Before the End of Summer Concert


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Miyako Hoshimura

Letting out a small sigh, the redheaded EAT professor glanced at the clock. Almost noon. The bell would be ringing soon. Looking back to the full classroom, she knew she might as well have everyone begin to pack up. No doubt they were all starving. Miyako knew she was.

”Alright brats!” she shouted, her booming voice echoing throughout the previously silent room. ”Start packing up, the bell’s going to ring in a moment and I have an announcement to make.”

Pausing for a moment as her students followed her instructions, she smirked, moving in front of her desk. Leaning against the wooden structure, she crossed her arms and waited a moment longer to make sure she had everyone’s attention.

”Remember that today is picture day in the auditorium! Remember to stop by before the end of the day!” she announced with a small smirk. ”So make sure when you eat lunch, you don’t spill on yourselves. Wouldn’t make a great picture.”


”Alright then, get out! Class dismissed!” Miyako called out, a smile on her face.

@Chara Angel of Death @Ariettie @Keanehandiam
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Professor Hiro Mitsaki

The first day of class had indeed been slow. Most of lecture had involved going through things in the handbook, making sure that all the new students knew all of the rules and also making sure that everyone knew who everyone else was. Introductions had actually taken up half of the class and Hiro was honestly appreciative of that. It meant he didn’t have to do as much teaching which was always his goal. However, as the introductions ended and the last of the NOT students explained who they were and why they were there, Hiro found himself glancing down at the lesson plans for the day.

Professor Kane Parson, the scheduled NOT instructor, had been summoned at the last minute. Hiro still wasn’t quite clear on why the summons was more important than class, but he hadn’t had much time to question it before the lesson plans that Kane had prepared had been dropped into his hands. Luckily, the first concept was simple enough. It revolved around a quote that was crucial for all students to understand regardless of their level. “A sound soul dwells within a sound mind and a sound body.”

Thus, that was the content of this lecture. Hiro explained to the students the importance of balance between all three natures. A soul depended on a body, a body depended on a mind and a mind depended on a soul. You couldn’t have one without the other two and you couldn’t strengthen one while ignoring the other three elements. While Hiro was certain that Kane would have some exercises prepared for the students to go through, he decided to leave them to Kane whenever he got back; Hiro would just lecture. And the lecture would drawl on, probably boring most of the students.

However, a lecture could only last for so long and then there came the ringing of the bell that signaled dismissal to lunch. “I guess that’s all the time we have today, class,” Hiro sighed as he finally turned to face the students, stopping writing notes on the board. “Remember that before you leave today, there will be pictures taken in the auditorium. Even if you don’t want to purchase pictures, you are required to attend. We need pictures for new IDs and for the yearbook.”

As he dismissed the class, Hiro remained at the podium in front of the classroom as he watched the students pour out.

@Chibii @Miyu @Kaine
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Lord Death and Hakoda Fullar

There was one thing that the Shinigami had to admit. The Death Room had become quite lonely over the past few weeks. His teachers had been busy preparing their lesson plans for the upcoming semester or he had sent them off to deal with smaller matters while the students took a break, not really taking on missions between semesters because, being as young as they were, Lord Death understood how important a break could be. Things had been uneventful at best although he did continue to watch his students with cautious eyes; there was very little he didn’t see. And what he saw was promising enough.

Aeryn had already started developing relationships with the students and since his entrance into the middle of the summer interim semester, the Shinigami hadn’t noticed any complications. He was melding with his new partner, Kassana well and Lord Death was actually impressed by how well the silver-haired girl was adjusting. Although it seemed promising, there was also the issue of the brawl that Aeryn had gotten into with Xander only a few weeks prior. Although Xander hadn’t said much about the encounter, Lord Death didn’t like just letting it sit. He had Xander under constant watch for now, hoping that with the starting semester, maybe Xander’s new partner would be able to help a bit with that situation.

The remainder of the new students seemed to have integrated well enough. He had paired up Remi and Eve quite honestly on a whim - much like every other decision he made - and so far, it seemed that his whim was correct. They hadn’t had any problems that he’d been able to note. Ikeda and Aiko were the ones who he saw as needing the most work and Lord Death knew someone would have to address it sooner or later. He was still figuring out how exactly to bring up the interesting situation they had found themselves in.

The injured students from the incident occurring over the summer had almost all made full recoveries. The only remaining concern rested with Skyler Emerson and Lord Death was certain that his partner wouldn’t allow him to do anything too rash until Nadia was able to declare him back to his normal self. Daemon and Deryn had both required some supervising for a time, but that time was gone and past.

Lord Death merely stared at his screens, watching his faculty teach his students for a few moments as he reflected on things.

“Excuse me, Lord Death.” A voice sounded from behind him and the Shinigami turned to see Hakoda Furral. He was a meister who had recently been reassigned onto the DWMA staff. “I don’t mean to interrupt, but I do have a report for you to address.” The meister held up a manilla folder towards the Shinigami.

“Of course, Hakoda! Come in, come in!” The Shinigami beckoned to him, turning his attention away from the events of the classes currently in session before he held his hand out for the report. “What happened this time?”

“That’s the thing, Lord Death,” Hakoda replied, his voice sounding very concerned. “I can’t quite explain it. The presence of magic was certain. It almost felt like a witch, but that DEFINITELY wasn’t it. Just… magic.”

“Hmm.” The Shinigami’s voice did not sound concerned even though Hakoda seemed to think what he was talking about was something serious. Instead he merely flipped through the file and nodded at some of the things that were written inside. Finally, he set the folder aside and said, “I’ll look into it. Any news on any other front?”

Hakoda shook his head. “Not really. No smiling bodies have been found from last night - not yet, at least. And it seems that Kane is not back yet, so Hiro took over the NOT students, although you already knew that, I’d imagine.”

Lord Death nodded at that before he glanced at the folder he had set aside, not opening it again, although he seemed curious. “It’ll be an interesting start to an interesting semester.”

“Indeed, Lord Death. I have nothing else to report so I’m going to go get lunch.”

The Shinigami nodded once at Hakoda before he turned back to his screens, pulling one up that he hoped would show him more of what was going on in Dunsmuir, California.
Nadia Voltaren

Nadia breathed in the fresh air that washed in through the open window as she looked at her small little infirmary. It felt great for it to finally be empty again after a few mishaps over the summer semester. Of course, an empty dispensary didn’t mean that everyone was all fine and dandy. She still had weekly check-ups on Skyler who was still recovering from his injuries six weeks ago and she was still sure there were a few more physical assessments she had to complete before some of the students were cleared to resume full activities.

That didn’t mean she couldn’t enjoy the moment of peacefulness though. Nadia had been around long enough to know that it wouldn’t last long given that the new semester had officially begun and knowing that Lord Death already had a lot on his plate. When Lord Death had a lot to deal with, that meant that the students in turn got to deal with a lot that Nadia herself would have never thrown at them. At the end of the day, they weren’t her students, though. They weren’t her children. They were weapons and meisters of the DWMA and Nadia needed to remember that they did more than enough to earn their titles, their missions and their responsibilities.

All she could do was hope for the best and prepare for the worst. Nadia turned to her desk, slipping herself into the swiveling chair as she spun around and logged in to her computer, going through supply lists and to do lists as she made sure everything was in order for the new semester.


Hooded Terror

Occupation: Getting up for lunch

Akahana officially hated school. She was in for her first class, thankfully having been placed in EAT; she would have thrown a tantrum if they didn't recognize her craziness greatness! She was upset she'd have to spare them a demonstration, though... Ah oh well! She spent most of class thinking of what to make next, and more... Creative ways to gut her enemies.

What actually alerted her attention was 'Picture Day' the hell was that? Normal people had such pointless customs, she swore... No matter, she'll have no choice but to attend. Can't be getting kick out so early, right-right?

A strange smirk crawled on her face when they were told not to make a mess of themself. Hey, who said you couldn't have some fun? Maybe she could release a bit of her bloodthirsty steam on a random student and just ruin their day. Hopefully they won't care too much!

Paul & Keziah

a collab between Pariah Stark and [/COLOR][COLOR=#FFFFFF]DaughterofAthena[/COLOR][COLOR=#FFFFFF]

Characters: Paul Wright, Keziah Swan

Location: Dojo
Paul felt the day was wasted. Most of it was simply introductions, course outlines, new rules, congradulations to the promoted Meisters, and a highlight of the recent accomplishments of the DWMA. Sure, it was nice that the weapons in the NOT classes were going out to become successful individuals, but the rest of the DWMA was there to fight evil. To become strong. To overcome corruption. A day of introductions just seemed to waste the potential of what they could be learning.

