Back into the MADness ~ an extension of A World Gone MAD ~SU & Info~

Yeah, that could definitely work. But he would need someone who is already trying to do that to give him an explanation on the subject and give him a good offer. But he would still be a while card just to let you know. And yeah i know i would have to use that power sparingly, but remember that it is inherent in his nature that most creatures would be staring at him anyway.
Hey, question: Would the characters who are opposed to the world being rebuilt be total psycho-loons who want the entire universe to be destroyed, or do they just really, really hate Dometris? Or, is it that they want insanity and chaos to spread over all of the worlds?

I'd love to make an "evil" character who wants to prevent the rebuilding of the world, I just want to know why someone would be interested in that goal.
They could be anything really. They could understand that he'll trap people again if restored, or they could despise dometris *shrugs* there's any number of reasons. They could think the only way to stop the same thing happening again, like with it absorbing other worlds, is to end it all. I like to see creativity xD
[MENTION=3957]Pristine Dark[/MENTION] I love her. She's great xD it'll be interesting to see what happens xD you can post. you dont have to end up in dometris' throne room, in fact, i'd rather you didnt xD their meeting should be far more interesting and later in the tale lol
Name: Fyx Mundy

Species: Demon

Age: Nineteen

Gender: Female

Appearance: Her eyes are of two different colors: the right is a glowing blood red with a weird symbol in place of her actual iris and pupil, the left is a simple emerald green color with a dull grey tint. Her right eye is usually covered by a black cloth that ties under her dark purple hair that reaches just past her shoulder blades. She stands five foot seven inches and weighs approximately one-hundred twenty-two pounds. And she wears this mixed with this. It was given to her last year by a strange merchant that was visiting the city, he gave it to her for free and she took it happily since she had been running around in dingy disheveled clothes before.

Origins: An abandoned blacksmith shop.

Personality: She's a tough girl, usually not caring about the way people view her or even caring for those around her at all. The rules are always bendable to her and even if they can't be bent, she'll find a way. Challenges excite her and they get her blood pumping, which is why she sometimes looks for trouble or a good challenge. Her loyalty to friends though is very different than the rest of her personality. She will throw herself away to save someone else whom she thinks deserves it. If you stay on her good side then she may not plunge a wooden stick in your neck while you sleep. If you get on her bad side well expect a stick to be lodged into your esophagus as you sleep peacefully. She can sometimes become immature and easily distracted in dire situations.

History: Her past was burnt to a crisp not a year ago after meeting Pax. This coincidence was always questioned inside her mind, but she never went off on it to find out the truth. Truthfully, she remembers nothing of her parents or her hometown. She doesn't know if she had siblings or bore the insanity of being an only child. All she knows is that she sees certain things in the midst pertaining to a Mad World. So that is what she goes off on. Her and Pax met though in town marketplace after she had saved him from a falling wood structure. They were blamed for the property damage and had to flee that city for a very long time. They now live in an abandoned blacksmith shop in Aramontis where they make a living on doing odd jobs for people.

Likes: Killing, Stealth, Blades, Butterfly Knives, Grass, and Metallic things.

Dislikes: Pears, Order, Goodie-two shoes, and Parchment

Strengths: Her flexibility, stealth, and vision. She is great in hand-to-hand combat along with her blades.

Weaknesses: Her loyalty to strangers and friends, ducks anger her, and how calm she is in dangerous situations.

Any Abilities: Something she likes to called A-Vision which allows her to read special script that was left behind ages ago by others. She can also become invisible to the naked-eye, but she may be seen if she tells a person about the ability before hand. When she tells someone they can see her when she turns invisible in the future as well.

Other: She prefers her food heavily salted for some reason.

Name: Paxtyn Donovan

Species: Hell Hound

Age: Nineteen

Gender: Male

Appearance: His hair is black and it is messy in all the right places. His eyes are actually a simple honey color with no life left inside them. He stands six foot exactly and weighs one-hundred fifty-five pounds with simple muscle definition on his chest, stomach, and arms.

Origins: Same blacksmith shop.

