Back into the MADness ~ an extension of A World Gone MAD ~SU & Info~

It's better, but still not detailed enough. If you can Put in HOW he got there in the first place, a bit more than just 'he worked in a church' etc, it would be appreciated. I like to have detailed characters, because i know that people who put detail in their sheets will do them justice in the posts.
I don't want to overcrowd him with meaningless details. Even if his background is a bit bare, he's no less of a valid character, and it doesn't mean I can't play him well.
Vapor I love the idea of your character. I think what Ali is trying to say is the characters for the most part didn't start in the world of the mad. They are mostly offspring of those who escaped before. How did he get back? Was he called in some way? It can be from weird to funny to suddenly his chruch or the piece of the park he was in or his home even appeared there.

Edit: or even why or what brings him there.
Name: When he was yet alive, his name was Sarpedon Dorn, but now names himself only the "Thorned Duke"

Species: Undead, formerly human

Age: 87 now, though he died at the age of 26

Gender: male


white roses grow within his hollow chest, with a single red one where his heart once was.

Origins: an unmarked grave near the capital of Tautila

Personality: the short version:
fulfilled, serene, sad, nostalgic, wise, hopeful

A self-proclaimed anti-nihilist, he realises that the world is a place of darkness, that good people are opressed by the bad, that those who cry out for help are more often than not disappointed and alone.

However, that merely spurs him on on his path to bring hope to others, it merely means that his willing duty is that much more obvious to fulfill, for if there was hope for someone like him, could there not be hope for all else too? Out of death, life must always rise, thus death needs not to be feared, but simply serve as a reminder of how one's time to help others is limited, while anything else that comes after needs not be feared if one has the knowledge of how much happiness one brought others in one's time.

Thus, for him, hell can be turned to heaven, so long as one is vindicated in one's convictions.


In his life, Sarpedon was quite a cruel duke over a small province, exploiting the weak to further his own gains, treating those around him as mere stepping-stones for his own glory and riches.

He believed that the weak had to be dominated by the strong, that the strong had the freedom to indulge in any of their desires, thus justifying his own detestable way to live as simply being his natural right, the right of the strongest.

Justice and mercy were to him the empty wishes of pathetic weaklings who could never wish to attain the heights he had reached, while hope was the currency of those who had less than nothing. While he succeeded for a time, something happened that he would not have thought possible as he lived his life by his convictions.

The weak struck back.

His people rebelled. And his advisors, those who he had trusted to believe the same way he did, sympathized with the rebels, even in the face of danger for their own lives, betrayed him. Defeated, Sarpedon's wealth was taken, except for a single, little thing. Once, rather for his sick amusement, he had taken a crown from a disgraced, former noble.

A thing of little material value, but to the noble it was the last family-artifact, the last reminder of lost glory.

After having forced the man into service as his jester, Sarpedon always kept the crown in the man's sight for further humiliation. Said noble soon committed suicide, unable to stand his own pathetic mockery of an existence

The enraged rebels took to quite the extreme, yet also rather ironic measures of revenge. After having forced him to watch all his wealth taken away, they nailed the crown to his skull and buried him alive in a mock-burial ceremony.

And for the first time in his life, Sarpedon, his life's conviction having all been disproven to him, despaired; for he had to realize that the wish for justice and the compassion granted had brought him, the strongest, to fall.

He despaired, devoid of all hope, yet only for himself. And, in the moment of greatest despair, that before his death by suffocation, the crown, answering his call, awoke, so to say, or rather its healing powers, keeping him alive.

Thus, Sarpedon was given time. Incapable of moving, he was forced to use his time to contemplate, time to reflect. He remembered all those who he had wronged, one after the other, and bit by bit, he began to feel remorse, remorse over what he had done to each of them. Despair mixing with remorse, the crown again answered the new emotion with images.

Images of a bright, sunny sky, images of people helping one another, images of peace and love. And images, of him helping them all attain it. While Sarpedon first mistook such for delusions of madness, the seed of hope was yet planted.

His remorse created the wish to right what once went wrong, help those he had wronged. His despair meanwhile, turned to hope. After all, if he still could think of such images, was there not yet hope for him, and thus hope for those he could help? This hope he nurtured, thinking of every single one of his misdeeds.

