Avengers: Age of Youth


Fortune Johnson







Child Of:






/Casual Dress


Hair is dyed pink and blonde at roots....I couldn't find a visual aid for this so here, have a panda:


No her eyes aren't actually red, they're contacts, up close look:


Will Typically be wearing this:


Along with these:


Hero Looks:


I don't actually have anything for this one at all, so have a doggo:



Since she left she's genuinly tried to become more mature and respectable.

Key word is tried.

She is still VERY rough around the edges, and has to force herself not to revert to her old attitude and outlook at most moments. She's a forced optimist, but a heart she's pessimistic and would rather give and and take what she has than attempt to actually make her situation better. But since she is trying to be better, she refuses to allow herself to do so.


She can dismember and remove different parts of her body, a skill she typically uses to surprise and get the upper hand on people. She also can project a physical manifestation of her soul to attack people. nobody but her (Or people who have similar powers) can see it. She can also peer into people's soul and see their past experiences, emotions, ect. but she cannot get to far unless the other person is willing to show her. Any damage the spirit takes she must also take.



Literally anything but dismemberment

Favorite Passtimes:

  • Sleeping
  • Not working
  • Eating
  • Traveling
  • Cussing

Favorite Song:


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(Sorry this took so long, I wanted it too look nice and I have been really busy. Hybrid has been missing a year and a half up too this point by the way but will be making her appearance soon.


Date Filed: April 14th 1 1/2 Years ago

Name: Marie-Ann

Last Recorded Age: 15

Assumed Age:17

Gender: Female

Alias: Hybrid (Avenger)

Child Of: Unknown

Sexuality: Pansexual

Appearance: Last Recorded Appearance Available Below

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c892d8d58_hybrid2.jpg.ba605180342d48db81204cc6db2fb28c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="113124" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c892d8d58_hybrid2.jpg.ba605180342d48db81204cc6db2fb28c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Note: Superpowers Change Appearance so appearance may be drastically different

Personality: Happy , Oblivious and Easily Annoyed. Se has mood swings and tends too act specifically by how she feels

Powers: She has physical control over her molecular structure and can change it into anything she pleases.

Weapons: Herself

Weaknesses: Her mass can be separated through Electrolysis or reaction with a specific chemical mixture. Her body is unstable and is easily influenced by her surroundings. Because she acts on her emotions, her actions can be unreasonable and easily influenced by others.

Favorite Pass times: Working Out, Eating.

Places she likes too go when she's upset: In a bathroom, outdoors, Her Room.

no slide no slide​



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Brynjar "Eric" Havardr

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/upload_2016-3-19_20-27-4.png.5220395abdf9bfe2510a743137bf8e70.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="113143" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/upload_2016-3-19_20-27-4.png.5220395abdf9bfe2510a743137bf8e70.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Alias: Gate

Child Of: Heimdall and a human mother, or so Eric thinks.....

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Appearance: ^ He does have a ponytail that goes down to his middle back. He typically wears nice clothing, a button down shirt and khakis. Sometimes flannel and jeans. Who knows, he do what he wanna do.

Personality: Brynjar is a friend guy. He tries to make everyone his friend and once they are, he will protect them with his life. He is family with everyone, he doesn't care who you are, he will treat you like a brother or sister. He loves helping everyone out and doesn't care what it is, nothing is too small for him. He shows him human side rather than his "barbaric" (as people describe the Norse) side. Although, it has been shown only twice. The first time was when a friend of his was getting jumped not too far from him, he didn't know how he knew but he was there in a matter of seconds. His friend is the only one who remembers what happened, the muggers didn't exactly make it. The second time, the only record shown was about a manslaughter with some kind of beast. Brynjar prefers to be called Eric. :)

Powers: -Asgardian Physiology: Enhanced physical abilities to the maximum. Eric is almost as strong as any Asgardian due to his father being one of the strongest Asgardians.

-Super enhanced senses: His hearing is so acute he can hear a bird flapping its wings from 900 feet away. Eric is able to see with incredible detail of anything up to 900 feet away. After that it is blurry.

-Minor Teleportation: Sometimes, when he absolutely needs to, he is able to teleport only to his target.

-Uncontrollable visions: Exactly what it says, Eric can see the future and present at random times, though he is learning to control it. He is able to see what he needs to, but he goes into a trance like state, not being able to move.

-Eric can also speak all of the languages. :D

Weapons: An exact replica of Heimdall's sword. <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/upload_2016-3-19_21-14-5.png.29229544d8826f00309914d0acc5bf1d.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="113154" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/upload_2016-3-19_21-14-5.png.29229544d8826f00309914d0acc5bf1d.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Weaknesses: When he is using his abilities he can't move, including when he is listening from far away and seeing far away. He is learning to move fluidly after teleporting a very short distance. Sharp sounds can hurt him quite a bit. Bright flashes can blind him more intensely than most other people. Some magic can prevent him from seeing what he wants to see.

Favorite Passtimes: Having a pint with his friends. Being with people, sports and stuff. Trying new things and enjoying everything life has to offer him.

Favorite Song: Goin Out In Style- Dropkick Murphys





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Age || 15

Gender || Female

Child Of || N/A

Height || 5'1"

Weight || 109 lbs.

Sexuality || Pansexual




|| Virtues ||

- As Sweet as Apple Pie!

- Full of Energy and Optimism

- Empathetic and Compassionate

- Brave (Almost Idiotically Brave)

|| Flaws ||

- Very Timid

- Pretty Clumsy...