Personality: He's the cool kid who always keeps a calm composure no matter the situation. Usually, he doesn't care for others at all and he doesn't even care for himself. He would put himself in the line of fire no matter what, not to save someone else, but to finally die. An emotional turmoil goes on inside his head every day, whether it's to cause destruction until he's forcefully taken down or walk into enemy territory where he will surrender. Basically, Pax is bat-shit crazy and his actions can never be determined. One minute he'll ale and some meat the next he wants a veggies and your severed head on a stick. He is a hard person to trust because of this, but it seems like Fyx doesn't mind and she doesn't want to leave his side.

History: He doesn't like to speak of it, not even to me. So I can't put down something that isn't fully understandable. (meaning I will put something here when I figure it out after I get some brain food :3)

Likes: Concrete, Reading, Destroying, Chaos

Dislikes: Authority, Nosey people, Ducks

Strengths: His ability to hide within the shadows and stay quiet during a dispute.

Weaknesses: Pushing people away, and trying to do dangerous things on his own.

Any Abilities: He morphs into a three-headed dog. So he carries three other voices in his mind when he changes. The first, and main voice, is his own bloodlust voice and opinion. The second, is the intellectual one that reminds Pax of the matter at hand and what he must do at that moment, he also helps with strategies. The third, is the coward that wants to pet the lurking cat with the cool orange stripes, who keeps Pax leveled into reality and stops him from harming allies or friends. He isn't that large and is the mere size of a werewolf.

Other: He has never tasted a pastry before and doesn't plan on it.

[MENTION=3924]Doctor Who?[/MENTION] First off. You need to do some SERIOUS editing. This is a world based on typical fantasy styles. So no mechanics. Its all blacksmithing, weaving, etc. So if you could edit that. Two, Kinadra was only permitted a demi god because she agreed to certain terms of mine. Also. WHERE THE HELL ARE PEOPLE GETTING THE GREEK GOD THING FROM? THERE ARE NO GREEK GODS *breathes* Insanistasia is NOT a greek God ruled world. Please change this in your information. Think Alice in wonderland, Narnia. Not Olympus. There is NO mention of the greek gods. Thank you.

This goes for the rest of you as well. [MENTION=4074]Chaotic[/MENTION], [MENTION=3218]AllHailDago[/MENTION] [MENTION=2669]TheCreativeUsername[/MENTION] [MENTION=3027]liz[/MENTION]zi Tik, @BloodRedRose [MENTION=4039]GoddessOfGod[/MENTION]s [MENTION=3411]kinadra[/MENTION] [MENTION=4058]Squall Leonhart[/MENTION] [MENTION=3957]Pristine Dark[/MENTION]ness
[MENTION=3924]Doctor Who?[/MENTION] Much better, sorry for the yelling, i was just at the end of my tether. accepted you can make your first post
[MENTION=2753]IndubidablyAli[/MENTION] it's okay no big deal, I actually like editing. :3 I'll make my post in a minute or two after I read it.
Name: Lumanin Roban

Species: Demon

Age: 100 (Looks mid twenties)



Origins: Hellsborough Forest

Personality: Perfect at putting on an innocent act around most of the people he knows. Due to growing up in the Hellsborough Forest he lacks a sense of a limit when it comes to fighting.

History: Lumanin lived with his parents until his twentieth year of of living where he found some joy in a traveling circus in need of a tamer. He had no idea what he was doing at first but grew into the habit which was possible but not intended. After another 25 years of traveling around with the circus his Personal technique had proven him effective in the ability of taming and bringing out the obedient side of beasts that were brought to him. It Wasn't soon after returning to the outskirts of his birth place of Hellsborough Forest when he was visited by the creator of this world Dometris. He had never seen him before but knew well enough about what he assumed was a man, So his sudden arrival at the grounds was a shock. Dometris didn't stay long but had an interest in Lumanin as he swiftly recruited him to his housing service after nothing but a passing glance. So it seems since that day he had been apart of a growing staff of workers. The number of servants obviously had a sudden cut off after an incident happened when he was 75. Lumanin saw this as the perfect opportunity and began plotting ever since Dometris fall of power.

Likes:Control, Orchestras, and cats.

Dislikes:Almost everyone, Dometris, Loud people

Strengths: His abilities to persuade and convince, his usual cool head.

