Beach Trip [Fight or Flight]


Kojiro looked outside in the open fields, while eating a cooked pig. No, not part of one. An entire pig.

His teeth, which shared the kinetic immunity and strength of the rest of his body, ground anything which hindered his path for some succulent meat. The very juices of the meat leaked out and rolled onto his tongue, sending him into a bliss. Mixed with the bone marrow as he crunched bones to dust with ease and swallowed, his stomach was in heaven.

The reason he stood outside, wearing for the beach a colourful blue and green T-shirt complimented with knee length shorts, was that the cafeteria banned him from eating the entire pig in there.

Something along the lines of health guidelines were ranted by the staff, so Kojiro just used that to sit on some grass by the front of the school as he waited for their coach.

Kojiro was excited for this trip, since he enjoyed the beach. Especially as he could hit a large patch of sand and while it may cause mess, it doesn't break and destroy anything, which makes his life easier. However there were reports of minute scale sandstorms and close to tsunami level waves reported where Kojiro 'was just having some fun'.

He grabbed a entire leg and chomped the meat down. Somehow the large tissue that was hung from his neck over his chest sufficed to keep his shirt from keeping clean. The miracles of Bounty.

(Feel free to interact with him, he's just having his own mini picnic outside.)

Sent from my stone tablet using Tapatalk because I used a Tardis.
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Sen Harper

Sen lined up near one of the buses towards the front of the line. Students were grouping up by similar age groups and classes many of them bubbling with energy. Sen was excited to finally get to to to the beach but didn't quite share the same enthuseasum as the rest, though it did made her more interested to see what all the hype was about. Most she knew was what she saw in movies and cheesy sit-coms where the beach was more of a set piece than anything else. She observed as some staff members loaded up coolers, and other things into the luggage compartment of the buses. It seemed they planned to stay out for a while. She smiled slightly before looking out over the crowd managing to spot Jon meet up with the rest of the students. She waved over to him to catch his attention. She looked back to the school wondering if Gray was going to make it. He did stay up late again no doubt working on something so he might have slept in.


Morgan Winford

Morgan sighed softly as she checked off the last thing on her list. Everything was packed up now all that was left was the kids. She scanned the gathering of student smiling at their energy. It was quite infectious. Despite the migraines it brought from being out in the sun all day the end of summer beach trip was quite possibly her favorite part of the fist semester. Though part of her did wish her mother would have gone instead of her, the woman really needed a break. but she was stubborn and insisted on staying to finished work. Morgan new there was another reason she was staying be hind. Most likely to watch of the students who oped out of the trip.

She noticed a scuffle between some of the kids one of them using fire and was about to step in when one of the graduates did instead. She smiled slightly recognizing the girl and grateful for her intervention. She was thankful that several other graduates decided to attend as well since it would make keep track of so many students much easier. Though she wondered if she would also have to keep track of some of the graduates at the same time.
Ezekiel Strauss

"Your the new transfer student right? How are you getting on? I'm Lori- one of the graduate students.”

Ezekiel turned to the person who addressed him. She didn't look like a graduate student. Then again...that was because of the height issue. Better not bring that up...or think about it. That probably would earn you some punch to the gut. He matched her conversational tone with a smile. “Ezekiel Strauss, and yea, I guess I’m the newbie. The school is slightly confusing but then again, that’s because I just got here last night. I didn't have a lot of time to explore. I’ll probably figure my way around things in a day or two. So long as my headaches don't start up soon, I'll be able to say that move in has been uneventful and relatively smooth.”

Sang Jin-Yeong

Did Not Get A Reply Again

Activity seemed to increase at the front of the school as students began to gather. The trip was going to start, Julian surmised. She rose to her feet and smoothed her hair back, which inmediately sprang back to its original position. She shielded her eyes and looked towards the sky. It didn't look like it was going to get any cooler, and the beach didn't seem like a place that would have mercy on anyone wearing extra outer clothing. She sighed and unzipped her jacket, revealing a black tank top with a white skull and crossbones image right across her chest. She shruggrd the jacket off and threw it over her shoulder, one hand gripping onto it. With her jacket now off, it was clear to all exactly how well-built she truly was. Raw power seemed to emanate from her sinewy arms as she rolled one of her shoulders, which, honestly, felt quite sore from not punching something organic in a while. The tank top that already clung onto her body pulled taut on the muscle-bound torso as she arched back when she stretched. The closest definition of her well-toned body would have been 'chiselled out of stone'.