Paul was one of the handful of students called out. He was just recently put in the EAT class after debuting Soul Menace. Prior to that, he was essentially left in NOT due to refusing to take a weapon, but it was decided that a strong-willed Meister like Paul that could use Soul Menace deserved the same chance a Weapon would be given if they chose to be autonomous. He easily passed every other standard test to get into EAT, and there he was. The first "solo" Meister. If anything was more impressive, it was his development of three new techniques over the summer. Unlike many of the other students, he couldn't stand the dull summer interim classes.

It was when the spotlight was shone on him that some of the other Meisters picked up interest. Some took it was a challenge. A Meister apparently so powerful he didn't need a weapon. That's not exactly how it was explained, but that was the rumor running through the school. Paul was some sort've prodigy capable of using next-level techniques. The reality was that his focus simply wasn't on Soul Resonance or pairing with a weapon and that he had trained his self-resonance techniques as vigorously as senior students like Ivy trained as a whole. What was holding Paul back was simple: his own youth. Still, very few students were individually picked out by the professor to congradulate, and Paul made the list.

"A two star Meister interested in me?" Paul said aloud, arms-crossed, facing Keziah from across the dojo. The room was otherwise still. Candles inside iron containers with wax collectors at their bases were the only illumination for the room. It was a calm atmosphere, yet intense. This place was reserved for very specific training and made a very quiet place. "Last year, Meisters like you laughed at me. What makes you interested now? Paul asked. This time, it wasn't a rhetorical question. Paul and his half-dead eyes awaited an answer from Keziah.

"I didn't laugh last year," Keziah was quick to correct him, her voice plain and simple. "I watched. I always watch until something peaks my interest. And anyone who can earn the attention of the eyes of the staff here is certainly someone of interest. I'd like to know why. It's as simple as that." She took a deep breath in, breathing in the fumes the air had to offer, knowing that they were designed to have multiple effects although she was unsure what the room was currently set up for. "Most people in your situation would be cocky. Yet you are not. It's another point if intrigue. I learn best when I see things for myself. Firsthand. On my own."

"Pride is a distraction. To stand on a pedastal and look down on others is to stop looking up at where you could be. I find no harm in counting your milestones, but becoming content with yourself is a road to weakness and stagnation," Paul replied. He spoke with an odd amount of wisdom despite his young age. His words just sounded off coming out of his mouth, especially as he adjusted his glasses which seemed only to add to his youthful appearance. "I think that's enough philosophy. In all honesty, you were not the only curious soul in that classroom. Five students singled me out. Four Meisters, one pissed off Weapon, and you happened to be third. You also happened to be the cutest girl to show any interest, so here we are," Paul added, pretty much decimating the sagely statement he made earlier.

Paul then shrugged a bit. He wasn't blushing or red, but he also wasn't overly flirting with Keziah, either. It was really a blunt point Paul made. "We could fight, but that wouldn't explain nearly as much as your intellect could if you merely asked question and sought demonstration. A Meister without their weapon is normally at a disadvantage, and I don't wish to spar with anyone while they're not at their full. I gain nothing out of hollow victory," Paul told her. It seemed he was trying to redirect the meeting from sparring, although the logic he offered was somewhat arrogant. It wasn't wrong, but it wasn't exactly polite, either.

"If you asked me to come here simply because you thought I was pretty, then I would be better off leaving now. A man lost in infatuation is not the kind of person who has anything to offer me," Keziah commented, her voice remaining even and almost uncaring. "You seem to be implying that you could win if we were to fight. That I am at a disadvantage without a weapon, even. Do you have any idea how many weapons I've been through? With or without one, I can hold my own. And that idiot wouldn't be any help even if he was here." She grimaced at the mere thought of Warren. "You claim you're not prideful, but you are. I can see it. And it will be your downfall."

"Pride would be delving so deep into that statement that I would feel the need to prove it," Paul replied. With a quick snap of his fingers, he released the tiniest fraction of his wavelength - not even enough for most Meisters to perceive - but enough to make every lit candle flicker ever so gently in tandem with the sound. "And I don't. Simply because I do not care which one of us is stronger. If it I, then I gain nothing from sparring and I can show you my abilities best through benign demonstration. If you firmly believe yourself to be my better, come at me, and I'll learn something from the fight while you can learn why the teachers promoted me with no weapon," Paul told her nonchalantly.

Keziah considered for a moment, her eyes noting the flicker of the candles at his snap. It was not something she had seen before and she had seen quite a lot. "Ah, yes. Your abilities... I must admit I have only heard rumors. I'm not quite sure which are true and which are not, to be completely honest with you," she stated simply. "If a demonstration is what you are offering, then by all means, demonstrate. I'll watch and see what I can learn from observation alone. Sometimes, though, mere observation is not enough."

"I've learned a handful of new techniques over the summer. Lord Death said I was the first to invent so many techniques since the first Meisters began designing all of the standard Great Techniques. They're not taught anymore because, as it turns out, any pair can grow strong enough to create their own technique and it is counter-productive to follow the formula of others. It is through understanding and knowledge that these abilities are made," Paul explained. And, with a quick grin, he added, "So you may be right. A demonstration may not suffice. So, let's make a deal. If I can whole-heartedly surprise you three times, I want... one kiss on my cheek. And, tomorrow, I want to say to the whole class I got a kiss from the Keziah Swan."

With a sly smirk, Paul asked, "What do you think?

"I think you have an interesting sense of humor," Keziah replied. Her tone hadn't changed from the monotone sound that she had started with when they had first walked in and it didn't seem like it was going to change anytime soon. "I hope you do realize that it takes a lot to surprise me," she added. "Understand one thing before we go any further. I am here because I think you might have something to offer me, something I can learn. If you're just going to show me some cute acrobatics, I'm going to turn around and leave right now. I am not another girl hanging around just to give out kisses."

"I can already tell this will be fun," Paul replied to her. He then spread his legs and lowered his arms into a defensive stance. It was simple, yet despite its simplicity, the atmosphere around him changed. It was a similar transition from his sagely wisdom to his odd arrogance to his weird flirtation. It was blunt, fast and seemingly brought on by nothing than his own personality. "We'll do this in three parts, then. I doubt I'll need a fourth, but I have a handful of ideas. This first part is defense. Waste no time; come at me," Paul instructed her with a cold confidence.

Keziah's long black hair billowed behind her as she did exactly as he instructed, wasting no time going from a dead stop to a flat out sprint faster than would have seemed possible while blue strings leapt from her palm, fizzling through the air like an electrical pulse that reached out with small extensions, zapping at almost anything nearby that seemed interesting. "I hope you know what you're doing," she mumbled, not quite sure if he would hear, "otherwise this is going to hurt."

Paul immediately recognized the strings made of her wavelength. In fact, he likely saw them with better clarity than she controlled them. Such was his skill with Soul Perception at this range. She was fast, too. Likely trained considerably better, although he was sure he could keep up with her in sprint. Combat, however, wasn't always sprinting. Once she neared him, her strings just inches away, he burst forward with an intense thrust using Soul Force: Projection, creating a barrier around him that also thrust the strings away nigh-effortlessly which he performed a long-arm thrust with an extended reach due to the barrier around it. Paul had all intentions on simply making Keziah hit a flat all of pure force in front of her, and the projection moved faster than Paul could alone.

Even moving at the speed that she was, Keziah was not oblvious to what was happening around her. She could see Paul. She could sense his soul wavelength expanding around him and that sense alone made her cautious although she didn't stop running. She extended out a branch of her electric wavelength and watched as it hit the 'barrier' boucing right off of it. She tried to stop, but she was simply moving too fast. Keziah's face hit a hard barrier that only her Soul Perception could see and her body jerked to a stop before she stumbled backwards, not quite losing her footing because she had been paying enough attention to be prepared for some sort of impact.

Keziah shook her head, wincing slightly. Blows to the face were never pleasant and this had been no exception. "Well, apparently you do know what you're doing. Care to explain what that was?"

"Potentially," Paul replied, keeping his guard up just in case. "Are you willing to count that as the first surprise?" he asked her, although his tone seemed to still retain its cold focus instead of the flirtatious nature.

Keziah's wavelength zapped once in her palm, flashing a brilliant blue before it faded completely again. "I saw it coming. If you want to surprise me, you'll have to be faster."