He wanted to set it right, he wanted a chance to do so. Only this, the crown could not grant, for already it had infused him with its entire might, leaving it now an empty trinket without any true use.

It was then that, perhaps due to a single benevolent act, or mayhaps a thought of cruelty, or most likely just simple random insanity, he was plucked away from his deep grave by the god of madness and catapulted into the insane god's realm.

There, he rose again, beholding the sky for the first time since so long, only that since his 'burial', years had passed, and even the crown's might could not preserve his flesh without a single source of oxygen. Yet, determined to follow his new convictions, to bring hope and goodness to any who cried out, to be there for those who had no one, to show mercy to the merciless and to show love to the loveless, to right the unrightable wrong, to fight the unbeatable foe, he set out. To reach the unreachable star.

Likes: goodness, hope, children, mercy, compassion, healing, flowers (especially roses), innocence, redemption, life in all its forms, free will

Dislikes: evil, villainy, injustice, killing

Strengths: healing, supporting others, converting others to the path of goodness

Weaknesses: anything of clerical holiness used against the undead is lethally effective against him.

Any abilities: the ability to grant life to lesser, non-sentient beings, heal wounds, mend flesh and bones of higher ones


He is also quite a poetrist and likes singing.
[MENTION=3733]Unwavering Knight[/MENTION] If you could edit the 'granting life' out then absolutely accepted. it allows for too many people to be like 'oops, i didnt want to die, i'll just run to the local undead guy for help' You know? Sorry, i'm picky

[MENTION=3772]VaporSnake[/MENTION]. The meaningless details make up the whole. Unless you can put more effort into your character I cannot accept you. Meaningless details make the characters who they are in my mind and in reality, this is My rp and what I say goes, so either edit, or withdraw.
[MENTION=3772]VaporSnake[/MENTION] You're accepted. I admire your determination to be in this rp. I hope you enjoy it. feel free to make your first post. i need it done by this afternoon so i can get to the second round of posts. Have fun, and dont randomly turn up in Dometris' castle please, i have a plan.
I made slight alteration to 'can grant life to lesser, non-sentient beings', is that acceptable? The original one I had rather planned to be taken metaphorically, not literally, but I suppose that it could easily have someone mistake it.
[MENTION=3733]Unwavering Knight[/MENTION]. It will do, if it gets overused or misunderstood by others i trust you'll handle it appropriately. Please make your first post :)
[MENTION=3382]TheFallOfitAll[/MENTION] accepted, great song btw xD please make your first post, i need to get started
Name: Groggothkma

Species: Human


Gender: Male

Appearance: (will be posted in about an hour)

Origins: Monzurion Desert

Personality: A brash and ragged man. Tends to rush into a situation, smash his way through, and not bother with questions. Mostly refers to himself in the third person; Doesn't get along very well with others, and considers anyone brandishing a weapon at him an enemy. Extremely competitive, especially in a fight; will often try to overpower his opponents with his immense strength. As a rouge, he will often choose his own path, or use others to his advantage to get where/what he wants.Highly religious to his deity, FiFal, and protective of what he believes to be it's phylactery. His actions often border on being sociopathic, even malevolent at times. Beneath his rough exterior, however, he has a heart of gold.

History: Born into a battle hardened clan, forged from the hardships endured in a far off, enormous desert. It was there that he was trained in the art of combat, in which he chose to wield a hammer. His first was mere wood, but he eventually came to own one of metal, etched with various runes and symbols. He was quite bothersome as a child, often causing trouble for other members of the clan, especially his elders. By the time he was old enough to travel on his own, he made it his decision to become a wanderer. For good luck in his journeys, his elders passed to him a sacred relic; The phylactery of their god, FiFal, a god of hardships and hope, believed to contain his very essence. The phylactery, though oddly shaped, was accepted by Groggothkma without question, and worn proudly around his neck. Upon his fourth year wandering the desert, one moonless night, he found himself in unfamiliar sands. It is there that he sets out on his journey, from the far off Darmoth Dunes, to find out where he has ended up.

Likes: conflict, battle, destruction, treasure, great challenges, and above all, FiFal.

Dislikes: Those who do not respect FiFal (Despite the fact that the deity is not known very well.), betrayal, minor annoyances.

