Avengers: Age of Youth

  • Y5inXuf.jpg

    Cassandra Thompson






    112 lbs

    ?Hair Color?


    ?Eye Color?


    ?Full Name?

    Cassandra Thompson


    - Kid Venom

    - Cassandra

    - Mania 2.0


    Flash Thompson (Agent Venom)






    April 4th




    - Avengers (honorary)

    - Project Rebirth 3.0 (formerly)

    - Boss' group (formerly)

    - Thunderbolts




    Soft Tone - Cassandra tends to speak is a decently soft tone, generally not giving any negative impressions on someone. This is especially useful in infiltration missions, giving her the edge she needs in order to break through enemy lines.

    Affable - aside from her violent side, Cassandra can be quite sociable to most. The only time when Cassandra would break this, is when she's in the middle of battle. Otherwise, she tends to be a 'social butterfly', and tends to do the actions that would benefit everyone.

    Awareness - Cassandra has a knack of knowing most things before they happen. Inadvertently coming to various conclusions on various topics in the back of her head, she can sense even the tiniest of ticks. Not literal ticks, but the other kind.

    Cheerfulness - Cassandra displays intense levels of cheerfulness unlike before. She would often stay positive stay optimistic, and even go as far as smiling in the midst of battle.

    Versatile - Cassandra displays various ways to handle a situation, and tends to be extremely flexible. Mostly due to her confined background, Cassandra tends to handle any situation that faces her quite well.


    Mercilessness - Cassandra tends to be unforgiving when it comes to distributing punishments. With a mentality far above "an eye for an eye", it would shock most people when they see how far she'll push it.

    Grouchiness - Cassandra is known for speaking out her minor troubles. Whether it's hunger, an upcoming exam, or just losing, she tends to complain in a half-assed manner.

    Pestering Behaviour - Cassandra would often antagonize her friends, pestering them about even the smallest things for a laugh.

    Overprotection - Cassandra tends to push it when trying to protect her friends. Most would define her as too 'clingy' when doing this, and would often turn to yelling at her for it.

    Moodiness - when she's not feeling it, Cassandra would revert to her old self. Though she doesn't prefer it, it happens too often for her to count.

    Ungraceful - Cassandra never really knew any social cues growing up. This would cause many people get gain rude vibes off her, even if she isn't intending it to be in such a way.




    - Food

    - Beating people up

    - Web-swinging

    - Peaceful nights


    - Formal clothing

    - 'Deep' questions

    - Her old self

    - People bugging her

    - People asking for her help

    ?Favourite Passtimes?

    - Napping

    - Hero work

    - Bugging her friends



    ?Mania Symbiote?

    At an early age, Flash Thompson managed to tame the Mania symbiote for use in Cassandra's future. Now far past the point of when she's given the symbiote, Cassandra nearly mastered use of the suit. With the suit, she gains:

    - Superhuman strength

    - Superhuman speed

    - Superhuman durability

    - Accelerated healing factor

    - Wall-crawling

    - Spider-sense

    - Immunity to spider-sense

    - Camouflage

    - Web-slinging

    - Minor weapon generation

    - Hell mark


    - Hand-to-hand combat (advanced)

    - Infiltration

    - Acrobatics (advanced)

    - Persuasion

    - Firearms (advanced)


    - Fire

    - Sonic


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Name: Robert Fleece

Age: (15-18 for new characters. For characters brought over some might be 19-21.) 18

Gender: Male

Alias: The Hobgoblin

Child Of: (optional if parent is not Cannon) Illegetimate son of Jason Macendale

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Appearance(pic please!): (Hero and/or casual) (Any form is fine)

Personality: A greedy, unhinged maniac with a violent temper and delusions of grandeur.

Powers:Superhuman strength, speed, stamina, and reflexes.

Weapons: Pumpkin bombs armed with explosives, smoke or gases, bat-shaped throwing blades, gloves interwoven with micro-circuit powered conducting filaments capable of channeling pulsed discharges of 10,000 volts of high frequency electrical power from rechargeable power packs in both his glove cuffs and costume tunic and a one-man, miniature turbo-fan powered, vertical thrust "goblin-glider," capable of great maneuverability and speeds of up to 90 miles per hour.