"A surprise is a surprise as long as it works. You may have saw it coming, but it was too late by the time you did. I could see in your very eyes when your Soul Perception picked it up. Not to mention, I know quite factually I used it late enough that your own Wavelength was nearly close enough to touch me. Let's give credit where its due," Paul replied, quite obviously arguing with her. His tone... his tone made it sound like he didn't really care about the deal. Was the 'kiss' just a rouse? A good question when he was making such a deliberate argument.

"Until you can tell me you can read my mind, you do not tell me what surprises me and what does not," Keziah stated. Her voice had something new in it now. It wasn't anger. It was... assertiveness. Keziah wasn't going to continue this pointless argument further and she was going to make that much known. "Now, are you going to tell me what that was, or am I leaving now?" Her eyes narrowed towards Paul. "This is of no worth to me if I can't learn anything and no worth to you if we don't continue. You do still want your... kiss ... after all?"

"No. Leave the dojo," Paul told her after relaxing his stance and crossing his arms. Whatever assertiveness she thought she had was stopped just as abruptedly as she was by Paul's projection. "You failed. You think I'm after some petty kiss, and that made you think you were above me because I wanted visceral gratification. You think you can manipulate me using your 'body' as leverage with a kiss. It was all a feint from the first time I called you cute," Paul explained. "I could explain to you why you're wrong in ample detail, but that would waste my time," Paul added. "If you have nothing else to do here, please leave. I prefer to train in solitude," Paul finally told her.

Keziah chuckled a bit. "You think I want to give you my body!?" Her pitch rose high with that comment although with the next statement she offered, it was right back to the previous tone she had maintained throughout everything. "No. That is not how I do things. I don't manipulate people. I fight them and I show them everything I have if the situation demands it." It wasn't meant to counter anything Paul had said. Instead, it was merely a statement.

"And there's only ever been one teacher I've ever listened to, so don't try to pull that superiority on me because even Death ultimately fails there. However, I do happen to have other business to attend to here if you don't mind." Keziah stood up and walked into the corner, crossing her legs as she sat down and closed her eyes.

"By the way," Paul told her as she sat down, "I wasn't implying I would win. I was telling you I would. And, now, I'm sure of it." Paul closed his eyes and saw the room with perfect clarity. He then held his hands together and created the same barrier around him as before, although this time, he made it extend from his feet. This caused Paul to quite literally float in the air, and he intended on maintaining this as long as possible. Partially to just rub it in the face of Keziah because she likely wouldn't understand it even if she stared at it for hours, but also partially to train his endurance.

"Also, focusing on my wavelength won't help. Watch," Paul told her as he began to cause his own wavelength to fluctuate, yet somehow maintained the barrier perfectly. He could feel her match him, and he found it pathetic. She was going to try and observe him after her little argument. It would be a valid effort... if it would help with this particular technique. It would be a perfect way to practice Disruption. But, not Projection. The techniques and their differences made the fact she was caught up on one even more difficult for her.

Even as Paul's wavelength fluctuated, Keziah's shifted with it and she smirked slightly although her eyes remained closed. "You're only thinking about me wanting to learn your techniques. And you're right, I do want to learn them. But knowing how to beat them is just as beneficial and if I can match your wavelength, then your wavelength can't hurt me," Keziah explained without once opening her eyes to look at him. "And going through weapon partner after weapon partner has taught me how to match all kinds of wavelengths."

Keziah held out her hands and both of them emitted a single strand of electrical energy that struck the flames within two of the candles in the room. They didn't spread beyond that single line and she kept it zapping for a moment as she sat there. "You say you can beat me, but what happens when my wavelength is the same as yours? What happens when you're reduced to nothing but pure physical prowess?"

Paul let a cocky grin creep along his face as he offered his simple reply, "Then I'm down to one surprise left for that kiss after I kick your ass, 'cause what I do when you try that is gonna be a real kicker."

"Did I say I was going to attack you? Or kiss you, for that matter?" Keziah's voice once again rose a bit although she still sat in the corner and she still hadn't once opened her eyes to look at him since sitting down.

"Just because you don't like the answer doesn't mean its wrong," Paul replied to her.

Keziah's eyes opened and her wavelength settled back to the feel she was familar with although she just stared at him for a moment. "You know what? You are interesting. Most intriguing indeed. I'm surprised I didn't notice you sooner, to be honest. But you're also annoying," Keziah finally stood up as she continued to talk. "And I already have one pest to put up with. I do hope to fight you someday, Paul. Not today, though. Not while I'm annoyed. That wouldn't go well. Fights aren't meant to be emotionally driven." Finishing her statement she started walking out of the dojo.

"Running from a problem doesn't make you right, either," Paul told her. "What little I will tell you has nothing to do with the technique, but why I made them. I don't want a partner. I don't want someone to spar with. I don't need them. I grew up alone after my parents were killed, I saw so many friends leave and realized friends are just other distractions. I want the strength to do things on my own. No weapon. No team. No excuses," Paul explained.

"What I saw in you was another lonely soul. It's in your eyes, miss Swan," Paul told her before she left earshot.

Keziah paused hearing that. She paused and glanced over her shoulder, looking back at him. "I did grow up alone. I am alone. But here's the difference between you and me: I wasn't built to be alone. That is not my purpose." Her voice had finally tripped from it's normal monotone. There was a sincerity in it, a pure honesty that hadn't been in anything else she had said. "I have to leave now. There's more to do."

"Neither am I, Swan. Neither am I. It's called Projection. You won't learn it anywhere else..." he told her. "...and it's only the tip of the iceberg."

Her voice returning to it's normal baseline once again, Keziah Swan walked out of the dojo without another word. Paul Wright let her. It was a contest of wills, and neither one would bow down to the other. It was needless, really, but at the same time, it was the fruit of their personalities. It was a necessity in that sole regard.

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Lexie & Aeryn

Location: EAT Classroom

Characters: Aeryn, Lexie Traynor
The first day of the EAT Class was almost as dull as the entirety of the summer interim. At the very least, it seemed that the outline showed that the later parts of the semester would have some more difficult, advanced material and students would be given permission to go out on a limb for assignments. So, Aeryn had at least something to look forward to. Aside from that, it was mostly introductions, congradulations, a quick explanation of the class and then what felt like an enternity of explaining what they would go over and why it was necessary before they actually went over it.

Once the class was dismissed, it seemed like summer classes all over again in that Aeryn was waiting for the crowd to thin out before meeting up with Lexie. Of course, the EAT class was considerably smaller than the combined summer interim class, so this process didn't take nearly as long and was considerably less time-consuming. After just a few minutes, Aeryn was able to dart up to Lexie and swiftly slide his hand into hers. "So these pictures," Aeryn said. "Are they like the ones with the cellphones or what?" he asked.

Lexie smiled as soon as Aeryn approached her and she slung her backpack over her shoulder in the moment before he grabbed onto her hand. "No," she chuckled slightly. "They'll probably have a photographer taking pictures with a camera. The pictures turn out a lot better that way." It was an odd thing that Lexie had slowly gotten used to - having to explain things to Aeryn because he had these odd gaps in his knowledge.

Another thought occurred to Lexie then. "Did you not know it would be picture day today?" she inquired, glancing down at her own outfit. She had planned on having her picture taken and had actually put a great deal of effort into looking nice for it. Of course, she wasn't one to go overboard, but she wore a simple black blouse that went well with her jeans and her hair had a bit of extra fluff to it.

"Not in the slightest. You'd think Kass would explain that to me, but she doesn't even like pictures to begin with," Aeryn said, pretty much noting her relatively shy nature. Then again, the concept of pictures was truly lost on him. Not only did he miss the era when pictures took forever to develop, he missed film cameras, motion pictures, the entire black and white era, the transition to digital... it was literally a giant step. Actually, the only Soul in him that understood it at all was Nariel. He turned out to be quite tech savvy.

Nevertheless, Aeryn himself was still curious about what he needed to do for pictures. It seemed like such a big deal, but before, he saw great pictures taken by touching a button on a piece of glass. "So.. what do I need to do? I've never had a professional picture taken," Aeryn asked without at all realizing how alienated that made him sound.

Lexie chuckled again, giving his hand a gentle squeeze. "Don't worry about it. You just need to show up and the photographer tells you where to sit and when to smile. Just don't blink." Throughout her entire explanation, Lexie couldn't keep herself from laughing at the oddity of it. She remembered getting her picture taken when she was a little girl and now it was something so commonplace that she never expected she'd ever have to explain it to someone else.