Strengths: Immense physical strength; great skill with war hammers; quite agile.

Weaknesses: Treasure, even in the most dire situations; Quick to anger, especially to insults; Continues to fight, even in the worst possible condition, or on the verge of death.

Any Abilities: Able to wield an incredibly heavy hammer with little effort; Pretty good as a thief

Other: (nothing to really list here, so... idunno.)
[MENTION=4099]Noodle[/MENTION] accepted, i like the idea of the diety you've brought in. please make your first post
Meh it wasn't my fault when you return to see this Ali, Wingal's Wireless internet was down until now because we just moved o-o/
Alright guys, @Pristine Dark is now our Co GM, of course, she still wont know EVERYTHING about this rp, so she'll help as best she can but give her a chance. All decisions are joint decisions, so dont hate one or the other of us. We'll be asking oppinions from time to time, because i want EVERYONE involved in what happens in this. This will be great okay? So just letting you know the changes. When everyone is done the second round, I'll post again and then you can have a normal posting type, no time limits, no order. but not until then.

@Wingal, @Chaotic @Unwavering Knight @Noodle @TheFallOfitAll @Riddle78 @TheCreativeUsername @Dark Mousy @Gabriel Ryker @GoddessOfGods @Alexina @BloodRedRoses @Squall Leonhart @VaporSnake [MENTION=3411]kinadra[/MENTION] and anyone else i've forgotten
Name: Steve Namyreve

Species: Human.

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Appearance: www(dot)maths(dot)nott(dot)ac(dot)uk/personal/sc/images/SteveC.jpg

Origins/History: Hailing from a well-to-do middle class family in the Trader's Quarter of Aramontis, the apocalypse has thrust a cruel fate upon him. For you see, all Steve wanted to be, his entire life, was be a baker. However, after his father's death, he's been cruelly thrust into his position as the head manager of the First Bank of Aramonthis. Always a wily one, Steve used his newfound position to set up a shell corporation, through which he loaned a substantial amount of money towards the establishment of several high-quality homeless shelters. So Steve, burdened with his families legacy, must rye up to the challenge and learn to balance his day life as Steve the Bank Manager and his night life as THE MITHRIL CHEF.

Personality: He seems to be dark and brooding at first, but that's before you get to know him. He's actually quite an affable person, greeting those who've breeched his brooding exterior with a firm handshake and a smile in his eyes.

Likes: Baking, Pun based jokes

Dislikes: His job, the homeless

Strengths: Uncanny ability to fill out forms in triplicate as though they were one, can crunch numbers like no one's business, supernatural business sense.

Weaknesses: Can't actually cook.

Any abilities: Has an imaginary best friend, Bobo, that he was never quite able to get rid of, despite years of therapy.

Other: He has a younger sister that's a half-vampire, half-lycan named Mary.
[MENTION=4138]Steve[/MENTION] unique, interesting and a little kookie, I like him xD you're accepted.

On another matter. due to issues with previous members, BloodRed's character, Zach, is being withdrawn. She will delete the post shortly. This notice is here just to stop people from complaining. KNow that the character IS in the process of being removed.
Name: Yrechaz Blackmore

Species: Plant person

Age: 153

Gender: Male


View attachment 10384

View attachment 10385

Origins: Hellsborough Forest

Personality: Protective, a fiery temper that is difficult to calm once started. He has a hatred for Dometris like none other. He cannot stand the man. He wishes for his demise with every fibre of his being, or clorophyll as the case may be. He will do anything he can to get rid of Dometris. He wants freedom, a life. he is passionate and vicious, possessive and very very dangerous.

History: When Yrechaz was a child he used to play in Hellsborough forest. One day He spotted Dometris decending his stairs at Elipsis point and stupidly confronted him, demanding to know why Dometris treated his people like he did, throwing sticks at the god. Dometris grew angry, threatening the child. Then a new idea dawned on him. The boy was captured and a collar forced around his neck. A collar with an enchanted lorestone which caused a transformation. From that day on, He would be a guardian of the forest, bound to Dometris' bidding. He was unable to break free. The boy himself was also marked with the transformation rune, which meant he was still forced into his alternate form even without the collar. Eventually he learnt to control it and he could change on will, though it caused him great pain. Over the years his hatred for Dometris grew and when the God fell from power, he decided to make his move. Now he just needs to figure out how to finish him off.