Weaknesses: Easily tricked and prone to violent outburst.

Favorite Passtimes: Blowing things up, intimidating low level villains into working with him.

Favorite Song:
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Name: Jasmine Payne

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Hero Name: she is know by her popstar name Tammy

Child Of: Lorelei

Sexuality: Bisexual

Appearance(pic please!):

Personality: She is kind and playful. She will listen to people's problems. She worries about her friends and dosn't like for them to get hurt. She can be arrogant feeling like she is better then others due to having everything handed to her. Though she is not as arrogant as her mother having not spent much time with her.

Powers: Supernatural Beauty

For having asgardian blood they have a natural enhancement of strength and stamina.

Weapons: her body and voice.

Weaknesses: despite have great strength and stamina she dosn't know how to fight. She will normally avoid fighting if she can. One thing is that her power (the ones that can hypnotize people or manipulate in any way) won't be used on any of the players because that would be god moding (well unless they want to) and the best for combat.

Favorite Passtimes: singing, shopping, dancing, playing games.

Favorite Song: (I cant think of one because I am lazy so I will get back to this)RDJ

Name: Dex Hanser

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Villain name: Nom

Child Of: (optional if parent is not Cannon)

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance(pic please!):

Personality: Simple minded and constantly hungry. He will do whatever his stomach tells him to do. If he is in the mood for a kind of food he will eat it no matter who or what they are. Though he is normally quite docile and sweet when his stomach isn't killing him. When enraged he goes on a rampage and won't stop until his anger is appeased.

Powers: Hungr Embodiment: His salvia is corrosive acid, his stomach acid is Fluoroantimonic acid allowing him to almost instantly digests anything. His mouth can expand to encompass most objects. Whatever he eats he can assimilate into his body. He is stronger then most and more dexterous. He can quickly burn all the calories in his body to enter into a rage mode that allows him to move at extraordinary speeds and gives him extraordinary strength, this only lasts a short while.

Weapons: his mouth.

Weaknesses: He is stupid and can be tricked very easily. After using rage mide he is exhausted and can't fight or do most anything. He will most likely fall asleep.

Favorite Passtimes: Eating....eating.....did I mention eating?

Favorite Song:

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General Overview


Evie Brookshire






Evie Brookshire; She uses her real name so people know who saved them and who is the best hero.

Child Of:




If you had to use one word to describe Evie, it would be, 'Sarcastic bitch'. What's that? That's two words? Oh, I didn't realise that at all, thank you for pointing that out to me. It was such a big help. Evie absolutely loves when people point out things about her that she never realised, like her Ginger hair. She never would've known that she had Ginger hair if she didn't constantly have people telling her about it in all sorts of different ways.

She's been told by multiple people that's she's a 'bit' sarcastic. Which is good because she totally wouldn't know that she was if no one had ever told her, so it was a big help. But most of all she loves when people assume that's she's being sarcastic because she doesn't know how to express her emotions properly, it's so enlightening to have people tell you things about yourself that you never knew.

But apart from being sarcastic, Evie likes to irritate people. Oh, that's kinda the same thing? Really? The only reason Evie became a hero is because she wanted to prove she could be better at being a hero than everyone else. She's also seriously rich, so it's more of the fact that she has almost nothing else to do; She's willing to give people money, But she won't give to them nicely, because where would the fun be in that?

Powers and Weapons


Evie has some magic in her, but it's a very small amount. Because of this Evie needs Runes to make her magic useable. Otherwise her power is almost entirely useless.

For the runes to work Evie needs to cast the spell she wants to use on the Rune. For example, if she wanted to send a fireball out then she would have to cast that on the rune like she was firing a fireball at it and then the Rune would be able to fire it out. Same goes for the other types of magic; So far Evie only knows three types of Magic: Fire, Water and

Evie makes all her runes herself and she currently has three different types of runes. The runes are also able to stick to any surface if Evie wants them to

. Wooden Runes (These are weak and burn up after one use, but are easy to make)

. Stone Runes (Stronger than wood and burn up after one use and are somewhat easy to make)

. Iron Runes (These are the same strength as stone, but are completely reusable)


Evie has a limited amount of runes (30 wooden runes, 20 Stone runes and 3 Iron runes at the moment) Once the runes are gone, she become almost completely useless as she has no other powers or special abilities.

