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Realistic or Modern Be Ready For Me

Noah gave a small nod "Ah okay, well you mind if I jump on and do my character? I promise not to mess with your island, I just wanna swim around and catch fish." He said with a small laugh. He frowned though when she mentioned going through the restaurant "Uh sure? Why can't we go through the lobby?"

Max gave a small nod as she got baby Will cleaned up "Want me to grab you some pain killers?" She asked before putting the dishes in the sink
She nodded and smiled. “Yeah, I’ll get it out when we get on the bus later. Oh I just wanted to see it. Katie was saying that they ate here last night with some of the crew and it was really good.” She lied. Her and Katie never even spoke cause they couldn’t stand each other. She tugged on him to walk with her away from the lobby but by that point it was too late anyway and she heard the girl calling Noah’s name, sighing heavily but stepped between them still. “This is why I was trying to go through the restaurant.” She told him.

He gave her a thumbs up while he got mayas shoes on for her, getting up slowly to get his own shoes on and grab her lunch box out the fridge, taking the painkillers and just headed out to the car, getting in after getting the kids in, closing his eyes and leaning up against the door.
Noah frowned deeply when he heard an unfamiliar voice call his name. He went a bit wide eyed when he caught sight of Ashley and started to walk quicker to try and get away from her just gripping Carmen's hand to ground himself a bit.

Max frowned a bit as she stood outside of the car watching him "Will? Maybe, maybe you should stay here. This sun isn't going to help your head." She said gently as she watched him.
He shook his head a little. “Don’t wanna be… home alone.” He mumbled, a little scared of what would happen if he was and something went wrong. “I’ll be fine.” He mumbled, putting his sunglasses on.

She walked quickly with him to get outside to get a taxi, “you need to back the fuck up. He does not know you. He does not want you. You are doing nothing but causing him a lot of stress right now so if you care that much you will leave us alone.” She warned her.
Max gave a small nod and sighed softly "Alright." She murmured before getting in and starting to drive to Maya's day care which thankfully wasn't too far from the house.

Noah frowned deeply when he noticed the girl go to push Carmen away and quickly pulled her back "I need you to leave NOW. The police will be called and we will have you arrested if you're not gone. Do not EVER try to touch my wife again." He spat to the woman before quickly getting Carmen in a cab that had stopped. "I'm sorry, I know you had that handled but I didn't want you laying her out if she touched you."
She let him do what he needed, not wanting to cause more of a scene that what it already was, telling the cab driver what restaurant they were going to and finally turned to him, "No you're good puppy.... You okay?" She sighed quietly, "We were hoping that we could just stop you from running into her at all.... Apparently she's got tickets to a lot of shows on this tour." She told him, taking his hands as they had started shaking once they'd got into the cab, "Hey, breathe... Deep breaths." She coaxed.

He ended up just sitting there holding his head the whole time while Maya was singing in the back seat, completely zoning out by the time they got to her daycare, not noticing his surroundings at all until his door was opened and he could feel Max's hands on his face, opening his eyes just a little, "Where... We home?" He mumbled.
Noah felt his adrenaline start to wear off after the cab pulled off and took deep breaths as he listened to her "Yeah.....yeah I'm uh...I'm good. Is there any way we can prevent her from coming to the shows? How the hell does she have our hotel info?" He asked as he closed his eyes trying to relax the best he could.

Max frowned a bit and shook her head some "No we're at Maya's daycare. I just dropped her off but you look like you're burning up." She said quietly putting her hand to his forehead again.
She frowned and shook her head "I don't know puppy but why don't we talk to Matt later? Breathe. She doesn't know where we're going right now. When we're done why don't you go with Folio straight to the venue to get on the bus and I'll get our stuff sorted out." She suggested, just wanting him to relax.

