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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

sitanomoto said:
I second the final motion.
Why does everyone want everything to die?

In other news I'm sitting here waiting for someone to make a child of someone from the Guardians of the Galaxy so we have to deal with space things

In other other news... I got nothing except when that final battle comes, someone is gonna die
Because if things don't die anything a villain does is pointless.

Not to mention a future space plot would be pretty cool,where it becomes heroes+villains vs unknown aliens.

GotG Suck tho.
[QUOTE="Archangel Galdrael]Because if things don't die anything a villain does is pointless.
Not to mention a future space plot would be pretty cool,where it becomes heroes+villains vs unknown aliens.

GotG Suck tho.

Alright first off I can see why things have to die now, thank you, second off, thank you for agreeing with me, and third, ehh ... I would get mad because GoG is my second favorite thing in superhero cinema but, ya know opinions, people have them
Yeah but, the Guardians aren't even superheroes...They're overdone normal aliens, and one human. Any avenger could realistically solo all the Guardians. :/
[QUOTE="Archangel Galdrael]Yeah but, the Guardians aren't even superheroes...They're overdone normal aliens, and one human. Any avenger could realistically solo all the Guardians. :/

Well yeah but... If I may comic nerd for a moment, the roster has gotten allot moreinteresting
...Never, ever mention the uber PIS that was StarLord beating Thanos. That comic series needs to be scrapped. Not to mention I stopped reading the comics like five years ago,I have no idea what's currently going on.
[QUOTE="Archangel Galdrael]...Never, ever mention the uber PIS that was StarLord beating Thanos. That comic series needs to be scrapped. Not to mention I stopped reading the comics like five years ago,I have no idea what's currently going on.

Like I said, opinions, and if you want to get back into comics, do it soon, they're currently rebooting the universe and merging all alternate realities together

Not to mention they shipped Starlord and Kitty Pryde from the Xmen together, they got engaged, which I thought was cute
Eh, I probably won't go back to them. Besides, Star Lord is alright, he's cool. The others are not in my opinion, but come on... Thanos?!
[QUOTE="Archangel Galdrael]Eh, I probably won't go back to them. Besides, Star Lord is alright, he's cool. The others are not in my opinion, but come on... Thanos?!

I know, that was kinda BS
[QUOTE="Archangel Galdrael]Exactly!
Other than that. Star-Lord->Batman

sitanomoto said:
No god modding

All RPN rules apply

No rated R stuff (i.e. no s*x or r*pe)

Romance is fine, just keep it PG 13

Minor violence is allowed, just no decapitation of any player

Don't kill others without express permission

Some cussing is allowed, just not every post, ok?

If you have read this, put RDJ somewhere on your profile. (Those of you who know what those letters stand for MAJOR PROPS!)
Since i created my character should i just jump into the rp or do i jeed to be filled in?
[QUOTE="The Regal Rper]Since i created my character should i just jump into the rp or do i jeed to be filled in?

Your character needs to be accepted by the GM.
There are three Nulls, not five. One is after you, another Massacre.Neither will find us though.
@The Regal Rper

Ultron and Fenrir Lokison attacked the Avengers tower, the present avengers were losing the battle, but more heroes arrived to save the day, Fenrir was forced to retreat, and soon after, Ultron also. The heroes entered the avengers tower, and had a small bonding session. Though when Massacre, a symbiote, emerged from the sewers and started murdering people, the heroes were forced to attack him. A villain named Hypnas, was able to take Pietro out of the fight before she was beaten by Steph Strange. Most of the heroes were weakened from the fight before, Rosaline was able to damage Massacre with fire, before being critically injured, Connor and Cassie, despite their injuries, also joined the fight. Though Hypnas was able to take Cassie out before being defeated by Steph. Perry Parker A.K.A Spiderman, showed up and saved Smasher from being killed, both Perry and 'Mercury'/Silver Streak, were critically injured by Massacre, and Massacre has been battling Smasher until now, when Scarlett Whitch has showed up and amped Smasher, Massacre is in the process of retreating. Ultron rejoined the fight but was promptly defeated by Steph. Dimitri and Rosaline, Cyrus, and Cassie are now all in Stark Tower.

A large fight broke out with Massacre, Ultron, and most of the heroes. Incuding some new ones,such as two good symbiotes, Kyuma and wolveress. The military entered the city, led by General Roland Royce, to restore order, Massacre and Ultron were critically injured during the fight but got away, the military are now taking absolute control over the city, curfews, martial law, etc... Before they could intercept the heroes after the fight, Steph teleported them (the heroes) out of the vicinity to her home. Dmitri captured Hypnas, and has taken her to Stark tower, were Tony, Aedan and - unbeknownst to the others - Hel, are. Another villain -Joan - was briefly involved in the fighting, but is now being confronted by a military superbot called a 'Null', which were also involved in the fighting. There are three Nulls. Massacre and Ultron are now licking their wounds at their bases, and Massacre is preparing a grandmaster-villainous-scheme-of-evilness.
I feel super horrible for saying this, but could we keep the chat to the out of character tab? It's a bit confusing to be reading through six pages in the in character tab and for half of it to be out of character chat. I'm sorry I hope I don't sound rude!

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