Runes; Wood to Iron.

Extra information

Favorite Pastimes:

. Making fun of, and irritating people.

. Proving she's better than other people.

. Fantasising about how she's going to use the runes for while she's making them.

Favorite Song:






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Name: Andre Johnson

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Alias: Shade, Formerly Dusk

Child Of: Tyrone Johnson (Cloak)

Sexuality: Bisexual




Personality: One way to describe Andre would be to call him a smug asshole. He clearly has a superiority complex and sees himself as smarter, stronger, etc. than other people, even in cases when that is clearly not true and expresses this frequently. He will often insult people he sees as beneath him, although this can either be fondly or just normal insults, depending on how well he knows the person. Andre is rather destructive and enjoys breaking things and hurting people, although he is surprisingly chivalrous and will only choose to fight an equal opponent and not really harming civilians. In combat with his Shade form on he is serious and focused, usually keeping silent and just fighting.

Powers: - Darkforce Manipulation through Mutant gene:

- Teleportation

- Portal Generation

- Concussive Projectiles

- Peak Physical abilities

- Training in hand-to-hand combat and swordsmanship

Weapons: Katana that he imbues with Darkforce energy

Weaknesses: - Light energy can greatly damage his Shade form

- Bright enough light or powerful enough magic will peel away his Shade form, leaving him a regular human until it reforms, the time taken to reform depends on the intensity of the light

Favorite Passtimes: Fighting heroes and the police, training, pissing off his dad, being a "rebel"

Favorite Song: [media]
Name: Cristina "Crissie" Bowen

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Alias: Dawn

Child Of: Tandy Bowen (Dagger)

Sexuality: Homosexual


Personality: Crissie is a pretty bubbly and happy-go-lucky girl, easily excited and very optimistic. It takes a lot to get her down and even then a bad mood usually doesn't last. She can be quite naive. Crissie has a good sense of humour, not really taking much seriously. She usually quips in battle. She can get kind of annoying after a while.

Powers: Light Manipulation through Mutant gene:

- Concussive blasts and bolts

- Healing aura

- Can create intense flashes of light to blind opponents, this light wouldn't be tangible so wouldn't physically harm the opponent.

- Force Field/Force Shield Generation

Weapons: None

Weaknesses: - Manipulates existing light rather than creating it

- Physically rather weak

Favorite Passtimes: Fighting crime, listening to music, hanging out with friends

Favorite Song: [media]

"Hey, isn't it weird how Iron Man kinda looks like that one actor? Ya know, that RDJ guy?"

"Shut up Crissie, nobody cares..."
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Name: Brenden Braddock

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Alias: Young Britain

Child Of: Brain Braddock (Captain Britain)

Sexuality: Homosexual

Appearance(pic please!): (Hero and/or casual) (Any form is fine)


Usually seen wearing:


Personality: Brenden is the happy go lucky one of his friends group, always trying to keep the energy in a positive mood. When he is typically very head strong and usually wont take no for an answer. Being that he is so head strong, he usually get stuck on things being his way and not others and finds it very hard to let others be in charge of things. But he has been working on it with the help of his friends from school.

Powers: Enhanced Natural Abilities (reflexes, agility, durability), Flight, ability to manipulate some forms of matter (has to be matter that is already infront of him.

Weapons: His suit is his weapon, it produces a slim force field that is skin tight that amplifies his

Weaknesses: His powers like his father's are based on his confidence and the less confident he is in his self the weaker he becomes. Confidence has never been an issue for Brenden but anything is possible. And if he gets to stressed his ability to manipulate matter goes a little haywire, it is one of the key factors as to his slight disconfidence in himself.

Favorite Passtimes: Well he tends to just chill with his friedns a lot. But things have been changing and when he is not doing that he is usually fighting some kind of threat to the city.

Favorite Song: Go Flex -Post Malone

Let me know if I need to change anything and RDJ
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Lexington Beau Ardell


Lexi: This is one of the nicknames people shouldn't use unless they want to be murdered.

