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Realistic or Modern Be Ready For Me

Max gave a small nod and smiled a bit "Yeah, yeah let me grab my things and talk to his mom." She said softly letting her inside frowning a bit when she saw Will at the top of the stairs looking at Carmen with a skeptical face. She sighed heavily when he finally asked who she was "Babe this is my friend Carmen, we're gonna go out for the weekend." She said softly before giving him a gentle kiss "I'll be back okay?"
He frowned and just stared at her a little longer, "Okay.... I'll see you later." He told her quietly, shuffling back to their room to go back to bed.

Carmen frowned a little, going to put her stuff in the car and wait out there for her, waiting until Max was finally in the car and sighed, "He having a bad day?" She asked her frowning, "I just can't believe how fast it's progressing." She sighed a little. "But I got my phone if there's an emergency this weekend alright? From here on out, no more worrying though, stress free weekend for you.... And last weekend for me as Miss Sanchez." She finally told her.
Max sighed heavily and nodded some "Yeah, its been a bad day. He woke up freaking out not remembering the house." She explained before turning her phone off "Huh? What do you....oh my gosh are you guys finally gonna tie the knot?!" She asked excitedly
She nodded and smiled, "We get home, do a shit load of laundry, repack, spend two nights at home then we're going to Scotland. The only person joining us is Bryan for photos." She smiled, "We got three weeks to ourselves before they hit the studio again and they've got a couple festivals but it means we get some peace and quiet to just be us away from the madness." She smiled.
Max smiled happily and gave a small nod. She was a bit sad that she wouldn't be there for it, but also she respected her friend's decision as well. "Thats so great to hear. I'm so happy for you guys." She said happily "You got a dress picked out?"
She nodded and smiled a little "It's casual enough but it's still wedding. It'll be nice to just have it be the two of us. Bryan is only joining us for photos and that's it." She explained, "How are the kids doing?" She asked her curiously.
Max nodded smiling some "You both deserve it." She murmured softly before giving a small sigh at the mention of the kids "Will is doing great, just going along hitting his milestones. Maya is doing alright, very clingy at the moment. She's understanding that her dad isn't healthy though, and its been really hard to try and explain everything." She explained quietly
She frowned a little "I guess she's getting to that age where they're paying attention to every little thing even if you don't realise it." She sighed, "We're gonna be sorting out a room in the house specifically for the animals. Probably use what was my office." She explained, "You know Noah posted some of my work the other day cause I was doing a bunch of promotions, I've taken so much time off lately I need the work once we get back from our holiday and all I got was a bunch of fans complaining I put my prices too high." She rolled her eyes a little
Max laughed a bit at that and shook her head some "I don't understand why they think you'd be cheap. You're doing makeup for professional and special occassions. I remember I had some fans try to book me once too and were offended that I wouldn't give a discount because they knew of the band." She explained
She sighed a little and shook her head. “These fans are too much sometimes… Noah’s got a stalker. She’s shown up to nearly every show on the tour, keeps trying to work out what hotel room he’s got… he’s trying to not freak out too much.” She told her frowning. “I saw your post. About taking over Wills socials for him… people mostly took that well it seemed.”
Max shook her head and frowned some "Damn I'm sorry to hear that, thankfully Will hasn't had any bad fan experiences." She said before nodding some "Yeah I'm so thankful for that because the way the band acted when I took him off tour? I don't think I've ever been so furious."
She sighed a little and shook her head, "It's partly why I'm so grateful that Noah's got Nick and Jolly, they've been friends for so long and their first priority when everything happened was to make sure he was healthy again." She frowned, flexing her hand a little and glancing at the scar that ran across it now. They were on the road for a little lnger before arriving at the hotel and got checked in and settled before she checked her phone in case of any problems with Will, nodding when there was nothing.

Will was sat downstairs watching some TV with his Mom sorting out some late lunch, frowning a little. He was a little more coherent than he had been earlier but still a little fuzzy on remembering why Max was out. He glanced up though when he heard his name and frowned as his Mom had brought him some food, "Not hungry." He told her, convinced he'd eaten lunch already. "Where is Maya?" He asked frowning.
Max sat down on the bed of the room and sighed softly "So I know we have the spa facials and all that scheduled for tomorrow. There anything you want to do now? That pool looked pretty fun." She said with a small smile.

His mom gave a small sigh and frowned a bit "Honey you haven't eatne today you need to eat." She explained before sitting down "Maya is with Max's Mom this weekend. She took the kids out." She explained
He frowned a little more and shook his head "I'm not hungry." He told her quietly, just not feeling right at all and frowned a little more, "I wanna go for a nap." He told her, rubbing his face a little. He was struggling to get up the stairs at the moment though so just pulled the blanket off the back of the couch to lay down there, closing his eyes and already falling asleep, his breathing a little laboured.