"Anyway, want to go get lunch?" she inquired, gently tugging him as she started to lead the way out of the classroom.

"Well, I would love to, but I already have a lunch date with my gorgeous girlfriend and I'd hate to disappoint her," Aeryn said, obviously just wanted to throw a compliment at Lexie. She was right, though, lunch sounded fantastic, so he quickly made the effort to scurry out of the room.

Kassana Silverstream

Kassana scurried through the lunch line quickly as soon as class was dismissed, deciding that it would be best to follow the crowd for now. And it honestly seemed as though the crowd wanted lunch. Turning, she glanced at the groups that were slowly forming at the tables lining the cafeteria and she realized she had no idea who to sit with. Her eyes glanced towards the entrance hoping to see someone she knew - maybe Aeryn or Lexie or even Ivy and Demetri. Any familiar face would have been nice at that particular moment in time.

However, she didn’t see one. Kassana sighed and after getting a turkey sandwich from the sandwich bar and paying for her meal, Kassana meandered over to an empty table, sitting on the corner of it and taking a bite of her sandwich. She continued to watch for more people to pour in, half wondering if anyone would choose to sit by her although part of her hoped that no one did. She had a book in her bookbag that she was close to finishing and it just didn’t feel right reading at the lunch table if people were trying to talk to her.

Finishing her lunch quietly for the most part, Kassana reached into her bookbag and pulled out a novel, letting her eyes immerse into the pages as the rest of the world washed out of her sight while she endeavored to get to the end of it before having to go get her picture taken. Her eyes did occasionally glance up to see if anyone had wandered over to her because if they did, she wouldn’t have continued reading her book. She would’ve set it down and at least tried to talk to them. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to make friends. She just didn’t quite understand how one would go about doing such a thing.
Lexie & Aeryn

A collab between

@Sergeant Sass and Pariah Stark

Location: Cafeteria

Characters: Aeryn, Lexie Traynor

Tags: @DaughterofAthena

Lexie was still grinning from ear to ear as she led Aeryn into the cafeteria, quickly grabbing a tray and passing another back to him before she made a beeline straight for the pasta bar, still dragging Aeryn along with her. "I'll take one plate of spagetti and meatballs, please!" Lexie requested of the lunch server and he was quick to throw some noodles on a plate with marinara and meatballs before handing it to her. She nodded her thanks and set it onto her tray before turning to Aeryn. "I'm all set. Where to next?"

Aeryn only had to walk a little further down to get what he wanted. Chicken alfredo with a side of garlic sticks. He was more of a poultry person than beef, and he found his niche in the pastas that way. He also liked seafood, but more often than not, he went wherever Lexie pulled him, whether she just went ot the cafeteria or insisted on a lavish date. Aeryn insisted they pick out a night for her to slip into a dress, but he hadn't succeeded yet. "I think I'm good for now. Where do you want to sit?" he asked.

Lexie turned and looked at the tables that lined the cafeteria, her eyes scanning for any familiar faces among the crowds although she didn't quite see any yet. She also didn't see her brother anywhere; he was someone who she would have avoided if she had seen him, simply because she didn't need to be involved in any fights. Glancing back at the lunch line, Lexie realized it was still quite long so there were plenty of people who could have simply found themselves stuck there.

"Um... we can just go to an empty table for now," she decided. "I'm sure we could wave over some people to sit with us as more people come through."

Aeryn interjected by pointing at Kassana whom was sitting with a cold sandwhich and a book in the corner. Fairly easily missed if one isn't familiar with Kassana and her tendency to hide. "Why don't we go take a seat with Kass? I'm sure she wouldn't mind the company." Aeryn proposed.

Lexie nodded, actually sighing at the fact that she had missed Kassana among the table. "Sure," she agreed before leading the way over to the table that Kassana was sitting at.

"Hey Kass!" Lexie called out, loud enough to interrupt whatever Kassana was reading. Aeryn would have waved, but with one hand occupied by Lexie and the other holding his tray, he really couldn't. So he just waited to greet her when they sat down.

Alexander “Xander” Traynor

Nickname: Dynamite

Class: EAT 1-Star

Mood: Grumpy

Location: Lone Cafeteria Table
Xander had been one of the first people to leave the classroom after Professor Miyako had dismissed it although that in no way meant he was the first person to enter the cafeteria. He had stopped by his locker and taken a quick glance at the mission bulletin although there hadn’t been much for him to actually do about what he saw until he talked with his partner. Come to think of it, Xander hadn’t seen Max in a while and it was beginning to get on his nerves. No one loved being able to call themselves a scythe meister more than Xander did, but he couldn’t be much of a scythe meister if she was never around.

It was these thoughts that left his expression eternally grumpy when he finally walked into the cafeteria only to see that there was a line. Grumbling audibly, Xander had to content himself with waiting in it until he finally was able to make it to the actual main course options. Xander quickly requested a plate of chicken and dumplings before he saturated his entire plate in gravy and made his way to a table without talking to anyone.

His eyes quickly flashed to another table, settling into a brief glare at both Aeryn and Xander’s sister Alexis although he had no intentions of starting up a commotion in the middle of the cafeteria on the first day of school. That would have created way too much of a mess.

Xander’s eyes shifted off of his most hated individuals after a moment or two and his gaze turned back to the line of people still making their way in for lunch. There were plenty of new faces that he hadn’t encountered before, but none of them were the face he was looking for. He wanted to find Max so he could ask her about the missions that were posted and see if they could go on one because quite honestly, if he had to sit in the classroom for another day without getting to punch something in the face, Xander knew he would find himself in far more trouble than he needed to be in right now.

“Anyone else feel like messing with this whole ‘picture day’ thing?” Xander finally yelled out loud, realizing that he needed to say something and also realizing that perhaps without intending to, Professor Miyako had given him an idea. He wasn’t sure if anyone else would be on the same page.

Another thought briefly crossed his mind. A lot of the girls - his sister for sure - had dressed nicely for their pictures. It would be so much fun to mess that up.

@Chara Angel of Death @Chibii @Kaine
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Daemon Alexanders & Zyra Harriot

Nicknames: Sabers and Lupen

Class: EAT (1-Star)

Location: Cafeteria

Daemon took very gentle steps as he carried his mountain of food away from the lunch line towards the center of the lunch room. On the tray in his hands, he carried five different plates of food, from pasta with meatballs to a grilled cheese sandwich to a chicken salad. Two plates sat with half of their sides balancing precariously off the end, so Daemon tilted the plate farther to the side so they wouldn't fall off. He looked around the room at all the students, looking for a bright flash of red.

He saw it towards the back of the room. He grinned, walking through a few groups of students talking. He grinned at each student he passed, stepping over feet and maneuvering around girl's in dresses and boys in dress shirts. As he got closer to the table, he placed his tray down and picked up the chicken salad plate, sliding it across the table to the blonde girl. He smiled as he began loading all the rest of his food onto the table, pushing the tray away from him to a seat not taken at the table. He sat down and rubbed his hands together hungrily. "Man, I'm always starving after classes! They are always too long!" He pouted as he thought about classes, but it quickly reverted back into a smile as he picked up a forkful of pasta and placed it in his mouth, a satisfied sound coming from his throat. "We should be allowed a vending machine or something in the classrooms." He continued stuffing his face with food.

Zyra looked down at the lunch Daemon had got her, and pulled her hood off of her head, letting her blonde hair spill out over her shoulders. She picked up the plastic fork that was stuck in the lettuce of the salad, and took a small nibble of food. She closed her book that she was holding, and placed it to the side along with all her extra credit work she had gotten from her teachers. The food in the cafeteria wasn't half-bad, and Daemon seemed to like it almost as much as her own cooking.

She looked up with her icy blue eyes at Daemon, and groaned. "
I still can't believe you didn't dress up for Picture Day, Daemon. I even picked you out that nice little suit I found for a decent price. You looked very nice when you tried it on." She glared at the short boy. "You looked a little older than a little kid."

Daemon didn't even notice the jab at his apparel. He just shoved another forkful of pasta into his mouth, finishing off the plate and pushing it off to the side as he reached for the grilled cheese. He shrugged his shoulders, talking around a full mouth. Zyra looked with disgust at a piece of noodle that flew out of his mouth and landed just a few inches from her. "
Swallow." She pointed threateningly at Daemon. "Then talk."