- Headstrong; Naive

- Gullible

|| Likes ||

- Art

- Board Games

- Tea

|| Dislikes ||

- Boredom

- Dull Atmosphere

- Bullies

|| Fears ||

- Swimming

- "Creepy Crawlies"


|| Powers ||

- Ink Emission

- Ink Physiology (Can turn into Ink)

- Ink Hardening (Can harden ink as a form of defense, offense, etc.)

|| Weaknesses ||

- Water; "Please do not dilute me! It hurts..."

- Cannot spread of too long of distances. The more ink lost, the weaker she gets. No surprise if she loses a big chunk and her human form is missing half her head or something.

- Very slow when inky.

|| Weapons ||

- Ink Shield

- Ink Melee Weapon


|| Hobbies ||

- Painting

- Baking

- Playing Video Games


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Morgan Murdock







Child Of:

Matt Murdock+Typhoid Mary








(Mixture of the exo-suit and costume)


A true fanboy and nerd at heart, he isn't one you would except to be in the hero business, but never the less he is and tries his best to make everyone like him. He's a bit awkward around new people, but means well, if he somehow gets serious he can actually be quiet good at observing things, but him and serious isn't something that mixes in most situations.

The transition to him out of costume and in costume is odd as well. He (tries to) come off as this gruff and gritty hero, buts it's not something he can do. He's been through the ringer and seen terrible things, but he hasn't changed at heart...




Father's billy clubs:



He's just an agile human, so allot of things...

Favorite Passtimes:

  • Pizza Parties
  • Crime fighting
  • Movie watching
  • Social media-ing
  • Working out...To an extent

Favorite Song:


Is it alright if I make a villain?


Name: Alistair Macfield

Age: Not Applicable

Gender: Male (Previously)

Alias: The Mad Magician

Child Of: OC

Sexuality: Not Applicable


Personality: Alistair is a highly malevolent person with no sort of ethics or morality, he does as he wants to fulfill his sadistic desire and he enjoys taunting and playing mind games with his victims. He is condescending, arrogant, vain, and lusts for more power. He used to be happy, but after the terrible accident in where he was experimenting with alternative dimensions he accidentally deleted his own third dimension and became stuck in a two-dimensional world forever, his strong will allowing him to take control of it and gaining a special set of powers. He has no problem in manipulating others to do his will and often resorts to threats to keep people in line. He will often appear as a two-dimensional image in the form of his imaginary friend from childhood, Mister Magician since his original appearance was lost after the accident.

Powers: Alistair has a very odd and powerful ability in which he can target objects, living or inanimate and make them two-dimensional, essentially recreating what happened to him in a process which he calls "flattening", usage on living things is invariably fatal, however it allows him to access to their form and it gives him the objects "data pattern", essentially code of how to re-create in in the three-dimensional world. By taking the form of someone or something he flattened with his powers, he can exist for up to an hour in the three-dimensional world again until the data pattern disintegrates, however the copy is imperfect, it may glitch like a computer model would, arms and legs can extend to impossible lengths, he can be as big or as small as he likes. However, this body is little more than a puppet, destroying it will not kill him. Nor will it's own self-destruction kill him. Since time does not exist in the two-dimensional world he is in, he no-longer ages. However, he is far from immortal, If he cannot return the two-dimensional world when the body expires, he will die. He also does not have the energy to flatten entire buildings, he can flatten nothing more than a car at a time. However, this can be overcome with his next power.

Alistair can take the data pattern of something or someone he flattened, imbue it with some of his own energy and make it three-dimensional again, he can program it to do anything within what it could do before he flattened it and it can also flatten objects like Alistair, however it significantly decreases the data-pattern's life. It has rudimentary sentience as in it can adapt to situations but it cannot disobey it's orders. It will attempt to accomplish it's mission or be destroyed in the process. Unlike data patterns Alistair himself possesses, due to him not actively controlling the body this puppet will glitch far more frequently and the glitching will become more extreme as the pattern deteriorates. The data pattern can only exist for 30 minutes.

An example of a person re-created into 3-D.


An example of glitching.


A person being flattened by Alistair.


Weapons: None.

Weaknesses: Reality-Warping, overexerting his powers, dimension-travelling entities.

Favorite Passtimes: Flattening people.

Favorite Song: Flower of Hell - Eiko Shimamiya
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Name: Stacy B. Walters


Gender: Female

Alias: The New She-Hulk

Child Of:She-Hulk (Mother) Hercules (Father)


Appearance(pic please!):

(Normal form, and she actually wears clothing ^^” she normally wears a black t-shirt with ripped up jeans, and a pair of her favorite confers)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpeg.69b0497be6efc84dfce29a2c615f78ac.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="113666" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpeg.69b0497be6efc84dfce29a2c615f78ac.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Hulk form)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.png.db2afcdb1b570b3bd7e0f62333cb6adb.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="113667" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.png.db2afcdb1b570b3bd7e0f62333cb6adb.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Even though she doesn't know her father, She-Hulk has told Stacy many times that she acts a lot like her father. And that's very true, she can pretty prideful, she sometimes think that she's the strongest, which means that she'll sometimes underestimate her opponents, which can lead to tragedy. But lucky for her, she learns fast, if you are able to beat her in a fair fight, then you'll instantly earn her respect.

