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Fantasy Bandits of the Pantheon Interest Check

Do you guys want a Discord Server or an OOC Thread?

  • Total voters
The CS is up- you can find it in the threadmark index above, or follow the link here!

Bandits of the Pantheon (CS)

A few notes:
- You can discuss with me over PM whether you want your character's role to be renamed!
- You can also discuss with me whether you want a possibly different effect of the Pantheon's blessing for your character, as long as it doesn't go too differently from how the gods' powers are described.
- I'll be uploading my own character shortly as an example.

Damafaud Damafaud Kloudy Kloudy Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread SCSaya06 SCSaya06 Elekta Kount Elekta Kount Historical Storyteller Historical Storyteller ThaDruid ThaDruid Equusheart Equusheart
Noted. Created a poll for the players to decide whether they want a thread or a Discord server since I'm personally fine with both.
Just a small GM note-- if the character gets a heart like from me, that means they're approved. If anything needs to be fixed in particular, I'll PM you.
Current character count is at 5- with four guys and a girl. Some part of me's holding out hope for the next three being girls just to keep the gender ratio even :hornswhistle:
Smh everyone is either shy or man of few words or quiet.

Guess it's up to Francis to light the room mood up.

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