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Fandom Batman: The Caped Crusader


The God-Emperor of Mankind



BATMANThe Caped Crusader


Gotham City, at day; mostly a peaceful metropolis, rarely disturbed by crime. At night; overrun with gangs and criminals. There are many people in the city. Heroes, or Villains. There's Batman, Nightwing, Batgirl, Batwoman, Red Robin, Red Hood, Robin. Then there's The Joker, Two-Face, The Riddler, Penguin, Mr. Freeze, Scarecrow. There are much, much more, but it'd take too much place to list. One would wonder what awaits this city.


  1. All normal RPN rules apply, obviously.
  2. I need a Co-GM!
  3. All of the Canon characters' backstories have to be the same as in the original. There is no going around this rule. But! You may change their future. As mentioned above; Only backstories are the same. Except for them; Nothing too important\noticable happened. No terrorist attacks, bombings, kidnappings by supervillains. Only your normal Gotham routine. It is the time that crime starts rising. Anything could happen: Maybe Tim Drake will share Barbara Gordon's fate from the original and become a cripple? Maybe the Joker will cry? Maybe Batman will laugh for once? NOTE: By same as original, I mean the source material. Don't make Alfred an ex-Alien Hunter, and stuff. You can make your own minor changes and have your own take at canon characters.
  4. Write with correct grammar. Minor mistakes are acceptable.
  5. OC's are allowed.
  6. Do not control other people's characters, their actions and do not directly decide how your actions impacted or affected other characters. In short: No god-modding and auto-hitting.
  7. If there is an issue between two RP'ers, then I will handle it. Do not argue in IC, or through characters. And try avoiding arguing in OOC. We are all here to RP and enjoy ourselves, not to piss each other off.
  8. Villain characters are encouraged to enact chaos, vengeance, and destruction. And once caught and put behind bars they are encouraged to plan some epic escape plan. While Hero characters are encouraged to stop it all from happening.
  9. Feel free to control NPC's, such as the Police, Minor Thugs\Criminals, Bystanders and such. However, there is a few more important rules about this.
    1. If\When someone signs up as Commissioner Gordon, they are the ONLY ones that can control GCPD, SWAT and the Police force at large.
    2. If\When someone signs up as The Joker, they are the ONLY ones that can control The Joker's gang.
    3. The same rules as the ones above apply to Penguin's Henchmen, Two-Face's Gang and other groups. If your character is a group's leader? Then be their leader. Rule over them as you wish. Treat them like an ability\skill\resource of your character. I hope you get what I mean.
    4. It should be noted that by ONLY ones that can control something I mean their actions at large. For an example: If I controlled the Joker's gang, I would control where they performed their heists etc, but I would not control how effective they are against others in combat. RP'ing fighting each NPC would be very tiring for all players. Communicate and try to figure out the best course of action.
  10. Most importantly, do what you're here for: Have fun! :D
  11. And at all times, tenderly remember... some men just want to watch the world burn.

Clicks echoed through the cavernous halls of Gotham's natural history museum, undercut by the light shuffling of feet. Slivers of moonlight shone through the windows placed high near the rafters, only just revealing a group of thugs skulking inside. They were spread out, a few guarding any nearby entrances, while a pair loomed over a case. Where many would-be burglars might busy themselves with priceless artifacts, this particular group skulked in the geology wing, scouting traces of precious metal from the samples on display. All of them were stiff-shouldered and straight-backed, but not for any discipline. No, they were all jumping at shadows, for the shadows seemed to move in the corners of their eyes.

One of the two near the case worked a pen-like device into the case's lock, focus intent. The other man held a gun and the veins on his neck twitched with every passing moment.

"What's taking so damn long, Zero?" he demanded in a breath.

"Nut up, you idiot," Zero hissed back. "We're risking enough without you rushing me. Quit acting like something's gonna jump us."

Despite his warning, Zero's affiliate only deteriorated further. A creak from one of the neighboring wings had him jump. A draft from one of the decrepit windows sent chills up his spine. A scritch of what might have been claws on glass had them all stand to attention. One minute passed, then another, then one more, but every second was an eternity. Every moment, someone was about to crack.

That crack came as a shatter.

The silence of the room was broken as the butt of the nervous thug's gun was shoved straight through the exhibit's case, the shattering glass echoing through the entire chamber. There was a beat of silence before the museum's alarm blared.

"You moron!" Zero shouted over the alarms. "What the hell did you think you were doing?!"

Even as he shouted, Zero grabbed the rocks they'd come for and shoved them into his bag, making a break for the emergency exit they'd entered through. The rest of the group followed suit, winding through halls near blindly. Before they could get far, though, smoke exploded into their path. Full-on panic broke out among the thieves, their fears finally confirmed: a bat was upon them.

