Badly Explaining Games

The Sims:

I left the game running unattended for five minutes and now the house is on fire and half the family is dead.
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Warframe: Space ninjas guided by reformed overlord AI that wages guerrilla warfare against Money-loving cult and armoured zombie clones with guns and spaceships.

A kid falls into hell and makes friends with an elderly goat woman, a nihilistic skeleton, a narcissistic skeleton, the large mermaid, a lizard scientist, calcutron himself and a goat-king. (Everyone is on crack btw.)


You were sentenced to prison, then you meet the god-emperor of super-mankind and he tells you you are the chosen one and you kill demons and shit.

Dante's Inferno:

You defeat death and then you go to church, where hell is and you go there and beat the crap out of Satan and fetuses with chainsaws instead of hands.

Dawn of War:

You're a commander of the super-op god-like human cyborg people and you tell them to shoot aliens and robots and stuff.


You shout so loud that it kills stuff.


Because of your shitty co-workers aliens invade earth and you have to kill a giant telepathic floating fetus to stop them.

Half-life 2:

Even if you killed the giant telepathic floating fetus you can't stop them, so now you have to kill an elderly man that used to be your boss to stop them.

Half-life 2 Episode 1:

Even if you killed the elderly man that used to be your boss, you didn't stop them, now you have to help people run and destroy a giant skyscraper in the process.

Half-life 2 Episode 2:

Even if you destroyed the giant scyscraper, you didn't stop them, now you have to nuke the shit out of a city.

Half-life 3:

Will never happen because Gaben can't count to 3.

Team Fortress 1:

Never happened.

Team Fortress 2:

You are a member of a group of people with borderline personality disorder that kill each other and get paid for it... with kangaroo DNA melted into gold.


Little men invade earth with tiny laser guns.


Big men taken over earth with huge plasma guns, now you have to stop them from taking all the doritos.
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KOTOR 1 lightside : ultimate paragon of the universe kills three fourths of everyone he meets or sees and no one cares.

KOTOR 2 dark side : ultimate evil in the universe kills seven eighths of everyone he meets and the only one who still likes you is a copper colored droid. Also , your skin turns grey and veiny.
Actually , scratch k1 DS and replace it with : same guy kills three fourths of everyone he meets or sees for different reasons and everyone acts like the universe is ending. Also , your skin turns grey and veiny and no one cares or notices.

Man my brain is toast , replace K1 LS with : guy kills three fourths of everyone he meets , but gives money to poor people like he has a trillion dollars so everyone pretends he's the paragon of the universe.
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Enter The Matrix:

Its like the today of tomorrow, but yesterday.
Stepmania :: Now you've got a reason to slam your forehead against a keyboard, repeatedly

Osu :: Mouse-clicking hell, legitimized and now even more annoying for everyone around!!

Neko Atsume :: Watch your soul get sucked out through cat buttholes and fat cats perpetually eating your food.

(Any) Grand Theft Auto :: What your life would be like if you didn't need to worry about dying whenever you drove without a license, got loaded with unlimited supplies of weapons and actually met people who monologue endlessly whenever you meet them.

The treasure hunt simulator, in which everyone and everything wants to murder you on sight.

Borderlands 2:

The treasure hunt simulator, in which everyone and everything wants to murder you on sight, including a stereotypical, borderline personality disorder villain.

Dark Souls:

The perfect title for a masochist.


Aliens happen and shit explodes.

Half-life 2:

Aliens happen and then Soviet Russia goes boom.


You fall into hell and meet sociopath flowers, nihilistic skeletons and goat people.

Any Telltale game:

The game that tells you that your choices matter, but they actually don't.

Assassin's Creed:

Falling from high rooftops and stabbing people with knives simulator.


En Taro Adun

StarCraft Brood Wars:

Scary Alien Overmind Simulator 1980

StarCraft II:

This game tries to sell you shit like: "Radiation gives magic powers" and tries to get away with it.

StarCraft II Wings of Liberty:

... Go humans, go?

StarCraft II Heart of the Swarm:

Scary Alien Overmind Simulator 2016 PLATINUM Edition, Super-Collector Edition, Golden MLG 360 noscope edition

StarCraft II Legacy of the Void:

The DLC in which you realize that StarCraft had way too many DLC's.

StarCraft Ghost:

Possibly the best StarCraft game... that was cancelled.

Star Wars Battlefront II:

Good game.

Star Wars Battlefront (EA):

Good riddance.
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(Wow, this thing got huge quick!)

The Banner Saga:

D*mn it Egil. Also evil rocks

The Banner Saga 2:

Somebody didn't pay the electric bill and the evil rocks are unhappy.

F**k you, Havelock!

Dishonored: The Knife of Dunwall

F**k you, Delilah!

Dishonored: Brigmore Witches

F**k you, so, f**king hard, Corvo, ignorant motherf**ker! I just saved your bloody daugter for ffs and you just slit my throat!!!

Thief 4

The game that thinks you're so retarded, that it literally does most stuff for you.
Final Fantasy Ten

Athlete with daddy issues saves the world from an evil tick thing.


Highly suggestible tourist murders hordes of addicts in a swanky undersea fish bowl.


A young Tim Burton's morning commute.

Far Cry 3

A pair of bickering siblings teaches six self-absorbed tourists to reconnect with nature.

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