Beacon Academy.

Sorry about not getting on yesterday. What did I miss? And I guess now would be a good time to enroll in beacon.
you really didn't miss much. I went into gruesome detail about how Elinore's family died because it was fun >3 and people went back to Beacon. Aries is in jail and her father is like the police chef or something, but she's got major abusive family issues. Like...major. Who on earth is the mediator there? It just looks like everyone wants to hurt her D: poor girl
So um, I'm drawing my emblem and I drew Ben, but the only thing I can do to upload it is to take a picture. Any suggestions? Because it will look even worse if I do that
Get a pdf app on your phone. Does wonders on your papers. 
I use CamScanner. It's free if u wanna try.
sorry guys nights are when I'm a little bit less active especially this week expect me to only be on in the morning and for a short period of time at night on the weekends for a while otherwise I will be pretty active. I gotta get some shut eye right now but I'll be back in the morning
Anyone wanna play headmaster or am I going to have to enroll through Alex?

PS please don't make me do the latter...
Don't worry, he'll get orders from Ozpin to let Ben enroll.

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Hey how is making teams gonna work here? Are we going to go through the trouble of the whole forest run or what?
I'm pretty sure Spectra/Whoever is in charge in his absence makes them and it will probably be after the dance.

On a separate note, I will be disappointed if no one goes to the dance as Tuxedo Mask
Oh my god Tuxedo Mask. Yes. Make it happen somebody.

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Sorry I haven't posted, I've been busy... Anything important happen?

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