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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Name: Finn Banner

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Hero Name: He calls himself Smasher

Child Of: Bruce Banner (Heck yeah, the Hulk xD )

Sexuality: Pansexual

Appearance(pic please!):



Personality: Like his father he's a fairly soft spoken guy, preferring to be a follower and a listener than a leader. Because of this he's good at following commands with little to no resistance unless it's a really bad idea. Ironically he's more of a peace keeper, preferring to find other methods to fix problems rather than simply changing and smashing things. He's a responsible person taking his duties seriously but he takes it too seriously sometimes and can have a bad sense of humor. He's quick to anger but he does have methods to calm down. When he changes however he's more impulsive. He'll still listen to orders but rather than follow them exactly he may do things his own way as he doesn't quite have the best control over Smasher. Under certain circumstances he can't control Smasher at all.

Powers: Like his father he can change into another form when his emotions run rampant or by choice. In his normal form he has no powers but in his other form he has super strength, stamina, thick almost armored skin, and a high jumping ability. Basically the same as the Hulk.

Weapons: He doesn't use weapons. If things get bad enough where he has to fight then he'll change.

Weaknesses: Himself is the biggest one as he doesn't like his Smasher form very much. Manipulation because, no offense, but his Smasher form isn't very smart unless he changed on purpose. Small and fast opponents, while Smasher can really move and make a huge destruction of things, he's fairly large and 'clunky' so to speak and an agile opponent can get more strikes on him.

Favorite Passtimes: Sleeping, watching tv, listening to music, learning new things.

Favorite Song: The Phoenix - Fall Out Boy

Other: RDJ (Robert Downey Jr for the win!) Haha sorry it's so long, I kept thinking of things I should add xD
CasualDragon said:
Name: Finn Banner
Age: 17

Gender: Male

Hero Name: He calls himself Smasher

Child Of: Bruce Banner (Heck yeah, the Hulk xD )

Sexuality: Pansexual

Appearance(pic please!):



Personality: Like his father he's a fairly soft spoken guy, preferring to be a follower and a listener than a leader. Because of this he's good at following commands with little to no resistance unless it's a really bad idea. Ironically he's more of a peace keeper, preferring to find other methods to fix problems rather than simply changing and smashing things. He's a responsible person taking his duties seriously but he takes it too seriously sometimes and can have a bad sense of humor. He's quick to anger but he does have methods to calm down. When he changes however he's more impulsive. He'll still listen to orders but rather than follow them exactly he may do things his own way as he doesn't quite have the best control over Smasher. Under certain circumstances he can't control Smasher at all.

Powers: Like his father he can change into another form when his emotions run rampant or by choice. In his normal form he has no powers but in his other form he has super strength, stamina, thick almost armored skin, and a high jumping ability. Basically the same as the Hulk.

Weapons: He doesn't use weapons. If things get bad enough where he has to fight then he'll change.

Weaknesses: Himself is the biggest one as he doesn't like his Smasher form very much. Manipulation because, no offense, but his Smasher form isn't very smart unless he changed on purpose. Small and fast opponents, while Smasher can really move and make a huge destruction of things, he's fairly large and 'clunky' so to speak and an agile opponent can get more strikes on him.

Favorite Passtimes: Sleeping, watching tv, listening to music, learning new things.

Favorite Song: The Phoenix - Fall Out Boy

Other: RDJ (Robert Downey Jr for the win!) Haha sorry it's so long, I kept thinking of things I should add xD

Oh. Yes.

Name: Scotty Pym

Alias (if applicable): Mega-bee

Age: 18

Height: 6'1" Suit height: 7'2"

Gender: Male

Personality: He is a kind and friendly guy and is very humble when it comes to being a hero people consider him being smart and athletic. He is also considered a tough guy picking fights that he knows he will lose but wouldn't pick a fight for no good reason most likely seeing injustice will tick him off.

Child of: Ant-Man and Wasp

Powers (if applicable): Has the strength of a man of his age, height, and build who engages in intensive regular exercise. When he grows to 30 feet tall Pym can lift about 10 to 15 tons which is his max growth that his suit adapts to but he estimates that he could grow to 100 ft and lift 80 to 85 tons and when he shrinks he is regular strength. He can also shrink other things but in his opinion it's a bit more difficult.