Separated from each other by sight, only the sounds of bones being broken and bodies being grabbed indicated what was going on. The group tried to scatter, but with only two open paths, most of them hit a wall before they could get anywhere. One-by-one, they were picked off in the fog. Zero took the opportunity to turn around and run back.

He ran straight through the geology wing, not sure of where he was going, but incapable of doing anything else. His heart was beating out of his chest. He'd hoped and prayed that their little heist would be too small for the Bat. Just his luck.

It was only once he entered the ice age paleontology wing of the museum that Zero slowed. He tamed his manic sprint to a walk. No bat sounds, no bat shadows here. Just some decaying dioramas of fearsome mammoths and spear-wielding neanderthals. Nothing to worry about. He just had to get out.

So he walked through the exhibit, doing his best to calm himself down. He even took the time to glance at the exhibits on his way. Tigers and bears and bones and all sorts of waxy creatures that couldn't hurt him. Zero had to laugh a little. What had he been afraid of? Of course the Bat couldn't catch him. He was a step the average mook in Gotham. He was too smart to-

One of the diorama models disappeared before his eyes.

Swallowing thickly, Zero slowly picked up his pace. He held his breath this time, hoping and praying that he was jumping at shadows like he'd accused his men of doing. He hoped with every step he took towards the exit.

He thought he might be safe as he came close. Just a few more feet and he'd be home free. He was going to get away, he was going to-

Without so much as a whoosh of his cape, Batman dropped down in front of him, his unbelievable huge frame blocking Zero's way. For a second, all he did was stare at Zero, his cowl showing nothing but white, blank eye holes. It was just like they said; like seeing some kind of vengeful ghoul. He hadn't screamed yet that night. He shrieked with sheer horror.

The last thing Zero heard was a sickening crack before he passed out.


Batman perched on the edge of the museum's roof, like a vengeful gargoyle. He hesitated there for a long while, watching as the GCPD arrived and promptly collected his work. He couldn't blame them for being late. There were no slow nights in Gotham, only fast ones. One crime stopped, too many more to go.

He'd taken the group leader's lockpick. From the looks of it, it utilized laser technology to bend and reform any lock's shape to match its own with little obvious damage to the lock. It had no manufacturer label, no markings at all, but it could be a useful tool to replicate. Batman stowed it in his utility belt.

With that, Batman dove off of the building and glided off into the night.
The dark nights of Gotham were fantastic. A blanket of blackness hung over the city, enveloping it in a coolness that was hard to come by. Nights like these...you could say they were the purr-fect night for what Selina was planning.

The violet motorcycle pulling up with a sharp screech against the wall of the Gotham Artifact Museum, a stunning new building that was tall, bricks the color of sand. Lights from the watchtowers shimmered down, cutting through the darkness. Catwoman removed her bullwhip from her belt. It would soon be missing another artifact.

She dug her claws into the wall, before beginning to climb, speeding up the wall while dodging the shifting beams of light simultaneously. She looked around, her bullwhip dangling by her side. Those watchtowers would be an endless source of frustration once she got what she wanted from the museum. As somebody said, do it earlier instead of later. She pinched her goggles, sliding them over her eyes. Business time.

One of the guards had fallen asleep already, she noticed. That just left 3. Silently moving across the expanse of the museum, she dug her claws into the side of the watchtower door before throwing her feet over her head while detaching her claws. Her feet were thrusted into the head of the guard, and he hit the ground with a dull thump.

Catwoman leaped from the tower, quickly moving across the expanse to the next one. She pulled the same carnival trick on him, throwing herself into the booth and knocking him out. She then removed her bullwhip. With a snap, it flew across the distance, grabbing the man's neck and pulling him into a steel bar. Mission accomplished. With a gentle leap, Selina jumped from her area onto the trapdoor that was on the roof. Unlocking it with her claws, she dropped in, accidentally landing on a security guard. While Selina was light, she was still a person, and the man gave a surprised 'oof' before collapsing. Selina sighed. There was always that one idiot that ruined her plans.

The other three guards had noticed the Cat thanks to the man's convenient placement and were now moving in on her, guns raised. Selina dropped to the ground, spinning counterclockwise with her legs outstretched. Two of them tripped. Catwoman then leaped upwards, kicking the third guy in the stomach and knocking him to the floor. She then ran to the exhibit she wanted- the Golden Cat Statue. Catwoman grinned as her claws cut into the glass, slicing a circle into the case, before gently extracting the figure. Wasting no time, her Bullwhip snapped out and she pulled herself back to the roof.

She sighed. "Phew. At least the alarm didn't go off." She looked through the night. "Awe, no Batman? I was looking forward to the chase." She spun the statue in her hand, before moving to the museum ledge. She wasn't necessarily complaining.

