Back into the MADness ~ an extension of A World Gone MAD ~SU & Info~

HEY GUYS! WHERE ARE THE POSTS! DONT MAKE ME GET BBGM ON YOUR BUTTS! I WAS GONE FOR A WEEK AND GOT TWO POSTS? I ASK YOU WHAT KIND OF DEDICATION IS THAT? GET YOUR BUTTS OUT THERE NOW! Seriously, I want my baby to thrive, not die. So PLEASE go and get to your posting. *cracks whip* thank you to Lexi and Crea who posted in my absence.

[MENTION=3957]Pristine Dark[/MENTION] [MENTION=72]Riddle78[/MENTION] [MENTION=2482]BloodRedRoses[/MENTION] [MENTION=2669]TheCreativeUsername[/MENTION] [MENTION=4074]Chaotic[/MENTION] [MENTION=4099]Noodle[/MENTION] [MENTION=3411]kinadra[/MENTION] [MENTION=2590]Wingal[/MENTION] [MENTION=3292]dististik[/MENTION] [MENTION=3733]Unwavering Knight[/MENTION] [MENTION=4039]GoddessOfGod[/MENTION]s [MENTION=3218]AllHailDago[/MENTION] [MENTION=2372]Alexina[/MENTION] [MENTION=3596]Gabriel Ryker[/MENTION] [MENTION=4138]Steve[/MENTION]GET POSTING!
Just want to save adore and miss you Ali! Glad to see you're back that is if you are. xD If not can't wait to have you back.
Guys this from Ali:


I'd just like to make sure people keep posting and such, and letting them know that I WILL be back

Its just an... unexpected leave of absense"

Can you guys please keep posting this rp
really means a lot to her. If you have any questions send them my way and I'll play middle man for her as well. Prist try to get up your post maybe we can have you tangle lightly with rune before Dom can step in, a few post between us.

@Pristine Dark @Riddle78 @BloodRedRoses @TheCreativeUsername @Chaotic @Noodle @kinadra @Wingal @dististik @Unwavering Knight @GoddessOfGods @AllHailDago @Alexina @Gabriel Ryker @Steve
@CaterpilAli D; I wish you didn't close this! Djjdndbdjskssjc. I just seen it and thought it looked very interesting. .w. Back to searching for a rp.
[MENTION=3944]Highly Unorthodox[/MENTION] if you make a character then I may look over it and accept it, i'm still not on all the time due to school and limited internet, so i dont really want to reopen the character sheets just yet unless everyone has dropped out. in which case they all suck and i'll reopen it
lol ....

Ali, I'm not certain how to post for now.... once you are back and move the story just a bit further on then I hope I will fall in love with the story all over again. I've not intentionally abandoned you, ya know :P Just, I didn't know how to respond and grow in your world without you there to direct it. I hope that you are not upset with us and look forward to your return to us and the madness which seems to follow us around.

Also, I'm glad to see that you seem to still be doing well. Remember to smile!!



@Pristine Dark @Riddle78 @BloodRedRoses @TheCreativeUsername @Chaotic @Noodle @kinadra @Wingal @dististik @Unwavering Knight @GoddessOfGod @AllHailDago @Alexina @Gabriel Ryker

I'm giving you all a week in which to make a post in this rp unless you message me with a reason why you cant. Noodle, Unwavering Knight, Lils, Foia and Chaotic, you are excluded from the deadline due to having posted recently. Everyone else, if you dont post within the deadline. If you are going to drop this rp please make a satisfactory exit post, not just drop out, or else we'll have people wondering who's here and who isnt. it also gives fun reactions for those of us that ARE still in it. Thank you,

Sincerely, Big Bad GM
Alright, due to complications and misconceptions from my last post i'm giving you all 26 hours in which to post. If there is some reason you cant possibly post or you still want to be in the rp but miss the deadline, then shoot me a message. i'll give you a deadline in which to post in. I'm sorry if this seems like im being harsh but Im serious. you've all had like a month to post and you havent yet. No more excuses. Either you're in or you're out. those that posted previously before the notification of the deadline are safe from the deadline. AND THAT'S TWENTY SIX HOURS FROM THIS POST, NOT FROM THE MOMENT YOU SEE IT. just so we're clear

@Pristine Dark @Riddle78 @BloodRedRoses @TheCreativeUsername @Chaotic @Noodle @kinadra @Wingal @dististik @Unwavering Knight @GoddessOfGod @AllHailDago @Alexina @Gabriel Ryker
Name: Stein

Species: Modified Human

Age: 2 looks 20

Gender: Male


View attachment 12361

Origins: The normal realm

Personality: An outward appearance of cold and calculating. But he has a curious nature wanting to understand everything he is very inquisitive not ever knowing about the lines people can and cant cross in a conversation. Does not understand humor or sarcasm takes most things literally. He is equipped with many weapons but does not understand how to kill things or even if he wants to. He does not believe in god due to his own birth by the hands of man. He is very indecisive at times and sometimes struggles with minor decisions. When a new things happen to him or things he does not understand, he sometimes becomes frightened and resorts back to his basic instincts of killing.

