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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

[QUOTE="Raven Slender]Name: Raven
Age: 16

Gender: female

Hero Name: The Raven

Child Of: N/A (is a runaway lab experiment)

Sexuality: straight

Appearance: View attachment 124060raven and her hero costume View attachment 124061 her hero costume mask View attachment 124063 what she wears not on duty

Personality: kind and caring with a bit of trust issues get on her bad side and your done for

Powers: teliportation(can also teleport things), healing(can heal others as well), shape shifting (she also has black wings with red at the bottom of them)

Weapons: twin swords that are tattoos on her wrists when not in use and a black very light weight battle ax with a red jem in the center

Weaknesses: boys, and a strange metal not found on earth

Favorite Pass times: reading, drawing, writing, and singing

Favorite Song: F.E.A.R by papa roach


Yes, you are accepted


[QUOTE="Archangel Galdrael]Don't worry, he won't be causing any trouble just yet. First he needs to munch on some humans xD

I wanna join so which hero parents are taken? And Wild Born, in your Thor child character it's funny how Jane Foster is now the new Thor xD
Name: Lisa Sharpe UPDATE

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Hero Name: Villain: Hypnas

Child Of: N/A

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance(pic please!):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.305a9b8639bda5a327b728e10bd99a24.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="54280" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.305a9b8639bda5a327b728e10bd99a24.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Hypnas has gotten softer since meeting Dimitri. She's caring now, at least, she's starting to be. She's still flirtatious, but more in a good way than in a seductive way.


Sleep-Inducement: if eye contact is made and she wants to take care of them easily, the victim falls asleep for 20 minutes to five hours, depending on how long she wants them out. (Z_Z)(Z_Z)(Z_Z)

Nightmares: again, if eye contact is made, she can make her victim see their worst fears, causing them to collapse and talk in their sleep. Crying is also a side effect if the nightmare is bad enough. The time varies depending on the person, but the minimum is eight minutes, maximum an hour and a half.

Willpower: she can use her mind to overcome most physical defects, like holding her breath for at least thirty minutes.

Telepathy: she can read minds.

Weapons: two guns and awesome martial arts skills.

Weaknesses: using her powers too much tires her out (and she usually only makes the person fall asleep for an hour or two, anything higher than that makes her weak-kneed), and she is still only human, so she can still be injured like a normal person. She also is extremely afraid of spiders.

Favorite Passtimes: Shooting practice, killing people, torturing them, meditating.

Favorite Song: "Bad" by Michael Jackson (RIP)



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Name: Perry Parker

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Hero Name: Spider-Man

Child Of: Peter Parker and Cindy Moon

Sexuality: Heterosexual




Personality: Like both of his parents. There’s always a time to have fun and just joke around, even in battle. He’s usually trying to boost team morale during tough times and he’ll do what he can to help others. Like his father, he keeps his secret identity unknown to the public (forget Civil War) though he isn’t as cautious as Peter was and he will gladly tell anyone in the Avengers who he is. He’s usually an easygoing person and never takes arguments seriously, unless he’s the guy who’s trying to stop them. Like his mother however, he tends to be more cruel in battle then his father who, almost never seriously injures someone. Instead he’ll use sharp melee weapons crafting by webbing to assist him in taking down enemies. Though this is only a last resort as a request from his father.

Powers: Alright this is a long list, it’s pretty much both of their powers (pretty much the same) mushed together. So, he has enhanced strength, agility, speed reflexes, stamina, endurance, being able to cling onto most surfaces, healing factor, organic webbing (from mom), spider-sense and yah that’s it. Also a little know fact, though Peter's stronger then Silk, Silk is three times faster and she's able to run and dodge in short speeds comparable to eh... A jet? She also has a more advanced spider-sense, which activates much before the threat actually happens. Which Perry inherited. He also has the ability to track down everyone with spider related powers, which was from his mom.

Weapons: Learning this from his mother, he uses webs to form weapons.

