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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

@subject 635 ok we've got our feels out of the way let's just you know continue the rp?

Also sorry to hear about your tragedy but let's just cool down alright iv had rp groups get ruined because of stuff like this let's take it easy here
@subject 635 do we really need to add hell into this i mean that place has it's hands full enough u know so lets uh calm down a bit plz?
Ill probably just leave the rp so I don't have to deal with the idiot that has to make everyone feel worse in order to boost his own self esteem because he doesn't have any friends
[QUOTE="subject 635]Ill probably just leave the rp so I don't have to deal with the idiot that has to make everyone feel worse in order to boost his own self esteem because he doesn't have any friends

You point out where exactly I went wrong, I made correct points using facts. You then went back on your original point because I was right. Then you proceeded to hurl insults.
Hey, I was making facts, I wasn't yelling or condemning someone to hell over the internet.
Look, just stop fighting, please. And I am also trying to be humorous to try to calm everyone down. But I see that I am wrong. But still, stop acting like children, please. And do not criticize each other of you know what you are doing, jeez.
Bros bros i get it ur both mad but cmon insults have been hurled & stuff do we really want this group to die becuz of stuff like this lets just cool down and come back to do this rp later

@subject 635 @Archangel Galdrael
You're joking, right?

Read. The. Argument.

I was DEBATING real FACTS about King Thor, when I was right, Subject changed her story.

INSTEAD of saying, "Oh, I misunderstood, never mind" She decided to hurl insults at me.

I retaliated with some insults yes, because I was quite angry. I regret that now,

Subject then decided to condemn somebody she did not know to hell over the internet.

Now, am I lying about ANY of this? No. This is what happened, plain and simple.

I'm certainly not okay with how this is being viewed at all.

How about going about this without name calling and capitol letters?

@subject 635 @Metaphysics @Steel Zinogre

Anybody have any problem, or disagree with that summary then feel free to discuss it in a civil manner like I tried to do.
Hey, I did not mean any harm by it, I simply just tried to be humorous to try to cheer you guys up, but yet you say I am hating on you? Jeez man, talk about sensitive.
[QUOTE="Archangel Galdrael]This is humour where you come from?
Pretty sure most people would agree that's an insult, regardless of intent.

Not really sensitive when the insult is right there.

Ok first off, That was not me trying to be funny, that was an agreement. I made a FROZEN Refference, trying to be funny. Keep looking buddy, because assumptions will not help you here.
Sorry guys, I know I don't belong here but please calm down. It's the internet and I understand that King Thor is OP I get it, I can also see why subject would want to go that route with the character, I don't commend what Steel and National did but from what I saw, they tried to make light of a very serious problem to relive tension. Overall there is no need to keep going on with this fight,which could very well happen looking at Steel's post (Sorry m8, but that's what it looks like to me) This is an RP, a place where we can forget our problems and arguments and slip into a story built by a COMMUNITY, so please just stop.
Guys... I'm at fault... I let my emotions control me.. @Archangel Galdrael I'm sorry I cussed you out.. your right idid change my subject matter... just please don't criticize me anymore... I have my own plans for characters
LokiofSP said:
I would like to play a game of slap ass....
Fuhuhuhuhuhuking hell I bust out laughing! xD
It's done anyway, thank you for apologizing Subject 635, I am sorry for whatever I did to offed you.

Now I'm going to go before I get more annoyed a what I perceive as ignorance from Steel.

Not to mention somebody was kind enough to report me, much appreciated.

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