Daemon swallowed the glob of food in his mouth, and Zyra felt squimish as she watched the large amount of food slide down his throat. He then took a few deep breathes, before he spoke again. "
That suit is uncomfortable. I like my jacket more. It's comfy." He patted his black and orange jacket lovingly, the sleeves covering all but the tips of his fingers. "Also, why worry about me? You seem like you focused more on yourself!"

Zyra looked down at herself. She still had her red cloak around her shoulders, but through the small area where it tied together, she could see the dark black dress she had put on, that reached down to her ankles. It fit her snugly, the sleeves of it comfortably loose along the entire length. She was also wearing heels instead of her usual platform boots, which gave her even more height usually. The heels still gave her some height, but not as much as she liked. But they were too uncomfortable for her to wear anything larger than one inch. So they did well enough. She also put on some make-up, eyeliner winged and her lips the color of cherries.

She scoffed. "
Because I at least take school seriously! You just get by with your grades!"

Daemon began giggling. "
Don't get me wrong. This school is fun! I just am not as smart, Z!" He continued giggling as he took a bite out of his sandwich, and Zyra rolled her eyes as she stood up. "Whatever. Just don't make a mess of your clothes before you get your picture taken. I'm going to go get a water." She walked past Daemon, who was holding up his hand straight. She stood looking at it for a moment, and then at his smiling puppy dog face. She snickered very lightly before giving him a high-five and continuing on her way.

Zyra was just passing by Alexander Traynor, another EAT student like herself, when she heard his comment about messing up the picture day. She whirled around at him and briskly approached him, holding a finger threateningly up at him, getting right into his face. "
I swear, Alex, if you mess up this dress or my make-up or get even a SPECK of dirt or anything on Daemon, I will chop you limb from limb. And you do not want to be cut up by an angry chainsaw-girl. It's not a fun time." She patted his cheek, smiling wickedly before standing back up and turning away, going to retrieve a bottle of water for herself. She could hear Daemon behind her, shouting to her from across the room. "You tell him, Zyra! Girl power!" His boisterous laugh echoed out, and died when he took another bite of food. She smiled as she rolled her eyes again.

As she bought her water bottle, her eyes caught a glimpse of Alexis and Aeryn, two other EAT students, approach a girl Zyra didn't know with silver hair. She couldn't remember the name that well, something like Kellie? Kandice? K...K...Ka...Kas...Kassandra? Kassana! That was the name. She took a sip of her water bottle, looking over at them. Daemon could see where his partner was looking, and followed his eyes to his classmates. He stood up and waved at them. "
Hi Aeryn! Hi Lex! Hi Silver Girl who I don't know the name of!"

Daemon! That's rude to say!" Daemon looked over at Zyra, then pouted. "But I don't know her name, Z! Why is that rude?" Zyra groaned, rubbing her forehead.

@Sergeant Sass @Pariah Stark

Sarah Sparks & Lauren Sparks

As students began to leave only one sound reverberated in her head. That was the sound of her sister, Lauren, banging her head down once onto the desks as she collapsed across it. Her arms sprawled across barely reaching the other side with her chair scooted all the way back. In a grumbly voice Lauren complained, "Siiiiiiisssssssy..." Having paused for a few seconds she mumbled under her breath, "Class was sooo boring." Sarah just thunked the back of her sister's head and a thud was heard again.

Ow." Replied the girl dully and unmotivated to do anything back. The back of her neck was bare and her short hair still covered her ears. She thought that Lauren did look cute with short hair, even though it was still kind of hard for her to accept. A few times Sarah tried to cut her own hair just so that they would be identical again but Lauren balled her eyes out at the threat.

Sliding back in her chair she leaned over and dug through her bag. There wasnt actually much in it, except for a small, chilled container, some books and random oddities. Pulling out there lunch, it was two small containers with a basic chicken salad sandwich and some greasy regular chips. Setting it on the table, she moved one over next to Lauren. Even nudging her with the container. Lauren jut moaned.

Look sis." She said with a serious tone and a condesending expression. "This might be a new school, and I love you to death, but I refuse to feed you. Besides..." Lifting an eyebrow and a corner of her mouth into a grin, she delivered the blow. "If you don't sit up, you're gonna mess up your hair. Then you'll have the worst year book photo known to man, and on the first day nonetheless."

Like some sort of robot, Lauren sat straight up instantly, opened her container neatly, and begin to devour said sandwich without a moments hesitation. Though her eyes, they were a little lost, looking mostly closed, but straight ahead without actually looking at anything. Sarah just sat there opening her container as well and starting on her lunch.

A few bites in, Lauren ask Sarah something that had been on her mind. "
Why didn't we go to the cafeteria? They were suppose to have really good food." She faced Sarah with honest concern, sandwich still held within a bites range.

Sarah shrugged her bare shoulders. "
A lot of drama goes on in school cafeterias. Not sure I want to deal with it yet." Though really the answer was much simpler. She was scared. With everything that happened before, and now that they were at a unique school, she didn't know what to think. This first class even proved that. And dealing with people, she just wanted to get settled in first.

Lauren had also learned to just trust her sister over the last few years. So she smiled, nodded, and took another bite of her sandwich.
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Eve Penchant

Dwma Nickname: Grenade

Class: NOT, NEW Student

Location: Cafeteria

Eve had been following the pack of students from the NOT classroom until they went their separated paths. And that's where she had gotten a tad bit confused.
"Well I didn't know there were alternatives to eating gross cafeteria food." She muttered with peaked interest. However, she had decided to stay in the cafeteria as she hasn't had her breakfast or last nights' dinner yet. And needless to say, the female was starving.

As she walked into the cafeteria, Eve took the place in, this wasn't her first time here but she'd still hasn't gotten used to it. It was way bigger than her old lunch room. She sighed and made her way to literally whichever booth seemed appealing and taking a chunk from that. The end result was spaghetti, jello and a box of milk. Didn't sound appealing but at this point Eve would've eaten a cow... Raw.

As she walked towards one of the empty tables, she'd over heard someone yelling about ruining the picture day thing. Eve couldn't help but chuckle at that, and she laughed even harder when that girl came up to reprimand him. She'd never actually bothered to dress up, today was just a black hoodie with some jeans and a T-shirt, normal. The commotion about pictures day was always nonsense to her, to be honest, she'd rather not take it. Just then, an idea popped into her head. It was a stupid idea, one that she wouldn't take part in, but she wanted to, because she could. Planning usually came first with these sorts of things, weighing out pros and cons and she figured that this simple task would be solved easily.

Eve waited for the girl to walk away as she sped towards the boy with her tray, her eyes gleaming with mischief and excitement.
"I volunteer as tribute for this stupid ass task." She said, giving him a small wave until she realized how sarcastic she sounded. "I'm not being sarcastic." Eve chuckled, setting her tray down on the table.

@Sergeant Sass

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Giles Riven & Zarren

Name: Giles Riven

Nickname: The Halfsleeper

Location: Cafeteria

Class: ?

Mood: Sad

Tags: @everyone

~ During the ice-cream social event... A collab with
@DaughterofAthena ~

The milk-chocolate-colored mane had become frizzy, thanks to slight perspiration - The result of her hurried steps. Her thin legs, darkened by the slightly see-through fabric of her tights, moved as fast as they could. Running was an oddly unusual task for the girl, yet the nagging voice of a certain feline-like companion prompted her to run as fast as her legs were able carry her.

"DID YOU NOT HEAR THAT GIRL?" a croaky voice blurted into the hallways, the hoarse shriek echoing through the air. Zarren, hanging out of Riven's shoulder, the claw-like paws gesturing around wildly, fired up the girl. Or scared her. Whatever, really "I'M GONNA KICK YOUR ASS IF WE MISS THE ICE CREAM!"

Now fastening her almost leap-like steps even further, Riven took the corner as sharply as she could, only to land on her behind immediately after, thanks to bumping into an unforgiving dark… something. “Idiot…” Zarren snarled from the cheap seats, while Riven rubbed her thigh in confusion. “S-sorry…”

The black figure turned at the impact and remarked,
“Oh? And who might you be?”

Turning her head upwards upon hearing a yet unfamiliar voice, the girl let up from attending her little bruise and looked up with a quickly blushing face.

“Oh… Sir Shinigami, I… Uh… I’m Riv-”


Riven blushed even further thanks to Zarren’s primitive interruption and turned her glance away, trying to avoid direct eye-contact.