She motioned to the boy with the snake, as she started towards the front of the school. "C'mon, Snakes(@PicaPirate
Kojiro finished up the last of his pig, leaving absolutely nothing left and any trace of it. He was now satisfied he wouldn't need to eat until lunch with this meal.

He noticed Julian come up to him, doing some odd sound, then asking a different question. The first was probably to fight with her, but that had to wait until the beach. He gave a large grin for his food.

"I sure did! I'm expecting you want to fight me as well when we get to the beach eh~?"

Kojiro teased Julian, knowing (at least in his mind) how she wanted to nearly always have a bash with him. Kojiro wanted to as well, but that would have to wait until the beach.

He stood up and brushed himself down as people were lining up for the busses and if anyone was going to take Julian's tension to hit or squeeze something, it was Kojiro. Kojiro personally was excited at the prospect of fighting at the beach and he couldn't wait.

"Let's get on the busses for now though, we gotta a beach to go to!"


Sent from my stone tablet using Tapatalk because I used a Tardis.
"So long as my headaches don't start up soon, I'll be able to say that move in has been uneventful and relatively smooth.”

Lori nodded, throwing a wary glance back towards the lines of kids as she listened, checking that they were all behaving. Turning back to the kid, she shrugged.

"I was a transfer too, in my time, and a year older than the others in my year to boot. It was tough at first finding my bearings midway through the term and catching up to the others, but after that,"

Lori grinned at the boy.

"Best five years of my life."

Lori turned back to eye the lines of students by the buses.

"I think everyone's pretty much ready to go- you ought to find someone you know and get on the bus. If you need anything, just give me a shout, okay?"

Lori waded back into the sea of kids, enjoying the feeling of authority as they parted to let her through.

Feels so weird to be one of the people in charge- doesn't seem that long ago that I was queuing for the bus as well.

Glancing to the side, Lori spotted a face she recognised. Pausing for a moment to make sure it was him, Lori's face erupted into a wry grin and she began to make her way towards Kojiro.

He looks as huge as ever- still a whole foot taller than me. Wonder how he's been getting on?

Despite being the same age as him, Lori had been in the year below Kojiro- benefit of arriving at Windford late. At school they'd never been the best of friends, but he was at least someone she recognised, and an old contemporary.

I wonder if he still loves to fight as much as he used to?

"Hey, Kojiro, is that you?" Lori called over the heads of students as she moved through the throng towards the hulking man. Drawing closer, Lori slipped her hands in her pockets and spared a glance for the girl beside him- a student. "You guys on your way to the buses?"



@Der Kojote
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Still shovelling in toast, Jon trailed Sen towards the bus. The closer they got, the more hesitant he became. He imagined the fact that Sen would be there was probably the main cause of this; he didn't want to embarrass himself with his aqua-phobia in front of her. He'd find himself filled with inherent awkwardness even at the sight of the water. It reminded him of his weakness, and he didn't like it.

As a result, he found himself highly critical and cynical about beach exploits. He tutted and sighed at swimmers and sunbathers, people who simply used the location as an excuse to show off their bodies and create convoluted romantic falsities. Despite all of his observational skills, he'd done well to stay uncynical in normal life through his accepting interest of all various traits. So if anything, it was that cynicism that made him most uncomfortable.

Waving back at her, he lined up by her. If anything, maybe the sunshine she brought would outshine his darkened thoughts.

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Kojiro noticed the tomboy he remembered from his years at Winford. She was tiny in comparison to him still, just like at school. It did lead to plenty of teasing from him.

He spoke in a happy voice, as though greeting a friend and clapped their back in greeting. It may hurt, but probably not break them. "Yo shrimp! Yeah we are, so we may as well all go as a gang."

