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Realistic or Modern Be Ready For Me

Noah nodded and sighed softly "I sure do hope so. I dunno what I'd do if I saw her out near the house again." He murmured before they went inside. After the tour it was time for the wedding and it couldn't have been more perfect for the two of them. It had been beautiful, intimate, and relaxing. After having surprised her with a seeing of Haggis the pygmy hippo in Scotland, he now was onto his second part of the honeymoon plan. A trip to Thailand so she could see the other hippo who had invaded his social media because of Carmen, Moo Deng.

Max sat at the house holding Will while he went down for a nap smiling gently. He'd gotten so big in such little time, she felt like she hadn't savored it enough. Things had been going good recently, Will's haze was pretty minor compared to what had become the normal. He'd even been up for playing a little video games with Maya. She was exhausted though, she didn't want to seek help for him, but it always lingered in the back of her mind if maybe his mom was right.
She yawned a little, resting her head on his shoulder while they waited for their baggage to come out now they had arrived in Thailand, glancing at her Home Screen which had been recently changed from Noah and the dogs to a picture of Haggis the hippo. “Did you get much sleep on the flight?” She asked him, standing up a bit more to stretch and look up at him. She’d found herself taking moments to remember that they really had done it and after all these years they’d finally tied the knot and only announced it to their friends after the fact, glad that it had been quiet just the two of them.

Will had been spending time with maya every second he got lately, just wanting her to be able to have a few memories with him at least and today had been a nice quiet day at home where he was teaching her how to play super Mario bros. He’d been sat quietly for a little while now and just watching her, frowning a little at the little girl sat playing on his Nintendo. “So uh… when are your parents coming to pick you up? Is your mommy good friends with Max?” He asked her frowning.
Noah groaned some as he tilted his head from side to side trying to stretch his neck a bit "Eh, I've definitely slept worse." He murmured smiling softly at her as he gently played with her wedding ring "You happy beautiful?"

Maya was trying her best to play the game by herself having so much with her dad, it was like he wasn't sick anymore. She frowned though when she heard him "Huh? Daddy you silly." She said with a small giggle as she turned her attention back to the game thinking he was playing with her.
He frowned more and eventually stood up, going to find max confused, jumping a little when she grabbed at his arm. “Hey, hey don’t grab at people kid… when are your mom and dad coming to pick you up?” He asked her again, not understanding why there was a strange child in his house.

She nodded, still yawning a little. “Very. Got to marry my best friend.” She told him, kissing his shoulder but moved away and let him grab their bags as they came through, finally heading out to get a taxi to their hotel.
Max frowned deeply when she heard Maya yelling for her when she was placing Will in his crib. She stepped out of the room and gasped lightly when she felt Maya crash into her legs sobbing and looking terrified "Maya, baby whats wrong? Where is your dad?" She asked worriedly while her arms went around the little girl to comfort her.

Noah held her hand as they got into the taxi smiling some "You excited to be here?" He asked while watching the world pass by as they drove off.
She yawned a little and nodded, “I am. Here with my husband.” She smiled, “is it bad that I do almost wanna be home though cause I miss our dogs and Void?” She pouted at him. “You wanna freshen up at the hotel, take a quick rest then go get dinner?” She asked.

Will had watched her go, confused about what was going on but still went to turn off the tv and everything, starting to head out of the room when he had to catch himself as a wave of vertigo hit, sliding down the wall and passed out on the floor, going into a seizure.
Noah chuckled softly and shook his head some "Nah I miss them too." He said softly before nodding some "Yeah definitely need a shower. Remember we gotta try to be in bed at a reasonable time, got a big day tomorrow." He said with a small smile

Max frowned as she listened to her explain that Will forgot her. She took a deep breath about to talk when she saw Will come out. She went wide eyed when she saw his seizure and quickly sent Maya into Will's room while she tended to Will to make sure he was okay.
She rolled her eyes a little, "You are genuinely going to kill me with the secrets cause I don't like surprises and you know that I don't like surprises but you still wanna do surprises even on our honeymoon which is meant to be relaxing but I'm stressed." She told him frowning a little and just slumped against him with a sigh, "I hate you." She mumbled, glancing down at their intertwined hands, "I did a good job with our rings didn't I?" She smiled a little.

He was in it for around three minutes and coming to very slowly, just looking around confused for a moment, looking up at Max and trying to sit up even when she was pushing him back down, soon passing out again but drifting in and out of consciousness for the next half hour, at some point becoming aware that there were more people in the room and they were moving him.
Noah chuckled happily "I promise, this surprise will make you so happy." He murmured before smiling down at the rings and nodding "You really did, I like how they match us both so well." He murmured before kissing the top of her hand gently.

Max had called the ambulance when he wasn't coming out of it. She stood worriedly at the kid's door keeping Maya back while they worked on him. She took a deep breath as she saw his mom come in for the kids "He's being taken down for the night....thats all I know so far."
She sighed a little nodded, "Alright, give me a call when you know more." She told her, going to see Maya and take her off to try and distract her so Max could go with them.

She smiled a little, just watching out the window until they got to their hotel and she got out with him, getting checked in to their room and eventually got up there and sighed in relief at the bed in front of them. "Do not let me fall asleep before a shower." She told him once he'd tipped the bellhop and shut the door behind him, "Noah this is perfect." She smiled.
Max sat in the hospital hours later holding Will's hand. She sighed softly still waiting on the doctor to come see them and say how badly the progression had probably become.

Noah smiled widely and wrapped his long arms around her "I'm glad you think so too." He murmured happily while he looked out their window with her "Well come on, lets shower then set an alarm for us to wake up for dinner."
He was slowly starting to come around finally, looking over to her and frowned. "What's.... where are we?" He asked her quietly, not remembering much past the strange child running out of the room "Why was... There was a kid... in our house." He mumbled.