Skills: He has great expertise in the field of robotics, artificial intelligence and sub-atomic physics. He is highly skilled in judo and karate.

Equipment (if applicable): a cybernetic helmet that allowed for communication between him and insects, such as ants. It contained three basic components, a receiver, a decoder and a transmitter. His suit is modified to contain hydraulic boots that could launch him short or long distances and allow him to land successfully or just fly. he wears gloves called "stingers" the could emit bolts of electricity, produce wind that forms powerful gust of wind that can create tornadoes and vacuums. Outside of his suit his equipment consists of a pair of goggles and gloves. His eye's, acting as an enhancement visor, are used to detect and record information from the environment whilst providing visual displays for the user. His hands allows the user to physically interact with the googles interface and the environment; this allows Scotty to stream information via sensors in the gloves, allowing research on things such as blood type, shoe-size and identifying scents in the air. It also seems that all gathered information is installed directly into goggles internal memory which can be reviewed at any place or time. Indoors allows Scotty to search through case files, examine evidence, and apply data to a geographic map. The googles can even be used recreational such as for virtual reality games, such as a holographic version of handball, among others. Last but not least his mobile phone,It allows him to blend in with normal people and communicate with people, use the internet, take picture, etc.

Weakness: He is still human and can die from what ever every other human may die from, this is even more a weakness due to his nature of involving himself into dangerous situations.

Favorite pass time: Working in a lab/workshop, doing heroes work in his community, R&R

Favorite song: (I don't know)

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Name: Cyrus N. Quinton

Age: 18

Gender: male

Hero Name: Living Liquid

Child Of: N/A

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance(pic please!): Casual:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/anime.jpg.63e120706a0ef586fb35823534ea5d27.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="53639" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/anime.jpg.63e120706a0ef586fb35823534ea5d27.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Hero: No definite form but uses bases from Iron man's original suits (He grew up wanting to meet him in person) such as this:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/Mech.jpg.777d8c7eaae46ed5e9fdc9ec505c499a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="53638" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/Mech.jpg.777d8c7eaae46ed5e9fdc9ec505c499a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: extremely scientific and distant. But very kind and loves making jokes once he gets used to you. Also a bit of a klutz.

Powers: His entire body is actually a liquid that can shape shift, change properties, and absorb other particles to add to his total mass or as a storage space for some of his inventions.

Weapons: his liquid body, and a few guns and inventions or whatever else that he has stored inside of him. These weapons are typically sniper rifles and pistols.

Weaknesses: it's extremely difficult to reattach himself when his liquid from has been split into so many smaller pieces. A nuclear stasis field will keep him from shape shifting.

Favorite Pastimes: Sleeping, inventing new weapons, reading, playing video games, listening to music, playing piano, swimming.

Favorite Song: The beginning by One Ok Rock.





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Name: Stephaney Strange ( steph nickname)

Age: 17

Gender: female

Hero Name: none uses her own name

Child Of: Steven strange and Clea

Sexuality: pansexual

Appearance(pic please!):

Personality: Steph is rather laid back despite her very serious father and her complex family life, still she is serious about what she must due she just feels you don’t need to be grim about it, jokes help. She is actually not very good and easily confused by modern technology. Being completely schooled by Mr Wong she has little contact with those of her age as learning normal studies and the mystic arts has left little time for parties rendering her a bit awkward.

Powers: Magic just lots of magic and magical artifacts

Weapons: various artifacts from the sanctum

Weaknesses: no stronger or more durable than a normal human, need to be able to speak and or gesture to cast spells.

Favorite Passtimes: Reading ancient dusty mystic tomes

Favorite Song: dance magic dance

almost forgot RDJ
Name: Jin Misuagi RDJ!!

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Hero Name: Wind of Rebellion (A name given to him by the public)

Child Of: N/A (not a canon hero...at least I don't think...)