Hammy Hammy
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In a dark, foreboding alleyway, behind a Chinese restaurant two men were talking. "I heard Falcone's moving his business all the way to the Narrows." The two exchanged smug grins, one of them taking a cigar in his mouth and lighting it. They were clearly some of said crime boss' men. "Y'know," the one with the cigar replied. "I think," he started, as he pulled the cigar out of his mouth, still holding it close to put it back in as soon as he was done. "I think Falcone will rule this city one day. Nothing can bring him down at this point."

After a few seconds, the other thug got a call. He picked it up and listened to the voice, nodding and responding after a few seconds. "Got it." He hung up. "Let's go," he hurried his cigar-smoking friend and the two walked out of the alleyway and got into a car. The two of them drove off, not noticing the ominous figure watching from a nearby rooftop. The pale moonlight shining over this figure made it look like a shadow, with no clear colors.

[Two minutes later, Walnut St.]

The two mafia members pulled over near a delivery van that clearly had its back blown off. The tires were completely destroyed. There was no one around in these parts, especially at night. One of the thugs still smoking a cigar took a Makarov pistol in his hand and walked over to investigate. The other stood behind him, with a flashlight and pistol of his own. He was illuminating the van's back for his colleague. "Shite. The boss will be mad. Let's see if the guns are still intact." He discarded his cigar and opened the lid of a large, wooden container. He examined the contents and sighed in relief.

The thug turned around to his friend, exclaiming: "It seems we're go--" He gasped suddenly, in fear, aiming his Makarov pistol forward. His friend was lying unconscious on the street. The thug ran forward to his friend's body and examined it, only to discover it was not unconsciousness. The man was dead.

"Peek-a-boo," a voice declared whimsically. The thug gasped and turned around to see the source of this voice. There was some man in a biker jacket with a red mask. The thug fired several bullets, but the masked man dodged and took cover behind the van. The thug decided that he didn't have a chance alone, so he ran back to the car and stopped when he saw there were no keys inside.

"Lookin' for this?" Red Hood asked. He had the keys in his hand. The thug aimed his Makarov at him and fired seven times, but Red Hood rolled to the side, avoiding all the hits except one that hit his chest and got blocked by his vest. "You're a fierce boy! Good," he commented, taking a shuriken in his hand. With one, precise throw, the thug's gun was cast aside by a metallic star, now on the ground near his deceased friend who had his throat slit.

The man jumped back, falling to the ground, and started moving back in fear. "Who are you?" he asked. "Your new best friend," the masked man said, walking closer. Red Hood laid his foot on the thug's face, immobilizing him and pinning him to the concrete street. He pulled out his handgun and moved it up to the face of his victim. "Since, ya know... your old friend is dead," he motioned the thumb of his free hand to the corpse not far away from them, that bled onto the street giving it a sickening crimson color.

"Y-You're a freak!" the thug yelled in a fit of terror, hoping someone would hear him and send help. He did not want to die. He would go to prison gladly at the moment if it meant he could live. "Now, that's NOT a nice thing to say to a friend of yours," the masked figure inched the barrel of his gun closer to the thug's head. The cold metal was now colliding with the man's cranium, who started to shiver and shake in fear. "Very insulting. You hurt my feelings," Red Hood added in a sarcastic voice. Who's the one hurting who?

"Either way, friends like to tell each other secrets, right? How about you start by telling me where Falcone keeps the guns like the ones in that van over there? Oh, that reminds me," the masked man took a detonator he stashed on his utility belt in his free hand. One second passed and he pressed the red button on it, making the truck explode. The thug watched in a mixture of awe and terror, some small pieces of ash and rubble falling beside him.

"Y-You're insane!" he yelled.
"Flattery won't get you anywhere, scumwad," Red Hood said, almost chuckling.
"O-O-O..." the thug was trying to say something.
"O? O like... Okay? Are you trying to say Okay? Is that it?" Red Hood asked, genuinely curious.
"O... Over... Over..." The thug continued, still in shock.
"Oooh...! You were trying to say over. Well, go on. Don't be shy," Red Hood hurried the thug to spill the beans.
"Over at... Diaz Street..."
"Thank you, I'll make it quick." Red Hood said, almost audaciously and cocked the gun to be in an angle that would grant the man a quick death.


With that sound, there was no more pleading and sounds of talking. Merely several footsteps and the sound of a car in an alleyway nearby revving up its engine.

(If anyone in the "Vigilante" team wants to investigate, go ahead.)
Her fist collided with the large man's chest once more causing him to fall. There was silence, before cheers, and a chorus of nos from disappointed new comers erupted from the crowd. Nova had dropped the fourth fighter to go up against her tonight, and if she kept it up, Nova would make some excellent cash tonight. And while that was nice and all, the fights were a little boring. To Nova at least, the crowd still seemed to enjoy every bit of it. And why wouldn't they? They got to see people they wouldnt dream of fighting go up against a normal looking chick only to have their ads handed to them. It's just she almost always won, and it's getting little redundant.

