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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Name:Kai Miyata



Hero Name:HailStorm



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/upload_2015-5-30_8-41-1.jpeg.464a308a08f7c1a382e75d7f0b8a588e.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="54466" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/upload_2015-5-30_8-41-1.jpeg.464a308a08f7c1a382e75d7f0b8a588e.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality:Kai is really bright and active you will rarely see him angry he is always smiling and can be really annoying sometimes,Kai is really witty and likes to joke about everything but some of his jokes can be really offensive To some people,Kai really hates getting embarrassed and loves to hang around with his friends.

Powers:Water and Ice manipulation,Kai can control any kind of liquid and has absolute control over any kind of Ice

Weapons:A gun with one bullet Kai doesnt use it because Kai's dad shot Kai's mom with the gun and now it has one bullet and Kai keeps it as a memory of his mothers death

Weakness:Fire and anything that is Hot Will melt of he comes in contact with anything that is hot he will melt and cannot do anything

Favourite Passtimes:Playing with his powers,Socializing with people,Playing video games

Favourite songs:Every single pop song in the world



  • upload_2015-5-30_8-41-1.jpeg
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Name: Cody Drew

Age: 15 1/2

Gender: Male

Hero Name: Recast

Child Of: Jessica Drew (Spider Woman)

Sexuality: Straight




Personality: A bit stubborn but uses his tactics to figure out what he will do. He won't submit to people he doesn't fully trust or respect.

Powers: Webs, Uses his sharpened mind to come up with tactics to help him. Some advanced strength and a tiny bit of speed.

Weapons: Web Shooters, Fists, Mind

Weaknesses: He has trust issues and tends to be a bit distractable. He is also bad when it comes to supersonic noises.

Favorite Passtimes: Video Games, Reading, Training

Favorite Song: Like it Loud by Cash Cash

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Meh I doubt they have to be direct were taking ones with no super parent so to me that would be reasonable
FruitNinja said:

First Name: Kallisto

Last Name: Unknown

Age: 17

Height: 4'11

Weight: 112 lb.

Gender: Female

Hero Name: Kallisto (TBD)

Child Of: Enchantress (She is unknowing of this, though) and Unkown Father

Sexuality: Heterosexual



View attachment 124879

Clothes (No Costume):

View attachment 124889

Facial Features:

View attachment 124895


Kallisto is very laid back and doesn't really take things too seriously. She loves having friends and cares for them with all her heart, and wouldn't ever dare do anything to hurt them. She is also very curious and doesn't mind cracking a joke every once in a while. She loves to smile and loves making others smile even more. If she ever snaps at anyone, it is usually for a good reason. Kallisto doesn't like the idea of teenage girl drama, but is very dramatic herself; though not usually to others. If anyone is ever feeling down, she is more than welcome to go over and help them cheer up. She stands true to what she believes in and doesn't mind doing something randomly different every once in a while.


Energy Blasts

Protective Shields




Inter-dimensional Travel



Mind Control

Active Powers:

Energy Blasts

Protective Shields



Additional Active Powers On A Very Good Day:

Mind Control

Inactive Powers (Only affective in Asgard):



Inter-dimensional Travel

Time Disruption


View attachment 124896

(Yes, that is a Batman pocketknife)


Her Friends


Doesn't Look Behind (In battle)

Very Clumsy

Easily Tricked

Can't Swim

Favorite Passtimes:



Video Games


Video Games

Reading RDJ Comics



Techy Stuff

Favorite Song:


That pocket knife.... I want it.
It was SO cool when the guy behind the booth showed me and my friend how it worked. Well it's kind of like any knife but STILL it was cool it watch the blade flip around, plus my friend bought a cool batarang from them

I would've let you have her anyway. She is a valid Avengers character, after all.


Pyosimros said:
It was SO cool when the guy behind the booth showed me and my friend how it worked. Well it's kind of like any knife but STILL it was cool it watch the blade flip around, plus my friend bought a cool batarang from them


Name: Kyuma Igniel

Age: 18(Thanks to a deal with the devil, however, he doesn't really age anymore...)

Gender: Male

Hero Name: Checkmate (Or Igniel, he's still deciding...)

Sexuality: Straight

Personality: Kyuma is kind, courageous, and unwaveringly determined of wanting to protect those who are important to him, putting his life on the line for them without hesitation.

Active Powers:

Enhanced Strength

Enhanced Stamina

Enhanced Durability

Demonic Energy Manipulation(Basic)

Promotion System


Mimicking the pieces of chess, Kyuma can manifest the properties of said pieces for various strengths and weaknesses.

The Rook has massive strength and defensive capabilities, but low mobility, making it susceptible to high speed opponents.

The Knight has great speed, but a low defense.

The Bishop has great magical capabilities, but lacks the power to face a strong foe head on once their power is depleted.

The Queen possesses the traits of the Bishop, Knight, and Rook, making it the most balanced and powerful of the pieces.

Kyuma's basic class is that of the pawn, which has no inherent strengths or weaknesses.

Inactive Powers(Will develop with the character)


None...at the moment...

Weaknesses: In battle, Kyuma is sometimes very stubborn, and due to his emotions, he often charges ahead towards his enemies without a second thought whenever his comrades are insulted, treated badly, or easily defeated. Weapons and Magics that are effective against demonkind are also effective against him.