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/imgres.jpg.dcb5c5c98f5079778e6a619a9195630c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="53663" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/imgres.jpg.dcb5c5c98f5079778e6a619a9195630c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/Jyun_SAO.jpg.9940527c764bff561ebf9dc679dab974.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="53667" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/Jyun_SAO.jpg.9940527c764bff561ebf9dc679dab974.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Jin (while in civilian mode) is very talkative and chats away with all of his friends. He'll play and have fun because that's who he really is. However, Jin's personality does a full 180 when he becomes Wind of Rebellion. He is purely silent, precise, and deadly. He doesn't take "No" for a answer and will find a way to make a person talk.

Powers: Jin has basic aerokinesis (the manipulation of wind) and is able to use this to his advantage in order to protect himself or use strong winds to send his opponents flying. He can also levitate for a very short period of time, but needs to use a certain tool in order to move vertically or horizontally (See weaknesses).

Weapons: Jin's weapons of choice are metal tessen fans that he can use for close range combat <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/imgres.jpg.cb8bda799f908c305173fcfc555bbdcc.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="53672" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/imgres.jpg.cb8bda799f908c305173fcfc555bbdcc.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Weaknesses: Jin needs his fans in order to preform most of his aerokinesis abilities. The fans themselves aren't bladed but are blunt (only meant to strike but not cut), so he can't kill anyone with his fans.

Favorite Passtimes: Jin loves his cooking skills and is usually running around with a apron on and a bit of flour on his face.

Favorite Song: N/A Jin doesn't really listen to music



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Name: Dimitri maximoff

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Hero Name: silver streak

Child Of: quicksilver and Margaret maximoff

Sexuality: asexual

Appearance(pic please!):

Personality: Short tempered and quick witted

Powers: super speed, endurance, resistance to friction, and reaction time

Weapons: none

Weaknesses: his body is slightly faster than his mind, so it's easy for him to trip or run into something

Favorite Passtimes: listening to music and playing video games

Favorite Song: Derezzed by daft punk
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Read the rules first, @Reaper.

On another but similar note,

Guys, would it be alright if we had another child of Loki, like one that was true to Norse Mythology? I have a specific RP'er who wants to be Fenrir or Jörmungandr.

@Deadkool I'm asking you specifically. Would you be willing to share the position of Loki's Child?
sitanomoto said:
Read the rules first, @Reaper.
On another but similar note,

Guys, would it be alright if we had another child of Loki, like one that was true to Norse Mythology? I have a specific RP'er who wants to be Fenrir or Jörmungandr.

@Deadkool I'm asking you specifically. Would you be willing to share the position of Loki's Child?
Done! My bad
Name: Ultron 2

Age: (15-18) Was activated two years ago

Gender: male

Hero Name:none

Child Of: (optional if parent is not Cannon) Created by the original Ultron.

Sexuality: none

Appearance(pic please!): (Hero and/or casual)

(Any form is fine)

Personality: Logical, despises all organic life, views mercy and morality as a weakness, occasionally has an outburst of anger .

Powers: Extreme strength and durability, able to redesign his form, highly intelligent, flight, able to repair himself.

Weapons: Concussion blasters on both hands, Radiation Emitters,

Encephalo-beam: Located in the head cavity, the encephalo ray plunges its victims into a deathlike coma. It also allows Ultron to mesmerize and outright control his victims, or implant subliminal hypnotic commands within their minds to be enacted at a later time

Weaknesses:molecular rearrangement devices and Vibranium.

Favorite Passtimes: none

Favorite Song:none
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Name: Fenrir Lokison (Fhen-rear Low-key-sawn) Robert Downey Junior!

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Hero Name: His own name.

Child Of: Loki Laufeyson and Amora

Sexuality: Homosexual

Appearance(pic please!):

Personality: Fenrir appears externally passive, childish and generally not a threat. This is an act of his, scratch the surface and you find a malevolent, violent, sadistic and cruel psychopath who is hard-wired to locate other people's weaknesses. He would not understand why a child falling over and hurting itself wouldn't be funny, he lacks empathy. He considers human life to be worthless and that killing them is a fun hunting game, a sport to be enjoyed. He enjoys torturing his victims and only kills when necessary, he prefers to incapacitate via limb dismemberment. Despite his apparent sociopathic nature, he cares for Arner deeply and loves him.