Tonight they were using one of the abandoned warehouses used by a company that shut down a few weeks ago, but it would change again next week. These people were so paranoid about being caught by police or the bat, it's actually kinda complicated to find one of the fights actual location. Go here to this store, who will tell you to go here. You go there, they take you to where the fight was last time, where you have to say the stupid pass word. Then you get that real loaction, it's just a long kinda complicated process if there's never gonna be anything fun.

Nova wasn't gonna stop anytime soon though, the money was really what kept her commung back. This fight alone got her nearly 1500, which was actually a little less than normal. But oh well, it was decent. And was more than enough for rent and everything else she really needed. She was taken away from her thoughts as one of her friends, the fighter going next, came up to congratulate her. "Nice work today Nova, though I really didn't expect anything else." Nova just rolled her eyes, "Yeah, whatever Isaac, go get your ass kicked already." Isaac waved her off, fake laughing hiding real pain.

The next two fights went off without a hitch. Isaac lost, then Nova won again. She got ever more money before she had to leave. It was getting late, and everyone was starting to leave anyway do if she kept fighintg she'd only get a fraction of what she had been getting. Besides, she was getting sleepy. So off she went, and vegan her rather long walk home. The sounds of the city filled the air, gunshots, explosions, yelling...why did anyone even live here, Gotham is a terrible city, good god.
A filthy, old, and clearly out-of-use warehouse with two floors and windows that let in the pale moonlight. The outside walls were from rough, brown bricks. The inside was full of metal and concrete, as well as numerous crates stacked on top of each other. A few forklifts and trucks could be seen there and there. This was a place of major crime operation.

Several men in black suits with balaclavas on their heads were walking on a metal catwalk with assault rifles in their hands. Two men on patrol nodded to each other before walking in opposite directions and patrolling on ground level. There was another guard near the main entrance and another one patrolling near the trucks. All had radio communication and were clearly tipped off there would be visitors. One of the guards looked at a corner of the room, thinking he saw a shadow moving. He took a few steps in that direction, only to decide it was his imagination. And then, he heard a voice of one of his colleagues over the radio. "I saw something. Mikey?" The thug took the radio in his hand and replied. "Check it out, moron. What does Falcone pay you for?"

Several seconds of patrol have passed. Mikey took the radio in his hand. "Alright, Jordan? Did you get anything?" he asked.
No response. "Steve, Carl. You two go check out what happened to that doofus," Mikey ordered through the radio and looked around, just to be safe. Something was off. He just had that subconscious feeling.

BANG! RA-TATATATATA--BANG! The sound of a pistol firing went off, followed almost a second later by a burst of assault rifle fire that was interrupted by another pistol shot. Not a good sign.

"Shit. This is Mike. Steve. Carl. Respond?" Mike started running in the direction where everything took place, only to have his assault rifle taken from his hands by a Batarang. The precise throw managed to go in the hole where the trigger was. It carried the weapon and hit into the metal railing, pinning it there and slightly hurting Mike's pointing finger. Due to the works of gravity, the weapon fired continuously on its own until the magazine was gone, slightly deafening the thug who looked up and saw a shadow looming over him. It was.... he threw a Batarang!

"B-Batman!?" the thug asked almost in fear, but slightly hateful.

"Guess again," Red Hood stepped forward and kicked him in the jaw, then stabbed his combat knife in the man's chest as he covered his mouth with the other hand to keep him from screaming. The thug bled and died, panicking, whilst Red Hood 'comforted' him. "Shh, shh-shh... it's okay...it's okay.... You were total scum.... but it's okay now...." he took the knife out of the dead corpse, then made his way over to plant the explosives. No more guns for Falcone meant no more armed thugs that served Falcone. If it didn't stop his thugs from having good guns for a while, it would at least hinder Falcone's operations... and wallet.


Jason was driving with his car, heading back to his safehouse. He was still wearing his red mask on top of his head and hoping there would be no unpleasantries on the way back. He still had to press the detonator button, but he couldn't do that until he got farther away from the scene. To a fairly comfortable position where he couldn't be tracked. An alibi was useless since he was legally deceased. He had to brake as soon as he saw some woman on the road.

The red car came to an instant stop with a screech of the tires, its headlights looking toward the woman on the road. That lady sure had a lot of scars. He was waiting for her to go off of the road before he could continue driving. He wanted to avoid killing civillians above all, so he wanted not to raise any suspicion so that she wouldn't later tell she saw a man in a red mask driving away from the place that blew up.

