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Realistic or Modern Be Ready For Me

She nodded and smiled at him, grabbing his arm and dragging him into the mini van. “Let them think I’m keeping you away.” She told him, getting in their seats and leaned up against his shoulder, yawning. “You know I was kidding about the sugar baby thing don’t you?” She murmured.

She crossed her arms and frowned. “No! My mommy! Will go away!” She told her, running to get cuddles from her grandma and starting to cry.
Noah gave a small nod and smiled some "I know that, but I was serious too." He murmured kissing the top of her head gently.

Max frowned deeply and sighed a bit "Maya....baby you're his sister, I'm both of yours mommy." She said quietly trying to reach for her but felt her heart sink when she just shooed her away.
She nodded and yawned a little, waiting while everyone piled in, "The gym was good. Getting those strong arms. Gonna be carrying you by the time I'm done." She joked, getting up though when Moriah got on the mini bus, "Excuse me, I need to go sit with my wife." She told him, going to sit at the back with her and chat.

Her Mom frowned a little when Maya ended up running off back upstairs. "Why don't, I take this little one for a day, have Maria come and watch Will and maybe what Maya needs is a mommy daughter day?" She suggested.
Noah gasped dramatically when she said she'd be leaving him "Fine! Leave me! I see how it is!" He teased before laughing and going to talking with Jolly.

Max bit her lip hard and gave a small nod "Yeah....yeah I think that would be good." She said quietly before passing Will over to her and going to find Maya to talk with her.
She sat chatting with her the whole way there, opting to sit next to her at the other end of the table while they had a little catch up, taking some selfies to post with Carmen occasionally looking over to see Noah watching her most of the time, blowing him a kiss each time she caught him looking.

Will ended up sleeping through to late into the evening when he woke up to Max shaking him and frowned a little "I'm up I'm up... what time is it?" He mumbled, rubbing at his face a little, sitting up slowly and seeing the worried look on her face.
Noah smiled softly as he watched her from the other end of the table. He was honestly a little hurt that she didn't sit next to him, but he knew it was silly and wasn't about to make any kind of scene about it. However, it did solidify the fact that he wanted to ask her to marry him.

Max let out a sigh of relief when he opened his eyes. She'd walked into the and he didn't seem to be breathing which sent her into a frenzy. "Hey, its dinner time, I wanted to make sure you ate." She said quietly
By the time they were headed back to the venue she was back to Noah's side in the bus and resting her head on his shoulder. "If I take a nap you wanna wake me up just before you go on?" She asked him, yawning a little.

He nodded and stretched out a little, rubbing at his face. "Alright... The kids in bed?" He mumbled, getting up as she nodded and just wrapped his arms around her tightly, "Mmm, I didn't mean to sleep for so long, sorry." He murmured, kissing the top of her head repeatedly.
Noah nodded as he held her smiling some "Yeah I can do that." He murmured before kissing her forehead "I love you beautiful."

Max wrapped her arms around him and kissed the top of his head "Its okay, you need to rest." She murmured before kissing the top of his head repeatedly "The kids are pretty deep in sleep, you wanna take a bath with me after you eat?"
She hummed in response, "Love you too puppy." She murmured, trying her best to stay awake until they got back to the venue and she went to get comfy on one of the couches, at least as comfortable as she could, at some point becoming vaguely aware that someone had laid a coat over her like a blanket.

He frowned and sighed a little. "Uhhh... Maybe not in the bath but I'll come sit with you... I'm just a little worried about having a seizure." He sighed quietly, "If you haven't already done dinner why don't we order take out?" He suggested, not wanting her to keep pushing herself too much
Max nodded some "I got it already made. Tacos." She murmured smiling a bit as she watched him a bit. "Come on with me." She said tugging his hand and walking slowly downstairs with him.

Noah shook her some as they got ready to go hit the stage. He smiled softly at her "Hey beautiful, we're about to take the stage." He said softly before pecking her lips "Go ahead and keep sleeping okay? You look like you need it."
He followed her happily, sitting down at their table and smiled at her. "I was gonna try and do some work with Nick tomorrow. Get some new projects worked on. I need to talk to Charlie as well for the rat club stuff... Do you want to keep ownership of that after.... after everything?" He asked her "It's a good stream of income... Charlie can keep running it for you but it's a good asset." He pointed out.

She frowned and nodded, sitting up "I wanna see the first parts at least." She told him, standing up and pulled his ski mask down, kissing him with it on, "Go get 'em tiger." She winked at him, following down to the side stage, feeling like she'd never left.
Max smiled softly as she listened to him ramble like he used to. She nodded some got him a drink as well as his food "Yeah I think that could work well. I don't see why we should give up ownership of it right now." She explained.

Noah groaned quietly when she kissed him with the ski mask on "You gotta let me wear it in bed atleast once." He murmured in her ear but laughed as she just smacked him away and pushed him towards the stage.
She rolled her eyes at him but smiled and just stood watching him the first half of their show, eventually going back to lay down in the green room again, leaving him a note with his stuff once Moriah was ready to go and headed out with her to go back to the hotel, starting to feel a little off.

He nodded and thanked her for the food, taking a seat and just watched her some, "You are so beautiful you know that?" He told her, "I love you. Very very much." He smiled, tucking into his food, "We uh... we need to make an appointment with our lawyer though." He told her
Noah made his way back to the hotel after having a great show. He was pumped and excited to see Carmen to tell her everything. He pouted a bit seeing her laying down looking sleepy going into the bathroom to take himself a shower.