Weaknesses: If he Brings out any beasts to fight most of his time must be focused on controlling and organizing them, Has a Natural weakness to holy magic and religious items. After working for Dometris for so long he has grown a hatred toward fresh plant life and anything else that restores life. During a fight his movement is reduced drastically due to the amount of energy he consumes to use his normal abilities.

Any abilities: He has access to the three Skeleton hounds featured in the above picture, Which are known for their relentless violence and strong bodies, and another creature he nicknames the snake, known for its speed and dexterity,

. Lumanin is able to call these creatures out through his whip. He is also in possession of a Whip which if he uses against any form of beast contains the ability to make a beast more willing to submit. If this whip is used against a human it is coated with a blue flame which leave a burning effect along with the original whip pains.

So lemme make sure I understand the plot. These normal people are plucked out of their normal lives and placed into a land that is essentially Disney World on acid? If that's right, then I'd like to join :3
He's back! After spending just a little time with Dom, growing close, being there the best he could his magic teleport went wacky on him as it always did. This time though it brought him to a new realm. This cause him lost of powers and ability to get back, this time it was impossible for Dom to find the poor spec and bring him back to his warm home. Surving the best he could, going through things only he knew about he was finally brought back as the fabric of it all starts to rip, bringing him with a piece of it. Home sweet home again, but what will poor Rune find, how will he survive the home that isn't what it used to be?

Alexina said:
Name: Rune
Being of Magic

Age: Unknown




When Chaos rose in the world bits of it had no place to really go. The insanity or jealousy of wanting to be something created creatures of sorts. These beings that weren’t really real or living but at the same time breathing and feeling. Often they blended in, sometimes they were hunted down and killed like their creator was.


Calm, wise, bits of insane moments, mysterious, can range really mattering his mood or how others around him are.


All he knows is he doesn’t belong, that a hunt is on and if it succeeds he will no longer exist. He knows who his creator is, and is loyal to the end due to it. Fully loving the god Dometris for the chance to live and experience things. He will do anything for his god, no matter what is asked to repay him. Forever and to the end of all time, of course that doesn’t mean he can’t make friends with those who oppose the god. As long as he makes sure they don’t get the job done that is.

Life, learning new things, most things that have to do with living.

Judgment of others, the fact others wish to kill his god, the fact others don’t understand and probably never will accept him.

His heart, his wiliness to accept most, his powers that are strong.

Insanity, His magic is wild magic so never know what to expect from it.

Any abilities:
Teleportation, wild magic

He’s a work in progress to be honest so anything I need to add or change I’m willing too, or any more ideas for him.
Name: Corvo Blackthorne

Species: Incubus. ('Cubi is gender neutral)

Basic 'Cubi Info:​ All 'Cubi from Corvo's plane of existence have several traits in common. They come from different clans. They are shapeshifters. Shapeshifting to the opposite gender is a COMPLETE shapeshift,not just skin deep. They are largely ruled by emotion. The possess two sets of wings,one on the back,and one on the top of the head. They can read someone's thoughts,if their mind is unprotected. They all have some innate magic. And they gain sustenance from surrounding emotion,removing the need to eat or drink. Corvo's favourite emotion is panic,but he'll get by on others. All 'Cubi have a lifespan of about a thousand years,which tends to slow down maturation in the human perspective. Physical aging stops at 25.

Age: 276

Gender: Identifies as male. With complete shapeshifting,visible gender is a variable.

Corvo's native appearance (the one he was born with) is that of a six foot tall male with fair skin,blonde hair and brown eyes. His hair is kept short and thick,and his body structure can be described as "athletic" with compact,but visible muscles and he has little visible body fat. On the back of his left hand is an odd blue emblem that refuses to be shapeshifted away. The emblem looked like it was painted on with a broad brush,and resembles the Greek uppercase letter phi,with a figure resembling a backwards,sideways S in the ring,with lines extending from the center of either end. By habit,he keeps this hand covered. In his native form,he wears padded gloves and wears vambraces. For a shirt he wears a backless short sleeved shirt,and for pants he wears jeans. On his feet he wears safety boots. No matter his shape,he wears a falcata and scabbard for said falcata on his right hip and a quiver of full length arrows on his left hip. He often shapeshifts his wings away,as they tend to take up quite a bit of space.

Origins: Outside. He has no previous connection to this place. When asked,he simply says "The Academy",and ignores further inquiry.