She nodded in agreement and went to get sorted for a shower, taking a couple photos for her instagram while he was still cleaning up and got into the bed, melting into it after a long 24 hours of travel.
Max looked over at him after muting the TV and gave a small frown "We're at the hospital love....you had a seizure again." She said softly before taking a deep breath to not compose herself not wanting to break down crying at the fact he was now forgetting Maya too "She's our daughter Will....her name is Maya. We have a daughter and a son."

Noah smiled some as he came out and got into bed with her as well once he was done cleaning himself up from the shower. He sighed happily as he too melted into the bed and fell into a peaceful sleep.
She ended up waking up shortly before his alarm was set to go off, rolling over to straddle his hips and just started placing little kisses over his chest, slowly trailing them down to his stomach.

He frowned a little and shook his head "I don't.... No we don't have kids... When did we have kids?" He mumbled, watching her confused, "You always said no kids before marriage though." He mumbled, glancing over at the door when someone knocked and noticed a doctor walking in
Noah groaned quietly in his sleep and soon awoke when he felt her slide further down. He picked up the covers to make sure he wasn't dreaming and groaned happily just letting her do what she wanted. He was panting by the end of it all holding her naked body to his and smiling happily "Goddamn I love you."

Max gulped quietly and went to answer but stopped when the doctor came in. She looked over at him and sighed softly "So um....how bad is it?" She asked quietly
She smiled a little and kissed under his chin "Love you too puppy." She murmured, "You wanna go get dinner then just come back and get some sleep?" She asked him, getting up so she could start getting dressed. "Or we could just get room service." She pointed out, looking back over at him, "As much as I miss the long hair, I think you're looking very grown up and handsome with the new cut." She smiled at him.

He nodded to her and gestured for her to step out with him for a moment. "Mr. Ramos I will only be borrowing your wife for a minute then she can come back." He assured him, taking her out of the room to explain to her that things were deteriorating faster than they had expected. "With no further complications and based off of how fast we've got to this point you would have another year with him at most."
Noah smiled some and gave her a cheesy grin when she complimented his hair "Thank you. Also I second the room service idea. This bed is comfy and I don't want to leave it." He said with a small chuckle before getting up to atleast put his boxers on.

Max took a shaky breath and nodded softly "And there.....there is nothing you can do?" She asked quietly, feeling a few tears slip down her face and quickly wiping them away.
She nodded and went to get the menu, going to sit down with him again, snuggling up close with her head on his shoulder and sighing happily. “I don’t know what I want, just order for me.” She told him, kissing his cheek and pulled her phone out to respond to some work emails. “You sure that tomorrow has to be a surprise?” She asked him once he was off the phone with room service.

He shook his head and frowned. “I’m sorry but the most we can do is make sure he’s comfortable as it continues to progress.” He told her.
Noah gave a small sigh but shook his head seeing how stressed she looked "No I guess not." He said sweetly before pulling up the tickets to the zoo on her phone "I got us tickets to see the hippo." He said happily hoping she would get excited like she had with Haggis.

Max took a shaky breath and nodded "Okay thank you." She said quietly before going back into the room finding him asleep again. She took a shaky breath before breaking down holding his hand in hers.
She just stared at him a little then down at his phone and back at him again, starting to cry already, "We're gonna go see Moo Deng?" She asked him, not caring that he had pulled his phone out and started filming her, pulling her instagram up and finding the string of Moo Deng videos that she had sent him, looking them over and still crying "I get to finally meet her?" She pouted, wrapping her arms around him tightly, "You are the best." She told him.

He woke up the following morning seeing Max eating some breakfast and smiled tiredly at her "Hey there beautiful.... What am I in for this time?" He asked her quietly, a lot more with it than he had been the previous night, reaching for her to come a little closer. "Hey, uh... On my computer. In the documents, there's a file with the uh... with the kids' names on it... There's some videos and things in there that I've done for them.... I wanna... I wanna make sure that they get to see those.... Especially Maya.... I don't.... I don't want all her memories to be this." He mumbled.
Noah smiled widely as he hugged her tightly and gave a small nod "Yeah we're gonna see Moo Deng." He told her before kissing the side of her head "So now are you excited about tomorrow?"

Max looked over at him and gave a kiss on the cheek "You had a seizure yesterday. Had to bring you in and make sure everything was alright." She said quietly before giving him a small nod and squeezing his hand gently "I'll make sure they see them."
She nodded and pouted up at him. “You can do more surprises like that one.” She told him, wiping her eyes and stretched up on her tiptoes to kiss him gently. “Best husband.” She smiled, letting him get the door when their food arrived while she got the Bluetooth on the tv set up so they could watch some anime.

He just nodded a little and watched her. “You don’t smile much anymore.” He told her frowning a little. “I miss your smile.” He mumbled, closing his eyes and squeezed her hand again. “When can we go home?”
Noah smiled happily and got her food situated while she set up the tv. "I hope this is good." He murmured before sitting beside her and kissing her cheek "I love you beautiful."

Max gave a small smile for him and nodded softly "I smile, see?" She murmured before kissing him gently "They said this afternoon we should be home."
He frowned and watched her some. “Not like before.” He mumbled, starting to fall asleep again “Always sad now.” He mumbled.

She smiled and scooted a little closer, taking a quick photo of their set up to post later and tucked into food with him.
Max took a deep breath and sighed softly when he finally fell asleep. She bit her lip seeing her phone light up with his mom's name "Hey..he's doing alot better today."

Noah smiled softly and started to eat the food groaning quietly "Okay this is good." He murmured watching the show as it played

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