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Realistic or Modern Be Ready For Me

He smiled a little and sighed. “Duty calls.” He murmured, glancing over and smiled at them, letting them get their photos and talk to him for a minute before using a taxi booking as an excuse to get out of there, winking at max and took her hand again. “I wanna sleep in our own bed.” He told her, hailing the first taxi that came past and got in with her, sitting in the back in the quiet.

They got home a couple hours later and he opened up the front door heading the cats yelling for attention straight away. “Oh my babies we missed you. I missed you more but that’s beside the point.” He told them, lifting them both up and showering them in kisses.
Max got their bag inside and laughed lightly seeing him showering the cats in love "Hello babies, we're home!" She called smiling widely as they both rushed over to her and started to rub at her legs "Oh its good to see you too." She murmured
He grabbed their stuff to start taking it upstairs before coming back to lock up the house for the night and lifted her up. “You get five star service to your quarters madam.” He smiled, kissing her cheek.
Max held his neck as he carried her bridal style and smiled happily "Mmm thank you very much kind sir." She murmured before peppering kisses all over his face. "What do you want for dinner? Because I'm thinking chinese."
He shook his head and frowned “sweetheart it’s almost midnight, I’m going to bed.” He told her, setting her down in the bed and went to go brush his teeth and go through a night time routine
Max pouted a bit and nodded "Shit I didn't realize it was that late." She murmured before she too started her night routine to get ready for bed with him.
He smiled seeing how she was getting a little pouty. “I promise to take you out for breakfast though and then we can go do groceries.” He told her, kissing her head while she was stood next to him in the bathroom
He smiled and shook his head, finishing up and joined her in bed, pulling her in close, managing to be asleep within a couple minutes.

He got up early to take a quick shower and get ready for the day, going to grab his suitcase and start unpacking as well while he waited for her to wake up.
Max smiled some as she woke up seeing him in just his boxers putting away his clothes "Mmm now thats a sight I like to wake up to." She said laughing lightly as she noticed him jump a bit.
He jumped at the sudden noise in the silence but smiled at her. “Lucky for you, I live here now so you get it anytime I’m home.” He winked at her. “You sleep good?” He asked.
He smiled and nodded a little, pulling her in tight to him, kissing her head. “I love you.” He murmured, swaying with her a little. “Where do you wanna go)” he asked, moving away to start getting dressed.
Max went to the restroom to start getting ready but left the door open so they could talk "Oh I was thinking that one diner with the amazing french toast?" She said happily as she brushed her hair
He frowned and looked in her direction shaking his head. “That one diner with the French toast she says when the only thing you ever order is French toast when we go for breakfast.” He chuckled.
Max laughed some and smiled "I know the one I'm talking about! I'll drive us to it!" She called before starting to brush her teeth and then get dressed.

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