Personality: He allows his emotions to rule him. Furthermore,the emotions of those around him influence his. He's yet to develop an emotion shield to prevent this feedback. His default state seems to be "Trickster who likes explosions a little too much". He often justifies his poor choices with "It seemed like a good idea at the time" and believe that it's an airtight reason.

Background: Corvo comes from his own dimension,and it has it's own pocket dimension. In this pocket dimension is where Corvo was born,raised,and educated. This dimension was a safe haven for his people,as 'Cubi are discriminated against in the wider world that he knew. Here he learned to get a handle on his natural powers,and develop talents and skills,as well as gain practical knowledge,all in a friendly environment filled with his own kind. Many 'Cubi stay here their entire lives, preferring the safety of this pocket dimension over the near infinite threats of the wider world. However,his headmistress thought that he specifically should experience a wider world. But not theirs. She tore open a hole in causality and ushered him through,sealing it behind him. In a completely alien world,Corvo was given one task: Learn how non-'Cubi live,become as they are,and find his own way back to report.

He has gotten the feeling that she chose the dimension at random. This world is anything but sane.

Likes: The panic of others,fun,the "Academy" that he refuses to elaborate upon.

Dislikes: Sticks in the mud,this crazy-ass world.

Strengths: Corvo knows how to use his weapons,as he's recieved training in their use. He possesses limited magickal abilities,mostly revolving around explosions. When his wings are manifested,he can fly. Quite well,too. His left arm is dominant,as well as his left eye. He can read unprotected minds.

Weaknesses: He's a trickster at heart,meaning he's never really willing to kill,just play a prank. As a 'Cubi,he's ruled by emotion,making rational though difficult at times. His thought reading doesn't work on a protected mind. He has no fancy kill methods. He dies just as easily as a normal man.

Abilities: Aggressive swordsmanship. Bow marksmanship. Epic prankster skills. Explosion-centric magic. Flight. Absolute shapeshifting. Thought reading.

Other: His bow,which is a four-limbed recurve longbow,is stowed hitched on his right shoulder. It's primarily made of carbon polymers cleverly disguised as wood,as are his arrows. But those rarely survive impact,due to his love of making them explode.
Name: Mordrio Tricolo

Species: Vishara

Age: 17, 893 Years Old

Gender: Male

Appearance: Click here.

The Visharan were the gods' first attempts at creating the beings that would come to be called humans. However, the initial test data wasn't too encouraging...

Personality: Mordrio is a selfish creature, plain and simple. Everything he does benefits him in the end, and there is always an ulterior motive that furthers his own cause. He is willing to manipulate, cajole, entrance, trick, even demean other beings to get his way. And, he is one of the best at doing so, having convinced the Demon Lord Au'lintrik to bless him. He appears to act open, friendly, even somewhat kind now and then. He also acts sarcastic, bordering on sadistic, and he has a rather dry, morbid sense of humor. In reality, this is all a clever facade, one that none but the most clever and perceptive can see through. The Visharan are emotionless, feeling no actual feelings of love, attraction, compassion, etc. Any emotions shown are careful masks to cover his true intentions. Thus, he feels no remorse in exploiting any and all weakness that he can perceive in his opponents. Mordrio does not listen to authority, and he does not explain himself unless he feels compelled to. Perhaps the only emotion felt by Visharan is an absolute ambition to continue to grow, gain power, authority, and achieve whatever goal they set for themselves. They also have a terrible wrath, their vengeance spanning millenia, never forgetting a grudge, always seeking to hurt their enemies.

Background: The Vishara were the gods' first attempts at creating humans. The gods were excited when the Visharan captured their first beast. However, the Visharan promptly slaughtered the beast, snapped its bones into spears, and tried to kill the gods with the bone spears. Thus, the gods were forced to annihilate the Visharan race. However, the most cunning of them all survived, and he came to be known as Mordrio. Over the millenia, he has existed, thinking, plotting, hiding. In those years, he was able to convince the Demon Lord Au'lintrik to bless him, and then Mordrio tricked the Demon Lord into a state in which his powers were rendered impotent. Now, free of Au'lintrik's will, it is time for Mordrio to come out and support Dometris's goal of rebuilding the realm... or is he in it for something else?