History: Constructed from the churches hands. With the sole purpose to find and kill all things in the name of god. From Demons to vampires anything that strives against balance and order he must destroy. Sent to the other realm to end the madness and bring back his realms own harmony.

Likes: Flowers, people answering his questions, and all fluffy and soft things.

Dislikes: getting asked questions, the color orange, things he doesn't understand.

Strengths: Brain like a computer, His strength, speed and accuracy. Knowledge of some races.

Weaknesses: Street smarts of a 5 year old (but learning), People, and oranges

Any abilities: His strength and speed rival that of a demon, Endless armory (able to pull swords, daggers, bolts, mini crossbows and much more from random areas on his body mostly under his cloak).

Other: Immune to scurvy
[MENTION=4543]Humor[/MENTION] accepted, but i need to know one thing, is he mortal? like can he die via usual means?

Oh he can die alright.

He can reattach his body parts except for the head pretty much like Frankenstein's monster.

but cutting off the head and stabbing him in the heart he is donezo.

also many more horrific things like lighting him on fire or drowning.

but Just not from scurvy he can not die from that ever.
Name: ​The Operator

Species: Human-?

Age: 16-?

Gender: Male

Appearance: The Operator comes in two forms. The first being form of an average sixteen year old kid. About 5'11 and about 145 pounds, with dirty blond hair, a beanie, black jeans, and a hoodie. The only tell tale sign that he is different is that he has purple eyes.

His second form is far taller, reaching around seven foot four in height. He is very well dressed in this state, with a tuxedo and dress shoes. His skin is pure white, and he has no face. He also, on occasion, has tentacles come from his back used to ensnare his victims.

Origins: Hellsborough Forest


Human: The Operator is a very down to earth person with a rather abnormal experience for a normalish person such as himself. In his usual form, he really is just a nice and outgoing guy. He doesn't like to fight, but he will if Necessary.

Other: ? - N/A


It is said that seeing The Operator in his normal form at night is worse than any hell. Few know of him, and he is little more than an urban legend. It is rumored that his victims are controlled by him, and that he is a truly evil being. That's a massive lie. Although he's not good at night, he isn't evil, and doesn't like to be seen for fear of hurting someone. He moves from place to place, but can always be found residing in forests.

Likes: Forests, dark nights, rainy days, fog, mist, smog, ghost towns, throwing stuff around, people who aren't afraid of him, people who give him a chance, 20 dollar bills.

Dislikes: Judgmental people, people that fear him for the stories, people that try to attack him.


Human Form-He has the ability to manipulate things with his mind, meaning he's a physic in a way. Allowing him to accomplish incredible feats if strength and seemingly impossible things like crushing a car, with his MIND, and can be used regardless of where he is. However, this power's weakness is that this ability is like a muscle. The more he does it over time, the stronger it gets. However, if used too much, it gives out and stops. This is usually shown when his noes begins to bleed (Based off of the Movie: Chronicle).

Other Form- In his second form, his powers change. He can move at an extreme speed short distances as many times as he wishes within the general area of his victim (i.e: You're looking at him, then blink, he will be gone.) And can move freely when not being looked at. He also can't be harmed in this form, and drives people insane within their own minds. They will think they are in his pocket dimension. Any electronic equipment in the area WILL fail, and he tends to cause massive headaches when around. The downsides of this form are also very big ones. For one, his telekinesis in his normal form is gone, and cannot be used at all in this form. He cannot move while something is watching him, but always seems to face his victim. if there's multiple people watching him at once, he will always seem to be watching that person, even though he's facing them all at once. While he cannot be hurt, he cannot hurt others physically. This is why he drives people insane, to create proxies to do the physical labor for him. These proxies are given powers like enhanced strength or the ability to disappear temporarily using his own strength. But nothing that could make them more than grunts, as this would draw too much energy from him. The headaches he creates are used to distract others from stopping him from creating the proxies. The other and final downside is that he cannot go into this form while someone is looking. Doesn't seem that bad right? Wrong. If he's in the middle of a battle, and theres several people watching him, he cant transform, or move. He can cause massive headaches to make you blink though.

Weaknesses: Read up above. I dont feel like rewriting.

Any abilities: Telekinesis, transformation, he's slenderman...

Other: He doesn't talk much, but is extremely terrifying in both forms. Nothing is particularly scary about him in his normal form, but he has the aura of something truly horrifying. People have said that looking at him in normal form causes them to see things that they are so scared of they cant even look at him. In which case he transforms and gets out of there never to be seen again, or takes them and makes them proxies.
[MENTION=3675]WanderingTyrant[/MENTION] accepted, but dont be surprised if this dies, i've lost all hope for it

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