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Fantasy Banners & Blood - OOC

A crossing of paths in a tavern, a heated debate of the merits of birth over drinks while the crowed listened in, the pair alternating through anger, enjoyment, disdain and finally a begrudged respect for one anothers lifestyle?
Teh Frixz Teh Frixz , they were both negotiating the price of a fur stole. One, the buyer, wanted it for a practical use; marten fur was an excellent insulator against the winter weather, and the other, the seller, refused to give away their prized merchandise for such an uncouth purpose.

"A crossing of paths in a tavern, a heated debate of the merits of birth over drinks while the crowed listened in, the pair alternating through anger, enjoyment, disdain and finally a begrudged respect for one another's lifestyle?"
At this rate, no one will be a stranger by the time the rp starts! We will be the Gothic Avengers.
Oh good. It's working.

WlfSamurai WlfSamurai can we have a sneak peek of how the role-play is going to start? Like Teh Frixz Teh Frixz mentioned, it’s nice to have preestablished connections and an idea of where to go rather than five pages worth of introductions. A sneak peek would be a great way to know what’s coming and plan.
For sure! I'm going to ease you into it. We'll start on the road with the caravan so we can get to know the group a little. Maybe have a "chance" encounter with an issue that's too old to do anything about.
Just so you guys know, I'll have the first post up so we can play in a bit. I have it started. I'm finishing some work and then I'll finish it. Stay tuned.
You guys are crazy thorough! I love it!! I feel kinda bad for napping today, I missed so much ^^;
I'm still open for a bunch more past interactions if you're still looking before the RP starts - Finch has met and talked (read: argued) with a lot of folk!
Does finch sell his wares? Like poisons and bait?
Yup, quite often! During travel between towns, he makes sure to stock up on meat and herbs as well as design poisons, baits and other quality-of-life potions to sell. Next to odd-jobs, it's his primary source of income.
Yup, quite often! During travel between towns, he makes sure to stock up on meat and herbs as well as design poisons, baits and other quality-of-life potions to sell. Next to odd-jobs, it's his primary source of income.

Might be a regular provider for a lot of our characters.
Define quality of life potion, and then would it be outrageous if besides just a customer, Can Iiolete order copious amounts of gunpowder from him? Like has been ordering for a while now?
Possibly! He might be a little cocky knowing that, though, haha.

They are very similar to magic-infused potions he brews for himself. A jolt in physical strength, speed, agility. They don't last long, but can be quite useful. He doesn't sell many of these, though. They can be pretty costly to make. He mostly offers things he's hunted or found - meat, hide, bones, herbs used for medical ointments and powders, lots of baits.

If he expects Iiolete frequently, he would surely go out of his way to make extra gunpowder for her. :>
I’ll add him into my history as a reliable contact with an adorable face that Iiolete just wants to pinch
Aaaw, sounds great!
I'll add Iiolete in as a frequent consumer who sometimes has him working overtime to meet that gunpowder quota. :closed eyes open smile:

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