Powers: Fenrir has a very large cerebral cortex, which allows him a form of telekinesis, it creates arms made out of raw psychic energy, they pass through most materials, although there are exceptions such as Captain America's shield and similar alloys. He controls 20 of these arms, and they have a reach of 5 meters. They are usually visible, they cause a slight distortion in the air, like optical camoflague, you can see their outline. He can use them to block bullets.

Weapons: His telekinetic arms, as well as whatever weapons he picks up from the people he kills.

Weaknesses: He has haemophilia, so if he is shot he will bleed a lot. He cannot block bullets bigger than 9mm.

Favorite Passtimes: Reading, spending time with Arner.

Favorite Song: 2 Minutes to Midnight - Iron Maiden.
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[QUOTE="Dj Sears]It won't let me c&p the thing to fill out. :(

Click reply and delete all the other stuff
Dj Sears]It won't let me c&p the thing to fill out. :( [/QUOTE] :( [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/16060-reaper/ said:
@Reaper[/URL] is right. That's what I do when I'm on my iPad
Name: Nevaeh Marie Romanov

Age: (15-18) 17

Gender: female

Hero Name: the widow

Child Of: (optional if parent is not Cannon) black widow

Sexuality: bisexual

Appearance(pic please!): (Hero and/or casual)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.5213c46334537c0d4ac797e780a63d34.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="53927" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.5213c46334537c0d4ac797e780a63d34.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Human form

(Any form is fine)

Personality: pleasant but easily angered like her father and mother

Powers: personal training like her mother, strength

Weapons: guns, knifes

Weaknesses: parents,

Favorite Pass times: hanging with her friends and family

Favorite Song:



[/media]<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.e3699cfa080a3457fd9431b174dbd9df.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="53928" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.e3699cfa080a3457fd9431b174dbd9df.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Rosaline

Age: Unknown, but appears to be about 16

Gender: Female

Hero Name: Phoenix

Child Of: N/A

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance(pic please!): (Hero and/or casual)



Personality: Rosaline appears as a stoic, calm, and passive individual at first glance with little seeming to bother her. She has the aura of a woman who has lived countless lives and knows it. Dig beneath the surface however, and one can see she can also be ambivalent to the point of apathy. She has extremely neutral viewpoints of life and death and doesn’t care what happens to her, traits which have resulted with her discovery that she basically cannot truly die no matter what she does. She will often act with little self-preservation and won’t hesitate to carry out orders when directed.

However, that isn’t to say she’s completely heartless. Rosaline will help others when needed and is loyal to those who she interacts with during her various lives. At her core, she is kindhearted, silly, and brave, but because of all that she’s been through she has forgotten who she truly is.


Reincarnation: Pretty self-explanatory. While her body isn’t indestruible, her soul is in the sense that it never seems to pass on and allows her to return after a certain period of time. Whether her soul takes over someone’s body or her powers just create her a new one, Rose always comes back in some form. She wont always look the same, but the powers she possesses never change.

Wing Manifestation: Rose can grow angel like wings and can fly for a time

Fire Manipulation: This ability allows Rose to bend fire to her will, whether it be to create a force field of some kind, create a tornado, or fire fireballs at someone.

Astral Possession: For a period of time, Rose can leave her body and possess someone. For how long depends on numerous factors, including the will of the victim and how strong Rose’s concentration is. If her body is killed, she loses this ability.

Enhanced Strength

Weapons: None

Weaknesses: Water, lack of oxygen, being utterly defenseless in her normal form, and limited stamina. Whenever she comes back from death, Rose is very disoriented, vulnerable and easily able to be taken advantage of, and doesn’t remember much of what happened beforehand. She also has a ravenous appetite.

Favorite Pastimes: Listening to music, reading, and eating

Favorite Song: N/A

EDIT: Gosh darn it. RDJ
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sitanomoto said:
Bruce Banner's child is taken...
I'll accept Natasha Romanov, but we already have a Hulk-child.

His name is smasher.

The lists of who are open are in the "overview" tab.
I fixed it

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