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In all seriousness, as much as it stinks putting the work into HTML, happy its going back to BBC. Far less issues and given the limitation of HTML on the forum (for good reason) it allows for generally more functionality and if done right is far easier to handle on the site. 
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Doh!  What I get for not keeping up with things.

I've been too busy working on the site, okay? ^;3^
Did no one get this

Did no one get this? 

That was a glorious pun, and no one got it.

Where are my Nintendo master race people here?

The issue is that it could create confusion for those who don't get it.
So is there going to be UI changes or will the website relatively navigate the same?
Sucks that you guys ended up having far more trouble with IPS than you anticipated. Hopefully going back to a clean slate of XF will work out for the best. When I first saw that you were switching back I'll admit I was worried about losing my HPs, but since it's clear we're not losing them I'm pretty open to the idea.

Dammit if I didn't just delete my BBCode color name masterlist the other day. ><

I will admit I do have some questions of my own. (Watch someone else will ask as I'm typing this out)

  • Do you guys have any idea whether switching will mess with currently set Co-GMs and the like or not?
  • Are post macros making a return? Or was that an XF addon?
  • I know posts written specifically using the HTML editor are going to freak out, but what posts without any blatant HTML use? Stuff formatted with just the built in text editor like font size, color, whether it's bold or not I mean.
  • Will this effect pictures or videos embedded in posts? (whether embedded through the HTML editor, or just the normal RTE)

Those are the only questions I can think of at the moment. Just trying to figure out how much of my content will need copy/pasted into plain text and formatting layouts screenshotted so I can set them all back up and pretty afterwards.
But the real question is, will skipping to the top and bottom of the page return (unless I'm missing something)

I'm overjoyed about this change, I'll probably be more active after it lmao

Also, what about the new emoticons?
The only issue I have with the site is that most of the time I'm on mobile and some posts look like...

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sort of stressed that after months of learning html bbcode is just coming back, but at the same time i've learnt a lot from it and it has definitely broadened by capabilities and patience for coding.

excited for new things!
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oh, uh, this might seem kind of obvious but i'm just wondering. will profile pages look the same as they did before the august update? like where you have the profile pic, whether or not you're open to roleplaying, what genres you like, etc? or will it be different?
oh, uh, this might seem kind of obvious but i'm just wondering. will profile pages look the same as they did before the august update? like where you have the profile pic, whether or not you're open to roleplaying, what genres you like, etc? or will it be different?

I believe the roleplaying-related stuff was part of an addon we had to drop.  I expect profile pages will be pretty basic at first, something like what we have here (but without the cover photos).

My memory's fuzzy on this, but did we have ranks on the old site?

If so, does that mean they'll stay?

Yes, they should stay.  Mine has stayed through every iteration of the site I've been through.

WIll hosted projects REMAIN THE EXACT SAME WAY? Will forums within HPs BE MESSED WITH?

Will MEMBERS of HPS suddenly disappear?

Will sounds for NOTIFICATIONS still be a thing?

Will it VISUALLY LOOK the same way as IPS or as old xF?

Will my Hosted Projects (Thing I most care about) stay like they are right now? 




Not a single change, loss of member/s, forums disappearing or posts being transfered?
Good thing the most I ever did coding wise was clear the bbcode and add some color. 

And thank goodness for bbcode. Spoilers were less annoying to me in that. Spoilers being my (sometimes overused) favorite coding.
i'm pretty sure we did because my rank was "the irregular at magic high school" back in my weeb days. 

Yes, they should stay.  Mine has stayed through every iteration of the site I've been through.

I thought so. I could only vaguely remember, and then I thought I was remembering something wrong. XD

Wait a sec

Will signatures change a bit too?

(If the answer's yes, that's actually awesome, because my signature on the old site looked BOSS. It's the same quote and picture, but it was even cooler looking than it is now. :D  )
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