles.
Also, as a poll, what are our thoughts of moving OOC to Discord? Since I know RPN can be kinda funky (very funky) with notifications?
Sorry I didn't see this, my notifications as well haven't worked and I'm trying to catch up on what I've missed. x_x ooc in discord is good with me!

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