FireMaiden FireMaiden
Nova was nearly blinded by the headlights as she glanced behind her. The car had come to a hard stop, so they must not have seen her. Her fault maybe, but oh well. She took a few steps to she side, keeping her eyes on the car as she did. She man behind the wheel sure looked odd, wearing a...a red hood. Great, she was either gonna get shot by some vigilante, or was about to get caught up in some fight. "Oh god damnit, what is with this city?!" She groaned. If she got shot, it was fine, she practically bullet proof, it was just annoying. But..."Okay what's gonna happen?" She asked, not sure if he could hear her or not. Well, either way, it was a question she would have asked regardless.
Birdsie Birdsie
As soon as Nova stepped to the side, Jason rammed his foot into the gas pedal. The car drove at good speed again, going past her without a moment's notice. He drove to the right at the nearest crossing and took a deep breath, almost sighing in relief. After a few more seconds of driving, he took the detonator in his hand before he was out of range. He pressed the red button on it and prepared to hear the sound...

An explosion. Not so far away from Nova. Just 50 meters (or 50 yards) away from her, a whole building blew up. Rubble and steaming pieces of black, ashen rock fell everywhere. So did pieces of metal and other residues, but they were not in range to harm her in any kind of way. What used to be an old warehouse was now barely standing, but it sure as hell was burning to the ground. Better call the fire department. There were little odds that someone survived that explosion. It would have surely put an end to anyone inside. If Nova tied one and two together, it would become clear who was behind this event.

FireMaiden FireMaiden
"Jackass," She muttered, bursting hair out of her face before continuing on home. But she immediately stopped as an explosion...uh, exploded. "Fucking shit I fucking knew it!" She growled, "I hate this fucking city." Now, she had to figure out what to do. She didn't have a phone, so she couldn't call anyone. Not that she would anyway, the betting in those fights are the illegal part, she likes money. And while she had a good feeli n the explosion didn't come from there, it was to close for comfort. Besides, someone else would call them. So why not follow the jackass that set it off. He went in the direction she lived in anyway. Birdsie Birdsie
Jason drove deeper midtown and after several minutes parked his car in an alleyway. They were good places for hiding vehicles like that. He shot his grappling hook at the green metal railway used to escape during fires and walked up the stairs to his safehouse.

Jason took off his Red Hood helmet and laid it on a small table near the window. He still had his Robin mask on. He walked over to the fridge and looked through it, then decided to go for a protein bar instead. He opened a drawer in the kitchen and took said the item, then walked over to his favorite chair and bit into his piece of candy, turning on the TV and listening to the news. He held the bar with his mouth and took some of the weapons around him, starting to restock his utility belt after tonight's operations.

The TV was talking about the planned robbery at the museum that was stopped by Batman no more than an hour ago.

FireMaiden FireMaiden
Well, after a good 20 minutes of walking, she actually gave up on trying to find whoever it was, and just went home. Which was an apartment on the top floor of a pretty carp apartment building, but she had really nice stuff. First off however, she grabbed her mail. There was just a lot of nothing, so she headed upstairs. There were a few people in the halls, nobody she would say hi to. And then when she entered her apartment, she just tossed her keys and duffle bag aside, before she grabbed the envelope she kept her cash in. It's was very full, so she would need to get another one soon, but for now, she was just gonna count how much she had. 1 to 100 dollar bills started to cover the coffee table as she counted anx ig wlukx take a little but before she was done.

Rainer exercised in the living room of his apartment, seated on his land cycle as the news played on. He'd been skimming and scanning at what appeared on the small screen before something had caught his eye. Batman had foiled a museum heist that night, painting a smile on Rainer's face in some sort of pride even if he never even knew the man. He'd been his inspiration for a long time and still was an important role model in his life, alongside his mother of course. All this thinking was cut short by the entrance of his next door neighbour, Noveira. She was a beautiful damsel that had caught Rainer's eye ever since she moved in.

After slapping a shirt onto his formerly shirtless torso, Rainer slipped on his slides and headed for the door, twisting open the door knob as he turned to face the door next to him. With a short rehearsal of his "lines," Rainer knocked on the door and awaited a response.

FireMaiden FireMaiden
"Let's see...3900. Not to bad," Nova said quietly, putting the money back in it's envelope, before there was a knock at the door. She almost never had anyone come over, so maybe it was one of her neighbors? Anyway, she opened the door, and was met by Rainer. "Oh, hey Rainer. Howzit?" The Comet The Comet
Jason drove deeper midtown and after several minutes parked his car in an alleyway. They were good places for hiding vehicles like that. He shot his grappling hook at the green metal railway used to escape during fires and walked up the stairs to his safehouse.

Jason took off his Red Hood helmet and laid it on a small table near the window. He still had his Robin mask on. He walked over to the fridge and looked through it, then decided to go for a protein bar instead. He opened a drawer in the kitchen and took said the item, then walked over to his favorite chair and bit into his piece of candy, turning on the TV and listening to the news. He held the bar with his mouth and took some of the weapons around him, starting to restock his utility belt after tonight's operations.

The TV was talking about the planned robbery at the museum that was stopped by Batman no more than an hour ago.

