Clockwork Syringe
The Night Blade
"Aww shucks baired it was nuthin', a stab here or there and...
he paused to give Aeon a look that spelled worry and the three words "What the f*ck."
"...Cor blimey he get hit on the head to much back there? damn fools gona crazy." he ran his mouth, taking a few steps away from the man incase he was about to be possessed or something. "Aeon, get yer head back in, if your bloody possessed start screamin' and twistin' your head 'round so we know." he doubled over himself, keeping far away from the weird looking bumbling man. "We fought goblins not delved into hell itself man!"
Baird put a hand on Findil's shoulder almost having to lean down to do so, "He's communing with his goddess Findil, this is normal. However, what exactly he's doing I couldn't tell you even if I tried to make sense of it."