Max smiled and blushed lightly "I love you too handsome." She murmured before sighing softly "I'll make the call tomorrow, I promise." She said before pecking his cheek.
Carmen grumbled a little but closed her eyes again after a little bit and only opened them again once he was laying with her, scooting closer and laying an arm over his chest. “My head hurts.” She mumbled

He finished eating with her, finally heading up to go run a bath for her and sat down next to it, wolf whistling at her as she stripped. “Damn girl.” He winked.
Noah frowned softly and gave a small nod as he pulled her into him "You need me to get you some medicine?" He asked softly just watching her a little worried.

Max giggled as she did a little twirl for him before getting into the tub. She sighed happily as she relaxed in the warm water and took his hand in hers "Mmmm I remember the first time I convinced you to take a bath with me, you were saying how girly it was." She said with a small laugh
She frowned and just squeezed his hand twice for no, the same way they'd worked out for her to do the first time round. "It's okay if I keep laying on this side... I got more appointments when I get home." She mumbled, "I love you." She mumbled, finally falling asleep now that he was back from the show and she was getting her snuggles in, snoring within a few minutes.

He smiled and watched her, interlacing their fingers "Mmm... You've encouraged me to do many things I would never have tried without you." He told her. "I love you so very much... You and the kids. I know we got a lot of uncertainty in our future but I think we need to really start focusing on the good days only instead of worrying too much about the bad ones." He murmured, "Cause otherwise we're just gonna be stuck." He pointed out
Noah woke up the next morning to his phone ringing. He groaned quietly before answering hearing Jolly on the other end inviting them out to breakfast "Huh? Oh uh, yeah hold on let me see how Carmen is feeling." He murmured quietly.

Max gave a small nod and smiled softly at him "I love you too, we just take it day by day and celebrate the good ones." She murmured softly before smiling some at him.
Carmen frowned a little when she came back from using the restroom and heard him ask about breakfast. "I need to repack my bag before bus call." She mumbled, rubbing at her face "But food sounds good." she mumbled, going to get ready for the day, opting to just go comfy as theyd be riding on the bus for a couple hours and after that she was just gonna get some work done in the hotel room, “hey when we get your next off day in Boston, you wanna take me shopping? Not like all day but I need to pick up a couple bits from Sephora and Barney’s and noble is in the same mall I looked up.”

He hummed quietly, moving to crouch behind her to wash her hair for her like he always had when they had baths together, “I’m gonna go to bed love. I feel a little sick. Don’t let yourself turn into a prune.” He smiled.
Noah nodded telling Jolly they'd meet him there before hanging up. He gave her a small smile and reached for her to come closer "Yeah I think we can do that for you." He murmured before pulling her into him once she came over.

Max relaxed as he washed her hair smiling softly "Alright love, I'll be in there soon enough." She murmured before he left. She came out about 20 minutes later giving a small sigh as she watched him sleep in the bed for a moment. She was doing her best to keep thinking positive but it was hard when she saw all his pain even when he didn't.
She went to sit on the side of the bed next to him and smiled at his sleepy face, running her fingers through his hair. "Where we going for breakfast?" She asked, getting up again after a minute and brushed her teeth, washing her face and finally chucked it all in her suitcase, going to get her shoes on, "I know I'm always the one complaining about people wearing track suits in public but I got this set a couple months ago and it's so comfy... And it makes my ass look great." She told him, sitting down to wait for him to be ready.

He was up and down most of the night and by morning he'd only managed around five hours of sleep, going to make himself a drink and found Max in the kitchen with the kids. "Good morning. Maya got school today?" He asked, yawning a little and sat at the table, pulling their little girl into his lap for a cuddle when she reached for him
Noah chuckled softly as he watched her "Mmmm I can get behind the track suits." He murmured pulling her into him as he got up to get ready "You're so sexy you know that? Gonna make me want to miss breakfast."

Max nodded as she helped Will eat some of his hot cereal breakfast "Yeah she does, we're gonna head up after breakfast. You wanna come with us?" She asked softly
He nodded and yawned a little, rubbing at his temples. "That's probably a good idea." He murmured, kissing Maya's head. "Did uh, did you say Carmen and Noah might come visit? When is that again?" He asked her, yawning again.

She rolled her eyes and shook her head "My head still feels fuzzy and I'm hungry as fuck so unless you wanna turn me into an angry bitch you can save that behaviour for the next hotel." She told him, smiling at him some. "So chop chop Sebastian" She told him.
Max gave a small nod "Yeah it was in a couple weeks I think. I need to call her again to verify." She explained giving him a small smile as she watched him "You sleep okay?"

Noah pouted and gave a nod sighing dramatically "Fine fine, I'm goin." He murmured before he finished getting ready and left the room with her to go grab a cab. "So uh....you still been playing Animal Crossing? I haven't seen you with the switch lately."
She nodded and smiled a little "I am, I just have to catch up on some work stuff so it's packed at the very bottom of the suitcase I won't be touching until we get to Florida.... So I might not get to it until I get home. Like a reward for doing my admin shit." She smiled, squeezing his hand as they walked, "The island is almost finished though." Might have to start up a fresh one... Or take a break and play some pokemon." She glanced at her phone and frowned a little, "Hey we should go through the restaurant to leave." She suggested having seen a text from Nick that Ashley ws sat in the lobby hoping for them to go through.

He shrugged "I got more than three hours. Might try and nap after dropping this one off." He told her, "Feel like someone is drilling into the side of my head." He mumbled, rubbing at his face again and let Maya get down to go get her shoes so he could help her put them on

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