FireMaiden FireMaiden
No sooner did Jason sit down, before his phone began to ring and glow. If he were to pick it up, he would see that it was Jean-Paul Valley, better known by his persona of Azrael. The two had been working together for quite some time, even though Azrael was currently working on the Deacon Blackfire case, which involved a rather brutal cult.
"Hey Jason. Are you by any chance available right now? I need help researching and Oracle's too busy."

Rainer's grinned widened into a brighter white smile as he came face to face with Noveira. "Not too bad." He replied, letting his eyes set on Noveira's for a moment before he continued. "You're new here and all so I figured you could use some company tonight. Considering the haze you're probably going through at the moment." Rainer slid his hands into the pockets of his shorts, glancing down before looking up. His eyes met a moving vehicle with a man chasing after it, he'd been robbed!

"Do you have a back door?" Rainer asked, his voice suddenly sharp and loud. "There's a robbery in progress."

FireMaiden FireMaiden
Nova smiled as well, "That's good." The came his comment about her being new. That was odd, she wasn't that new. Anyway, his invitation was pretty nice, so she continues to smile. "Um, backdoor?" She questioned, before hearing the rest of what he had to say. "I have a fire escape of that works for ya," She chuckled. The Comet The Comet
Jason picked up his cellphone and took the protein bar in his other hand to speak freely. He chewed on what he already had in his mouth and ate it. Moving the phone closer to his ear, he replied to the man on the other side. "Sure. Just let me know what you need," he took the remote in his hand and turned off the TV. Jason got up from his chair and walked over to his bedroom where the computer was. Holding the phone to his ear with his shoulder and biting into the protein bar again, he turned on the computer and the internet. Jason was no computer expert, but over the few years he's spent across the globe he learned the basics of coding, so hacking a website with a proper manual would take less than an hour. Then again, this was about research. All he had was google what Azrael needed and tell him about it. Unless it took some more looking into.

Safety Hammer Safety Hammer
The famous (or infamous depending on who you are) Iceberg Lounge has always been a popular hub for Gotham's top criminals and their lackeys to wine and dine and tonight was no different. This particular evening the place was packed with more patrons than usual and not just criminal kind either. Business was booming due to the recent renovations, which of course his frequent illegal movements behind the scenes paid for. The jazz bands blue notes floated around the room, through the snooty high class Gothamites tables and up to Penguins private dining area overlooking the first floor of the club. Oswald was dressed in one of his favourites suits, one that was similar to that of his fathers. He'd got a little chubbier over the years, but it still fit well enough.

Oswald absentmindedly picked at the food on his plate, as he spied one of his dolled up waitresses/henchwomen serve some touchy feely customers. With a sigh he leant back taking took a sip of wine, letting his fork fall to the plate with a clang. What a boring night. Nothing major had gone down in a while, which was good for his club but not so much for his sanity. Even a riddle would be welcome right about now. As his mind was about to take a trip down memory lane, it was abruptly ruined as he felt a hand snake over his shoulder. "Looks like you've got a visitor Mr Cobblepot~" A sultry voice sung to him. Rolling his eyes, he didn't turn to look at his newly appointed assistant. "Hopefully someone can liven up this place" Penguin scoffed turning slightly to face the back entrance. The womans name was Ava, Oz had hired her simply because she was the best of out a bad bunch and at least if she was trouble he would have something to do. He saw her sneaking around in places she shouldn't every once in a while, but he never called her out on it. There was a right time for everything, he would just keep his eye on her.
As Oswald waited for his guest to arrive, Ava kept her place near him leaving her hand on his shoulder. As she attempted to make small talk Penguin only replied with bored sighs and sharp replies, tapping his fingers on the table impatiently.

DiscoQuinn DiscoQuinn
"In more recent news, Commissioner Gordon released a statement--no more than an hour ago--concerning the events of museum robbery. He says, and I quote, "Earlier this evening, Gotham City experienced another robbery--this time at the natural history museum. The criminals will be placed in GCPD custody and will be given a fair trial. I'd also like to thank The Batman, for his help in bringing in these criminals. No further questions.". You heard it folks, The Batman truly is a guardian of justice for Gotham City. This has been Jack Ryder for Gotha-". Damian flicked the radio's power off, after growing annoyed with the announcer's voice. While Bruce was out guarding relics of the past, Damian was busy finding criminals that posed as a threat to the innocents of this city. "Master Damian," Alfred's voice echoed through the flying car "there are reports of an explosion on Walnut Street. Would you care to respond?". In response to his question, Damian scowled a yes out and Alfred transferred the coordinates from the Batcomputer to the flying batmobile.