He noticed her gaze diverting to Julian who was beside him. Kojiro smiled. He ruffled her hair as he spoke.

"This is Julian or Mini-Me...well if I were a girl that is. She's just as insane as me!"

Kojiro laughed at his own statement, as though to reinforce it.

He started walking towards the buses with the two in tow. Not literally, though he was easily capable of that.

"So you're back here too eh? We also got some of the other old folk that Stephan the coot brought back. We got Cyrus the sword freak, Mica, who I want to beat the shit out of, as well as some others. We still got students like Hayden too, that werewolf who's been here for aaaages."



Sent from my stone tablet using Tapatalk because I used a Tardis.
Julian had the pleasure of having her hair ruffled, and her neck almost snapped, by Kojiro, as she was introduced to another graduate student. Yet another person to be bothered with, and another name to be remembered. Julian simply nodded to the older lady in acknowledgement. At that moment, she was more intent on knowing how Kojiro had so easily seen through what she wanted. Was she that transparent? She gave a disgruntled look and tidied her hair, running her fingers through it and smoothing it to the more recognizable mess that she wore more often. Kojiro's ruffling had displaced most of what she was comfortable with, some of the locks having fallen over her eyes. Her brow set in a furrow of odd solemnity, she scanned the appearance of the lady. It was something she picked up from the odd teacher. During the rare moments they talked, the teacher would often pick up small tidbits about who she was, and how she behaved, through the way she carried herself, her mannerisms, and even her clothing choice. Not only did it give her an insight on who the person was, under that mortal skin, it also gave her an upper hand in terms of combat. Julian draped her jacket around herself, without slipping her hands into the sleeves, but effectively hiding her own athletic appearance. She folded her hands across her chest and took in the details.

After a moment of going a once over on the lady, she gave up, and slouched over slightly, her shoulders slumping. She just wasn't cut out for intellectual stuff like studying people. Maybe if the Beer Teacher was here, she would have done a better job of the whole analysing thing. Those eyes of hers seemed to be able to stare right through a person. She gave an involuntary shiver as she remembered the eyes. She shook her head and gave what was supposed to be a smile, but seemed more like a snarling sneer. "Friends of Kojiro's, huh? It's nice t' meetcha." She stuck out her hand from under the depths of her jacket.



Nikolas was in his full gear, no bathing suit or short sleeve shirt, not even sunglasses. Snapping his rapier and its sheathe on his belt he was ready for the day. The school itself was a safe haven, even if it was attacked there were still enough measures in place to avoid any serious injuries to the students. The beach did not have such measures as it was a public place, luckily though since it was the beginning of school not many people would be there, probably only a handful of normal civilians would actually be present. Teleporting in front of the buses Nikolas looked throughout the area identifying the students making a mental headcount before an actual headcount on the bus. The buses were going to be packed, as well as struggling given Kojiro's weight.
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Sen Harper

Sen smiled slightly as Jon made his way over to her. She noticed there was a damper in his usually up beat and bright self. What could have happened between getting breakfast and getting to the buss? Still she just grinned slightly. "Glad to see you didn't hurt yourself eating so fast." She chuckled before moving up in the line "Everyone seems really excited." She commented getting onto the buss, it was already half full by the time she got on most of the students huddling towards the back. She just slid into one of the first available row of seats. Shifting to the far side so Jon could sit beside her. She glanced out the window seeing now sign of Gray. "Hey have you seen Gray at all this morning?"

Feeling the girl's eyes scanning her, Lori clasped her hands at her waist. She doubted the outline of her gun would be distinguishable under her blouse, but she took no chances. The students didn't need to know the levels of security which encircled them. After a few moments, the girl seemed to give up, before offering her hand.

"Friends of Kojiro's, huh? Nice t'meetcha."

Lori paused for a moment, eyeing the students sneer and cocking an eyebrow in response before clasping the girl's hand.

"I'm Lorelai. Good to meet you too, mini-Kojiro."

Lori trailed a step behind the hulking man as they made their way towards the buses.

"Cyrus and Mica are here too?" Both of them had been in the years above Lori at Windford. She didn't know them personally, but at least recognised their reputations. Mica the crazy illusionist, and Cyrus the Samurai-esque swordsman.