Favorite Passtimes:

Anything involving girls...attractive girls.

Favorite Song:


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Name: Ivory Daili

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Hero Name: Savage

Child Of: Luara Kinney and Ben Reilly

Sexuality: Polyamourus


Regular(When Not enraged)


When enraged




Personality: He's very fragile, being that he's bonded with a symbiote that has multiple animals and insects consciousness all inside his mind, besides that he's very passionate about what he believes and can't stand to see injustice. It's very easy to make him hysterical and hates to be confined, he is also very shy around girls in general as he was kept in a lab since he was 10 until about 3 months ago, so the "liking girls" stage is something he only very recently has had to deal with

Powers: He has the powers of the typical symbiote along with the added ability of being able to draw upon a certain creature's instincts, abilities or physical features by allowing the symbiote to morph itself a bit. When he calls upon these things from the creatures though that creature's consciousness awakens and he has to share space with it until he stops using that ability, the more he uses at once, the less human he becomes, he can eventually enter a beast mode(seen above) if he uses to many at once, where he simply acts on animalistic instincts.

Weapons: Only what creature he calls upon has along with what a symboite can typically do

Weaknesses: Fire, Sound and having too many voices in his head at once, due to his fragile psyche he's also very easily tricked.

Favorite Passtimes: Talking, (usually to his symbiote) playing video games, swinging around the city and eating

Favorite Song: [media]

(Hey everyone, just found some stuff that better suited my original vision for Ivory, so I thought instead of an update I'd just edit it. Nothing big) RDJ
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Karcen said:
i have to ask what is with all the symbiotes
Well first off, I'm kind of tired so sorry if I said it to many times (I'll fix it when I wake up tomorrow) and second, I couldn't think of what else to call it
not your fault not saying anything about the character i am more wondering why they are popular we have massacre hybrid ( i count him as 4) and now your guy
Karcen said:
not your fault not saying anything about the character i am more wondering why they are popular we have massacre hybrid ( i count him as 4) and now your guy
Oh, well maybe because they're just such an interesting concept, there's so much you can do with them if you do them right, I have other characters I could use, they're just not as developed.
LokiofSP said:
Name: Ivory Daili
Age: 17

Gender: Male

Hero Name: Savage

Child Of: (optional if parent is not Cannon)

Sexuality: Polygamous

Appearance(pic please!): (Hero and/or casual)

Regular(When Not enraged)

When enraged

This is really the closest I could find to what he looks like


Basically this, minus the headband and sword and with blonde hair

Personality: He's very fragile, being that he's bonded with a symbiote that has multiple animals and insects consciousness all inside his mind, besides that he's very passionate about what he believes and can't stand to see injustice. It's very easy to make him hysterical and hates to be confined, he is also very shy around girls in general as he was kept in a lab since he was 10 until about 3 months ago, so the "liking girls" stage is something he only very recently has had to deal with

Powers: He has the powers of the typical symbiote along with the added ability of being able to draw upon a certain creature's instincts, abilities or physical features by allowing the symbiote to morph itself a bit. When he calls upon these things from the creatures though that creature's consciousness awakens and he has to share space with it until he stops using that ability, the more he uses at once, the less human he becomes, he can eventually enter a beast mode(seen above) if he uses to many at once, where he simply acts on animalistic instincts.

Weapons: Only what creature he calls upon has along with what a symboite can typically do

Weaknesses: Fire, Sound and having too many voices in his head at once, due to his fragile psyche he's also very easily tricked.

Favorite Passtimes: Talking, (usually to his symbiote) playing video games, swinging around the city and eating

Favorite Song: Monster Inside (by NateWantsToBattle)

(Thought I had to put it in MY personal profile, sorry) RDJ
Both look good.


LokiofSP said:
Name: Ivory Daili
Age: 17

Gender: Male

Hero Name: Savage

Child Of: (optional if parent is not Cannon)

Sexuality: Polygamous

Appearance(pic please!): (Hero and/or casual)

Regular(When Not enraged)

When enraged

This is really the closest I could find to what he looks like


Basically this, minus the headband and sword and with blonde hair

Personality: He's very fragile, being that he's bonded with a symbiote that has multiple animals and insects consciousness all inside his mind, besides that he's very passionate about what he believes and can't stand to see injustice. It's very easy to make him hysterical and hates to be confined, he is also very shy around girls in general as he was kept in a lab since he was 10 until about 3 months ago, so the "liking girls" stage is something he only very recently has had to deal with

Powers: He has the powers of the typical symbiote along with the added ability of being able to draw upon a certain creature's instincts, abilities or physical features by allowing the symbiote to morph itself a bit. When he calls upon these things from the creatures though that creature's consciousness awakens and he has to share space with it until he stops using that ability, the more he uses at once, the less human he becomes, he can eventually enter a beast mode(seen above) if he uses to many at once, where he simply acts on animalistic instincts.

Weapons: Only what creature he calls upon has along with what a symboite can typically do

Weaknesses: Fire, Sound and having too many voices in his head at once, due to his fragile psyche he's also very easily tricked.

Favorite Passtimes: Talking, (usually to his symbiote) playing video games, swinging around the city and eating

Favorite Song: Monster Inside (by NateWantsToBattle)

(Thought I had to put it in MY personal profile, sorry) RDJ
Did you draw the first two yourself?


And personally, I like Checkmate.

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