Stacy is also a fairly curious person, she's been known to occasionally start wondering around aimlessly, just to check out the world around, because she didn't get to experience the world when she was a child. One trait she got from her uncle Bruce is his temper. Some days her fuse can seemingly be infinite, other days it's like a gigantic button that anyone can push.

Powers: The ability to Hulk out with a surge of adrenaline, and she can stay in her hulk form for extended periods of times. In her Hulk form she has abilities like

Enhance strength: Base level press can up to around 100 tons

Enhance speed: Highest speed recorded for her was 90 mph, but can possibly go faster

Nearly indestructible: The only things that can cut through her skin are vibranium, adamantium, energy based weapons or attacks, and magic

Limitless source of power: Stacy's rage is her main supply of power, so just like her uncle “The angrier she gets, the stronger she gets”

Healing factor: It's unknown just how fast she can heal herself, or the extent of how well she heals.

Weapons: Her fist, that's all she needs really


Energy based weapons or attacks: Those can go through her skin easily.

Magic: Some spells can be daily affective, depending on the caster

Canceling adrenaline: If you’re able to inject some type of depressant into her system before she hulks out, then your golden.

Unknown heritage: Even though she's daughter of a powerful God (I think Hercules has ascended to a full God ^^”) she doesn't know about it, when she was a infant, Hercules was able to make a magical barrier onto Stacy's brain, so her current abilities are only limited on her mother's abilities, if she gets that barrier removed, then expect a huge power increase.

Favorite Pastimes:


Saving people

Helping out every now and then


Playing instruments

Favorite Song





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Guess its my turn.

Name: Desimus

Hero Name: Dead Fang, Black Panther

Age: 22

Gender: Male



Child of: The Black Panther

Personality: Desimus is easily considered to be one of the most violent "heroes", a very strong opposite to his peace loving and caring father who died from mysterious causes, which lead Desimus to take to this anger filled path. He is continuously fighting the stress of his fathers advisors who now serve him, since he is the new ruler of Wakanda, and the tons of invading forces that try to take over his kingdom. However, Desimus is a powerful warrior and leader, and he has lead his kingdom successfully, the kingdom not even faltering in economy or military. He is a fair ruler, but that is because of his two advisors. They usually have to water down the vicious commands of Desimus, to make sure that his commands sound more democratic rather than Fascist.



Desimus is a highly skilled combatant with many types of martial arts under his belt, and is highly skilled in swordplay, street fighting, and underwater fighting. He is highly accurate with all ranged weapons, and can quickly understand how to use any weapon in a matter of seconds. He has high endurance, able to take several beatings from people like Thor and being able to survive. He is highly proficient in close quarters combat, however, he excels at assassinating. Being a warrior of the night, his mastery of Stealth and mastery of venoms and toxins give him the Nickname "Dead Fang." He has superhuman strength, being able to brench press three tons, and able to leg press roughly 3.1 tons. He is extremely agile and quick, having the flexibility of a proffesional gymnast and the speed that exceeds 60 mph. However, the most intriguing feature of Desimus is that he volunteered himself for the same treatment that Wolverine took. Being a much safer and more reliable experiment, the Adamantium rich kingdom coated the young boys bones unto Adamantium, making him as durable as Wolverine.

Weakness: He is still cockier than a young Tony Stark, and he is still a human being. He isn't a great swimmer, since he is weakened by the heaviness of his bones. He is also weak to fire, and has a large fear of it. (You will understand the fire part soon enough. He has a secret :3 hint: what else hates fire?


Equipment: Being the strategist he is, he always carries several weapons with him, and various gadgets.

  • Gas Bombs
  • Several Grenades
  • Flash Bangs
  • Sound Grenades
  • Several Toxins
  • Throwing Knives
  • Two customized Pistols filled with various types of ammo


  • Sticky Bombs
  • Hacking bots
  • Remotes to his combat vehicles
  • Has a Robotic suit that he bought with his resources from Tony Stark, and only uses it for the heavy hitters


Extra: Desimus is currently in Europe in hiding, ashamed of his past that has been revealed.
Name: Hrunting

Age: Built 2 years ago, but never activated.

Gender: Male

Alias: Bejeweled Buster

Child Of: Redd Rath and Ruby Rage

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance(pic please!):

(This is Monster Hunter’s Treasure Clad Uragaan armor, I am using this because it looks so gundam-esque in a way. Like those who created him. And it is like a Hulk Buster too, in terms of design.)

Personality: Hrunting is caring, stubborn, Valiant. Hrunting is also blunt, and straight to the point, and will not take anyone’s nonsense. He can also be almost like a motivator, almost leader like, but not quite. He is very serious for the most part, and also friendly until threatened.

Powers: Hrunting has Fire Immunity, due to the alloy he was built with being primarily of the extremely hard shell of a Treasure Clad Uragaan, which is even tougher than Chromium. (An Uragaan is a monster with a massive chin, metal-like shell, and the appetite for rocks and ores. However, the Treasure Clad Uragaan has diamonds in its chin, giving the variant its name.) , Excellent Vision, seeing about 7 ½ miles ahead, but however, this is also his downfall, since he has Tunnel Vision, so whatever is in front of him, is his target. He is also much more reinforced than Redd was, so he can take much more abuse than even he could, however, the plating is weak to Adamantium, and Vibranium can also damage the organic metal much better than a tank shell, which will leave a miniscule dent. He is also immune to corrosion, and is also an excellent tracker. Hrunting is much bulkier, and can lift up to about the weight of 390,000 lbs. (30 adult elephants.)