Beau: The only person who habitually calls him this is Axel (see below).

Sanguine: This name is due to his abilities (see below.) It is the Latin word for blood.

Lex: A name people commonly call him by.






Sanguine [pronounced 'sahn-guinn-ey']

Child Of:

Unknown as he was orphaned as a baby, but presumably a mutant of some sort.






+ Lexington is loyal to those who have earned his loyalty.

+ He is very guarded emotionally, and so is not easily manipulated.

+ He has a lot of wit.

He doesn't generally like... anyone. So he's not the nicest to newcomers.

- He has severe trust issues as well as abandonment problems.

- He gets very attached to certain things, hence why he'll only have one or two friends. While this isn't a problem to some people (i.e. Axel) it is to almost everyone else.


Blood Manipulation: When Lexington was very little, he learned he had the ability to control blood. He assumes he was born with it. This ability allows him to stop the blood in another person's body from flowing, or if he wished, he could practically rip the blood from their body. It's a dangerous power that he uses more freely than he maybe should.


None aside from his powers.


Morality: Despite his powers, Lexington is human and can be harmed as any other human could.

Belligerence: While Lexington is smart, he's also battle-ready at almost all times. He often ends up in traps due to it.

Favorite Passtimes:

Swimming, daydreaming, sketching

Favorite Song:

The Word of Your Body from A Spring Awakening as he used to sing it jokingly to Axel.


X Lexington is a villain due to Axel's death. Axel was his boyfriend, who he met in the orphanage they both grew up in. The two had been in love since they were little kids, and one day during a fight in New York city between the Avengers and the bad guys, Axel was killed in the crossfire. Since then Lexington has made it his mission to get his revenge. As he says... "You came along to avenge the world. So did I. I came to avenge my world."



Dorian Andrew Shepherd

Dorian: Dorian's mother is a huge fan of the Oscar Wilde book The Picture of Dorian Gray. It ended up working out well as Dorian's personality is much like that of Wilde's character.

Andrew: He was given the middle name after his father.

Shepherd: The last name of his maternal grandparents. In a nontraditional fashion, Dorian's father took his wife's last name when they were married.









Child Of:



Pansexual, leans towards men


+ Dorian his highly compassionate towards others.

+ Dorian is very mature mentally.

+ Dorian is good with emotions. He knows how to talk to people in a way that won't hurt them. (Though sometimes he chooses to intentionally do the opposite.)

- Dorian acts nothing like how his mind works. While he may be mature in his head, he acts like a complete child most of the time.

- Dorian uses sassiness and sarcasm as a way of masking his emotions and doesn't often share them with anyone.

- There's simply no other way to describe it... Dorian's very b*tchy. Whenever he doesn't get his way, thinks something's stupid, doesn't like someone- there are a lot of scenarios in which this trait shows through.


Dorian was seemingly born with his powers. For the most part he's open about having them, though he keeps them secret from his parents.

Charm & Manipulation: Dorian has the power of seduction on his side. And he doesn't say so in a boasting sort of way, he genuinely does. He can charm, or in a way hypnotise people using his eyes and his voice, like a siren may. Once someone is under his sort of spell he can practically control them by telling them what he wants them to do.

Gender Swap: Dorian has the ability to shapeshift into a girl (who he's named Diana Drew Shepherd) at will.



He knows how to use just about anything as a weapon, but does best with guns.


Morality: Dorian is in fact human.

Human Will: If someone is strong enough of mind, they can break out of Dorian's seduction spell.

Sexuality: If Dorian goes after a straight guy while he's in male form, chances are nothing will happen. This also happens if he goes after a gay male as a girl, so on so forth.

Family: Dorian's family means everything to him. If someone were to take one of his brothers hostage... They could make him do anything to keep them safe.

Favorite Passtimes:

Flirting, playing video games

Favorite Song:

It changes weekly.


Gender Identity: Dorian was male at birth. Despite being able to swap his sex at will, he prefers to remain as male, and refers to himself as male, treating his alter ego Diana as if she's an entirely different person from himself. He rarely becomes a girl just for the hell of it, the only time he ever does so being at parties when he wants to be a little shit and upstage Natasha. So, in basic summary, despite being able to genderbend, Dorian is male.