"And Hayden hasn't been here that long." Lori weaved around a pair of students making their way towards the bus before continuing. "He's only a few years younger than me."

As she reached the bus, Lori turned to Kojiro's friend.

"I'm sorry, I never asked your name. I assume your a student? This your first year or have you been around for a while?"

"Hey," Jon smirked defencively as he took the seat next to her. "I'm an expert of fast and messy eating!" Sen took the window seat, which was fine by him, although he knew he'd probably spend a lot of the journey admiring the view outside (and inside, he thought, followed by mentally slapping himself). After all, he had seen very little of America so far, and was eager to explore and familiarise himself with places. He couldn't help but notice she was a little restless, and the reason why made his heart sink ever so slightly.

"I haven't, no," Jon mused, "I wonder what's happened to him. Say, Sen..." he trailed off, frowning slightly as he formulated the question, "Was Gray alright yesterday after you guys left my room? I mean... he was in a bit of a state before the game, and I wondered if... you know, anything else happened when the pair of you upped and left."

Sen Harper

Sen looked over to Jon as he spoke up though the answer didn't exactly comfort her much. "I see..." She muttered. She tilted her head slightly at his question remembering back to the night before. "Yesterday.. ah yeah... he was a bit.. I guess overwhelmed?" She replied thinking back to how he acted in the hall. "I said he's never really had friends, ones that would actually hang out anyway. I'm guessing he hasn't exactly had the easiest life, from what he's told me all hes ever done is train or practice. Not much room for fun and games. I kind of feel bad for him. I mean... I haven't exactly had the most supportive friends of the best upbringing but not exactly as limiting as he put his." She muttered. "But... yeah he's just really happy to have a somewhat normal life with good friends." She smiled slightly.

"Ah he did make me something though." She dug around in her bag before pulling out the soft leather bracer. "It's so i can have my wires on me with out having them in my pocket. easier to carry around and use." She explained holding the bracer out to Jon. "Gray said he wanted to make something for you as well, though he wasn't sure what."

Jon raised an inquisitive eyebrow to her explanation, and the further it went on, the more overwhelmingly apologetic he felt towards the boy. A life apart from others, all spent in painful solitude... he had suspected Gray had hardly had a conventional upbrining, but suddenly he felt an empathetic rush. That he, master socialite, the king of ordinary, could end up stealing his first love, his best friend, and the one thing that probably meant the most to him... he felt overwhelmingly guilty, and it flashed across his face. And suddenly the floodgates of knowledge opened and he understood all of Gray's little quirks, all of his weirdities, everything.

So when it came to Sen showing him the bracer, his wide blue eyes had iced over slightly and it looked as if tears were beginning to well up. "Gosh I've been a jerk to him," he mumbled mournfully,his smile completely faded now. "I hadn't had an inkling he'd had things so bad. Makes me feel guilty now, for waltzing around and forcing him out of his comfort zone." Curse these feelings, he rebuked himselves. I can't let my feelings mask my understanding. Especially now I know exactly how he is.

Sen Harpper

Jons sudden rush of emotion confused sen, he seemed to be very moody today. Though it made more sense when he explained why he felt bad. She smiled slightly and patted Jons shoulder lightly. "Don't feel bad. He enjoyed himself last night and is happy he was able to play. Sometimes its.. not all bad to be out of your comfort zone." She shrugged slightly speaking for Gray but also in part for her self. Probably the biggest lesson she had learned over the week was it wasn't bad to try new things or step out into the unknown. Shielding your self away from everything wasn't exactly healthy. She wasn't about to go blabing to every person on the buss or try to make everyone her friend but she was willing to give people a chance and be, slightly, less suspicious of intent.


The horn sounded as the last of the students and staff boarded the bus. One by one the buses left the curb of the school and started the short journey to the beach.