Weapons: Repulsors built into the palms, Shield, and chest. He also has a small built-in Vulcan machine gun built into his right forearm, as well as the shield having the ability to become a sword, extending the tip using energy charged with Plasma. He also has the ability to shoot Tranq darts from the center hole of his Vulcan gun. He also has very strong thrusters that can propel him up to the speed of sound for a short time of about 3 minutes. He also has the ability to put extend his shield’s size by using his energy, which will also allow him to charge at his foes, as well as use the Unibeam, and fire powerful blasts from his repulsors. He can also focus his energy in his repulsors for more devastating blasts, and of course, make smaller, weaker energy swords from them when needed.

Weaknesses: Water Based attacks, his bulkiness, being Overcharged for too long, since he will temporarily shut down to drain the excess energy, leaving him vulnerable, tunnel Vision, Vibranium and Adamantium, his mostly serious demeanor. Power Consumption, since he tends to reroute all of his energy to his thrusters when needed, and will often exhaust his supply, forcing him to land on the ground as his battery recharges, which takes up to about 1 hour before he could use his thrusters again, same goes for repulsors and shields. Despite being bulkier than a Hulk-Buster, he was created to be as big as one, and as all as one too.

Favorite Passtimes: N/A at the moment. Will update eventually.

Favorite Song: Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate: Ceadeus Phase 2 Theme. Monster hunter X Osutogaroa phase 1 theme, Borderlands The Pre-Sequel: Arrival, Mick Gordon and OmegaSparx : I’m Back (To Rise!) ACDC’s War Machine and Thunderstruck, Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon Main Theme.

Does he not look like one of RDJ's hulkbusters? @Crono @sitanomoto @Pyosimros @Archon
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Name: Jacob

Age: 14

Gender: male

Alias: None

Sexuality: straight

No one knows what he actually looks like. If they ever see him they only see one of his illusions. This is what anyone who has ever "seen" him sees.

Personality: He is quite and cold not really liking to talk. He is very secretive not letting anyone know much about him. Being an mqn for hair he is willing to do anything he is paid for, be it gaining information, body guard work or even assassination.

Powers: Absolute Ilusion. The user is able to generate illusions that are realistic to the point where they can confuse all the senses of the target, making it is impossible to break free unless willed by the user. They can also create illusions on a large scale. Absolute Illusion

Weapons: Reverbium armor and swords.

Weaknesses: He is physically as vulnerable as any human.

the more people effected by the illusion the more energy it takes.

Favorite Passtimes: reading, playing chess, being alone.

Favorite Song: The Used - The Bird And The Worm.

Other: He is not a hero nor a villain. RDJ
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Villain CS

"I'm not one to be happy... unless your bleeding. I'm kinda scum like that. RDJ... I just like saying that, sometimes."

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/Kamui.(Gin.Tama).full.1879764.jpg.cac57b75aae4a0d6c86dfe93e7d0c6fb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="114280" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/Kamui.(Gin.Tama).full.1879764.jpg.cac57b75aae4a0d6c86dfe93e7d0c6fb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


7th King: Ran Gina






Chaos song, alternatively: That freaking physio path

Child Of

Ebony and Chris Gina




Ran first comes off as a polite, meek and kind yet somewhat insecure boy. He lacks tact and will usually say thing that seem awkward, strange and even unsettling, though he doesn't seem to realize this and acts like it's just normal casual talk. In general Ran is very apathetic. He has a lack of concern for himself and others, and while he may not be a bad guy, has some bad habits. He toys with others lives and only lives to fight. It is his lack of discerning for others lives that can lead him into many, murderous, situations. While Ran is always smiling, he is never genuinely happy unless he is beating the crap out of someone. But not just anyone will do, Ran looks for strong opponents.

In general, Ran has a laid-back demeanor and he is often seen smiling cheerfully. This, along with his usual calmness, gives a very chill impression of him. However, his cheerfulness isn't completely genuine and his calmness can be linked to apathy. He can be even disturbingly optimistic about things like people dying. Ran is also rarely shown openly angry or scared. He is unfazed and often lacks the emotion of fear in situations where most people would be afraid, like threats of violence. Overall, Ran appears to be quite out of touch with his own feelings, and he sometimes has trouble understanding them.


Counter: Ran has the ability to counter that which touches him that is "not of the 7th Kings domain". Counters powers and abilities do not directly get bounced back at the enemy. But rather they are stored and converted for later use. Ran cannot use special attacks that hit him, but rather those countered special attack fuel his own attacks. Ran cannot use any of his special attacks until he counters someone else's. A special attack are such things like energy attacks, manipulation attacks etc, etc. Attacks that also effect Ran's body directly are countered.

7th King's blessing: Being the 7th King, Ran has accesses to a wide variety of attacks and abilities.

  • Shadow play: Dark magic that is as versitile as it is deadly. Every attack is based of an element or a combination of many. The main catch being all attacks using Shadow play have to have a shadow/dark element.

Shadow play trump card: Acheron: A beam of purple hue that travels in a straight line. The beam is thin, only being an inch in diameter but has the ability to pierce anything. After the beam dissipates (two seconds after it is fired) continuous explosions follow in the path of the beam.

  • Desolate voice: One of Ran's main methods of attack. Ran has the ability to effect the frequency of sound waves he can produce. Not just limited to his voice, however he can only effect sounds that come from him.