Lord Death watched them both for a moment without saying anything. It was only after a few seconds of silence that he finally replied,
“Ahh… yes. I do remember reading your applications. You are Riven, yes? And of course, I remember Zarren. You’re one of the more interesting applicants I’ve had in a while…” Lord Death trailed off.

“Were you planning on jumping into the summer semester yet?”

With slight surprise, Riven’s hands clenched up a little, gripping into her legs as she looked back up. “I’m not interesting, I…” she began, only for Zarren to hit her in the head with a weak fist. “Goof, he obviously means me!” Riven sniveled a little, though didn’t seem particularly distressed by the act. “Right… Sorry… Uh… yes, I’d like that. I was told to come here, but nobody said whether or not I could… you know… if I would get accepted or not.”

Lord Death seemed almost baffled by her thought that she might not get accepted.
“Why, of course you’re accepted!” The Shinigami chuckled slightly. “You’re a meister and you have a weapon,” He nodded at Zarren, “and there is no better place to learn how to use him than here. Certainly that is why you are here, no?”

“Uuuhh…” Giles seemed fairly caught off-guard by the no-doubt rhetorical question. “I guess so…” she finally confirmed, almost as if she had to give in rather than wanting to. “Thank you, sir.” She sniveled again, then cleared her throat. “I… I don’t know if I’d be a good meister though. But I’ll try. Promise.” she assured.

“Alright then. I’ll go finish filing your admissions paperwork and you will be expected in Professor Miyako’s class tomorrow morning. For the summer term, we only run combined courses and we can figure out your placement after that,” Lord Death informed them. “For now, I do believe they still had some ice cream left in the courtyard down the hall. You could meet some of your classmates there.”

“Pssssssh, EAT is, like, a given, Mister, no doubt about that, eh?!” Zarren snickered out, his words sounding wheeze-like and hollow due to the constant underlying chuckle.

“Zarren, be nice…” Riven chimed in, though only half-heartedly. Another little bump of the black knuckles found its way into the girl’s hair. “Just get up and run! Didn’t you hear? Ice! Cream! Go, go, go!” Riven quickly tumbled back onto her feet, a little shaky, but standing. Bowing slightly before the Shinigami, she expressed her gratitude, then slid off, back around the corner, where Zarren’s threats echoed for a few corridors before fading off.

~ Back in the now ~

Class had went smoothly. More or less, anyways. Riven was, as usual, quiet to the point of seeming mute, avoiding eye contact with just about anyone and kept her nose close to the pages of her book. Truthfully, the severity of her shutting herself off was a bit of a burden when it came to her education, as she not only hindered active participation, but also failed at taking in the lesson. Zarren, on the other hand, stayed "inside". Classes were his number one complaint all the way towards the academy. 'But Riveeeeeeeen' he had said, no, purred almost, going so far as to actually use the name the girl wanted him to for once. 'School is boring! And for losers! We don't need it!' But she had remained stubborn, had taken the little fists hitting her every now and then, and had let him complain and moan throughout the entire way. Zarren took it like a champ, by his standards, and had simply dozed off as soon as they crossed the doorstep.

Now, however, Riven's feline companion had awoken at the sound of the bell and demanded food.

"Cafeteria. Cafeteria. Go to the Cafeteria."

"Okay, okay... I'll go..."

She either forgot even her books or hurried so much that it made her leave them behind. In any case, now rushing towards the cafeteria, Riven felt her stomach grumbled a little bit. While Zarren encouraged to cut in front of everybody, Riven instead took her place in the line and constantly stared down the floor, wishing she could sink into it instead of having to be oogled at for her partner's rude behavior. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, it was her turn, and Zarren loaded up on her tray like a king ready to feast.

"Z, I don't think we should take that mu-"



Riven exhaled slowly, forcefully and clearly annoyed. With an ashamed wink to the guy behind the counter, she took the heavy tray where a montain of food had piled up and found an empty table. Not only was she convinced that she wouldn't be welcome anywhere anyways, she figured Zarren's pig-like behavior would repel any and all potential friends. Sighing, she took a slice of toast and nibled on it absent-mindedly.

(@Whoever feels like chatting or getting grossed out by a black blood cat demon, come to meeeee)
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Paul Wright

Location: The Death Room

Tags: @DaughterofAthena
"First one here, huh?," Paul said aloud. He was in the Death Room after he received notice from the reception desk that he was accepted for the mission in Dunsmuir he hadn't intended to join in on a mission so quickly, but his newest technique needed magic to test. Not to mention, he was fairly sure he would be inspired to come up with something completely new after some first-hand interaction with Witches. As much as it was against what he planned out for the year, he was in fact the perfect opportunity for some self-development.

On the other hand, it was a team-oriented mission and he would be a one-star Meister beneath at least a single two-star. He didn't often fair well in teams, although team work didn't escape him, and he would have to answer to another pair. So while the mission was an opportunity, it wasn't without its challenges. Not to mention, the six man mission was now a five-man mission, and he was sure that he would get some backlash for that. Being a solo Meister wasn't just difficult because he didn't have a Weapon; most would consider him a natural detriment to a team.

"I'm not exactly upset by going to Cali, though," Paul said to Death jokingly. Paul had never been there, but he was sure Death had. Or maybe not. That was an odd thought. The DWMA had been established for centuries and Death was tethered to it. That means he was there for the development of the United States as a country, yet he hadn't visited the states in their current form. This was the thought that Paul toyed with while waiting for the remainder of the students.

Skyler Emerson and Jessyka Volontari

Collaboration With:


Location: The Death Room

Weapon: “Smoky” Skyler Emerson

Meister: Jessyka “Bullseye” Volontari

Tags: @Pariah Stark @DaughterofAthena
Skylar was sitting next to Jesyka, holding half of a sandwich. He took a small bite of it, looking at Lord Death. It was hard for him to swallow in his presence, having quite a fear for the Shinigami. Looking over at Jessyka, he sighed. “S-Senpai… I-Is it ok we are eating in his presence…? He is scaring me…”

Jessyka waved a hand dismissively at her partner before she too took a bite of her sandwich. Unlike her partner, she was standing, holding her lunchbox in her hand while she glanced behind her to see if their third team member was coming. Apparently not quite yet.

Her gaze then drifted to the other boy who was going to be on their team. She had heard his name before although quite honestly, she didn’t give him much of a second glance after hearing his name. He was a 1-Star meister with no weapon. There wasn’t much for her to look at.

Finally, after a moment of assessment, Jessyka fully addressed her partner’s comment. “It’ll be fine, Smoky. He’s Lord Death, but he’s not about to kill you.”

Skylar took a big gulp, then looked at the other team. His back straightened, although his chest still hurt a little. The nurse told him not to try anything risky, so he was on his toes. But nothing could stop him from proving that he is still in fighting condition. Nothing was more important than to protect his meister. Not even his life. “S-So, Shinigami-sama… What are w-we supposed to do, s-sir?...”

Jessyka nodded in agreement with her weapon partner’s question although she also pulled out the debriefing information that they had been given by the receptionist. “It looks like a simple investigation mission,” she commented. “But the threat level seems off.” At that thought, Jessyka glanced at Paul again, wondering if someone who was only a 1-Star with no partner really belonged on a mission such as this one. She didn’t say anything, but her concern was clear in her eyes.

Looking at his partner, Skyler noticed Jessyka was instantly looking at the other team. Putting a hand on her shoulder despite her flinch, Skyler nodded and leaned in close to her. “I-I am wondering the same thing, but d-do not worry, we can h-handle this.” He rose again, taking his hand off her shoulder, knowing about her touch phobia.

Dakota Eimear

Code-name: Echo

Classification: NOT Meister

Partner: N/A

Location: NOT Classroom

Mood: Calm, Happy

Tags: N/A
Dakota shut her notebook, and sat back in her seat, listening to the classmates around her as they went about whatever they were going to do. From the back of the classroom, where she had chosen to sit, her eyes drifted idly to the door, then down to her hands. Most of the students she called classmates were new, she'd learned that well enough during the hardest part of class. Introductions. She'd blundered through that one, put off by the sudden idea of speaking to the whole group.

The young girl wrung out her slightly aching hand, working the kinks of writing all class out. She was probably one of few who'd bothered to take notes as the Professor lectured on. With a silent sigh, she pulled out her lunch, and settled it on the desk before her, much preferring to stay right where she was. The cafeteria would only mean conversation, which she'd rather avoid. Sure, she'd met some people during the summer, but that didn't mean she was at all comfortable with interacting. She was perfectly content staying out of the crowds, and keeping to herself, aside from the few people she'd managed to befriend.

