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Fandom Batman: The Caped Crusader - OOC

Poooor Jason. He has issues. Just like everyone in Gotham. Gotham kinda sucks.
Some guy made a theory video about Gotham City having some kind of supernatural effect that brings out the worst in people unless they learned benevolence at early age, and have enough willpower to control themselves.
Some guy made a theory video about Gotham City having some kind of supernatural effect that brings out the worst in people unless they learned benevolence at early age, and have enough willpower to control themselves.
You know, with how utterly shite Gotham is, I wouldn't be surprised. Not helping is all the dead parents.
You know, with how utterly shite Gotham is, I wouldn't be surprised. Not helping is all the dead parents.
Everyone in Gotham City has, more or less, some kind of issues with their parents. Not all have to be dead, but there will nearly always be some kind of neglect or abuse, y'know?

Bruce: Dead parents.
Dick: Same as above.
Jason: Neglectful and abusive parents, with his mother not being biological + his biological mother being immoral and willing to sell her own son to the Joker just so he'd spare her (which he didn't, and Jason still tried to protect her from death by using his body as a shield.)
Barbara: Dead mother and stuff.
Crane: Parental neglect and being left to an abusive grandmother.
Damian: Mother is an evil villain, father is Batman (not best leading examples for a youth.)

And so many others.
Edward's dad beat him, Bane grew up in a South American prison and his parents were dead, Harvey Dent's father also beat him... Can we just open up general group therapy for Gotham heroes and villains? They all need hugs. Jim can lead it.
Edward's dad beat him, Bane grew up in a South American prison and his parents were dead, Harvey Dent's father also beat him... Can we just open up general group therapy for Gotham heroes and villains? They all need hugs. Jim can lead it.
Yes, please.

To think 90% of Gotham's villains and heroes could be rehabilitated with hugs.
: Noveira Prince

Nicknames\Aliases: Nova

Age: 23

Gender: Female

View attachment 321849
Well, Nova is rather, uh unfriendly if you will. Bot in the sense she isn't kind or caring, but the fact she's cold, distant, and untrusting. Though, when push comes to shove, she's more friendly than anything else. She's loyal to her friends and family, protective of any who come under her wing, and while she has some isuses, is a rather pleasant person.

If that last name seems familiar, you'd have the right idea. Noveira is another Amazon who has been ousted from her home. Though, she agrees with it, as it was her own fault, so she holds no hard feeling towards her family. It was fine other than the fact she was 15, and had no idea how anyone outside her home acted. And the only other Amazon didn't really want much to do with her. But she go by. Currently, she's a street fighter, making a very nice living because she's nearly undeafed. She also acts as an informat for the police and the good guys.


  • Superhuman Strength, endurance, durability, and agility
  • Flight
  • Hand To Hand Combat
  • Decent marksman
Hey, all of it is good, but one question.

Why does she have Flight? I thought Wonder Woman was a special case, having Hermes' help and all. Then again, all characters are unique, so Nova might have a reason to have flight too. Heck, it'd be a good thing for a later reveal.
Hey, all of it is good, but one question.

Why does she have Flight? I thought Wonder Woman was a special case, having Hermes' help and all. Then again, all characters are unique, so Nova might have a reason to have flight too. Heck, it'd be a good thing for a later reveal.

Yep, special reason and all that

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