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Beauty of the Heart

Zen: "Okay, I guess I could stick around in the mornings when he does come home." That might work, dad never let Venir leave before breakfast, Zen got up too early for dad to complain at him for not eating things during he day.

Venir: "I don't know where he hangs out other than the school and then I don't know what classes he's taking, summer courses and all that. I could probably talk to dad, he can usually get Zen to come home." That might work. If dad called on both of them to work the store then they'd have to talk. Unless Zen got a headache, the store got loud sometimes.he'd keep some meds close just in case.
Rhys smiled a little bit. "It couldn't hurt." He told him. "I think he'd want to talk to you too." He added.

Devan truly hoped that Venir could work it out with his brother. "I hope it works out with you two." He told him after a moment.
Rhys smiled more. He stepped out of the way for the customer.

Devan felt his mind stop working when Venir turned it to him. "I don't think there's much to talk about when it comes to me." He said quietly.

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When the lady stepped away, Rhys watched her go. "Do you get a lot of interesting people here?" He asked. It seemed like they would.

Devan bit his lip for a moment. "What do you want to know?" He was never good with just a "tell me about yourself" type of thing. He needed the specifics.
Zen: "Oh yes, dad has ties with all the . . . interesting people around here. Want some hot chocolate?"

Venir: "Do you have any hobbies other than hanging out with your dog?"
Rhys smiled a bit at his wording. At the question, he nodded. "I'd love some, thank you."

Devan shrugged a bit. "I guess I like taking pictures, but I don't really do much." He said.
Zen: He whips up some of the fabulous white hot chocolate that he believed was a little slice of heaven on earth.

Venir: "Pictures huh? Cool, my dads got this old camera that has a light leak, it makes for some interesting pictures."
Rhys smiled a bit as he watched Zen make the hot chocolate. It looked really good.

Devan nodded a little bit. "My dad doesn't know anything about pictures. His are always blurry and unfocused." He said.
very much like this, with it sittin on the counter, waiting.

Venir : "Sounds like my dad on a daily basis," he says with a grin. "Blurry eyed and his mind spinning in six different directions at once. I think he's starting to get OCD and paranoid about things. I couldn't say why."
Rhys took the cup and took a sip. "This is amazing!" He said with a smile.

"My dad is sort of uptight. He doesn't usually care about the things that don't concern his job." Devan mumbled.
Zen: "Thank you, I helped dad create it. The cookie was my thinking." he smiles, glad he liked it.

Venir: "That's lousy, I guess some people like their work more than their people. It doesn't take much to be a good dad. Just a little attention goes a long way. My dad told me that. He gives us just enough attention that he's up to date with things that are going on, but not so focused on us that we can't breathe. Even so, he won't push us if we just don't want to talk. He's cool that way." Venir didn't sounded unhappy, he usually got that way when thinking about family.
"That's a brilliant idea." Rhys told him. The drink was amazing.

Devan shrugged. "I know he cares...it's just that, he's got this really important job and he always work long hours, but it's okay." Devan had resigned to the fact that this was how things were. Then he realized Venir didn't sound very happy. "Are you okay?" He asked quietly.

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Rhys smiled a bit. "Anytime."

Devan wasn't sure he fully believed him, but he didn't say anything else.

((To drop off Devan's dog and then go somewhere else))

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(The school I think, yeah.)

Zen: He makes another hot chocolate and pops the marshmellow in his mouth.

Venir: "After we explore the school we ought to stop by my dad's shop. Zen makes the best hot chocolate, he should be there. Dad usually goes to the market around this time, and he doesn't like to close up shop."
Rhys continued to sip on the hot chocolate and smiled a bit. "This is definitely the best hot chocolate I have ever had." He told him.

Devan nodded a little bit. "Okay." That sounded nice. Even though hot chocolate in the summer seemed weird.

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Zen: he ducks his head and blushes, Nibbling on the cookie.

Venir: "or something else if you want. There's a lot of stuff you can get there. ice tea, lemonade, chocolate milk."
Rhys couldn't help but smile when Zen blushed. "Are all the drinks here this delicious?" He asked after a moment, trying not to let it get awkward in any way.

Devan smiled a bit. "That sounds good." He said after a moment. They finally made it to his house and he put Bear inside before locking the door again. Then he was ready to follow Venir.

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Zen: "A lot of them are, if you're into tea and coffee. I like some coffees but not all coffees."

Venir: "School first, and then hot chocolate."
Rhys smiled a bit. "I don't really like coffee, but I love tea." He told him.

Devan nodded a little. "Okay."
Rhys smiled a bit. "That doesn't sound too bad." He said.

Devan nodded a bit. "I'm ready."

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Zen: His eyes widen, "it is, I promise you. There are some really terrible ones. One of them even made me sick once."

Venir: "Okay, this way," he heads towards the school.

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