Brothers: Dorian is adopted, as are his brothers. There's: Stellen Cecil "Stell" Shepherd, who's younger than him by five months; Lauren Jethro Shepherd, who's a year younger than the both of them; Benvolio Atticus "Ben" Shepherd, who's two years younger than Dorian; Sawyer Augustus "Sammy" Shepherd, who's four years younger than Dorian; and Romeo Wolf "Wolfie" Shepherd, who's five years younger than Dorian (and is the only other family member Dorian has who is openly queer).

RDJ, my king

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Name: [unknown]

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Alias: Swordstick

Child Of: Stick

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Appearance(pic please!):


Personality: Stoic, Philosophical, Tough, Determined, Cold


Radar Sense and Other Heightened Senses(Blinded Himself to Achieve these)

Ninja Martial Arts


Chi Manipulation: Augmentation, Sense, Projection, and potion based chi magic

Weapons: His Shimokizune(Swordstick)

Weaknesses: He's Blind, His chi is vulnerable to corruption, Excessive or Overuse of his chi while result in fatigue,

Favorite Passtimes: Slicing fruit, Fruit Ninja, Pretending to be a bat or dolphin, Sharpening his sword

Favorite Song: RDJ
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/tumblr_noaxk9SHe41rjdvdfo1_1280.jpg.9821ed299cc9020c3dcf717621cc599d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="135128" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/tumblr_noaxk9SHe41rjdvdfo1_1280.jpg.9821ed299cc9020c3dcf717621cc599d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>




Created 18 years ago

Put Into Body 2 years ago




Child Of:





Schematics Uploading.........

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/avengers_earths_mightiest_heroes_ultron.gif.ef3f07f1b23e3d922f541bcc728f65aa.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="135129" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/avengers_earths_mightiest_heroes_ultron.gif.ef3f07f1b23e3d922f541bcc728f65aa.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/Ultron_Unlimited.png.3d49270298ce290fc5699144bc29abe2.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="135130" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/Ultron_Unlimited.png.3d49270298ce290fc5699144bc29abe2.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


"Personality? I've got plenty of it! (Psst, wanna see a magic trick? I can make Stark's head disappear)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/avengers-age-of-ultron-06b.gif.b5dc2987e4df1cfb7e43e1ad408284d2.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="135131" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/avengers-age-of-ultron-06b.gif.b5dc2987e4df1cfb7e43e1ad408284d2.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

TADA!! It's gone!! Oh wait, this isn't Stark......

Well, anyways, people often say I'm 'annoying', but I like to think I'm just using a higher level of humor than their tiny little brains can handle. Ahhh humans, always so small-minded. With a processor like that, its no wonder they have a superiority complex! Give a dumb monkey reason or logic, and he'll think he is better than everyone else. It's really hard to be 'superior to animals' when you still can't even get past the most basic instincts!"


Robotic Body (That tickles! And it comes with...)

~Super Human Strength (Me strong like Hulk! Or Ant-Man!....Is Ant-Man strong? Probably not)

~Superhuman Durability (Aw yeah, I can take a punch or two! But only two. I don't like odd numbers)

~Flight (Say goodbye to legs, and say hello to rocket boosters!)

~Concussion Blasters (For when I need someone to sleep. Or to be blaster far, far away)


"Does charming the ladies count? Because if it does I am full of that weapon!"


"Besides the whole "robot body" thing? Two words:

Molecular Re-Arranger

That thing kills my body faster than anything else."

Favorite Pastimes:

-Ever try knitting? It's really relaxing

-Building back-up bodies is cool, I guess

-Making cars talk is really funny too! All they do is complain about how much I weigh them down, though. Not the best company when you're lonely, either

-Tagging my face with lasers into Stark Tower

-Sometimes I stalk RDJ

-Collecting human brains is pretty fun

Favorite Song:

My dad really likes that one Pinocchio song, but I prefer Billy Idol's "Dancing By Myself".