Indy Savage

Indy was the last to board the bus before, He was slightly worried he would be late but he just needed to take a smoke break in private. He had to go back to his room and cover the smell with some body spray. He also needed to grabbed his back pack to change into for swimming. Indy loved the beach, One of his favorite spot. He could just see a large body of water, It sparkle off the sun. Indy could smell the salt already. The beach to Savage Rivals the very feeling the gets from Tabacco. Indy sat in a set without looking if it was taken or not and relaxed. He was looking forward to this day, Hopefully nothing crazy would go on, Well Indy kind of did. He always like having a reason to dish out punishment on someone with his Meta Abilities.
Ren Yuuki (Male Version)

The beach, the first thing she can imagine is drowning in the middle of the sea. Ren sighed in her chair while hanging her head, she already packed up her luggage but still can't gather her courage to go there. It would be fun playing in the beach with her friend but she can't swim and if the other find out the she was a girl... She doesn't want to think about that. It almost time to go, she stood up and bring her luggage to the bus, the sun is very hot today but she also can see the clear blue sky, she smile a little. After hearing the voice of a man that tell everyone to report Ren hurriedly go over there, she doesn't want to miss the bus, luckily she made to board it in time
He smiled warmly as he felt the gentle hold of her hand on his shoulder, and he had to make a conscious effort not to place his hand on top of hers. He looked over his shoulder at her with a distant grin. If only she could know, he thought, just what a problem I am to him. But of course, she could never understand the exact reason for their conflict; trapped in her adorable obliviousness, it'd take a brave confession from one of them to even get her to realise. And with Gray's true insecurity slowly becoming more obvious, Jon worrisomely wondered how long it would be before his rival cracked and revealed his feelings.

Instead, Jon straightened up back to his calm, confident stance and, grinning, pit his own hand on her shoulder. "You would know all about that, hey, wouldn't you?" He teased, before sighing and leaning back. Then, a little more seriously, he continued. "You know then, if Gray's not really had friends before, just how much you mean to him. I mean, you're likely his first true friend. You mean a lot to him." He was treading on a fine line now, but instinctively he was curious as ever.

Sen Harper Sen looked off as he mentioned her experience. "Ah well new year new school and what not so it happens..." She muttered softly glancing out of the window a moment as the unfamiliar landscape passed by. It was so weird seeing rolling hills and quaint houses while driving instead of tall buildings and smogy skies. She looked back to Jon as he continued talking about Gray. She stared at him a moment in thought connecting the dots So whats what he meant... she thought to her self remembering Grays words the night before. It did make sense in a way. She was possibly his first friend though he did talk to her first, Jon was also one of his first friends as well so the same would extend to him. Logically anyway the only one who could answer that was Gray himself. She smiled slightly "Yeah.. probably..." She shrugged. "Though I think it might go for both of us. Since we both kind of befriended him."

She smiled slightly. "Though... I guess the same could be said about you in a way... at least for me." She admitted giving the notion some thought. She had talked with other people on and off and had some what of a friendship with Zach but that was born more out of team work than any long standing conversations. Jon and gray were the first she'd actually spend any decent amount of time with and continued to spend time with. "I mean... you were the first to really talk more then once or twice... plus... there is also what happened in the Gym." She smirked slightly. "Hows the special training been going though?" She question remembering his time training thing. the whole concept was still fairly strange and far fetched.

"Well, that's not strictly true," Jon smiled, crossing his arms thoughtfully as he followed her gaze to the hills outside, hills that reminded him of home. "I mean, he met you first when the pair of you spoke after I'd found you in the infirmary lobby. It wasn't until the following day at the Grid that I met him properly, and by then the pair of you were already reasonable buds. So I'm probably a friend, yes, but not the first friend, not as special as you." Not to mention he fancies your face off, but that's another matter entirely.

Then he grinned as she alluded to him being her first friend in a way. "Well, as touching as that is, fair maiden," he smirked, "unless you were kept in a basement to train and fight 24/7 as well, it probably doesn't hold quite the same prominence." Although he dearly hoped that he was wrong. "As for the gym, well... I was just trying to help everybody out. I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm more than willing to play your knight in shining armour, but I can't honestly claim it was anything personal." He stated this modestly, and then grinned a little wryly. "As for friendship, well... good people deserve good friends, so that's what I aim to be for you." He poked her gently on the shoulder and then withdrew back to his thoughtful position.