Soon enough, the batmobile blasted off into the sky and was at Walnut Street within minutes. Before Robin ejected from the driver's seat, however, he took notice to the radar he had installed into the batmobile. It was detecting five heat signatures, a number that Damian kept in mind. He poked at two buttons and was instantly thrown into the night sky--the batmobile finding a suitable place to land; exchanging it's gliders and jet engines for wheels and an exhaust tube. Damian's cape flapped open and he dove straight down, landing onto the burnt roof of the van--the source of the explosion by the looks of it. A small, noticeable, dent was made into the roof, and the surrounding thugs attention was now directed onto Damian. "Oh look, it's Bird Brains!", the one thug cackled.

As Damian slowly arose from his landing position, his hand flicked outwards towards the thug who made the smug comment; a birdarang whirled it's way through the air and straight into the, now, wounded thug's hand. The surrounding goons were in shock to see such an unexpected hostile move from the Bat's sidekick. But unknown to them is the fact that Damian trained with the League of Assassins for the majority of his life. The masked figure to Damian's left swung his baseball bat at Robin's feet, in response to Damian's attack. Obviously, Damian countered it and swiftly knocked that criminal unconscious. The remaining hostiles--one in front of him and two on the other side of the destroyed van--were quick to attack Damian all at once. With a speedy, yet powerful, jab to the rib cage, followed by two quick punches to the face, the man in front of him fell to the floor, bloodied. Looking through the empty hole that once held the van's window, Damian could identify a firearm pointed in Robin's direction. To avoid gunfire, Damian ducked below and took cover behind the driver's door. Strategically, Robin backed from his cover--only a few inches--and dashed forward to slide under the vehicle.

Now on the other side of the van, Damian performed a crotch-shot to the thug on his left side and kicked the thug on his right's knee-cap with force, dropping him to the ground. Damian added the finishing blows to the remaining two hooligans. Wait...that was only four gangsters. When the batmobile scanned the area, it detected five heat signatures. Maybe a bystander? To ensure Damian's safety, he double-checked the rooftops and any other nearby hiding spots; despite his observation of the neighboring area, he still couldn't detect anyone, not even a heartbeat. Letting out a grunt, Damian began his detective work.

* * * * * * * * * *
Standing not too far away was Jared in his Arkham Knight suit, originally referred to as "The Devil's Armor". Jared had watched the hovering air/land craft that Damian appeared to pilot land itself. From a far, The Knight gazed at his younger brother's combat moves, taking note to every swing, flip, kick, and anything else that was performed before Jared. When all of the thugs were finally apprehended, Damian gazed in Jared's direction and then to the next roof. "Still doesn't use his hearing right," ,a chuckle slipped from Jared's mouth, "just like old times.". Jared remained in his spot, continuing to watch his younger brother proceed with his detective work.
Jason picked up his cellphone and took the protein bar in his other hand to speak freely. He chewed on what he already had in his mouth and ate it. Moving the phone closer to his ear, he replied to the man on the other side. "Sure. Just let me know what you need," he took the remote in his hand and turned off the TV. Jason got up from his chair and walked over to his bedroom where the computer was. Holding the phone to his ear with his shoulder and biting into the protein bar again, he turned on the computer and the internet. Jason was no computer expert, but over the few years he's spent across the globe he learned the basics of coding, so hacking a website with a proper manual would take less than an hour. Then again, this was about research. All he had was google what Azrael needed and tell him about it. Unless it took some more looking into.

Safety Hammer Safety Hammer
Jean dug his chopsticks into his Chinese food, before pulling up some noodles and hungrily eating them. "I need you to go to The Cult's website and tell me how many of their churches they advertise around the world. Because I have a sneaking suspicion that they are lying."
Jason's hands instinctively tapped on the keyboard to Jean's words. He looked at the website that he mentioned and replied. "Almost a hundred scattered throughout the world; mostly Europe and America, particularly in New Jersey. Seems fishy. Why would Blackfire want so many churches? Doesn't he, like, wash in the blood of virgins to live forever, or something?" Jason asked. He was half-wrong but unaware of his own ignorance. He didn't really care that much about religion. Ironic, as some idiots that knew his story could potentially worship him because of his resurrection. Hey, that's a good tool to use. No one's expecting to see a ghost, after all...

Nah. Batman wouldn't be scared of ghosts. Joker on another hand would probably laugh, or something like he always does. Or make a joke.

"Well, let me know if you need anything else."
Safety Hammer Safety Hammer
Lord Blade sighed as he ran on the rooftops of a few of his Blades. Tonight was the night they would known. Tonight was when they strike true fear into the criminals of Gotham and this time, there would no holding back unlike the Bat

The Blades headed to the rooftops of the location they would be striking: The Iceberg Lounge. They were silent and stood motionless until their Lord ordered them to storm in and try to kill the Penguin and Riddler once third deal had concluded. He soon opened a laptop and said "Servant Jay, the feed is on. Make sure you keep an eye on that entire conversation and let me hear it at the very least,"
Harley Quinn Harley Quinn
Delphine Drakon
Gunshots, Explosions, and psychopaths. The things that made Gotham, Gotham. Compared to this, Star City was a walk in the park. Delphine wasn't sure why people would stay or even move to such a metropolis. Maybe it was comparative optimistism, an unrealistic expectation of improvement, or maybe they were drawn this dump for the same reason as her... Job opportunities. Despite, the plethora of individuals that scattered gotham looking for crime. There were a few that didn't like to get their hands dirty and that's where she came in.