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Name: Leucetiusan Shinkaar

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Alias: Leucetius

Child Of: OC

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Species: Inhuman

Personality: Energetic, Smart, Passion


  • Electricity Manipulation
  • Flight
  • Super-Strength
  • Electrical Healing


  • None


  • Fire Manipulation
  • Energy Manipulation

Favorite Passtimes:

  • Protecting Attilan
  • Fighting evil
  • Using Will against enemies

Favorite Song: Ride of the Valkyries - Richard Wagner

Name: Samantha "Sam" King

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Alias: Titania

Child Of: Eric O'Grady (Ant Man III) and Veronica King (SHIELD Agent)

Sexuality: Bisexual

Appearance(pic please!):



Powers: - Peak human fitness

- Genius-level intellect

- Suit grants:

- Ability to shrink down to an inch or grow up to 50 feet

- Retains her regular strength level when small but above her regular height her strength grows as she does

- When small her suit has wings and can fire bolts of energy

- Suit is armoured and can protect from conventional weaponry such as bladed weapons and small firearms

Weapons: Titania suit

Weaknesses: - Can be crushed when small by people with enough strength

- Suit gets damaged fairly easily and will need to be repaired after each fight

- If she grows too tall either she'll get dizy and fall or her bones won't be able to support the weight and give out

- Armouring cannot defend against heavy weaponry or energy weapons

Favorite Passtimes: Tinkering with her suit, proving herself better than her father, reading fantasy novels

Favorite Song:
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Name: Olivier Rumlow

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Child Of: Crossbones

Hero Name: Crossbones

Sexuality: Straight



Personality: Polite, Kind and ruthless when she needs to be

Powers: One of the best marksmen and hand to hand fighters around

Weapons: Desert Eagles, Barrett M107 .50 Cal, AK-47, Katanas, Daggers and Taskmaster's energy inducer

Weaknesses: Completely human, has retired herself from fighting

Favorite pastimes: Reading, Training, Being a Maid

Favorite Song: [media]

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Name: Eryn Knightfell

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Alias: Poltergeist

Child Of: (optional if parent is not Cannon)

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance(pic please!):

View media item 12357View media item 12431

Personality: Laid back, doesn't show any sign of worry in most situations. However, due to inexperience, he can become quite unnerved when faced by more powerful foes. He loves getting sugar rushes and often overlooks the implications of inevitable sugar crashes. He is usually open-minded, kind and forgiving but is not afraid to get blood on his hands if he thinks somebody deserves to die.

Powers: Telekinesis, temporary invisibility (lasts for about 15 seconds and takes 30 seconds to cool-down), both of these become amplified during sugar rushes (invisiblity in this case lasts for up to a minute with the same cool-down time).

Weapons: Pistol, dagger.

Weaknesses: His reaction time is below-average so quick attacks can easily catch him off-guard. His telekinesis often leaves him out of breath with every use which leaves him open to attack.

Favorite Passtimes: Drinking coffee, listening to music, drawing.

Favorite Song: Catgroove by Parov Stelar.
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Name: Annabelle Barnes (prefers to be called Anna)

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Alias: Winter Soldier

Child Of: Bucky Barnes


Tall with an athletic build, she has long dark brown hair and eyes.

(for more detail look at my profile picture, sorry I couldn't add it to this post)


Anna was trained from young to be the ultimate assassin. Hydra hid her in the most top secret base where they spent years experimenting on her and adapting her into a weapon that would one day surpass her father the winter solider. The only memories she has are of the trials she had to endure to become the next winter soldier. She was frozen in time for years on end while hydra worked on perfecting her, until hydra was beaten and she was left to sit frozen in a box forever. Until the Avengers discovered her trapped in a glass case of ice.

She was rescued by Capitan American and finally reunited with her father after many, many years. So now she must learn how to rejoin a new world and learn how to be apart of a team and how to use her skills for the good of others.

She holds herself as a tough individual, however she is fascinated by the world and everything in it. Even with all her refined skills she still finds it hard to interact with others and to work as a team player.

She has been trained in most forms of martial arts, can speak and read in French, German, Italian, Chinese, Spanish and Russian, understand Morse code and sign language. Is an expert in stealth and weapons training and also has impeccable hearing and sight.