Desolate voice trump card: Echo: as one would think, Echo amplifies the power of Desolate voice. However this power only works in a place where a normal echo is possible. In a confined space, Ran also runs the high risk of getting his with his own attack.

  • 7th King's strength: Ran is stronger than most, even out classing most irregularly strong humans. But it doesn't just stop ther. Ran also has instinctive fighting abilities, tremendous enhanced; physical strength, speed, durability, adaptability, auto-reflexes, agility, awareness, dexterity, flexibility, endurance, rapid learning capabilities, willpower, vitality, and senses all of which far surpass human limits.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/Kamui.(Gin.Tama).600.1725304.jpg.a681ebef4fbc72b0ecc1a551fe888af7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="114282" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/Kamui.(Gin.Tama).600.1725304.jpg.a681ebef4fbc72b0ecc1a551fe888af7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Ragnarok: What looks to be a normal paper umbrella is actually a weapon of death, the catalyst of destruction and the blocker of harmful UV rays! There is nothing really special about the umbrella other than it's weight. Made of heavy substances that allow it to still function as an umbrella and weigh nearly half a ton. Ran uses this umbrella as a blunt weapon as it is highly durable and it's sheer weight makes it pack a punch. However, while using this Ran is over-cumbered and is significantly slower, slower but not slow. Letting go of the umbrella allows Ran to move at full speed.

Both pictures provide the appearance of Ragnarok but here is another picture.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/paper-parasol5.jpg.450f5fcb848a9b3a410df8f4eb13ccf5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="114281" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/paper-parasol5.jpg.450f5fcb848a9b3a410df8f4eb13ccf5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


- Counter only works on powers that are "not of the 7th Kings domain". Powers that bypass Ran's counter consist of powers with the element of shadow/dark, fire or light. Powers that also effect the user, such as super strength, cannot be countered by Ran.

- Shadow play can easily become overwhelmed by powers of opposite elements. For example, if Ran uses an attack that has an ice/shadow element, then an attack that is of fire and or light element can counter it.

- Acheron can only be used twice per day, and using it tires Ran out. Making it only useful as a finisher and missing is not an option.

- Desolate voice's trump card will also end up hurting Ran in most situations.

Favorite Pastimes

- Watching birds sing

- Singing along to the worlds naturally rhythms

- Fishing

- A good clean fight

- A good dirty fight

- Seeing himself bleed

- The peace and quiet after a good nap under the moon light of a warm summer when the temperature is none too hot but also none too cold and there is nice breeze that blows away all worries and cares only leaving the tranquil feeling of completeness.



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Name: Alicia Hayes

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Alias: Black Rose

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Appearance(pic please!): (Hero and/or casual) (Any form is fine)


Child of: Daniel and Maria Hayes (non-canon, mother dead, father unknown)

Personality: Brash, impulsive and overconfident. She enjoys feeling powerful and never hesitates to use her powers except when it would obviously reveal them to the public. She exploits her charm abilities almost all times and has used transmutation to turn wood into gold as well as remodel her house and appearance several times. The power has certainly began to corrupt her, as the more she uses it, she more powerful she feels compared to a normal person. She is beginning to spiral into narcissism, having been by far the most beautiful and powerful person she knew for a very long time. This has caused her to use her powers more recklessly, as she finds it hard to resist turning anyone who mildly annoys her into a lizard or forcing them to make a fool of themselves in front of everyone they knew. She became a superhero at age 15, and was originally committed to the cause of justice, but is now slipping into more ambiguous territory.


Transmutation: Alicia is able to alter the forms of organic (by causing forced, extremely fast mutations) and inorganic (by altering chemical structure) matter alike. This is the strongest of her powers; she can transform a very large area with concentration or under stress. The object must retain mass, however she can usually turn excess mass into air or surrounding air into the excess mass. This power has become instinctive; she can transform bullets to sand or other harmless matter as they are fired towards her.

Telekinesis: She can telekinetically manipulate objects up to the mass of a small house.

Enchanted Allure: The Black Rose seems irresistible to those around her, making her opinions agreed with and her commands followed by all but those with a very strong will. It is more effective on males, but works on females.

Weaknesses: Her physical abilities are no greater than those of a typical human, and she is impulsive and overconfident. Her enchanted allure cannot be turned off, so she attracts attention wherever she goes.

Weapons: None

Favorite Pastimes: Using her powers, manipulating people

Favorite Song: Evanescence- Bring Me To Life

Also: RDJ


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Name: Malcolm Strange


Gender: Male

Alias:New Mr.Strange

Child Of:Dea (Mother) Dr.Strange (Father)


Appearance(pic please!):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpeg.694092a07e3520c1bad6e4acab6af3b5.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="115965" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpeg.694092a07e3520c1bad6e4acab6af3b5.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


He's a very quiet person, he has some weird little tendencies that he would do at random, due to him having physical terrets syndrome, but he has it under control. And for as strange as he looks, he never cares about people's judging, he wants to be unique in more ways than knowing magic. He always want to help out his friends, especially his old Avengers friends, due to him being a part time Avenger.


Control of many different types of magic


His father's entire Arsenal

And his seemingly endless amount of spells


He's not very durable

For as much as he can cast, his spells can tucker him out easily, some spells tire him out quicker than others

Favorite Pastimes:

Studying history

Practicing magic

Favorite Song



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Character Creaton Rules

1. There is a four living character maximum, you may kill a character if you no longer wish to use him/her/it but you will have to wait a full 15 days before creating a new character to take the old character's spot.