  • Glider Device: It could glide via mesh webbing on its arms. This allows for controlled gliding. Near invisible gossamer filaments extend for 20 meters- rapid growth and detachment.
  • Enhanced Chestpiece: A foamed titanium nitrile fabric chestpiece has body contoured and articulated panels to support the occupant. The chestpiece contains the highest concentration of Kasimir Plate Batteries-- nano-scale power generating devices that exploit "zero point" energy. Can generate 1.2kWatts at peak demand.
  • Mask Filter: A self-cleaning electrostatic precipitation system allows for full Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Filtration. It also had an 8 minutes worth compressed air capacity, which helped in situations underwater.
  • Enhanced Lenses: The Headpiece contains large area holographic lensing to allow for long eye-relief and panoramic real-world/-time viewing. Includes several optical spectrum modes with synthesized information overlay.
  • Constituent Costume Containment: Part of the costume could detach itself to cover an object too dangerous to touch, such as a radioactive asteroid.
  • Multifunctional Layers: The suit has a total of 17 layers throughout its workings, with each performing a different, separate and important function.
  • Transpirable Teflon-Based Temperature Control: Controls the Internal Temperature of the Wearer.
  • Moisture Pump: Occupant Cooling.
  • Conductivity Control: Low Infrared Signature.
  • Sensor Layer: Able to transmit data from kinisthetic analysis of occupant.
  • Suit Tension Layer
  • Super-Conducting Plastic Opto-Electrical Hybrid Computer 4.2 Teraflop Speed CPU: This runs on a Parker Industries Operating System. Multi-decision making sub-routine strategy prevents tech attack. Suit is semi-autonomous when unoccupied. Passcode activated lockdown.
  • Repair Layer: Self-repair/limited mechanical repair. Also first aid with limited external first aid.
  • Musculature Motility Layer: Follows occupant's motion.
  • Communications: All band tranceiving GPS/Microwave including ELF.
  • Emission Control
  • Power Management
  • Impact Layer: National Institute of Justice Threat Level III Resistant. Heat-resistant Kevlar micro-fiber stops small arms fire.
  • Shear Detection: Enabled Spidey to see in the infrared and ultraviolet portions of the electromagnetic spectrum.
  • Antenna: Fractal design allows for simultaneous wavelength propagation. Allows for "speed of thought" suit control. Also allowed Spider-Man to listen to police, fire and/or emergency broadcasts.
  • Synthetic Aperture Camera Layer: Stores Cameras Optical to RADAR.
  • Omni-harmonic mesh: This layer provides cloaking and noise cancelling abilities.
  • Diamond Nitrile Overcoat: Epitaxially deposited in chain mesh form; Transparent to Spider Effect and allow for normal surface adhesion method (Wall Crawling.)
  • Secret Gun Compartment: Taking advantage of the belief that Perry relies on webshooters, he added a gun compartment onto his wrists to cripple or kill an enemy. Though killing would be used for a last resort.

  • Enhanced Chestpiece: A foamed titanium nitrile fabric chestpiece has body contoured and articulated panels to support the occupant. The chestpiece contains the highest concentration of Kasimir Plate Batteries-- nano-scale power generating devices that exploit "zero point" energy. Can generate 1.2kWatts at peak demand.
  • Mask Filter: A self-cleaning electrostatic precipitation system allows for full Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Filtration. It also had an 8 minutes worth compressed air capacity, which helped in situations underwater.
  • Enhanced Lenses: The Headpiece contains large area holographic lensing to allow for long eye-relief and panoramic real-world/-time viewing. Includes several optical spectrum modes with synthesized information overlay.
  • Multifunctional Layers: The suit has a total of 17 layers throughout its workings, with each performing a different, separate and important function.
  • Transpirable Teflon-Based Temperature Control: Controls the Internal Temperature of the Wearer.
  • Moisture Pump: Occupant Cooling.
  • Conductivity Control: Low Infrared Signature.
  • Sensor Layer: Able to transmit data from kinisthetic analysis of occupant.
  • Suit Tension Layer
  • Super-Conducting Plastic Opto-Electrical Hybrid Computer 4.2 Teraflop Speed CPU: This runs on a Parker Industries Operating System. Multi-decision making sub-routine strategy prevents tech attack. Suit is semi-autonomous when unoccupied. Passcode activated lockdown.
  • Musculature Motility Layer: Follows occupant's motion.
  • Communications: All band tranceiving GPS/Microwave including ELF.
  • Emission Control
  • Power Management
  • Impact Layer: National Institute of Justice Threat Level III Resistant. Heat-resistant Kevlar micro-fiber stops small arms fire. Though with extra layers, it could resist more damage.
  • Helmet: Contains an array of sensors and a heads-up display.
  • Neuro-Pulse Stinger: Hidden inside his belt, it is a retractable cable to be injected into enemies.
  • Spider-Solution: Used to dissolve his webs, they are hidden in a compartment on his left arm.
  • Secret Gun Compartment: Taking advantage of the belief that Perry relies on webshooters, he added a gun compartment onto his wrists to cripple or kill an enemy. Though killing would be used for a last resort. This is hidden on his right arm.
  • Catapult Propulsion Boots: As the name suggests, his boots have the ability to propel him. Great for gaining speed or dodging attacks.