"Training... well, frustratingly I guess," he explained, "If you'll pardon my horrible pun, it takes a lot of time to truly develop time-related skills. Me and my partner are making very steady progress, but I emphasise the 'steady. After all, it's all psychological, so it's all about teaching your brain to familiarise itself with things. Not quite the same as physical training at all." A pause, then: "How about you? Any exciting developments with your razor wire? We've been meaning to spar several times now actually now that I think of it, but never got round to it."

Sen Harper

Sen smiled slightly at Jons pondering being humble as usual but she wasn't about to correct him or get into some debate on how another person feels. "Wasn't necessarily kept in a basement I think I would go crazy." she shook her head. "No all my time was spent pretty much wandering the streets around my house. Entertaining in its own right but not exactly everyone's idea of 'fun'." she corrected "Still good friends do mean a lot..." She smiled softly

She tilted her head slightly as he mentioned training wondering how it must be to train time powers. "Hm your train with someone? Do they have time powers as well?" She asked curiously. "Ah I've gotten better but still have a long way to go before I can do anything really impressive. I can put up a good shield with the wires though small things can still get through. It's all great in theory and concept but a real fight and a dummy are two different things." she shrugged.

Mini-Kojiro, huh? She did seem to have a reputation like that, and even Kojiro saw her in that way as well. That was far from the truth. She was far weaker than him. He was on a whole different level than she was. There was almost no comparison between her and him. She clenched her fists, and a flash of what seemed to be defiant annoyance crossed her face. She was Julian Sang, some thug-like girl with anger management problems and a haywire power, not a miniature Kojiro, a young man with a powerful body, but a heart at the right place. There were various differences, such as that no one can rely on her not to turn on them when she switched with the berserker within her. She trailed behind Kojiro and his friend, who she dubbed as Shrimp, due to Kojiro's jest earlier, but did not wish to call it out loud- she wasn't exactly the tallest in the group.

When Shrimp turned to address her, Julian simply nodded, her expression set to a neutral line. "I s'pose. I was here for a bit, then I got into a fight with some people outside. Buncha guys tryin' t' mess some lady up." She gritted her teeth at the mention of the individuals. "Even though they deserved everythin' comin' to them, rules are rules. What I did to them wasn't all that pretty. Some a' them ain't even out of the hospital yet." She sighed and shrugged, dismissively. "Well, bygones are bygones. I got suspended and sent for anger management therapy sessions. I'm a and there on the new or old student thing. I've been here, but I haven't been here."


Ezekiel sunk deeper into the seat he was in, looking outside he watched as the scenery passed by. Damn, I was hoping I wouldn’t feel like this again when dad said he’d retire. New area again, at least the scenery is nice. Gotta say they know where to build an academy. He looked around quickly two people chatting in the front, someone else was rocking as is brother would have called “A riotous fro” and more than a few others. Ehh, I’ll talk to people once I get to the beach, relax until then, less of a chance of a random headache spawning, or worse a migraine. That would be hell of a way to kill a nice beach trip.

Penny moved down the bus, trying to go unnoticed by everyone as she crossed her arms due to the rushing nerves threatening to halt her control over her form. Trying to find an empty seat, Penny scoured the bus's interior for a seat without anybody in it. Finding one in the back, Penny started to shuffle towards it quickly, but noticed something, or rather someone, that caught her interest. Sitting all alone was a blond boy, who, while looking rather deep in thought, didn't seem to be waiting on anybody. Wondering what she should do, Penny felt a small bit of her arm start to go slack as her indecision started to make her control decay. Steeling herself, and reinstating her control on the now stable arm, Penny forced herself to move towards the blonde headed boy. He didn't seem to notice her, so, swallowing her anxiety, reached out with a finger and hesitatingly poked his shoulder.

"Excuse me, um, c-could I sit here? U-Unless somebody already c-called it, I-I'd understand..." Penny waited in mute anticipation for his answer, fearfully thinking of how to deal with the obvious refutal coming her way. She could already feel her control starting to flux as she was racked with a sudden flood of nervousness.

@Der Kojote

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