At the moment, Delphine was stepping out of the backseat of a Classic black Cadillac to be lead by four suited men inside the Falcone manor.

Delphine was summoned by her new clientele only minutes ago with a vehicle parked in front of her apartment complex. Though, she was still oblivious to the reasoning. The mansion seemed luxurious enough to make any man envious. Its decor based on ancient roman architecture probably because of Falcone's famed alias, The Roman.

After a few twist and turns as well as an opening of the two grand wooden doors, Volia. There sat the Crimelord, himself. "Please sit." He beckoned the woman as he gestured towards the nearest chair. Delphine nodded before complying. "Carmine Falcone, It's a pleasure to finally meet. I've heard stories about you."

"As it is for you, Ms.Drakon." He replied, cuffing his hands together. "I hear that you decided to change your operations to gotham."

"Yes, I have."

"And how do you like it?"

"It's... Different than the other places I've been in."

Falcone chuckled. " One thing that I learned is to Never underestimate Gotham City. People get mugged on their way home every day of the week. I love this city, and I see it going to hell. And Heh, sometimes...sometimes things just go bad."

"I'm guessing those things are the reason why I'm here." She commented. "I'm know you didn't just invite me here just for small talk."

Don Falcone began to snarl thinking back to what had occured. "Some lunatic just exploded my warehouse, costing me millions. I need you to find out who done this and bring them to me dead or alive."

Delphine leaned in her chair, a smirk plastered on her face. She was surprised to get such a request from him. Falcone's go to man for these types of situations has always been Victor Zsasz, The serial killer that marks himself when he was satisfied with his kills. However, since he was in prison, Falcone had to find an alternative.

"Consider it done. Since I am sympathetic of what you experience, I don't require money... Only a favor when the time comes."

The Roman paused for a moment considering her offer, it was an unusual but duable nevertheless. "You got yourself a deal, kid." He said as he shook her hand in confirmation of their agreement. "My men can drop you off."

" Thank you but there's no need for that, I plan to start immediately. " Delphine replied, rising to her feet. She then turn on her heel to walk out the door. "Anyways, it's a beautiful night for a walk."

Birdsie Birdsie (mentioned)

Rainer smiled at her chuckle but mad sure he kept his focus on the fleeing car. He jogged unto the house, pushing past the curtaints as he opened the fire escape window of Noveira's apartment. "Call the authorities. Nine, one, one." He instructed as he pushed the glass out, holding it before placing it on the floor beneath him.

"I'll be back." Rainer said with a smile before slipping out of the window. His body sturdied as he sustained the one-storey drop. The garbage can he'd landed on shook as he did so. Immediately as he regained balance, he breathed out in the cold Gotham air. It was freezing. With a quick glance at Noveira, he was already running towards the hijacked vehicle, a black sedan it seemed to him.

Having come out from a distance after the main entrance, Rainer already had the upper hand as the car sped towards him. Hiding in the shadows, he sprung out, feeling the air trapped in his shirt as his hands clasped onto the roof, derailing his train of thought. This was followed by a grunt as the driver turned the car side to side. He looked around for something he could use to open the vehicle before his eyes met the hood of the Sedan.

He reached forward, attempting to get a grasp over the hood before the vehicle came to an abrupt stop. Rainer breathed in a gulp of air as he was thrown forward and collided with the floor. The thief had gotten out of the car already, ready to finish the job. It was dark, no one would see him, a piece of cake was what it was.

FireMaiden FireMaiden
Jason's hands instinctively tapped on the keyboard to Jean's words. He looked at the website that he mentioned and replied. "Almost a hundred scattered throughout the world; mostly Europe and America, particularly in New Jersey. Seems fishy. Why would Blackfire want so many churches? Doesn't he, like, wash in the blood of virgins to live forever, or something?" Jason asked. He was half-wrong but unaware of his own ignorance. He didn't really care that much about religion. Ironic, as some idiots that knew his story could potentially worship him because of his resurrection. Hey, that's a good tool to use. No one's expecting to see a ghost, after all...

Nah. Batman wouldn't be scared of ghosts. Joker on another hand would probably laugh, or something like he always does. Or make a joke.

"Well, let me know if you need anything else."
Safety Hammer Safety Hammer
"Close. He just washes in the blood of innocents." Jean furrowed his brow and grabbed his computer, bringing up Google maps in the progress. Something felt wrong. "Wait a sec, Jason. Send me the addresses of the churches. This doesn't feel right."

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