2. Video Game/Anime characters. If you want to use the appearance of one that is totally fine, but we'd rather you not use the backstory or personality of that same character. Come up with your own, be or

Character Creaton Rules

1. There is a four living character maximum, you may kill a character if you no longer wish to use him/her/it but you will have to wait a full 15 days before creating a new character to take the old character's spot.

2. Video Game/Anime characters. If you want to use the appearance of one that is totally fine, but we'd rather you not use the backstory or personality of that same character. Come up with your own, be original! :D

3. Special Characters, I.E. Characters from alternate dimensions or the future: There will not be an actual limit on these but keep it to a minimum, we'd rather not have five characters from five different futures or five different dimensions. If you'd like to collaborate with others to have a small team or duo of people coming from the same time/dimension that is fine. Just keep these to a bare minimum please, if it gets out of hand we will create a limit.

4. If you'd like to create a hero/villain's child but your unsure if they are open then you should check the overview tab, it has a post and list of characters. If that still doesn't help you can just ask in the OOC.

5. Having two canon characters as parents. While it's understandable to want it for specific pairings that are liked in the comics (or not), if possible try to limit it to one parent that is a hero/villain. Simply to allow more options for other Roleplayers and characters. UNLESS your really open to siblings and they aren't two of the more well-known parents.

6. Siblings. If you want to make a child character to a canon character that already has a kid it will be a sibling of an already created character. You need that member's permission to create a sibling and they have all the rights in the world to say no. Don't take a no to heart, some people just want an only child. :]

7. Canon/Parent characters are meant to be here as guest/secondary characters with limited usage. This is the New Generation of heroes so let's leave the old people to their old stuff. :P

8. Op characters are strictly prohibited.

We had a problem with them in the last RP (you know who you are!), so here we go: No god-like powers such as invulnerability. Your character MUST BE ABLE TO BE KILLED SOMEHOW. You can NOT lift mountains. You can NOT lay punches that kill a person first thing.

No Gary Stues or Mary Sues.

If you have a question on a power, come to me, @Pyosimros, @Archon, or if you want to go to the tippy top, @sitanomoto.


(Due note that for the first two weeks many of the Canon Characters will be off-limits to allow people from the old Rp to claim their spot once again if they choose to return. So it may be a good idea to ask if the character you want to make a kid for is on hold or not. :3)

@Pyosimros and @Archon would be the dynamic duo in charge of this area. You have to get through them to be accepted.



Name: Goes by Rose Smith

Age: 16 (15-18 for new characters. For characters brought over some might be 19-21.)

Gender: Male, identifies female

Alias: Eldritch

Child Of: (optional if parent is not Cannon) None. She just appeared.

Sexuality: Demisexual

Appearance(pic please!): (Hero and/or casual) (Any form is fine)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image_1.jpg.25b7d4d63643e331897c09a304d71a04.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="116182" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image_1.jpg.25b7d4d63643e331897c09a304d71a04.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Sadistic. Extremely defensive towards strangers, but this

is just a facade. Always happy to be around her friends.

Powers: Regeneration/Shapeshifting... at a cost. She must absorb living beings to gain mass or heal, as well as to survive. Think of a necromorph, with a human form and mind.

Weapons: She doesn't need any.

Weaknesses: The brain. If that gets damaged, it won't heal.

Favorite Passtimes: Reading.

Favorite Song: Bohemian Rhapsody​



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Name: Aaron Cain

Age: 17



Alias: Tempus


Sexuality: Straight

Appearance(pic please!):


(ignore the other guy)


Personality: For the most part, aaron is very laid back and casual. He has a difficult time taking orders or obeying people he does not have respect for, making him prone to insubordination. He has a flair for the theatrical.


Time-walk: Allows Aaron to instantaneously teleport himself back to a location he was previously in. When he teleports, he heals himself of all injuries that were inflicted on him during that time period. The further back he chooses to teleport, the more energy it consumes.

Time-lock: Aaron concentrates his energy, and is able to freeze a foe in time. The frozen person cannot move, act, or think. To the frozen person, it would seem like time had "skipped" from the point where they were frozen to the point where they were unfrozen. The longer Aaron keeps someone frozen, the more energy is consumed.

Timing: Due to his familiarity with time, Aaron has exceptional timing skills, and is able to almost instantaneously calculate the amount of time that an event could happen, and when he should act. He is then able to execute this perfectly. . This allows him to be an expert with his blade.



(when active, has a purple energy glow around it)

Weaknesses:Gets exhausted quickly after continuous use of his abilities. If he becomes tired enough, he will be unable to use any of his abilities.

Favorite Passtimes:Messing with people

Exercise (although he treats this more of a necessity rather than a pastime)

Eating and drinking, usually to excess.

Video games

Favorite Song: [media]
Name: Taylor

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Hero Name: Silver

Child Of: Angel

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Appearance(pic please!): (Hero and/or casual)


( Ignore crown; armor silver)

Personality: Taylor is very quiet, and doesn't talk to others unless they talk to her. She loves to fly, and will do it any time she has time. She loves books, and watching people from a distance, just to see why they do what they do.

Powers: She can fly (duh), and she has extremely good hand-to-combat



Weaknesses: Her wings are very fragile, and if they get hurt, she can't fly.