He frowned and just mumbled incoherently about his head hurting. "M'tired." He told her, frowning as he heard another Mom from the daycare coming over to ask her to move up in the line already instead of standing around.
Noah nodded in agreement and started to calm down as he got his mind away from the incident "Yeah that sounds good, I'm sorry the fans are fucking crazy." He muttered

Max frowned deeply at the lady "You can hold it lady! My husband is having some health issues!" She screamed before turning her attention back to Will shaking her head some "Put the air on you full blast. I'll get us straight home." She murmured before getting in the driver's seat and speeding out of the drive area to get home.
She shook her head and sighed a little, "Don't be sorry... And let's face it, you got some really cool fans as well." She pointed out, rubbing his knuckles gently until they pulled up and she paid for the taxi, getting out with him to go get breakfast with everyone, sitting with him instead of Moriah this time, keeping a hold on him in some way anytime that she wasn't eating, just to remind him she was there.

He frowned but did as told, getting out when they got home, shuffling back into the house and straight to the couch to lay down, not wanting to attempt the stairs right now. "Babe... you wanna bring Will over here?" He called to her as loud as he could manage right now, even now wanting to get in time with his son even if it was just being able to watch him while he did tummy time or took a nap in the travel cot they had in the lounge
Noah did his best to stay present while at breakfast with everyone. He gave Carmen a small smile when she gave his hand a squeeze "I love you, you know that?" He asked gently while he leant his head gently against hers.

Max came in and placed Will on his tummy time mat "Give me just a minute." She murmured before going to grab the thermometer. She came back and placed it in his mouth sighing gently.
She smiled and squeezed his hand again. “I do. I just wanna make sure you’re safe and no one fucks up your recovery with how hard you’ve been working on it.” She told him, sitting up a bit more once she was finished eating. They were back on the bus a few hours later and she had gone through her suitcase to give him her switch, getting herself set up in the lounge to get what work done she could.

He watched his son a little smiling at the noises he was making clearly trying to get to where he could move a bit more until he heard her tell him to open his mouth, frowning a little at the taste of metal but waited patiently for the beep. “I think… you’re the hottest nurse I’ve had so far.” He mumbled.
Noah sat in their bunk playing on the switch to relax himself. He bit his lio as he read over the little letter he had ready to send to Carmen hoping that even if she said no it wouldn't put a strain on the relationship.

Max rolled her eyes a bit and laughed a him "I should get one of those sexy nurse outfits." She teased before kissing his forehead and taking the thermometer out of his mouth when it beeped. She gave a small sigh as she read it and kissed his forehead again "Looks like only a slight fever. We'll just have to keep an eye on it."
She eventually went to put her laptop away and opened the curtain for his bunk leaning in and pecking his cheek. “I don’t know how you get any sleep in this thing when you’re as tall as you are.” She frowned, “I’m gonna take a nap. Don’t wake me up unless the world is ending.” She told him, getting into the one opposite him and pulled her curtain shut to try and get some rest.

He hummed quietly and grabbed at her hand. “When will goes down for a nap you should get one too.” He told her, already struggling to keep his eyes open.
Noah chuckled some and blew her a kiss before he continued to play on the switch. Once they were stopped he got up and went to nudge Carmen "Hey, we're making a stop. I'm gonna stretch my legs." He murmured to her before getting off the bus.

Max nodded some and sighed "Yeah I'll try." She murmured before kissing him gently "Get some sleep love." She murmured before getting up to go sit by the baby.
Carmen grumbled a little and nodded, getting up carefully and wandered outside, looking around and finally found Noah heading into the gas station, following behind him quickly and touched his back, frowning at hoe badly he jumped. "Shit. sorry... Just me." She told him, "You getting snacks?" She asked, yawning a little. "Where are we?" She asked him, following him around the store and chucking a few things in his basket as they went, "you okay? Noah?" She frowned as he hadn't said a word.

He hummed quietly, eventually drifting off, not looking comfortable at all, only waking up when she was nudging him and he saw she'd brought two plates of food over with sandwiches, sitting up slowly and rubbed at his face, "I think my next appointment they're gonna sort out some more meds... to help with these headaches better." He told her. "You remember when you broke up with me?" He smiled a little. "I didn't take it seriously, showed up to your place and Carm was there with you, you kicked me out." He murmured. "You were right at the time." He tol dher
Noah turned around when she stopped him and frowned a bit "You think she's following the bus?" He asked quietly his eyes scanning all around just a little freaked to possibly see her again.

