Badly Explaining Games

Sorry that a sentence can't do these justice...

Mother 1:

Average podunk kid meets albino nerd, meets frozen psychic chick, meets angry gang leader who kicks nerd off the team. Squad must now collect melodies for a dumb witch(??) who invented them, but forgot. Game ends by screaming at a disgruntled mewtwo.

Earthbound: American boy saves fire girl. They end up getting rescued by a nerd with a gay roomate. American boy's neighbour is a fat jerk. They call upon ninja man who appears after getting his eyes crushed and legs broken. You pray that the red hell swirl disappears

Mother 3: It Always Gets Worse (ft. Sissy, angry girl, and C.R.I.P.P.L.E.)
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Modern Warfare 3 (Stealth missions):

"Let's just sneak past this guys.." Half second later... spotted... the entire Russian army shoots at you.
World of Warcraft:

Hey, we ripped off Games Workshop for Starcraft, why don't we take their business model for a beloved game and make it a not-so-beloved game!
Witcher PC:

I forgot absolutely everything; how do I use a sword? *click click click* Oh yeah.
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