Favorite Pastimes: Reading, flying, drawing

Favorite Song: N/A

Name: Miranda Killgrave

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Hero Name: The Purple Woman

Child Of: Zebidiah Killgrave

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance(pic please!):

Personality: Smart, manipulative, and an ever growing want for power and control

Powers: Her commands must be followed by anyone who hears her voice directly and understands her.

Weapons: None

Weaknesses: She is in average shape for a 20 year old, and knows no martial arts or any combat skills in any way. Her power can be overridden if she is using some sort of microphone, if they can't hear her due o barriers, or good old fashioned duct tape

Favorite Passtimes: Using her abilities to steal or gain influence

Favorite song: Master of Puppets
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpg.3cb2fd90486c965e298b5e6b7ee37249.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="118194" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpg.3cb2fd90486c965e298b5e6b7ee37249.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Name:Alexander trask

Age 16



Child of:victor trask


Personality:grave is a very brutal ruthless hero with limitless patience and a cold logical demeanor almost predatory


immortality:does not age and natural causes can't kill him

Soul sight:can look into ones very soul seeing sins and virtues accordingly

Soul feeding:feeds on the souls of his victims corrupt souls sustain him pure souls destroy him

Regen:insane healing factor can recover from most wounds before they even bleed missing limbs in seconds

Weapons:grave fights with what's at hand and is experienced at making improvised explosive devices he keeps a machete with him for "sentimental reasons"

Weaknesses:lack of offensive power(besides guns and knifes)

Dead soul:grave doesn't have a soul as such he must consistently absorb souls to survive at a rate of about one a week depending on levels of curruption(he goes for the really bad)without these souls his powers will weaken and eventually fail altogether

Prison:due to dead soul if put in prison grave will die in a few weeks

Favorite pastime:terrorizing "sicko's"

Favorite song:disturbed bodies

P.s.i know he's kinda dark but it's my first antihero



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Name: Godzilla

Age: (15-18 for new characters. For characters brought over some might be 19-21.) Unknown

Gender: Male

Alias: None

Child Of: (optional if parent is not Cannon) Godzilla

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance(pic please!): (Hero and/or casual) (Any form is fine)

Powers: Regeneration, emits a large amount of radiation, extreme strength and durability,

Atomic Breath:Godzilla's signature weapon is his distinctive atomic breath. Godzilla's dorsal plates glow ominously, and then he lets loose with a concentrated blast of radiation from his mouth.

Nuclear Pulse: In addition to his very deadly atomic breath, Godzilla can also emit atomic energy in all directions from every inch of his body in a short-range pulse.

Weapons: Claws, tail, and teeth.

Weaknesses: Electricity

Favorite Passtimes: Destroying buildings, eating radiation.

Favorite Song:[media]

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Celia Corva






Cell Core


Bi sexual

Appearance(pic please!): (Hero and/or casual) (Any form is fine)



Kind, peppy, looks up to people like Tony and Cassie (@sitanomoto Hello again, new profile lol)



-Super speed

-Cybernetic enhancements(Only her eyes and hearing)

-Can transfer her body (and clothing) through electrical circuts and into mainframes.

-Can be like a Cortana (like being on a Comm device or be a hologram)

(... but here is some backstory)

After taking an involuntary bath in energy fluid from a robotics factory faulty bridge, Celia's body became fused with the broken robotic parts from the robot that fell with her. After she was fished out, the robot was not found. It was presumed it was eroded quickly in the solvant. As she was rushed to the ambulance, she awoke and instantly shot up out of the gurny. She soon returned to her home where her father was an electronics engineer at that same company. With his help, she designed her suit that glows red as it touches her body. This suit helps her control her powers more efficiently.


Cell Bow- Black bow and arrow set. While held by Celia, it lights up bright blue and is charged by electricity.​



It does not happen often, but she sometimes "Glitches" where she messes something up that could be important or shocks the wrong thing. Sometimes she shocks herself.

Favorite Passtimes:

Coding, programming, Bow and Arrow

Favorite Song:


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Son Of Fun

The Anti-Hero


  • Name: "They call me...Jack, not Samurai Jack, just Jack."- Jack Van Houton

    Age: 21

    Gender: Male

    Alias: "Your best friend", The Maniac, The Freak who won't die, The- "I think they've had enough. Oh yeah and RDJ!"

    Child of: (Adoptive) Deadpool. Former Apprentice

    Sexuality: Hetero


    I Am So Awesome

    And don't you forget it!


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Name: Raikou Harada

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Alias: Surge Samurai

Child Of: Kenuichio Harada and Noriko Aishida

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Appearance(pic please!): (Hero and/or casual) (Any form is fine)


Personality: Raikou is a very flashy and show offy kind of individual as he likes to put on a show for his spectators. He can be very loud sometimes reach a thundering voice level through yelling or shouting. He is often doing things that would come as a shock to those who believe they know him well. His spark is truly ignited when in the presence of attractive women as he considers himself a ladies man. He'll often make attempts at humor some good, some bad, and some bad intentionally. All in all he has a very striking personality.


Tachyon Infusion

Enhanced Swordsmanship

Electricity Manipulation


Red Muramasa - This is the second Muramasa blade forged with a piece of Wolverine's soul. The blade is very durable and even without infusion it can cut through most materials with enough strength behind it. The blade has the ability to slow down and delay regenerative healing factors to the point where even Wolverine would need medical attention for a wound from this blade. The blade is sheathed through electrically transmutation which allows him to store it within his bio electricity.