Likes: Puzzles, Challenges, Worthy Opponents, Winning, Negative Emotions of Others

Dislikes: Weaklings and Cowards, Defeat, Positive Emotions, Stupidity, Uselessness

Mordrio is a Vishara. Thus, he was created by the gods as a prototype for humans. In this early, testing stage, the Visharan were granted three times the physical and sensual abilities of the strongest human. Therefore, he is skilled in hand-to-hand combat, and can fight without a weapon against even skilled, armed warriors. However, their true power, and thus their most dangerous trait, was their intelligence, cunning, and ruthlessness. Mordrio is an absolute genius, thinking several steps ahead of all others for millenia. He is also a sly, cutthroat being who isn't afraid to do what must be done and exploiting any and all weaknesses to accomplish a given goal. Lastly, his lack of emotions means there is less for opponents to grab to try to psyche him out.

Weaknesses: Mordrio has a propensity to think too much, to rationalize, and to obsess over the nuances of a plan. He is strong enough to fight on par with most beings, but he can't overwhelm most beings with sheer power alone. Also, despite his age, he has a tendency to be very curious about things that he has never encountered before, mostly due to his tactician's mind. He is careful, but even so, the unknown can be very dangerous for those who delve too deep. There is only one thing that can kill him: The Demon Lord Au'lintrik himself. If Au'lintrik ever found a way to escape the state that Mordrio put him in, his vengeance would be swift and terrible, and Mordrio's immortality would expire, killing him. Also, a weapon that is 100%, pure iron can harm Mordrio just as a regular, steel weapon would harm a human, at which point Mordrio would have to regenerate overnight. However, if he's stabbed directly in the heart with such a weapon, he will cease to exist entirely, effectively dying.

Abilities: Through the blessing of Au'lintrik, Mordrio was granted additional power. He is now immortal, although there is a catch. Attacks of sufficient force can, and will, harm Mordrio, although they shan't kill him outright.

Other: I just wanted to mention that this character was created with the help of my good pal, Pristine Dark. So, thanks for the help, Dark. :)
[MENTION=3596]Gabriel Ryker[/MENTION] accepted feel free to make your first post. however, you forgot to put in that archilles heel we agreed upon remember? if you could do that, i'd be grateful
Name: Antonio Redgrave

Species: Human


Gender: Male

Appearance: He's very tall, and wears his brown hair in a slightly shaggy fashion. He has a rather lean build, accented by his clothes, which give him an almost scarecrow-like appearance. Speaking of which, he wears the cloak and collar of a Catholic priest. He also wears a pair of oval shaped glasses to see better.

Origins: Italy

Personality: He's actually rather affable for a priest. Nonetheless, he's kindhearted and altruistic, and attempts to be the best man he can be.

History: Antonio was born on a Saturday, but quickly left on the doorstep of an orphanage, where he was raised by a single, elderly nun. He was a quiet child, who preferred reading to actually playing with other children. One day, the nun was murdered by demons. He became much more devout after that. Antonio has spent his adult life attempting to be a better cleric, helping where he can. All he has to his name is a thick tome and a small crucifix he inherited from the nun.

He came to the realm apparently by accident when the bench he was sitting on was teleported at random, but while he's here he intends to make the best of it, spreading the word and finding a way back home.

Likes: Reading, coffee, parks

Dislikes: Loud noises, sour foods

Strengths: He has an innocent, difficult to corrupt nature, and is not easily tempted. His weapon of choice is particularly effective against the undead and demons.

Weaknesses: He's airheaded, and often fails to see things right in front of him. It's probable that he needs to get his glasses checked, but he's horribly nearsighted without them.

Any abilities: He is in possession of a small cross. It is capable of transforming into a sword, spear, hammer, and chain whip. Its touch is caustic to undead and demons, and it only works for the pious. It also increases its users physical abilities to their limit while its activated.
[MENTION=3772]VaporSnake[/MENTION] could you give him a longer history including why he's in the world of madness please?
No that should be fine. thank you

[MENTION=3596]Gabriel Ryker[/MENTION], i know it seems picky, but by archilles heel i meant so that OTHERS are able to kill you, remember, so if you dropped out you wouldn't just be disappearing?

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