Because she has little to no people skills she can get a bit awkward around other people.

Anna is still traumatized by her past and prefers not to talk about it. The memories are still very fresh and she wishes only to forget the abuse she took in attempts for Hydra to make her stronger. (Demonstrated by long scars on her back, from whiplashes).


Fire manipulation: She can summon fire and bend it to her will, she is also able to superheat objects and withstand incredible heat (such as explosions and flamethrowers). She can also see in infrared and detects changes in heat signatures.

Basic Inhuman Enhancements: Enhanced Speed, Strength, Endurance, and Reflexes.

Pain threshold: Because of the experimentation done on her she is able to withstand severe amounts of pain, (she is not particularly fond of this gift and dislikes anyone reminding her of it).


Metal left arm (identical to her fathers), it is capable of giving short bursts of strength, additionally the fingers of the arm can sprout claws that can be retracted at will.

Skilled in using most weapons including guns, bombs, knives and swords.

Costume and mask are both durable and the mask is able to filter poisons out of the air.


Similarly like her father she has a 10 word trigger implanted into her mind from the experimentation, when triggered she can become incredibly hostile making her a danger to herself and others, no one has be able to successfully remove them yet.

Also while she is strong and durable, if injured enough her body tired out much like any other person.

Favorite Pass times:

She enjoys exploring places, so you can more often than not find her climbing around trees and buildings in her spare time. Also she loves ballet, and how gentle it is in comparison with what she has learnt in the past, and she loves reading and sketching and catching up on all things modern. She also spends her time training and refining her skills even further.

Favorite Song:

River Flows in You
Name: Isroh

Age: 18


Alias: King of Roses

Sexuality: Homosexual


Personality: Isroh is very flamboyant and flaunts himself like the sexy beast he is. He is sassy and the king (queen?) of snarky side comments and witty comebacks. Brutally honest as he is, if you look like crap, he'll let you know. If he finds you attractive., he'll let you know that as well. All this humor is great and all, but covers up his hurting and broken spirit that just wants rest.

Powers: Isroh has master the art of manipulating the demon lotus. The demon lotus is a flower that grows wild in hell, with black rose-like flowers and razor-wire like red vines. They normally grow in thickets near the lake of fire, but Isroh has managed to make them grow on earth and to grow either individually, in large tickets or create living statues out of them.

-Isroh is a demon, meaning he is undead... although this doesn't make him unkillable, it just makes him much harder to keep down. Do enough damage to his body and his healing factor won't fix it.

-Blood drinking- By drinking blood, Isroh can boost his magic skills and his healing factor. If he starves he will not heal.

Weapons: He carries a katana at his side for up close dueling


-Silver burns his skin on contact and creates wounds that don't heal with his healing factor.

- prolonged exposure to fire can burn away his vines

- an excorsim can send him back to hell

Favorite Passtimes: Piano and cello, hitting on every boy with a cute face he sees, being extra sassy

Favorite Song: I woke up like this-beyonce
Name: Dru Bishop

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Alias: Siphon

Child Of: Lucan Bishop, and unnamed Human

Sexuality: Pansexual 

Appearance(pic please!):

Personality: Smart Witty and usually rude, those sum up Dru in a nutshell. Although he is young he has proven a few times he has whay it takes to pull the trigger of he needs to although he usually prefers to leave his target alive although he isn't agains maiming a target or torturing them. Dru has been looking for a place to go since his father managed to make it back to his correct time although without Dru leaving Dru as a child to fend for himself. Since then Dru has been a little wary of people especially mutants.

Powers: Energy absorption and energy projection

Weapons: One blade he can cover with energy a special made hilt that he can channel his energy through to make a blade, an assault rifle that can use standard ammunition and 2 pistols one uses his energy to shoot energy based projectiles and the other uses bullets. He also has 2 batteries he keeps that can store double his full capacity between the two of them.

Weaknesses: Over absorption, bullets and blades, normal human weaknesses

Favorite Passtimes: Sparring, reading, practicing with his guns, interfering in others issues.

Favorite Song: No sympathy for the devil

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