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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

I didn't read it. Anyway, Fenrir's Vectors can't cut the shield, so Iron Girl may not get smacked so hard. It also presents a problem if Fenrir were to fight Ultron.
I went with auto correct when naming him Conner. I got annoyed with it and changed it to Connor now, the e was bothering me everytime I posted. I just like the o better. :o

sitanomoto had the right idea, haha.

We'll just go with Wonderboy for his hero name, I should have figured it out before popping into the Rp honestly. Hero names are always the hardest for me. I see you guys referring to him as Captain America a few times, I'm sorry! (:'()
While we're waiting for Ultron and Smasher to act, do you guys have any ideas for the plot? I mean, what will we do after the villians retreat and such?
Could I possibly create a villain as well? They seem pretty outnumbered currently, not to mention some heroes are being ignored during fights.
Yeah, I agree. I'm not liking how Ultron is basically being invincible whilst only using one liners... Not using an iconic villain too well imo.


@sitanomoto (Can I create a villain to use?)
Looking at me last spell I realize it may cause damage but can't stop ultron from fleeing
Is Connor's hero name going to be like a meme for the whole Rp? I die laughing each time. lol

Captain America Mk II had me gone, like I don't even know why. If anyone has a better suggestion than Wonderboy, by all means. It's all I could come up with.
Eh, Captain America? After all, that is what you are. Hasn't your dad passed on the torch to you? Or you could have something like 'American Defender'? I don't know... xD
I guess most are retired old men. xD (Even though Thor and Loki are supposed to be able to live for thousands of years...)
Steven Strange is on another plane of reality under going marriage therapy and retreats he will be out for awhile.
Does Captain America even age normally?

I mean I know he didn't age because he was frozen and whatnot but was it ever discussed if the Super Serum slowed or denied the aging process?
[QUOTE="Archangel Galdrael]I guess most are retired old men. xD (Even though Thor and Loki are supposed to be able to live for thousands of years...)

Great. Now I'm imaging a bunch of old men with grey hair and canes in tights. Oh lord the images. xD
[QUOTE="Aura Of Twilight]Great. Now I'm imaging a bunch of old men with grey hair and canes in tights. Oh lord the images. xD

Bahah! Oh no... I'll never imagine Captain America the same way again! >.<
Crono said:
Does Captain America even age normally?
I mean I know he didn't age because he was frozen and whatnot but was it ever discussed if the Super Serum slowed or denied the aging process?
i think he ages slowly thank to the serum but still ages
I think we need to have the elder avengers killed off... Except Thor and loki. Maybe Thor and Loki are trapped in another plane, banished by Odin? But it doesn't make sense having the other avengers still around with the new generation.
meh i set mine up to be out doign stuff for maybe years but Steph got her fathers job he is more or less just Steven strange not Dr strange right now
Dr Strange is in another reality, he's fine. But Tony, Steve, Clinton, Bruce, Natasha and the Odinsons remain. That essentially means the current avengers are not the 'avengers'. The old guys still are. Not to mention if Tony can still fight then the others can, which makes it a murderstomp in favor of the good guys. Not to mention we have uicksilver still around, making it more unfair. Next we'll have Scarlett Witch AND her daughter...
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