Black Muramasa - A blade that contains a piece of Muramasa's soul and his madness, Raikou is one of few people able to tame the blade most others would be driven insane by it. This is the first blade Raikou draws and the one he keeps sheathed in the open. The blade possesses many magical properties which means it has the powers of a Spell Blades


Fighting Style - He is most proficient with a sword and is average to below average in other areas of combat. This means disarming him and making unable to access a sword puts him at a big disadvantage as swordmanship is the core of his fighting style which would fall apart without a sword.

Proper Blade - Normal blades can't handle being infused with tachyons or electricity and are known to shatter, melt, or sublimate within seconds of infusion. That means he requires a specially made sword to use like Red Muramasa as it's a blade capable of cutting through most things on its own.

Absolute Zero - This limits the amount of tachyons he can produce as tachyons will cease to exist after a while of generation so that means he is also constantly wasting energy to generate tachyons.

Electric Resistant Material - Materials like rubber are resistant to his electric attacks.

Pride - Suggest that he doesn't live up to the reputation his father has is enough to shake him and get him heated. While he is heated he tends to be more reckless and leave opening sacrificing technique and guard for a chance to crush his antagonizer.

Favorite Passtimes: Training, Fighting, Joke telling, Shooting elecitricty at conductive materials

Favorite Song:


Name: Jin Shishido

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Alias: Ryuushin

Child Of: Gorgon aka Tomi Shishido

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Appearance(pic please!): (Hero and/or casual) (Any form is fine)


Personality: Jin is very spiritually refined person being raised as a ninja from birth following the 18 Disciplines of Bujinkan. He never lets his emotions control him but channels his emotions instead to the task at hand. The only thing that can throw him off for better or worse is attractive women for obvious reasons. He is well suited to the lifestyle of a warrior, he has no problem killing nor will panic when his allies are dying around him. He will do what he must and never faulter in most situations.


  • He can fire beams from his eyes that turn things to stone
  • Ninjutsu
  • Also Ninja Scrolls which hold all his ninja weaponry
  • Godkiller Sword: A katana that's able to slay gods and other such beings.
  • Kusanagi no Tsurugi: His main weapon pulled from the Yamata no Orochi. Able to cut through most materials.


  • He won't be able to summon or use elemental ninja magic if his hands become bound
  • Can't fire eye beams when his eyes are covered.

Favorite Passtimes: Meditation, Training, Collecting new ninja outfits

Favorite Song:


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Name: Rosalind Zemo

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Alias: Baroness Zemo

Child Of: Helmut Zemo

Sexuality: Homosexual

Appearance(pic please!):



As a superhuman who dresses in the gothic lolita style almost exclusively, Rosalind possesses a wild imagination, she also grew up admiring her father's work as the leader of the Thunderbolts. She resents her father's villainous career but still loves him dearly, proving that Rasalind is just an ordinary girl with shy traits. In spite of her upbringing she has a strong sense of Justice and wishes to redeem her family name... In spite of her heritage she has the fighting spirit of Zemo's nemesis... Captain America.

Powers: She is gifted with a high IQ of 150 and was extensively trained in Hand-to-Hand Combat by her father Baron Zemo.

Weapons: Zemo family Sword

Weaknesses: Rosalind has an extreme fear of blood and gore.

Favorite Passtimes: Designing Super hero costumes

Favorite Song: [media]

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Name: Amy Hall

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Alias: Scarlet Moon

Child Of: Graviton

Sexuality: Bisexual

Appearance(pic please!):

Personality: Amy is the extremely shy daughter of Gaviton... She hates being the center of attention and would do anything to stay away from large crowds...

With that said, she also has a sense of justice and kindness, as it's reflected in her actions. She is very caring even though she is shy, she will help anyone with trouble. It also seems she lacks self-confidence, even though she is admired by many.

Powers: She can manipulate the gravity of herself and anyone she touches, as well as allowing her to increase her speed and strength.

Weapons: N/A

Weaknesses: She could lose control of her powers when under panic and is known to run from cameras.

Favorite Pass times: Singing

Favorite Song:[media]

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Name: Jack Cannon

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Alias: Hurricane

Child Of: Dave Cannon

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Appearance(pic please!):



Personality: Jack is, overall, a pretty decent guy for a villain. He isn't a puppy-kicking son-of-a-gun. He just wants to lift the shame of his dad being such a failure by being good at his job. Unfortunately, the apple didn't fall too far from the tree in the terms of success. His life is, overall, a series of unfortunate events. He often loses bets to other villains, resulting in ridiculous situations.

Powers: His mutant power is body rotation (or, "spinning really fast"), which he got from his father. This is really just a combination of three other powers (Superhuman speed, Balance, and Reflexes), but he's not good enough.

Weapons: His suit supplies him with most of his powers' applications.

  • Flight (Reaching upwards of 120 mph.)
  • Partial Whirlwind (The kind that his legs are constantly surrounded by)
  • Wall-"climbing" (but only when his legs are pointed at the surface, and no arms are involved)
  • Super Strength Strength (He's certainly not lifting anything outside of that suit. In his suit, he can lift upwards of 1000 pounds.)
    Tornado Creation: By spinning his (suit's) big arms, he can create small tornadoes

[*]Whirlwind Blades (10 Inch diameter saw blades mounted on metal bracelets)

Weaknesses: His powers are severely limited without his suit. He's also the son of Whirlwind, so you know he doesn't have the greatest luck.

Favorite Passtimes: Hurricane likes wrestling and rap, though he's not particularly good at either.

Favorite Song:


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