She shook her head "I gotta call Noah real quick but I'll meet you down there, no more than five minutes I promise, I'm just giving him an update on Sadie, she got a bad hip at the moment." She told her, quickly dialling his number and sighed a little when he answered "Hey, real quick cause I'm gonna go meet Max dpwnstairs but they x-rayed that hip when I took her back yesterday, no broken bones but she's still hobbling on it, they could definitely do more investigation but she's old and she's doing okay with the pain management we got her on... Jess needs and answer for the vet when she takes her back tomorrow morning so could you have a think on it please?"
His mom sighed heavily as she watched him fall asleep but said nothing else.

Noah sat on the bus and frowned a bit when he listened to what Carmen had to say. "So its either we investigate or just give her pain meds until she goes?" He asked gently not liking the idea of having to say goodbye when he had such little time with her in the grand scheme of things.
She shook her head. “No not quite that dramatic. I’m just saying that we could put her through a little stress to find out what’s going on properly now or we could wait and seee how she goes on the current pain management route and if it’s still not working then we’ll still have to investigate anyway.” She explained. “I’m just thinking about whether we wanna put her through that with neither of us there.” She pointed out. “I gotta go but could you call or text Jess by the end of this afternoon please? Let her know what you wanna do. I love you I’ll see you on Monday.” She told him, hanging up and going to meet max downstairs to finally switch off for the weekend.
Noah let out a sigh of relief and promised her that he'd contact Jess before letting her go.

Max smiled and waved at Carmen as she came to the pool area "Hey, everything okay with Noah?" She asked while she laid her towel out on a chair.
She nodded and rolled her eyes "So I told you about the dogs right? The ones I was fostering that bonded with Noah like from the moment he met them... Anyway they're our babies now, failed fosters." She smiled, "But Sadie is getting a little old now. She's gonna be 9 in a few months which is getting up there for a german shepherd and she tweaked her hip and Noah's been very concerned... So I'm tryna deal with it as a middle man right now.. And people think I'm the diva in the relationship." She laughed a little, getting her stuff set down and lay back on the lounger sighing happily.
Max nodded and laughed lightly "Oh man, well I hope she gets feelin better. I see you guys post them all the time, they're both so adorable." She said smiling a bit "We has talked about getting a service dog possibly, but I just don't think it would be helpful with how bad he's forgetting." She explained
She frowned a little and shook her head "If it was just the seizures it would be a good idea but with everything else... That's too much for you to deal with on top of the kids and Will." She pointed out, glancing at her phone when it pinged and nodded a little, replying to Noah with a thumbs up that it was probably a good idea to get things looked at now instead of later. "There, he's made a decision." She smiled, putting her phone away and yawned a little, "I gotta soak up as much of this sun as possible before we go to Scotland. I'm not looking pale and pasty in my wedding photos." She smiled, finally focused on having a nice weekend without distractions
Max laughed lightly and nodded a bit "I feel ya there, but you know I never seem to tan." She said with another laugh before getting into the pool smiling a bit "Will did good don't you think? This is such a nice place."
She smiled and nodded "He's always been secretly romantic though. Even when he was a shit boyfriend." She pointed out. She enjoyed the peace and quiet with Max over the next couple days, making sure she was as relaxed as possible while Carmen was keeping in contact with Will's Mom about him but there had been no emergency and she dropped her off Monday morning, saying goodbye and heading back out to get to the airport to catch her flight to Colorado to meet back with Noah.

Will looked up from his spot on the couch when she walked in, frowning a little and reached for her, "Hey... Where did... Where did you go?" He mumbled. He'd spent the whole weekend confused about where she was and where Maya had gone, a couple times panicking that she had taken Maya and left him, not remembering Will at all.
Max smiled softly as she got home and went over kissing him lovingly "I had a little spa get away baby, but I'm home now." She said softly cupping his face gently.

Noah smiled widely as he stood at the airport waiting for Carmen. When he saw her finally he ran over and hugged her tightly "Oh its so good to have you in my arms again!" He said happily as he spun her around.
He frowned a little confused but nodded, "Okay... I'm watching you." He told her, "My Mom made me eat broccoli." He mumbled, pulling her down to sit with him, "I missed you... Your Mom took Maya away." He told her.

She smiled wide, just holding onto him tightly, "You saw me two weeks ago puppy." She giggled, "I love you.... But I'm also starving so do we have time to go eat before your show?" She asked him hopeful, taking his free hand when his other took her suitcase.
Max held him close to her as she sat with him sighing softly "She'll be back soon with Maya and Will." She murmured kissing him gently "I love you, so much."

Noah nodded smiling a bit "We sure can, what would you like?" He asked as he sat her down and then took her bags for her. "How was your spa weekend?"

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