  • Enhanced Chestpiece: A foamed titanium nitrile fabric chestpiece has body contoured and articulated panels to support the occupant. The chestpiece contains the highest concentration of Kasimir Plate Batteries-- nano-scale power generating devices that exploit "zero point" energy. Can generate 1.2kWatts at peak demand.
  • Mask Filter: A self-cleaning electrostatic precipitation system allows for full Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Filtration. It also had an 8 minutes worth compressed air capacity, which helped in situations underwater.
  • Enhanced Lenses: The Headpiece contains large area holographic lensing to allow for long eye-relief and panoramic real-world/-time viewing. Includes several optical spectrum modes with synthesized information overlay.
  • Transpirable Teflon-Based Temperature Control: Controls the Internal Temperature of the Wearer, no matter how hot it is outside it keeps a cool temperature inside.
  • Moisture Pump: Occupant Cooling.
  • Conductivity Control: Low Infrared Signature.
  • Sensor Layer: Able to transmit data from kinisthetic analysis of occupant.
  • Suit Tension Layer

  • Musculature Motility Layer: Much more improved then the other suits, it's capable of tracking down and automatically attacking people or defending against people who are nearly as fast as the Flash.
  • Communications: All band tranceiving GPS/Microwave including ELF.
  • Emission Control
  • Power Management
  • Helmet: Contains an array of sensors and a heads-up display.
  • Webshooters: You probably know what they are by now.
  • Spiderweb Solution: Used to dissolve his webs, they are hidden in a compartment on his left arm.
  • Suit Durability: Though it lacks in speed, it makes up for it in durability. It is able to survive punches from people such as the Hulk.
  • Plasma Shields: Able to deflect ranged attacks.
  • Enhanced Strength: Pretty obvious.
  • Gadgets: Pretty obvious.
  • Flight: This is pretty obvious, he's about the fly as fast as a jet.
  • Life Drain: Though this suit can withstand nearly any form of damage, it slowly drains his metabolism while he puts it on.

Weaknesses: There is no definitive weakness other then Spider-Sense dependance; and a very unknown weakness, the Parker luck. Which bestows the power of bad luck.

Favorite Passtimes: Hanging out with others, swinging around outside and playing videogames.

Favorite Song: He has many.
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Name: Jonathan 'Johnny' Rand

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Hero Name: The Iron Fist (III)

Child Of: Daniel Rand (Iron Fist)

Sexuality: Asexual

Appearance(pic please!):


Personality: Johnny is dutiful and mission-driven, he often gives philosophical insight into matters using metaphors. He has a strict code of honor and is very extroverted.

Powers: Johnny fought dozens of trials in the mystical city of Ku'un Lu'un and was granted the Iron Fist. His fists are strong as iron and Johnny punches with the power of 100 warriors by concentrating his chi.

Weapons: His fists; Johnny knows Istunka, Dambe, Toko, Wing Chun, Wen-Do, Thang-Ta, Jujitsu, Judo, Karate, Yusul, Boxing, Street Fighting, and Limalama. His body is trained rigorously, but even with his powers, Johnny still has to work hard to keep up with futuristic technology and super powers.

Weaknesses: Even with his powers, Johnny has a hard time keeping up with super-powered and futuristic villains. Also, his pacifistic nature will make him susceptible to morally grey areas and fighting a weakened or unarmed opponent.

Favorite Pastimes: Meditating

Favorite Song: He doesn't exactly own an IPod. Apple doesn't have a store set up in an ancient Nepalese City.​
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/upload_2015-5-28_20-12-49.jpeg.c2a9252c944e32038382dc007dbed968.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="54355" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/upload_2015-5-28_20-12-49.jpeg.c2a9252c944e32038382dc007dbed968.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


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Deadkool said:

Name: Jonathan 'Johnny' Rand

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Hero Name: The Iron Fist (III)

Child Of: Daniel Rand (Iron Fist)

Sexuality: Asexual

Appearance(pic please!):


Personality: Johnny is dutiful and mission-driven, he often gives philosophical insight into matters using metaphors. He has a strict code of honor and is very extroverted.

Powers: Johnny fought dozens of trials in the mystical city of Ku'un Lu'un and was granted the Iron Fist. His fists are strong as iron and Johnny punches with the power of 100 warriors by concentrating his chi.

Weapons: His fists; Johnny knows Istunka, Dambe, Toko, Wing Chun, Wen-Do, Thang-Ta, Jujitsu, Judo, Karate, Yusul, Boxing, Street Fighting, and Limalama. His body is trained rigorously, but even with his powers, Johnny still has to work hard to keep up with futuristic technology and super powers.

Weaknesses: Even with his powers, Johnny has a hard time keeping up with super-powered and futuristic villains. Also, his pacifistic nature will make him susceptible to morally grey areas and fighting a weakened or unarmed opponent.

Favorite Pastimes: Meditating

Favorite Song: He doesn't exactly own an IPod. Apple doesn't have a store set up in an ancient Nepalese City.​
Wow. Accepted!

