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((Translated: I'm very happy to hear about we are going back to the old system. As many have mentioned before me, I could never really get my head around HTML coding so now my post quality will rise back to what I consider the norm. I don't know if anyone has asked this yet (mainly because I'm to lazy to check), but will the site be experiencing a temporary shutdown like when they rolled over to HTML code, or will this be a smoother transition. And if there is a shutdown, do we have any idea when this may be?))

They haven't said anything about a date for the transition, and as for the down time like before, I'm not sure.

Will we have to use BBCode to put images in posts, or will they be able to be embedded with links like they are now?
Another question: will the 500 post limit be put into place for the use of BBCode?

the 500 post requirement for html was only to prevent anyone from taking advantage of their html capabilities and purposefully breaking the site. BBcode always contains itself in its posts, so there probs won't be a need for that req anymore.
I think we had a bbcode for that, if not one can be made :)!

the original bbcode for it was it being converted to pdf format before being put into the post (even then it didn't really have the same functions as a slideshow) v - v

I remember being pretty frustrated with it and just giving up and going back to bbcode

>v< please make the publishing option possible in the bbcode
Another question: will the 500 post limit be put into place for the use of BBCode?

the 500 post requirement for html was only to prevent anyone from taking advantage of their html capabilities and purposefully breaking the site. BBcode always contains itself in its posts, so there probs won't be a need for that req anymore.



Will we have to use BBCode to put images in posts, or will they be able to be embedded with links like they are now?

I think we did it with buttons before.
I believe I speak for many if not most when I say the following: It was a pain to reformat my RP from BB code to HTML, it will be a pain to do the reverse now (albeit less, I think), but I 11/10 would go through it again just to get the BB codes back. Yes, the HTML was more powerful but also infinitely more complicated and difficult and just a chore even for basic formatting purposes.

Hopefully the styles for the spoilers and quotes change as well since I can barely stand them as they are. Things used to look so much better, here's to that *howl*

And before I forget - a big thanks and shout of appreciation for the Staff and their continued efforts to make this place better.
I don't code either way, so my primary concern is, will I still be able to bold/underline/italicize/etc with a click? Or is that super-handy little menu thing going to be a thing of the past? I quite like it. 

But that aside, thank you guys for all your hard work keeping our haven functional and easy to use ^.^
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I don't code either way, so my primary concern is, will I still be able to bold/underline/italicize/etc with a click? Or is that super-handy little menu thing going to be a thing of a the past? I quite like it. 

But that aside, thank you guys for all your hard work keeping our haven functional and easy to use ^.^

Yes, buttons will stay. ^33^   Which ones are available may change, but I think I can promise basic text things like that.
This isn't important by any means but it just popped into my head. Any chance avatar size restrictions will be lifted a bit? On the original forum software it was more flexible, curious if it'll revert to that state again. Had plenty that worked on xF but not IPS.
Forgot to ask this when I posted before. ovo;;

So in the old bbcode, the only way to set an image as a "background" was to take advantage of a particular glitch (I forgot how to do this though). Is the new bbcode going to have a function where you can set an image as a background like what you can do with html?
Forgot to ask this when I posted before. ovo;;

So in the old bbcode, the only way to set an image as a "background" was to take advantage of a particular glitch (I forgot how to do this though). Is the new bbcode going to have a function where you can set an image as a background like what you can do with html?

To begin with, the old BBCode library as it was is coming back. I'll update some and make some new ones as appropriate with feedback from the community.
Will the old like system return? The one with the cookies, the trees (I think that was for a good scene), etc. This ain't as important as the other questions on here, but I do miss the hype cookies :P

From what I read, it depends! The problem is that the old like system was only possible due to an add-on. The main reason why the site moved away from xF was because a lot of add-ons weren't able to get updated with the site. The staff certainly want it back, but it depends on if they can find a developer that will be able to keep it up to snuff/not breaking the site, if that makes sense.
Just to verify (and I apologize if someone asked this already; I didn't skim as many pages as I normally do), will currently archived threads from the first move (currently: 'old system roleplays') still be available after this move?
This is great, but I'm super excited for bbcode to come back. :BishieSparklesL:

Whatever happens, I hope it helps the site in the long run.
@The Dark Wizard @Kaerri @Fyuri @Musician @welian You guys have been such a big help to all of us with the transition to HTML, and while I will be sad to lose animated profile pictures, banners, and theme customization I'm sure I speak for all of us when I say there is a large wave of "yeahhhhhhhh" being screamed from the foreground.

I didn't even think about that this.
Just to verify (and I apologize if someone asked this already; I didn't skim as many pages as I normally do), will currently archived threads from the first move (currently: 'old system roleplays') still be available after this move?

Yes :).

@The Dark Wizard @Kaerri @Fyuri @Musician @welian You guys have been such a big help to all of us with the transition to HTML, and while I will be sad to lose animated profile pictures, banners, and theme customization I'm sure I speak for all of us when I say there is a large wave of "yeahhhhhhhh" being screamed from the foreground.

Theme customization is sticking around and I've been looking into profile pictures(cover pics).
Yes :).

Theme customization is sticking around and I've been looking into profile pictures(cover pics).

I hope those don't go away, especially gif profile pics. I have so many saved for when I theme my profile as a certain character
*sighs* now I'll never get to use the pretty html character sheet I had made up. 

Oh well. I was lucky enough to be entirely inactive and miss the first switch, so it'll be interesting to see how this one goes down.
Just cause this is super confusing, will PM rp's be affected? Or still exist once the switch is done? I only RP through PM so just want to clarify
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