Max gave a small laugh and nodded a bit "Yeah....that was the hardest decision to make." She said softly before taking a bite of her food "But look at us now, happily married with two beautiful children."
He nodded slowly, "I'm sorry I ever got in that car." He told her frowning. "I should have just been patient and maybe none of this would have happened." He muttered, rubbing at his face, not touching his food yet.

She frowned and shook her head, reaching up to put her hand on his shoulder, "Hey, look at me. You are safe. She's not gonna get near you, I promise you that." She told him "I can't promise she's not following the bus, but I can promise you that you're okay." She told him, rubbing his back "You wanna go get back on? I'll finish grabbing snacks?" She suggested
Max gave a small sigh and shook her head some "Don't start down that path. Everything happens for a reason." She murmured before kissing his hand gently "Eat, you need it."

Noah took a deep breath and shook his head some "No, no I want to stretch my legs. I was fine until I got in here, I got spooked and it reminded me of that time she found me at the CVS." He explained quietly
She sighed quietly and rubbed his back, "I'm not gonna let her get near you I promise." She told him, kissing his shoulder, "Come on, let's get these snacks bought before I start chewing on you." She winked at him, getting a couple more monster cans put into the basket.

He frowned and shook his head. "Everything happens for a reason? And what reason you think there is for why I'm not gonna know who my kids are before long. I can't drive. I can't work. Tell me what reason there could possibly be for that." He muttered, shaking his head. "I just want to go home. When can we go home?" He muttered, rubbing at his face.
Noah laughed lightly and nodded grabbing a few more things before getting out of there. He held Carmen's hand as they walked back to the bus biting his lip a bit as he thought about the letter he'd sent her last night on the game. He knew they had time before she would see it, but it was still nerve wracking to him.

Max sighed heavily and squeezed his hands as she put the food to the side of them "Will I don't know why this happened to us. I'm not saying its fair because it isn't. But like we said, we have to keep positive or else its not going to be good for either of us." She explained quietly
-2 weeks-
Will still hadn't been eating right. He'd been mostly aware except for a couple of minor blips but he just wasn't finding he had much of an appetite at the moment and he knew it was worrying Max. He glanced up from the computer when his door opened and saw Maya running in, "Hey baby, what you doing?" He smiled, lifting her up onto his lap while he worked on some stuff for the clothing brand.

Carmen had helped make sure that Ashley stayed away from the shows, ensuring that security had her photo and made it clear to her followers on her socials that this girl was stalking Noah and they didn't want any drama but just asked people to not engage with her content. She'd been home a couple days though and was already moving stuff back in to her and Noah's place, crashing there every night. She smiled a little as she got a facetime from him, late into the evening. "You should be in bed mister. It's what? one in the morning where you are? I know I said you needed to call me but I meant at a reasonable hour for you." She smiled at him.
Maya giggled some "Mommy tell me come get you. It lunch time." She said happily before cuddling into him. She had been pretty clingy to him lately, just wanting to be by his side as much as he would allow.

Noah chuckled quietly "I can't sleep. Plus I had a very nice dream about you." He said softly watching her with tired eyes. He'd been doing his best to stay happy without her there right now, his anxiety about Ashley had been high but thankfully they hadn't had any issues yet.
He nodded and kissed her head "Alright, you wanna pick the colors for the next tshirt line?" He asked her. He was taking his time to enjoy his time with the kids as much as possible, scared about forgetting them more than he already had previously, not wanting Maya especially to go through any of this.

She smiled and shook her head "You gotta save up those dreams." She told him, "Less than two weeks til you're home." She smiled. "But you can't get too comfy.... Cause I've booked us flights to Scotland." She told him, "Like two days after you get back... Cause my answer is yes." She told him happily. She'd cried big time when she'd finally got back onto animal crossing earlier and found the little letter he had left her in game. "But we aren't doing the big fancy wedding... And Vegas is tacky." She smiled.
Maya giggled and nodded some "Uh huh! It be pink?!" She asked happily while pointing at the light baby pink color "That one Daddy!!"

Noah looked at her confused for a minute before smiling widely when it hit him "Really? You really want to?" He asked happily as he sat up a bit turning his little bunk light on and swapping to face time with her "You're not mad with how I asked are you?"

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