Likes: Nature, people who will help him, the dark, water

Dislikes: Dometris, his damned collar, fire

Strengths: A strong affinity with the earth, withstanding many different conditions, thrives in water

Weaknesses: Fire, TOO much water, axes.

Any abilities: His affinity for the earth allows him to coax it into doing his bidding.

Name: Jason Marco Thrace

Species: Dragon

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Appearance: View attachment 10413

Origins: His dad was once an evil dragon that terrorized a small village in Insanistatia. Many heroes tried to slay him,and while some succeeded in harming him,all were killed before he died. One day,however,a powerful witch who was once indifferent to the plight of the others was drawn into the conflict when her house burned down. She gathered up a slew of powerful warriors and stormed his cave after he was finished hunting. While the warriors distracted the draon,the witch snuck around and spiked his dinner with a complicated potion she had made herself that (theoretically) turned dragons human. It only worked halfway,however,and gave him the ability to turn from dragon to human,and back,at will. Deciding that the witch could come back with a worse potion,he flew off to a distant village to start anew. Shortly after arriving,he met a beautiul woman,and they fell in love. This,coupled with the insight to the plight of humans,stripped him of (most) of his wicked habits. After they escaped,they decided to marry and start a family. When Jason was born,they found out the potion had changed his very being,which meant that Jason had a human form as well.

Personality: Friendly - He likes making friends,and is very nice to everyone.

Easy Going - He barely makes it on time for anything he does,and would sooner order in than go hunting.

Enthusiastic - Anything you get him going on he will give his all to complete.

Naturally Curious - Just what it says on the tin. He likes exploring and asking lots of questions.

Protective - Anybody that messes with his friends gets eaten.

History: His parents never left the village they settled in after the escape,and so that's where he grew up. His mother trained him to use the magic from her side of the family responsibly,while his dad taught him the finer points of flying and breath weapons. Despite the demanding schedule,he hasn't lost his childlike attitude,and had found time to make many friends. He longs to leave and see the world.

Likes: Sugary things,sour things,lemonade,apples.

Dislikes: Nuts,anyone that hurts his friends,getting stabbed in the eye. You'd be surprised how many times that last one happened.

Strengths: Superior strength,sharpened eyesight,acute hearing.

Weaknesses: Vulnerable to light and sound based attacks. Eyes and underbelly. Unlike other dragons,who can be mesmerized by it,gold is poisonous to him. It will burn his skin like fire burns a human,and is deadly if he ingests it. Wounds made by gold weapons get infected more easily.

Any abilities: Breath weapons - All dragons have the ability to set different effects to their breath. Fire,freezing cold air,powerful gusts of wind,lightning. He can also fly,and has limited magical powers from his mother's side. Simple things - light,warmth,breathing underwater,mild compulsion (can make weak-minded people do what he wants)

Other: None.
@Librarian, denied. Lack of edequate information in the history, personality, abilities and no definite kill switch. Also, no explanation for why he has a human form. Im sorry but im picky with my roleplay since the last person.

Guys, as I barely let poor stine do her job anyway, Im again the only GM xD im just weird like that. Just thought i'd notify you all

@Chaotic @AllHailDago @dististik @kinadra [MENTION=2482]BloodRedRoses[/MENTION] @TheCreativeUsername @GoddessOfGods @TheFallOfitAll @Riddle78 @Gabriel Ryker @Wingal @Noodle @Unwavering Knight @Squall Leonhart @Alexina
Right,added some history to explain the human form. Also added a kill switch - gold. Very poisonous to him,and burns him like fire does a human.
Dear members, Im travelling back to sydney over the next few days so I may not have internet. You can keep roleplaying, but try not to get too far ahead. I'll try to have a post for you this afternoon but I can't promise anything. Until i get back, all sign ups will be CLOSED

@Pristine Dark [MENTION=3382]TheFallOfitAll[/MENTION] @kinadra @GoddessOfGods @TheCreativeUsername @Chaotic @BloodRedRoses @AllHailDago @Riddle78 @Noodle @Unwavering Knight @Alexina @dististik @Wingal @Gabriel Ryker @Steve. if i've forgotten anyone, let them know for me.

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