Name: Kalin Andrews

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Hero-ish Name: Hybrid (Riot, Phage, Lasher, and Agony)

Child Of: Symbiote Data

Sexuality: Pansexual

Appearance(pic please!): (Hero and/or casual)

Normal Human form







(Any form is fine)

Personality: Each form has an almost completely different personality. The only similarities that each have a drive to consume other symbiotes.

Riot: The most temperamental of the group, when this personality is active Kalin is very rude, sadistic and sarcastic.

Phage: The loudest, Kilin is typically a joker with this symbiote

Lasher: The Quiet one. Kalin is typically a sad, depressed individual who contemplates life.

Agony: More or less the happy one. Kalin has a positive look on life and also acts a bit more feminine (agony was known to be a female symbiote )

Hybid: A perfectly balanced form, Kalin is his own personality being a kind gentile person who hates fighting and is sad that he was swept into this battle.


All forms

Superhuman Strength

Superhuman Durability

Superhuman Stamina

Accelerated Healing Factor


ESP (Spider-Sense)

Immunity to Spider-man's Spider Sense

Webbing Generation

Camouflage Capabilities

Constituent-Matter Generation

Agony/Hybrid Exclusive

Metabolic Acid Generation

Metabolic Chemical Absorption

Lasher/Hybrid Exclusive

Constituent-Matter Manipulation (Multiple Tendrils)

Riot/Hybrid Exclusive

Constituent-Matter Manipulation (Blunt Weapons)

Phage/Hybrid Exclusive

Constituent-Matter Manipulation (Bladed Weapons)

Weapons: "Weapons are for people who have reasons to harm, I don't really want to hurt anybody."

Weaknesses: He is afraid of his own abilities sometimes stopping himself from killing or consuming anything making him a vulnerable target (He does this quite a bit). As he is a symbiote fire can easily harm and defeat him.

Favorite Passtimes: Staring at clouds, and reading. hes also extremely good at sports though most sports involve sometimes hitting other people, so he tends to avoid them and play air hockey or Foosball.

Favorite Song:







First Name: Kallisto

Last Name: Unknown

Age: 17

Height: 4'11

Weight: 112 lb.

Gender: Female

Hero Name: Kallisto (TBD)

Child Of: Enchantress (She is unknowing of this, though) and Unkown Father

Sexuality: Heterosexual



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/Soft-wavy-hairstyles.jpg.78e241a2333a1e7bbd717556e0ad4e01.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="54448" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/Soft-wavy-hairstyles.jpg.78e241a2333a1e7bbd717556e0ad4e01.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Clothes (No Costume):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/1756-Free-People-Denim-Overalls-For-Women-1.png.1c18f79cf59b8f9f92503818bba82497.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="54450" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/1756-Free-People-Denim-Overalls-For-Women-1.png.1c18f79cf59b8f9f92503818bba82497.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Facial Features:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/freckles-girl-flickr-danny_st.jpg.984e604b237aa58c1008d0b4b56a7e30.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="54453" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/freckles-girl-flickr-danny_st.jpg.984e604b237aa58c1008d0b4b56a7e30.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Kallisto is very laid back and doesn't really take things too seriously. She loves having friends and cares for them with all her heart, and wouldn't ever dare do anything to hurt them. She is also very curious and doesn't mind cracking a joke every once in a while. She loves to smile and loves making others smile even more. If she ever snaps at anyone, it is usually for a good reason. Kallisto doesn't like the idea of teenage girl drama, but is very dramatic herself; though not usually to others. If anyone is ever feeling down, she is more than welcome to go over and help them cheer up. She stands true to what she believes in and doesn't mind doing something randomly different every once in a while.


Energy Blasts

Protective Shields




Inter-dimensional Travel



Mind Control

Active Powers:

Energy Blasts

Protective Shields



Additional Active Powers On A Very Good Day:

Mind Control

Inactive Powers (Only affective in Asgard):



Inter-dimensional Travel

Time Disruption


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/mLh4Vcy5_-UR58Gojk2FtJg.jpg.11332ec360a1e6c486f6fe59167838c0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="54454" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/mLh4Vcy5_-UR58Gojk2FtJg.jpg.11332ec360a1e6c486f6fe59167838c0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Yes, that is a Batman pocketknife)


Her Friends


Doesn't Look Behind (In battle)

Very Clumsy

Easily Tricked

Can't Swim

Favorite Passtimes:



Video Games


Video Games

Reading RDJ Comics



Techy Stuff

Favorite Song:



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I SAW ONE OF THOSE BAT KNIVES IN COMICON!!! Though I spent all my cash on other stuff so I couldn't buy it though. :/

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