It seemed a pair of sisters had the same idea, and Dakota eyed them for a moment, before beginning to eat and ignoring their antics completely. As she started to eat, she pulled out a book that was, unsurprisingly enough, related to the topic of today's class. She opened the book to the last page she had left off on, and continued to read, all the while slowly eating the meager meal she had picked up before class, checking to see what was happening in the rest of the room periodically. Soon enough though, the girl was completely caught up in her activities, and stopped checking.

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Hotaru Yukishiro

Nickname: Mirage

Partner: Ren Ichisayame

Location: Cafeteria

Feeling: bruised

She was really glad she was wearing pants because walking on her hands in her usual skirt would have been way too awkward for her to deal with. Hotaru had made it from the EAT classroom to the cafeteria upside down and she was quite proud of how her technique had improved since she started. From her admittedly not too great vantage point of people's ankles, she didn't even seem to be getting too many strange looks. She was thankful for that though because people carefully watching her practice her moves just made the end performance less surprising than it would be.

The problem was she'd have to go upright to eat lunch eventually. Eventually came too early. Hotaru had bypassed the lunch line entirely and ended up at one of the tables. She only noticed this because she slammed backwards onto it. Lying on the tabletop, she blinked at the ceiling. Tilting her head around, she saw the mound of food first and the girl second.

Her mouth curved into a grin. "I don't mean to intrude, but would you mind me sitting here? Or rather me lying on top of this table because my back hurts more than I thought it would."

She might even be feeling the bruise forming already. Maybe no more hand walking in the school lunchroom then. Not that she wanted to - or thought that she physically could without it being painful yet - but Hotaru needed to get up since she actually did want to eat something... There was a mountain of food right in front of her, surely the other girl could spare something?

"Hey, name's Hotaru," she introduced herself because knowing someone's name officially meant they weren't strangers and could share food. Hotaru turned on her side and propped her head up with her arm. "I can't move without dying of absolute agony, think you could spare me an apple or something?" She grimaced for extra effect.
Warren Langston

Location: Cafeteria

Class: EAT

Codename: Evening Star

Mood: Full of Himself
Warren was, quite frankly, bored out of his mind after lecture. He had been one of the first students to dart out of the classroom and one of the first students to arrive in the cafeteria. He was also one of the last ones to take a seat although it might not have immediately been clear why. In all reality, Warren was entirely picky about his choice in lunch foods and the boy was constantly going back and forth trying to decide between ordering pizza and ordering tacos. After so long bouncing back and forth, Warren eventually said screw it and put both a personal pan pizza and a taco onto his tray before he finished making his way through the line.

Staring at all the open seats, Warren immediately realized that it was not his place to determine which group of students he graced with his mighty presence and so instead, he decided to be loud and announce, “HELLO STUDENTS!” He set down his tray on an empty chair and cupped his hands around his lips to make him sound even louder even though he really didn’t need it. “Who’d like to sit with the Great Evening Star today!?”

His eyes scanned over the groups that had formed so far and it was almost as though he was introducing contestants in a game show or something of the sort. “Should I outshine all of you all at once?” This question was directed to the largest group of students - consisting of Alexis Traynor, Aeryn, Kassana Silverstream, Daemon Alexanders and Zyra Harriot.

“Should I outdo the magician’s show?” That question went to Hotaru Yukishiro and Giles Riven as he was quick to recall that Hotaru had been putting on a show all day. Who does she think she is, walking on her hands thinking she can look greater than me?

“Or should I join the troublemakers in ruining picture day fun?” His last question went to Eve Penchant and Alexander Traynor. After that last question, Warren glanced down at his own outfit. He had actually worn a button down shirt with a collar so messing with picture day wasn’t his favorite idea, but he was such a great weapon that it really didn’t matter how great his picture turned out. That was his logic, at least.

@Chibii @Cephalo
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Sarah Sparks & Lauren Sparks

Having already eaten half her sandwhich, Sarah was rather surprised to see another student. Well not that she could rightly see her persay. The two of them were three rows down and a few more to the side. So the girl was somewhat noticable. She even remembered her name from the introductions but then, carefully glancing over from time to time, the girl seemed to not want to socialize. It ws saddening a little bit. Opening her mouth for another bite, she stopped and paused, thinking about the situation for a minute. Her mouth closed, arms dropped lightly to the desk and she frowned.

Staring at her sammich with her head drooped. They were both in the same boat. The only reason they remained in the class after the session was to avoid everyone else. How could she feel sorry for someone without feeling sorry for herself? Though it was about this time that she realized her sister had already eaten her entire lunch and was now eyeing hers. Sarah's eyes narrowed as her hand came up and quickly karate chopped her sister in the head.

No..." She said, Still staring at her sister with keen eyes. "Mine..."

But it was not as if Lauren was going to listen. Weak chops like that were of no distress to her. She already had the low stance, now she would pounce on her prey. Jump! Locking her arm around her sisters she pulled it down trying to knock the sandwich away. Sarah winced at the thought of losing such a precious sandwhich. She worked hard on making these!!! Both of them failed to notice or care who saw their battle. "
No!!! You fiend!!!!" Sarah wailed! "It's mine! No! Stop! Stooooop it!!!" Both of them kicked their chairs back and stood up.

Trying to keep one arm up. Lauren jumped slightly again, wrapping both around her sisters sandwich arm, and kept her feet off the ground. As her sister's arm came down from her weight, Sarah jabbed Lauren in the ribs with her free hand.

Lauren yelped in surprise, and quite loudly at that, instantly letting go of Sarah's arm. It shot up and the sandwich took flight. Sarah gasped in surprise and turned to follow the food as it flew. Without hesitation, as it gained altitude, Lauren instantly jumped up and ran passed her sister. Sarah already knew this was going to end badly.

Lifting her leg, Lauren kicked off of their row of desks. Thank god the desks were mounted or it may have flown down and taken out the instructors. Her next step planted firmly on the row behind them but this was not going to be good enough. The sandwich was already in its downward descent. As a last ditch effort, Lauren screamed as she jumped, trying to sail over the last inclined row of desks.



The half eaten sandwich landed perfectly on Dakota's desk, somehow not hitting her or any of her items. It just sat there watching her. Then her row of desk's shook violently for half a second. Lauren's physical prowess was not nearly as good as she lead herself to believe. She hit the backside of Dakota's desk head first, and then crumpled to the ground in the row infront of her. Strange grunting sounds could be heard from down there.

From the strange silence Sarah busted up laughing wildly. "
AHAHAHAHAHA... You hit her desk... HEAD FIRST... AHhahahaha. Oh my god!!!!" She bent over, holding herself up with a hand rested on a desk, "You're so dumb sometimes!!! If you want my food that bad then you can have it. Ahaahaahaahaha. Oh god... I can't breath!!!"

@DaughterofAthena @Zenaida
Giles Riven & Zarren

Name: Giles Riven

Nickname: The Halfsleeper

Location: Cafeteria

Class: ?

Mood: Shy, slightly embarrassed

@Cephalo @Violet Obsidian

Riven didn't so much as turn her eyes upwards, glancing at the newly arrived girl through her bangs. "No... please." She hastily shook her head to further emphasize that she didn't mind and propped herself up a little in an attempt to be polite and look attentive. "I'm Riven." She answered with a monotonous voice, though the weird, spasm-like motions of her facial muscles suggested she tried hard to properly express herself - That must be her version of smiling. With one corner of her mouth still weirdly going upwards while her eyes were entirely unaffected by the 'smile' and thus looked relatively empty, a black creature made its way out into the world and quickly pulled the two trays towards its little body.

"Nobody cares 'bout your name, dum-dum" the little creature bombarded Riven, then turned towards Hotaru. "Can'tcha get'cha own food, mh? We not a charity, y'know?"

The purple orbs she had for eyes shaking a little, Riven, now red as a lobster in the face, quickly pushed one of the trays towards Hotaru with her inde-finger only. "Ignore him... Don't be so mean, Zarren, there's enough..."

Zarren grunted, arms crossed and brows furrowed, before he losened up and stuffed his pitch-black face at a pace that surely was unhealthy for any digestive system, even that of conscious black blood.

"I'm really sorry", Riven murmured towards the girl, "Please... take what you like." Her hand limbly motioned over the tray's content, inviting Hotaru to grab whatever she fancied. "So, why are you hurting?" she asked in a vaguely friendly tone, only to jump a little in her seat and bring up her hands in a defensive manner. "I-if you don't mind me asking, that is... I mean... you don't have to... or anything, really, I just..." Her voice trailed off more and more with each attempt to articulate her intentions, as a loud voice drowned her out - A circumstance she was comparetively thankful for.

