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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

i know everyone seems to want to do it there i have honestly given up on people using this
CasualDragon said:
I feel super horrible for saying this, but could we keep the chat to the out of character tab? It's a bit confusing to be reading through six pages in the in character tab and for half of it to be out of character chat. I'm sorry I hope I don't sound rude!
Agreed don't feel bad you're right
CasualDragon said:
I feel super horrible for saying this, but could we keep the chat to the out of character tab? It's a bit confusing to be reading through six pages in the in character tab and for half of it to be out of character chat. I'm sorry I hope I don't sound rude!
Nah your good. There are others,*Raises hand* who think the same but just keep quiet. :x

Just kidding, your so rude. We're killing off Finn. Sorry, not sorry.
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CasualDragon said:
I feel super horrible for saying this, but could we keep the chat to the out of character tab? It's a bit confusing to be reading through six pages in the in character tab and for half of it to be out of character chat. I'm sorry I hope I don't sound rude!
No problem it's just ,kinda difficult, I've started getting this thing were I'll receive notification for Character chat but not OOC chat, I'll try to keep it confined to here it might just take long periods of time for me to read the message.

Also you weren't being mean you are being reasonable, I'll personally try to do it less
It's not as annoying as people warping the story with acts of pure nonsense, like teleporting to Stark tower, ready for battle,whilst knowing NOTHING of the situation because they can't be bothered to read.

@subject 635

You CAN'T be in the tower, unless wolveress has the ability to claw through huge thick steel gates around the whole building, superspeed to reach the building from the Sanctum, electric control, to manipulate the A.I into not noticing her...
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Kill of Finn and I'll.... MAKE ANOTHER FINN. Destroy the system! A tip for when you're not getting notifications, is on the home screen with the chat click on the link that says 'watched threads' and you can see any thread that has new responses but didn't give you a notification!
anywho yeah steph can't know and really when everyone but her is easily mind controled and with how bad symbiotes are she would at leats want to fidn the magical amulet of screw off lesser minds to help them
Yeah, um, Steph is getting beat up in the final battle. She hasn't been touched through the whole thing due to her overpowered spells.

Forgive my current ranting by the way... Ahem.
hell fenir screwed her up a lot but yeah hit her a lot

might i suggest just going in and using fistycuffs and just punching her
CasualDragon said:
Kill of Finn and I'll.... MAKE ANOTHER FINN. Destroy the system! A tip for when you're not getting notifications, is on the home screen with the chat click on the link that says 'watched threads' and you can see any thread that has new responses but didn't give you a notification!
This...This post has changed my life...This entire time whenever I had my phone or laptop I've been refreshing the page every five-ten minutes if I was in the middle of a conversation here...Thank you, if it pleases you, I shall offer my sacrifice of Savage to you...

[QUOTE="Archangel Galdrael]It's not as annoying as people warping the story with acts of pure nonsense, like teleporting to Stark tower, ready for battle,whilst knowing NOTHING of the situation because they can't be bothered to read.

I also know the feeling *Puts on stereotypical nerd glasses* Especially when true fans like me have read every post since page one! *Puts away stereotypical nerd glasses* bbut yeah I know how you feel, hell I'm guilty of this as well with the whole Massacre thing

well she has magic out of combat reset button otherwise if we needed to account for real injuries and healing times most people would be out for awhile and unable to hero but yeah just run up punch her and keep doing that
LokiofSP said:
This...This post has changed my life...This entire time whenever I had my phone or laptop I've been refreshing the page every five-ten minutes if I was in the middle of a conversation here...Thank you, if it pleases you, I shall offer my sacrifice of Savage to you...
I also know the feeling *Puts on stereotypical nerd glasses* Especially when true fans like me have read every post since page one! *Puts away stereotypical nerd glasses* bbut yeah I know how you feel, hell I'm guilty of this as well with the whole Massacre thing
Barely, that was hardly a mistake. I'd equate that to Magneto crunching the wrong car. What's happening now, is the Beyonder warping the reality of the universe. It makes that much nonsense.
[QUOTE="Archangel Galdrael]Barely, that was hardly a mistake. I'd equate that to Magneto crunching the wrong car. What's happening now, is the Beyonder warping the reality of the universe. It makes that much nonsense.

Eh I'd give it a chance, it could get interesting, we have one event winding down(Which if I may say went amazingly and really layed allot of ground work for future adventures in my opinion) and now he have another one to keep it going
@subject 635

I'm pretty sure I replied earlier

@Archangel Galdrael @subject 635

Ok so from your last post you're saying that Kionu (might've butchered that) isn't there correct? If she;s not in Stark Tower then I'll continue with where we left off that cool trying not to cause conflict here since it's my bad that there's confusion now
LokiofSP said:
Eh I'd give it a chance, it could get interesting, we have one event winding down(Which if I may say went amazingly and really layed allot of ground work for future adventures in my opinion) and now he have another one to keep it going
[QUOTE="The Regal Rper]@subject 635
I'm pretty sure I replied earlier

@Archangel Galdrael @subject 635

Ok so from your last post you're saying that Kionu (might've butchered that) isn't there correct? If she;s not in Stark Tower then I'll continue with where we left off that cool trying not to cause conflict here since it's my bad that there's confusion now

[QUOTE="subject 635]Ok that's cool
I just wanted to rp that's all

It isn't my call to make it's Sitanomoto's, but I'm still throwing my opinion out there, if Subject wants to continue, I can't stop her, but everything about the scene is annoying me right now since it's taking the plot and throwing it under a big bus of nonsense.


[QUOTE="subject 635]Ok that's cool
I just wanted to rp that's all

There are a bunch of people outside Stark tower to RPwith.
[QUOTE="subject 635]Ok that's cool
I just wanted to rp that's all

You actually left the area where there are MOST people, the Sanctum, technically you would be back there.

This is more annoying since I didn't want to post anymore, and wait for the others, we've filled 20 pages in one night, 10 of which are probably OOC.
[QUOTE="subject 635]Ok that's cool
I just wanted to rp that's all

It's fine, just don't teleport from place to place at random intervals, Archangle gets away with it cuz he has like 50,00 characters... Also if you want to RP, just hold on, if this is anything like the last fight, we may have a time skip soon, and if that happens, there may or may not be a major event happening to Ivory that may or may not bring him closer to Kiounu, that is IF Sitanmoto approves of it
[QUOTE="Archangel Galdrael]Actually, I technically have 6 characters.




You're right, I'm sorry for mistaking your character count...

It's more like 1,000,000 at this point

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