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Fandom Batman: The Caped Crusader - OOC

And I'm not even done with her
Who knows, maybe the final product will win the first spot in the next edition of Waifu Wars?

That's just some warm encouragement to keep in mind and motivate yourself with while you write her :D
Crane is my waifu. Engage me in fisticuffs.
That's a good choice.

Deranged Psychopaths are always the best waifus within any universe. I mean, seriously. And that applies to all universes, ever. Gasai Yuno from Future Diary is evidence to that fact.
For Batman, we have Crane, Joker, and Harley.
For Batman, we have Crane, Joker, and Harley.
Hey, now, Crane is probably the least deranged psychopath in Gotham. You have Zsasz running around, for God's sake.

I'm almost tempted to volunteer to play Batman. I've played him in a pinch before, but I'm not the best.
Hey, now, Crane is probably the least deranged psychopath in Gotham. You have Zsasz running around, for God's sake.

I'm almost tempted to volunteer to play Batman. I've played him in a pinch before, but I'm not the best.
Hmmm... Okay!

The deal is this: You will play Batman. And if you suddenly decide you don't want to be Batman, someone else can be Batman. That way, everyone gets to be Batman if you don't want to be Batman. That's a good design choice, since this is a Batman RP, and we need a Batman. Batman is essential is what I'm saying, for Bat's sake. Batman. I just like the word Batman. It sounds like Buttman.
Hmmm... Okay!

The deal is this: You will play Batman. And if you suddenly decide you don't want to be Batman, someone else can be Batman. That way, everyone gets to be Batman if you don't want to be Batman. That's a good design choice, since this is a Batman RP, and we need a Batman. Batman is essential is what I'm saying, for Bat's sake. Batman. I just like the word Batman. It sounds like Buttman.
Every time someone says Batman, take a drink!

And that sounds good to me. Gives me both a hero and villain to work with. Though, it could be a problem to jump around through one story because I doubt everyone's gonna have the exact same concept of Bruce's psychology. Then again, that might actually be pretty accurate to the comics, what with changing writers and, by extension, changing Bruce attitude.
God damn it. Now I wanna be Hush...
Stop right there criminal scum!

If you keep going, you'll take too many canon characters for yourself.
Every time someone says Batman, take a drink!

And that sounds good to me. Gives me both a hero and villain to work with. Though, it could be a problem to jump around through one story because I doubt everyone's gonna have the exact same concept of Bruce's psychology. Then again, that might actually be pretty accurate to the comics, what with changing writers and, by extension, changing Bruce attitude.
Bruce Wayne is easy to roleplay, I know from experience and numerous media.

As Batman: Be stoic, be intimidating, be responsible. Plan ahead and act confident. Don't speak unless it serves your goal, or to intimidate someone, or to make the occasional witty remark.
As Bruce: Be friendly, be benevolent, be responsible but be sociable. Bruce Wayne is a playboy. Flirt with women when reasonably applicable.

At least, that's my take on Batman.
Bruce Wayne is easy to roleplay, I know from experience and numerous media.

As Batman: Be stoic, be intimidating, be responsible. Plan ahead and act confident. Don't speak unless it serves your goal, or to intimidate someone, or to make the occasional witty remark.
As Bruce: Be friendly, be benevolent, be responsible but be sociable. Bruce Wayne is a playboy. Flirt with women when reasonably applicable.

At least, that's my take on Batman.
Definitely a good general guide to the character, but I'm always wary of calling any character "easy" to roleplay or write. Gives too much room to not put effort into the character, his development, and the themes surrounding him.
Definitely a good general guide to the character, but I'm always wary of calling any character "easy" to roleplay or write. Gives too much room to not put effort into the character, his development, and the themes surrounding him.
Okay, I used the wrong wording.

What I meant is that he is easily understandable. You can quickly get the gist. Batman is a justice-enforcing vengeance-driven vigilante with a moral code, who uses fear as a tool, and is known as the world's greatest detective. Bruce Wayne is the easy-going, but mostly level-headed playboy billionaire who does some good things for Gotham, especially behind the scenes.

The biggest thing about the character, and that I find hardest to roleplay is: Which one IS Bruce? Is it the Batman persona? Or the Bruce Wayne? Who is the truth? The man, or the cowl?
Okay, I used the wrong wording.

What I meant is that he is easily understandable. You can quickly get the gist. Batman is a justice-enforcing vengeance-driven vigilante with a moral code, who uses fear as a tool, and is known as the world's greatest detective. Bruce Wayne is the easy-going, but mostly level-headed playboy billionaire who does some good things for Gotham, especially behind the scenes.

The biggest thing about the character, and that I find hardest to roleplay is: Which one IS Bruce? Is it the Batman persona? Or the Bruce Wayne? Who is the truth? The man, or the cowl?
I getcha. And I'd agree, he's a character who's easy to understand the "how"s of, how he functions and what he does. The motivation, also very important, is also pretty easy to understand, "my parents are deeeead" and Bruce's general nuttiness and such.

That is an interesting question, but I don't think there's a real answer, or, at least, there's no "which one." Bruce Wayne is Batman, and Batman is Bruce Wayne, for better or worse. You can't separate them like you can't separate the land and the sea. Not necessarily the same but dependent on each other with neither being truly dominant. Two halves of the same coin. Thanks, Two-face.
I getcha. And I'd agree, he's a character who's easy to understand the "how"s of, how he functions and what he does. The motivation, also very important, is also pretty easy to understand, "my parents are deeeead" and Bruce's general nuttiness and such.

That is an interesting question, but I don't think there's a real answer, or, at least, there's no "which one." Bruce Wayne is Batman, and Batman is Bruce Wayne, for better or worse. You can't separate them like you can't separate the land and the sea. Not necessarily the same but dependent on each other with neither being truly dominant. Two halves of the same coin. Thanks, Two-face.

Welp. One thing for sure. He's not as good of a parent figure as his own father.
There's a reason Dick left you, Bruce. (Hint: it's because you're a brooding hardass who still cries about mommy and daddy)
There's a reason Dick left you, Bruce. (Hint: it's because you're a brooding hardass who still cries about mommy and daddy)
I remember finding some fanmade comic where Jason reminisces about how much he hates Dick because Dick is better than him. The ending line still ends with "I hate Dick," which prompted some questions in my mind, like: "Does that entail Jason is hetero, or asexual?"
I remember finding some fanmade comic where Jason reminisces about how much he hates Dick because Dick is better than him. The ending line still ends with "I hate Dick," which prompted some questions in my mind, like: "Does that entail Jason is hetero, or asexual?"
Oh, Jason, being jealous of Dick is normal for boys your age. You don't have to deny your true nature by killing people. A lot of people. You should probably stop killing people, Jason.
Oh, Jason, being jealous of Dick is normal for boys your age. You don't have to deny your true nature by killing people. A lot of people. You should probably stop killing people, Jason.
"You're not my dad! I'll kill whoever I goddamn want to."

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