Bastil Castle (mlp) [Inactive]


Senior Member
Pleaseworkforonce submitted a new role play:

Bastil Castle (mlp) - This is the intermission that our rpers had to quit during

Bastil Castle. This castle is where the refugees from The crystal empire are appearing, including you.
Bastil castle is a heavily guarded castle in one of the land routes from equestria to the griffon empires. (Snow covered valley)

Places of Interest

Barracks- Food sleep, talking

Walls- Survey land, talking

Training grounds- Practice your abilities here

Mage tower-Allows communications with other Mage towers, Where the magus venatoris are located.

Train Station- Outside walls, where new...
Read more about this role play...
Pleaseworkforonce said:
Greenwall leans against a tree as she stares at her next set of orders
Whistling a tune under his breath Blue checks his armor as he walks through the castle grounds.
Pleaseworkforonce said:
"Damn Politics" Greeb wall grumbles as she crumbles up the paper and burns it.
Blue pauses for a moment, spotting a familiar green mare leaning against a tree. Tilting his head slightly he starts to open his mouth to call out to her when, by complete chance, the wind changes carrying her words to him. "Damn politics."

Did...I just hear that right...did...noooo...Greenwall, cussing? Blue thinks to himself, standing slack-jawed his hoof half raised.
Pleaseworkforonce said:
As the ashes blow away Greenwall starts to walk down the path looking like she was about to blow a fuse
Blue coughs slightly as his brain reboots and he takes a quick look over to the mare who was looking quite pissed. Trotting over he calls out. "Something the matter marm?"
Pleaseworkforonce said:
"POLITICS!" Greenwall yelled as she kept walking down the path
Blue scowls and gives a gruff sounding snort. "Ah." He says, keeping a relatively safe distance as he followed his CO down the path.
Pleaseworkforonce said:
Greenwall stops and turns around glaring at blue "Have you ever heard of the limited warfare policy"
"Yes marm." Blue replies. "What has Canterlot fucked up now?"
"Due to." Greenwall stops and takes a deep breath before continuing " Due to our foreign allies" putting emphasis on allies Greenwall growls and starts to walk again "Celestia has been forced to only allow a singly elite brigade to gather at full strength which means instead of a few months of us slaughtering griffons and winning we are going to be stuck in war of attrition"
Pleaseworkforonce said:
"Due to." Greenwall stops and takes a deep breath before continuing " Due to our foreign allies" putting emphasis on allies Greenwall growls and starts to walk again "Celestia has been forced to only allow a singly elite brigade to gather at full strength which means instead of a few months of us slaughtering griffons and winning we are going to be stuck in war of attrition"
She didn't respond to my cuss....wait...did I hear that right? "Only a single brigade? Let me guess, us?" Blue says, his voice grim.
"NOPE!" Green wall lets out a strained laugh "Solar brigade gets that honour" Sighing Greenwall says in a far calmer tone "Sorry I have a lot of friends that work with the solar brigade and if things keep going this way" Greenwall shakes her head before changing the subject "Anyways we get to be the special forces per se. Thankfully Celestia found a loophole and the other brigades can send in squads to assist the solar brigade"
Pleaseworkforonce said:
"NOPE!" Green wall lets out a strained laugh "Solar brigade gets that honour" Sighing Greenwall says in a far calmer tone "Sorry I have a lot of friends that work with the solar brigade and if things keep going this way" Greenwall shakes her head before changing the subject "Anyways we get to be the special forces per se. Thankfully Celestia found a loophole and the other brigades can send in squads to assist the solar brigade"
Blue frowns for a bit. "I'm use to being special forces and it'll be good to see some of the guys over in the Solar's again...I wonder if they'll say the same?"
Pleaseworkforonce said:
"Yeah..." Suddenly Greenwall smirks and starts to chuckle" Oh Dim is going to love this!"
"How is he? Haven't seen him since he shipped out on that mission to Canterlot a bit back." Blue says a brief flash of concern on his face.
(crap we never finished >.>) "I got an update saying they ran into some complications because of some fire mage, but he should be fine" Greeb says she walks out the castle gate, throwing a quick salute to the gate guard
Pleaseworkforonce said:
(crap we never finished >.>) "I got an update saying they ran into some complications because of some fire mage, but he should be fine" Greeb says she walks out the castle gate, throwing a quick salute to the gate guard
(Nice save.....) "Ah, right good marm." Blue snaps a quick salute at the guard as he follows. "So when do we ship?"
(There will be no shipping :P )"as soon as those foals at HQ send me the new orders" Green says as she picks up a rather large stick as if testing its weight.
Pleaseworkforonce said:
(There will be no shipping :P )"as soon as those foals at HQ send me the new orders" Green says as she picks up a rather large stick as if testing its weight.
(Ha!) Noting the stick Blue takes a couple of steps back. "Very good marm, anything you require from me in the mean time?"

(I think I've made Blue British this time around...)
Pleaseworkforonce said:
"Yes can you tell me what you think thismark means" she says as she points at the center of the stick
Raising an eye brow Blue leans over, mentally sighing as he inspects the stick.

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