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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

xD Lol you can just yell at them for leaving without anyone knowing. Be like a concern team mate like "WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU BOTH?!" or "Seriously guys?! We have to fight thanos and you both are off acting like a bunch of children?!" xD I honestly think it would be funny
Alright I'm gonna have to stop you there. I'll believe they traveled to different galaxies, but the universe it's infinite and I'll not believe they traveled to a different universe with that much ease
Is this robot the gundam-like robot..?

Cause Gundam Vs Transformers is an amusing thought.

I'm more of a nerd with Gundam and Transformers than Marvel and DC...
Gundam?! Bitch this ain't no weak ass Gundam! This is the ultimate Mecha creation made by Tech...as influenced by one of the manliest animes ever made!
LucianGrey7971 said:
Gundam?! Bitch this ain't no weak ass Gundam! This is the ultimate Mecha creation made by Tech...as influenced by one of the manliest animes ever made!
You ever been smacked with a galaxy? It'll happen to you if you think you can match with. Driving the Gurren Laggan all about my savagery
That baby came quick.

I mean technically nine months hasn't even passed since Marko and Victoria met.

Someone's got some 'splaining to do.

Time to play 'Who's actually dat babies daddy?'
Lol I didn't think that the baby already came but there are things you don't need to know Connor. Maybe they did meet for nine months? You dunno.

And no everybody Marko isn't back. I just wanted to rustle some jimmies
National said:
but there are things you don't need to know Connor.
See now that you done gone and said that. I need to know. (>u>)

Is it a secret conspiracy that Marko and Victoria knew each other before they met the Avengers and only pretended not to?


Is little Marko going to try and take over the world?
I need to ask the things because...well I just do.

Is this base single building? Skyscraper? Multiple buildings?

Is it located in the city, countryside, remote island? :v
Stark Tower boom.

The Boss dead.

Mission to go after Skull Face.

Parachuting out of ship.

Infiltrating base.

Covered? xD
Crono said:
Connor didn't have time to ask who the hell Helena was before he heard the crashing, watched as time slowed and the living corpses fell from above. There was little time to dodge, and in doing so he found himself slamming into the wall. Before he could even fight back Kelai had ripped the shield from his grasp, "Hey!" He called out, turning his back on Kelai as he went through series of kicks and hits to the dead on his side, annoyingly enough they weren't too bothered as they'd just get right back up.
There was an oof followed by the returning of his shield and he couldn't stifle the laugh, "Yeah, I think I will. Next time you...no, how about we not have a next time." The good thing was he didn't have to try and be gentle when he bashed his shield against their heads, they we're already dead so there was no point in holding back. "I hope your good on your feet!" Connor yelled out over his shoulder as he crouched down and placed both hands on the ground. Ice started spreading and cracking along the floor up and down the hallway, it was less about concentrating and more about just letting go, so he realized. It wasn't exactly like he'd had time to try and figure it all out before this messy business started. "Let's go!" He told Kelai and made a running effort before jumping onto his shield, using it as a sled of sorts and bowled through most of the corpses left standing
It's a good thing I've done this before, even if it didn't end well the first time. No the first time he'd ended up on his ass with an avalanche chasing after him. As long as he didn't fly out a window, this he could do.
Crono said:
There was an oof followed by the returning of his shield and he couldn't stifle the laugh, "Yeah, I think I will. Next time you...no, how about we not have a next time." The good thing was he didn't have to try and be gentle when he bashed his shield against their heads, they we're already dead so there was no point in holding back. "I hope your good on your feet!" Connor yelled out over his shoulder as he crouched down and placed both hands on the ground. Ice started spreading and cracking along the floor up and down the hallway, it was less about concentrating and more about just letting go, so he realized. It wasn't exactly like he'd had time to try and figure it all out before this messy business started. "Let's go!" He told Kelai and made a running effort before jumping onto his shield, using it as a sled of sorts and bowled through most of the corpses left standing It's a good thing I've done this before, even if it didn't end well the first time. No the first time he'd ended up on his ass with an avalanche chasing after him. As long as he didn't fly out a window, this he could do.
Crono said:
, it was less about concentrating and more about just letting go, so he realized.
Crono said:
, more about just letting go
Crono said:
, letting go
Crono said:
, let it go


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