"Ma... gician?"

Riven parroted Warren's words, her head tilted a little in confusion, as Zarren - mouth full and crumbs falling down to the floor - chimed in.

"She wan'sta know why the strawberry callsya a magician, bruh.", he explained in an unpleasant tone, "Giles' just bad wif small-talk, 's all." An ugly laugh later, the feline creature was busy again gorging with the copious amounts of cafeteria goods.

"Don't call me that... And can't you talk like a normal person?" The tiredness in Riven's voice made it obvious that she either a.) was, well, tired or b.) and this seemed more likely, she had this exact argument a million times before. "But, yeah... how come he calls you magician?"

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Jack E. Trinity

The first thing Jack heard, upon opening the door to the NOT classroom, was the sound of rambunctious laughter. The first thing he saw was a dark-haired girl with a half-eaten sandwich on her desk. A blondie was crumpled on the floor in front of said desk. Stepping in the into the room, Jack could see that the blondie was one of two. Twins. One twin was laughing at the other, but it wasn’t a mean sort of laughter. He could she her soul as clear as day. Strong. Caring. A little difficult to get along with…but not bad. More importantly, she loved her sister. Pushing up his glasses, so as not to see anymore, Jack made his way to the podium where a lazy-looking man, who was probably the NOT teacher, resided. A bright smile lit his face.

“Ah~Sorry I’m late Professor…” Violet eyes flickered briefly to the blackboard. “Mitsaki. I got a little lost trying to find my way to the classroom.”

Truthfully, he’d woken up late because the dice told him he could stay up all night playing video games. By the time he’d woken up, it was nearly noon. Instead of heading straight for the Academy, he’d stopped at a nearby restaurant in Death City to grab lunch. He was already late anyway. It wasn’t as if being more late made a difference.

“I hope I didn’t miss much.” Judging by the fact that there were only three students in the classroom, he clearly missed a lot. Or…the class was so boring, everyone ditched the first day. That was highly unlikely though. Ah well. Perhaps he could ask one of the nice students to lend him today’s notes. Jack pulled his bowler hat off, and did a dramatic bow for the professor. And the ladies. “Jack Trinity. New NOT student. Let’s all be friends.”
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Kassana Silverstream

Kassana’s head tilted up from the pages of her book as soon as she heard Lexie’s voice. Kassana smiled slightly at the sight of Lexie and Kassana’s own meister, Aeryn before she replied, “Hey.” She briefly waved to the rest of the table - still empty - gesturing for them to take a seat. Although she had been enjoying her book, Kassana wasn’t about to shoo anyone away. She just wouldn’t have known how to do something like that.

It seemed that, all at once, the cafeteria had gone from a quiet place to a room bustling with activity and Kassana slipped her book back into her bookbag, sighing as she realized she would not be able to finish it there and then. She heard Xander call out, suggesting that they ruin picture day, which caused her to glance down at her own outfit. It was rather boring, actually. She simply wore a pink v-neck t-shirt and khaki pants. She felt it matched outside well enough and she hadn’t really thought of trying to look nice for pictures. Even though she didn’t try to look nice for pictures, Kassana didn’t like the thought of showing up with food all over her outfit, though. It was for that reason that her eyes watched Xander cautiously for a moment before she turned her attention back to Aeryn and Lexie.

Kassana took another bite out of her half-eaten sandwich and didn’t say anything to them more than what she had already said. For a moment, it looked like she wanted to say more, but more newcomers quickly stole her attention away.

"Hi Aeryn! Hi Lex! Hi Silver Girl who I don't know the name of!"

Kassana visibly flinched. Silver Girl? Her hand subconsciously ran through her hair before she flipped it over her shoulder, realizing that her hair had been the entire basis for the name he had assigned her. “It’s Kass…” she mumbled softly. “Kassana…”

Yet again, anything she had been about to say was interrupted by Warren’s insistent outburst. Even as he referenced the group that had been gathering around her, Kassana was already shaking her head. She did not want any more people to come over by her. There were already too many and she was clearly uncomfortable with it.

@Pariah Stark @Sergeant Sass @Refaulted @Violet Obsidian
Professor Hiro Mitsaki

Hiro couldn’t help but hold back a sigh as soon as most of the students left. However, not all of them left and he was a bit confused. Don’t they want lunch? His own question was almost immediately answered, though, when they pulled out lunches from home and started eating their meals. Well, it is the first day, I suppose. I can’t say I expect them to want to face the chaos of the cafeteria just yet. With that thought in mind, Hiro started cleaning up the remnants of his lecture notes, shoving them into his bag before he turned and started erasing the board.

It was the moment he turned his back that he heard bickering and he turned to watch the most interesting scene. The twins had started fighting over… a sandwich? Hiro didn’t think he’d ever seen something so odd before, and he’d been teaching for a few years now. In all likelihood, he probably had and merely chose to repress the memory.

The sandwich went flying through the air along with one of his students and Hiro winced as Lauren landed on the desk right in front of Dakota, his face curling even more as she slid off the desk and onto the floor. Even amidst Sarah’s laughing, Hiro felt he had to say something. “Um… be careful?” He said it as a question because he wasn’t even sure if that was exactly what he should have been saying given the situation.

Thankfully, Hiro was saved from having to deal with the situation further - for the moment, at least - when another student walked into the classroom, apologizing for being late. “Five hours late, huh?” Hiro glanced at the clock for a moment, confirming that it really was noon. “Well, I suppose you can introduce yourself to the class some other time. It’s really not that big of a deal. There might be a student who has the notes for you.” Hiro shrugged. “Class has been dismissed to lunch for now so I guess you’re free to go…” he glanced to the amusing situation still unfolding in the classroom “...or stay. There are pictures in the auditorium so make sure you stop by sometime before the last bell.”

Hiro turned to finish erasing the blackboard when one final thought occurred to him. “And Jack?... If you’re unfamiliar with the academy, you should ask another student to show you around. Professor Parsons may not be as forgiving with tardiness.”

@Kaine @QuirkyAngel @Zenaida

Dakota Eimear

Code-name: Echo

Classification: NOT Meister

Partner: N/A

Location: NOT Classroom

Mood: Worried

Tags: @Kaine @QuirkyAngel @DaughterofAthena
Dakota snapped free of her reading as the sister's antics kicked into high gear. She set it down completely, once she saw the cause of their loud shouting. A sandwich. A pointless, half-eaten, sandwich. Their shouting moved, as the sandwich ended up being knocked airborne, along with one of the twins. Dakota's book was quickly shut and tucked under the desk, and none too soon as the half eaten sandwich came to land on her desk. Sadly, the twin that had taken off after it smacked headfirst into the desk as well. The girl ended in a grunting pile, and silence followed, but was soon broken by the other twin's loud laughter.

Dakota's eyes widened, and she looked between the sandwich on her desk, the laughing twin, the professor, and then to the grunting girl. Forgetting completely about her reluctance to converse, or the food before her, she was up in a second, moving quickly around to the end of the row of desks and into the row in which the girl was laying. This was new for her, as normally, she'd be moving away from the action and the conversations likely involved. It seemed that today, she was decently stable up top, and was willing to try and interact, even if it was quite forced and awkward. She knelt carefully as close to the other was she could morally stand.
"A-are you a-alright?" She stammered out, speaking quietly, but just loud enough to be heard over the laughter.

The door opened, and Dakota lifted up just enough to see who had come in. A new student, apparently, and she eyed the professor as the student apologized for being late. She then looked back to the twin she had first spoken to, focusing there. The laughter, however, was beginning to wear out it's welcome with the girl, who was almost never capable of getting annoyed. She stood and turned to the laughing girl, pausing only long enough to look to the boy as he introduced himself with a bow.

Dakota's eyes returned to the laughing girl, Sarah was her name, right? Her sister is Lauren? Either way, their antics lead to possible injury, and that was something she would never find funny.
"I-it's really n-n-not that f-funny... S-she could b-be h-hurt you k-k-know..." She eventually spoke, her voice considerably louder than it had been in ages, though she wasn't yelling. She'd never be capable of yelling, and she obviously wasn't really all that mad. Just worried. Realizing what she just done, she looked down almost immediately after. She knelt again beside Lauren, waiting for the inevitable responses while watching the girl.

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